Post-Apostolic Church

Post-Apostolic Church

Delivering the faith and history of Pre-Nicene Christianity (AD 75-325).

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  • @notimpressed100
    @notimpressed1006 сағат бұрын

    I look forward to studying these writings with you. Please continue and may God bless your work.

  • @accordingtoyourfaith3451
    @accordingtoyourfaith34518 сағат бұрын

    These videos are very interesting! I'm wondering hiw could Matthew be basing any if his OT quotes on the Masoretic texts when those texts were written sever hundred years after Matthew lived,

  • @jonyoung6405
    @jonyoung64059 сағат бұрын

    Wonder how they felt about Elders that are divorced and remarried?

  • @S.R.M.
    @S.R.M.10 сағат бұрын

    This video is misleading! “Jehovah…” (Yehovah) It is widely used in many churches. It is considered by many Christians to be hollowed, and many beautiful hymns also endear it, however, this name “Jehovah” is a concoction of man. Therefore, it is a “mongrel,” a “hybrid,” and it is “fantastic,” a fantasy, and it is “monstrous!” There is something very wrong with this euphonious name Jehovah. Therefore, the name of Jehovah was a name never revealed by the LORD. The facts have only to be known to justify this verdict. What are the facts? Ever since the Babylonian invasion of the Kingdom of Judea, and the enforced diaspora of its noble class in 597 BCE, the Jews have had a strong penchant for hiding the name of the LORD (YHWH) from the Gentiles, thus preventing them from potentially profaning the LORD’s name revealed to Moses (specifically the name of YAH, “HaYAH”, as found in Exodus 3:13-15). YAH is “the name which is above every name.” Readers in the synagogues would inadvertently attempt to pronounce the LORD’s name, as there were no vowels in the Hebrew words within the Hebrew Bible [or known as “The Old Testament”] when coming upon God’s name: YHWH. Later, the Jewish clergy developed the practice, around the 1100s of adding Hebrew vowels created by the Masoretes, to the Tetragrammaton [Gr. word for the four consonant letters of the LORD's name]. The vowels were taken from at least three other Hebrew words, namely, Adonay (meaning Lord, with the vowels of a-o-ai causing the hybrid name YaHoWaiH, or later shortened to YAHWEH), Eloah (meaning God, with the vowels of e-o-a causing YeHoWaH later Jehovah or Yehovah), and Elohim (meaning Gods, with the vowels of e-o-i causing YeHoWiH, as shown in Strong’s Dictionary of Bible Words # 3069). These hybrid names were never meant to form any legitimate name for the LORD but were placed there to remind the readers in the synagogues to say, “Adonay” instead of attempting to pronounce the LORD’s actual name. How was this euphonious name, Jehovah, propagated? Later in Medieval times, the Roman Catholic Church was known to raid Jewish synagogues, take their gold, and the Hebrew Scriptures [the Old Testament], and persecute Jews. Raymondus Martini was a 13th century Dominican friar and theologian. He is remembered for his book called “Pugio Fidei” (in the year 1270 CE). Finding the absconded Hebrew Scriptures in the Dominican Library, and believing he had discovered the name of God, he used the name Iehovah (or Iehova) in his book not understanding that these vowels were not original to the LORD’s actual name. The name and pronunciation of “Jehovah,” (and also the name Jesus unknown until the 17th century) were essentially unknown in the years before 1520 CE, when introduced and propagated by Peter, Galatinus (1450-1540), he held the office of penitentiary under pope Leo X. His chief work De Arcanis Catholicae Veritatis, a book, written at the request of the pope, the emperor, and other dignitaries, in the year 1516 CE, as he also used the name Iehovah in his book. The name Iehovah was altered with the addition of the letter J, which was a recent addition to the English alphabet in the 17th century. Galatinus also did not know of the Jewish practice of adding vowels from an entirely different word. He did not know that the vowels found around the Tetragrammaton YeHoWaH were from the Hebrew word Eloah, and if he did, he did not care. Noted Bible scholar J. B. Rotherham, essentially stated, “To give YHWH (Latin: IHVH and later JHVH) the vowels of the word (ELOAH) to remind the Jewish reader to say, ‘Adonay,’ and to be pronounced by the Christians, ‘Jehovah,’ is about as hybrid a combination as it would be to spell the name of Germany with the vowels of Portugal-viz., Gormuna” (The Emphasized Bible, J. B. Rotherham, Kregel Publication, 1994, Pp. 24-25). Jehovah in its present hybrid form has only existed since the 17th century. Fact: The LORD’s essential name is YAH, and Bible scholars have acknowledged YAHWEH (see Strong’s #3050), as in “Praise YAH,” Hebrew: “Halleluyah!” The English “Hallelujah” is a misnomer. YAH is “the name which is above every name” (Philippians 2:9), and YAHSHUA is the only name by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12), and this name is to be known among every language, and tongue, as the essential revealed name of the LORD according to the Gospel (Philippians 2:11), YAH, as in HaYAH (the I AM). The Savior identified His name as “I AM” (YAH, see John 8:58). The prophet Isaiah identified the name of salvation as YAH (Isaiah 12:2 NKJV). And “shua” means “my help”, as in “my salvation.” To reject the revealed name of YAHSHUA, which was given by the angel (Matthew 1:21) is to stand condemned (John 3:18). YAHSHUA is shortened from the name YAHOSHUA, which is commonly spelled Yehoshua largely due to the Jewish practice of hiding the name YAH, by adding vowels to YHWH, the Tetragrammaton, from the Hebrew vowels of Eloah, which caused the false Yeh, as a result, scholars would consider YAHOSHUA a philological impossibility, however, they are mistaken.

  • @S.R.M.
    @S.R.M.10 сағат бұрын

    The Father has nothing to do with sin, therefore, "No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him" (John 1:18). In John 5:37 And the Father Himself, who sent Me, has testified of Me. You have neither heard His voice at any time, nor seen His form. 38 But you do not have His word abiding in you, because whom He sent, Him you do not believe. 39 You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. 40 But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life. 41 “I do not receive honor from men. 42 But I know you, that you do not have the love of God in you. 43 I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive. 44 How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God? 45 Do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father; there is one who accuses you-Moses, in whom you trust. 46 For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. 47 But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?” On a side note: Cleopatra, the Ptolemys were of Greek descent and looked like Greeks and nothing like the Ethiopians. The Hebrew language was never completely dead. The name "Jesus" has existed since the 17th century, and God never revealed this name. Jesus (gee-sus) comes from Iesus (ee-sus, this name is found in the KJV of 1611), and Iesus comes from Iesous (ee-sous). Iesous is a transliteration of the Aramaic name Yeshua. Now consider the testimony of the apostle Peter, "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). What does this mean? This means that the names of Jesus, Iesus, and Iesous were never revealed by God, but come to us by the tongue of mankind, and therefore, these names, Jesus, Iesus, and Iesous are counterfeit names never revealed by God. Once again, mankind makes void the revelation of God for their traditions. Then the Pharisees and scribes asked Him, “Why do Your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders...?” He answered and said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: ‘This people honors Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men..." He said to them, “All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition" (Mark 7:5-9). God revealed the name of salvation, but mankind rejected the revealed name, YAHSHUA, for names not revealed but produced by the tongue of man. Jews are a white ruddy people (Lamentations 4:7; 1 Samuel 16:12; Song of Solomon 5:10). Ham is the progenitor of the Dark Race (Zondervan Dictionary, 1967). Esau married women of the Hittites, who are the descendants of Ham, and therefore, Esau had black kids (Genesis 26:34).

  • @S.R.M.
    @S.R.M.10 сағат бұрын

    What was Christ's name from AD 75-325, here's a hint, it was not the name Jesus. Here are some interesting facts: Cleopatra, the Ptolemys were of Greek descent and looked like Greeks and nothing like the Ethiopians. The Hebrew language was never completely dead. The name "Jesus" has existed since the 17th century, and God never revealed this name. Jesus (gee-sus) comes from Iesus (ee-sus, this name is found in the KJV of 1611), and Iesus comes from Iesous (ee-sous). Iesous is a transliteration of the Aramaic name Yeshua. Now consider the testimony of the apostle Peter, "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). What does this mean? This means that the names of Jesus, Iesus, and Iesous were never revealed by God, but come to us by the tongue of mankind, and therefore, these names, Jesus, Iesus, and Iesous are counterfeit names never revealed by God. Once again, mankind makes void the revelation of God for their traditions. Then the Pharisees and scribes asked Him, “Why do Your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders...?” He answered and said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: ‘This people honors Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men..." He said to them, “All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition" (Mark 7:5-9). God revealed the name of salvation, but mankind rejected the revealed name, YAHSHUA, for names not revealed but produced by the tongue of man. Jews are a white ruddy people (Lamentations 4:7; 1 Samuel 16:12; Song of Solomon 5:10). Ham is the progenitor of the Dark Race (Zondervan Dictionary, 1967). Esau married women of the Hittites, who are the descendants of Ham, and therefore, Esau had black kids (Genesis 26:34).

  • @PcolaProServices
    @PcolaProServices2 күн бұрын

    Went to share on FB & of course they fact checked, so annoying. Great Channel, Ill definitely share & be back! TY!

  • @alexandrecamargo8215
    @alexandrecamargo82152 күн бұрын

    Thank you so much for your response. May God bless your work, I really appreciate every video

  • @alexandrecamargo8215
    @alexandrecamargo82152 күн бұрын

    Do you know if the early Christians believed in the intercession of the saints ?

  • @PostApostolicChurch
    @PostApostolicChurch2 күн бұрын

    Thank you for asking. The doctrine of the intercession of the saints did not exist during the Pre-Nicene times. Neither did icons. Both the intercession of the saints and the veneration of icons were introduced into the church in the late 300s and after. But these were topics that the Pre-Nicene Christians addressed. For example, when it came to praying to saints (or anyone who is not God), the Pre-Nicene Christians said that it was heresy. If someone in the church prayed to the saints or to Mary, they would have been excommunicated. And the same was true with venerating icons. I don't have a video on this subject yet. So, if you are interested in learning what the Pre-Nicene Christians said about these topics, here is a good (but long) video about it. God bless you!

  • @thelonelysponge5029
    @thelonelysponge50292 күн бұрын

    4:04 wow, 2000 years of Catholic theology debookned.

  • @johannmeiring4208
    @johannmeiring42084 күн бұрын

    So this is where all the the confusion started. I am so glad that the one true GOD in his wisdom never used phylisophical language via His Spirit in the gospels via the Apostles and their letters. Plain language that could be read and understood for what it said. This channel is the typical confusion brought about by the wolves in sheeps clothing. Exactly as predicted by the apostles. 0:02

  • @larryfromchicago6526
    @larryfromchicago65265 күн бұрын

    Why, because you will be reading the New Testament!

  • @ericroessing3517
    @ericroessing35176 күн бұрын

    The pre-nicene church was NOT "fully unified in docrtrine," as this man says. Such is a myth. For esample, the church has never been united on the truth of the sovereigny of God in salvation; which is why God raised up Augustine to teach scripture against the "free will" believers (who did not understand Paul in 1 Cor 2:14; 8:7,8; Rom 6:17-22; where man in Adam, WITH his WILL, is bound by Sin / Unbelief, so that he cannot trust God. Freedom only comes through the gospel being heard adn believed by "the called of Jesus Christ" (Rom 1:5-7). And from the begining of the church there were those (such as Paul the APOSTLE, which these "Fathers" were not ) who believed in conditional immortality (see KZread video "Church Fathers Who Were Conditionalists" (by Glen Peoples). Also, there were heretic-leaders like Origen who believe in universalism. Tertullian followed Plato's "Immortality/indestructiblity of the soul" and also was very legalistic (see Shaff's "Church History"). See also Thomas F. Torrance, "The Doctrine of Grace in the Apostolic Fathers" - where we see that the emphasis in the POST-apostolic "Fathers" was on "man's acts toward God in the striving towards justification" and NOT on justification by GRACE (Christ's death, Rom 3:24; Gal. 2:21) alone through faith in him alone, which alone bears fruit to God (Rom 7:1-6). And later, Athanasius (great man of God!) had to come against all the bishops siding with Arianism which denied the deity of Christ. No, this was no "golden age" of the church, as the E.O.C. would have you believe. Paul the apostle taught that faith in CHRIST alone saved, not faith plus baptism (1 Cor 1:17-21, Rom 5:1etc.); yet the "Fathers" did not understand the apostle Paul, and "the sacraments" became THE WAY in which people depended on THE CHURCH for salvation. The church has its proper place under CHRIST, who alone is its foundation (1 Cor 3:11); but humans, in their quest for power and glory, have sought for power and glory in this age, rather than in the age to come, where glorIfication with Christ is to be found (Rom 8:18-25). Either one reads and interprests the Scriptures and the "Fathers" in light of the APOSTOLIC GOSPEL of GOD Rom. 1:1). i.e., the apostles' writings (those stated to be written by APOSTLES, along with John's Gospel and Letters- he wished to remain anonymous); or one reads / interprets the Scriptures in light of the Fathers (!!!), as do the Eastern Orthodox Church and many others to this day, which is a tradgedy , error and unbelief. GOD in Christ will judge all humans according to Paul's gospel of God (see Rom 1:1; 2:16 [2:5-16]). In the apostolic gospel, God alone gets all the glory; in other "gospels' (which are not the gospel), humans get some of the glory.

  • @emmanuelogbu8851
    @emmanuelogbu88516 күн бұрын

    ..."either by word of mouth or by letter" this is better translation

  • @robertscrivner4791
    @robertscrivner47917 күн бұрын

    It's is impossible for Matthew to use the Masoretic text.

  • @stephenargent4010
    @stephenargent40107 күн бұрын

    Oh dear so Much biased and uninformed opinion -

  • @Dopeytriad
    @Dopeytriad8 күн бұрын

    Where can I buy this set of books? ante-nicene fathers set

  • @PostApostolicChurch
    @PostApostolicChurch3 күн бұрын

    Since making this video, I discovered that all the writings are available for free online. Here is a link to a number of resources. From here, you can access the Ante-Nicene Fathers set of books. God bless you!

  • @markatef7380
    @markatef73808 күн бұрын

    In the 8th book chapter 17 of contra celsum, does it indicate that the altar was no where found in the ante nicene Era and post nicene fathers are the one who made one?

  • @PostApostolicChurch
    @PostApostolicChurch3 күн бұрын

    Thank you for commenting. Here is a link to that chapter from Origen. Here is a summary of what Origen is saying. 1) Celsus points out that Christians do not make altars, statues, nor temples in their religion. Therefore, Christians must be a forbidden and secret society. 2) Origen responds that, in Christianity, each person is an altar to God. And it is the prayers of Christians that are the incense/aroma that arises from their altar (which is themselves). 3) Origen compares and contrasts the statues and paintings that skills artists make with the altar and statue of the actual Christian, which is made by the Word of God. Origen also points out that there are skilled and unskilled artists and painters in his day. 4) Origen ends with the example of Jesus, saying that there is no more perfect alter/statue built by God than His Son Jesus. To answer your question, there were TONS of altars and statues and temples during the Ante-Nicene era. But all of these were built by non-Christians in their idolatry. In Christianity, they built no altars nor statues. Instead, Christians themselves are the altars/statues of God, built by God. Regarding Post-Nicene fathers, I am less familiar with that era. But I believe it was during this time that Post-Nicene Christians began the practice of making icons ...which the Pre-Nicene Christians would have completely rejected!

  • @MrMdferguson
    @MrMdferguson8 күн бұрын

    Thank You. Great source material.

  • @LarryRix
    @LarryRix9 күн бұрын

    Differences between the MT TaNaKh and the LXX might be attributable to the Onkelos Aramaic leaking back into the MT between Akiva (100-135 AD timeframe) and the 950-1010 AD timeframe for the MT. This makes me wonder at passages like Psalm 22:16 diffs between the LXX and MT. While Onkelos is long since dead in 1010, that doesn't mean that his influence isn't being carried forward in other Rabbinical circles as they are continually combatting Christian apologists. A large impetus for not only Akiva and the Onkelos Targum as well as the Talmud and Rashi is to be found in the idea of Christianity serving as a polemic-shaping force in Rabbinical traditions.

  • @thulanimakhaye8458
    @thulanimakhaye84589 күн бұрын

    This is great and this will be a valuable resource for the body of Christ. But Christians must thoroughly study the Bible first and meditate on the scriptures which is more important. This will also help them when they read the Early Writings .They will be able to compare the gospels , writings of other apostles with the writings of other Christians after them .

  • @SeriousPOV
    @SeriousPOV10 күн бұрын

    Americans looking back on the American Revolution can't even agree on the US Constitution🎉

  • @Hislittlelamb
    @Hislittlelamb10 күн бұрын

    I’m interested in going back further asking “what sect or practice of Judaism did Jesus, John the Baptist, Mary & Joseph, Elizabeth & Zechariah... affiliate with?”. Clearly Our Lord wasn’t a Pharisee or Saducee, that leaves us with the Essenes who obeyed the Mosaic laws and rejected the “tradition” of the Pharisees & even changed the calendar of God’s Holy Days. There was a group of Essenes called the Nazarenes to which John the Baptist belonged (Elizabeth & Zechariah?). When John the Baptist in captivity sent word to Jesus asking if He was the Messiah, Jesus responded with examples of his miracles which are foretold in the Nazarite teachings. He was saying yes without saying yes. There are many parallels, even the fact the early Christians were called Nazarenes and Our Lord was called The Nazarene. I’m not saying Jesus took the Nazarite vow, especially since he drank wine & ate meat, but He could’ve been part of that community. Later, the Apostle Paul was said to have been “the leader of the Nazarenes”. What happened to the Nazarenes? The Essenes? Did they form the earliest believers? Certainly the Apostle Paul had a great influence on the early Church.

  • @tomm6167
    @tomm616711 күн бұрын

    A potentially life-changing reason to study Pre-Nicene (and slightly later) church fathers is that most believed in eventual universal salvation: "Christ saves all men. Some he converts by penalties, others who follow Him of their own will ... that every knee may be bent to Him, of those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth" [Isa. 45:22-23, Rom. 14:11, Phil. 2:10-11, Rev. 5:13] -- *Clement of Alexandria,* _Commentary on 1 John_ "When death shall no longer exist, nor the sting of death, nor any evil at all, then, verily, God will be All in all" [1 Cor. 15:28,55] -- *Origen,* _De Principiis 3:6.3_ "What else does 'until the times of universal restoration' signify to us, if not the aeon to come, in which all beings must receive their perfect restoration?" [Acts 3:21] -- *Eusebius,* leading historian of the early church, _Contra Marcellum __2:4:11_ "A few drops of blood renew the whole world, and become for all men that which rennet is for milk, uniting and drawing us into one." [Col. 1:15-20] -- *Gregory Nazianzus,* _Oration 42_ "Christ captured over again the souls captured by the devil, for that He promised in saying, 'I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.'" [John 12:32, 1 Peter 3:19-20, 4:6, Psalm 68:18, Eph. 4:8-10, and maybe Matt. 12:29] -- *Athanasius,* _Expositions on the Psalms, 68.18_ "The peace [coming] from the Lord is coextensive with all time [eternity]. For all things shall be subject to him, and all things shall acknowledge his empire; and when God shall be all in all, those who now excite discords by revolts, having been quite pacified, [all things] shall praise God in peaceful concord." [Psalm 145:10a, 1 Cor. 15:28, Rev. 5:13] -- *Basil,* _Commentary on Isaiah 9:6_ "So the Son of Man came to save that which was lost, i.e., all, for as in Adam all die, so, too, in Christ shall all be made alive." [Luke 19:10, 1 Cor. 15:22] -- *Ambrose,* _Exposition on the Gospel of Luke 15.3_ "For the wicked there are punishments not perpetual, ... but they are to be tormented for a certain brief period, according to the amount of malice in their works. They shall therefore suffer punishment for a short space, but immortal blessedness, having no end, awaits them; ... the penalties to be inflicted for their many and grave crimes are very far surpassed by the magnitude of the mercy to be showed them. The resurrection, therefore, is regarded as a blessing, not only to the good, but also to the evil." [Isa. 57:16], *Diodore,* _De Oecon_ "Some among the wise and learned … have alluded to this in an enigmatic way, by adducing that God is not only just, but also merciful, and that it becomes the One who judges with justice to have sinners suffer in a measure that is proportional to their sins and then make them worthy of blessedness." -- *Theodore,* _Liber Scholiorum, 2:63_ "'All the kings of the earth shall adore him.' Some, indeed, in the present life willingly, but all the rest after the Resurrection; for not yet do we see all things subject to him, but then every knee shall bow to him." [The "kings of the earth" are rebellious unbelievers in Rev. 6:15, 17:2,18, 18:3,9, 19:19,21 ... but check out what happens in Rev. 21:24-27!] -- *Theodoret,* _On Psalm 72:11_ "Death shall come as a visitor to the impious; it will not be perpetual; it will not annihilate them; but will prolong its visit, till the impiety which is in them shall be consumed." [Matt. 5:26] -- *Jerome,* _On Micah 5:8_ "After the complete abolition of sin, praise shall be sung to God; which praise contain (implies) our being incapable of turning to sin ... when every created being shall be harmonized into one choir ... and when, like a cymbal, the reasonable creation, and that which is now severed by sin ... shall pour forth a pleasing strain, due to mutual harmony. Then comes the praise of every spirit for ever abounding with increase unto eternity." [Psalm 150] -- *Gregory of Nyssa,* _On Psalms, Tract 1, ch. 9_ Other church fathers who believed in eventual universal salvation include *Asterius, Bardaisan, Cyril of Alexandria, Didymus the Blind, Dionysius, Ephrem the Syrian, Gennadius, Hilary, John Cassian, John Chrysostom, Marcellus, Maximus the Confessor, Maximus of Turin, Methodius, Paulinus, Proclus, Titus of Basra & Victorinus.* Sources: Thomas Allin, _Christ Triumphant,_ Annotated by Robin Parry edition, chapters 4-5, 1905 & Ilaria Ramelli, _A Larger Hope?, Volume 1: Universal Salvation from Christian Beginnings to Julian of Norwich,_ 2019

  • @kaydeelethal
    @kaydeelethal11 күн бұрын

    Hmm… ten years after I hope you got to research the meaning of the word “ catholic” after such a great piece 😊

  • @pap2-371
    @pap2-37112 күн бұрын

    You have to keep in mind they were not one united body on thoughts. You have to consider who is trying to influence you on what these writers are saying because as any writing people see what they want to see. So if you want to know what is in the letters read them for yourself. Some of these letters are said to have been manipulated by the church that held them.

  • @saliksayyar9793
    @saliksayyar979312 күн бұрын

    So how long were the Jewish nobles in exile in Babylon? Approximately 50 years? Seems like awful lot of activity for such a short time. After all Jewish political power and control in Palestine only lasted for 250 years for the northern stare and 350 years for Judah. Another brief turbulent period under the Hasmoneans. What comparable activity was seen , for example in Egypt by the Jews there? Medes are not the same as Persians. The Medes preceded the Persians. There were monotheist kings amongst both the Medes and Persians. Apparently Cyrus, written up as anointed in the OT, was apparently a polytheist. Convenient for Jewish nationalism, even though he was not a monotheist, but may have helped them? How much of OT is about Jewish racial nationalism and how much about monotheism? Was Nabi shud Nasr (Nabuchadnazzar II ), a prophet? A NAVI? The biblical Book of Jeremiah paints Nebuchadnezzar as a cruel enemy, but also as God's appointed ruler of the world and a divine instrument to punish disobedience.

  • @r.addisonarthur9392
    @r.addisonarthur939212 күн бұрын

    Going to the source is best. The best advantage is praying to have the Holy Spirit enable us to know if only simply, the Mind of Christ Jesus as a personal friend... the greatest friend, to guide and teach the meaning of "God is Love", regardless of the pain of being rebuked and corrected. It is painful to experience the exfoliation of delusion and error, but so neccessary if we are to mature as Christians.

  • @adelinomorte7421
    @adelinomorte742112 күн бұрын


  • @peterhughes8699
    @peterhughes869913 күн бұрын

    And WHY would any sane person waste their time studying the religious content of any of the mad ravings of unknown crazy and evil old men from the Pre-Nicene period. The only thing worthy of study in these writings is their complete lack of evidence for the historical existence of Jesus as a real person, the fact that no one knows who wrote these works and that all evidence of historicity was destroyed by the numerous Jewish sects that existed during this period. Suggest you all do something useful and read "Jesus from Outer Space" by Dr R Carrier

  • @gregcox6165
    @gregcox616513 күн бұрын

    Septuagint has many problems, Leviticus 19, Daniel’s 2300 prophecy, etc. no wonder Jews rejected it.

  • @Funkydood
    @Funkydood13 күн бұрын

    There is no historical evidence that Peter ever visited Rome. I suspect Catholic influence here.

  • @gregcox6165
    @gregcox616513 күн бұрын

    My studies on this have shown the pre-N Christians: 1) Kept the Sabbath 2) believed in soul sleep (a majority at least) 3) all believers were saints 4) never performed ancestor worship (worship of saints) 5) routinely baptized one another 6) were against homosexuality 7) believed in Jesus literal return 8) quite a majority avoided eating pork and “unclean” food 9) spoke openly against the corrupt Alexandrian and Roman churches 10) were already distributing Greek text scriptures

  • @raiprejav
    @raiprejav13 күн бұрын

    To study the Pre-Nicene Writings was what made me go back to the full Christianity. To dive in history is to cease to be protestant.

  • @olakolade6656
    @olakolade665615 күн бұрын

    i randomly found this video . I love how you reply to comments from like 8 years ago. God bless you beautiful person ❤ thank you for your hard work! (i’m some random curious teenager looking into past christianity history haha)

  • @PostApostolicChurch
    @PostApostolicChurch15 күн бұрын

    Thank you for commenting and for the compliment. I am glad you found this channel... after all, Christian history is very cool. God bless you!

  • @stevenvanvuuren8394
    @stevenvanvuuren839415 күн бұрын

    Are you stupid? Yes we have early writers but if you do not know that their writting was changed corrected and added to until they fitted.... This is not a maybe... You can check rufinus freely admit to "correcting heresies" in what he translated You are stupid if you dont know.. That support of paul and catholic doctrine was added into what those early writters wrote NOW GO CHECK RUFINUS FULL ADMISSION THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE WHAT THE FIRST WRITERS WROTE..... GO CHECK

  • @kathy4798
    @kathy479813 күн бұрын

    You asked that person if they were stupid I’m going ask you : Are you just loving to learn or are you a child of God because you certainly don’t act like one. Be kind one to another.!!

  • @stevenvanvuuren8394
    @stevenvanvuuren839413 күн бұрын

    @@kathy4798 well you just proved you a snowflake trying to please people to be accepted..... Because you dont stick by truth rather people pleasing Jesus called his own apostles fools Jesus called studied serving religeous leader stupid and snakes... And so did John... So no idea ok Go read your bible

  • @mannyman1604
    @mannyman160417 күн бұрын

    The earliest Christians were united by the eucarest with out a doubt. They were also called Catholic inthe year 110ad by st. Ignatious.

  • @dominikdurkovsky8318
    @dominikdurkovsky831817 күн бұрын


  • @Christophoros-it1qt
    @Christophoros-it1qt17 күн бұрын

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Independently of what comment I made before, (for which you sent me a "thanks"), I would like to have more contacts with you, for the benefit of both of us, but above all, for the Kingdom of Jesus! Veritatis Missio

  • @PostApostolicChurch
    @PostApostolicChurch15 күн бұрын

    That is a great idea. You are welcome to email me at [email protected]. God bless!

  • @tolulopeoluwole9485
    @tolulopeoluwole948518 күн бұрын

    Can you tell us about the gnostic gospels. Who wrote them, when, and how popular were they

  • @PostApostolicChurch
    @PostApostolicChurch15 күн бұрын

    Thank you for commenting. Because Gnosticism is outside of Christianity, that is not a topic I know very much. I cannot answer it. Wikipedia is a good place to start to get basic information about the Gnostic gospels. God bless you!

  • @munangjude4697
    @munangjude469718 күн бұрын

    Very educational. Thanks for sharing

  • @bobjonez110
    @bobjonez11018 күн бұрын

    God can in fact be capable of doing "wrong or lying..or anything.stop trying to make it complicated. an all powerful being can o whatever he wants. people dont even know What they are saying

  • @bobjonez110
    @bobjonez11018 күн бұрын

    I dont know where in scripture in flat out says"God is all knowing" ..or All seeing or even all powerful. there terms were not used by the apostles.

  • @bobjonez110
    @bobjonez11018 күн бұрын

    if someone still must ask the question I"if" after prefacing the question with a reference to the omnipotence of God then they clearly have no understanding of What omnipotence means..😂

  • @susankerns2946
    @susankerns294618 күн бұрын

    I have been hearing so much talk about this being a new golden age we are going into and how we need to learn about our 3rd eye and such and transitioning into the 5th dimension from the 3rd dimension. I never heard of this in the Bible but people have connected it to Revelation and end times. What have you heard about this in the early church books or is it a lie from the pit of hell? They ssay the King James Bible has lied to us and left out a bunch of things we should know in order to gain heaven! What do you think about it personally and what do you think the apostles believed that Jesus taught? I love the straight forward way, and organized way you present your material. You speak clearly without running your words together and are not in a hurry. This helps people with hearing problems to understand the message better. Thank you for that! It would help though if the volume could be a little louder for us hard of hearing folks. These phones leave a lot to be desired when it comes to volume. You are interesting and are doing a good job with your explanations. I look forward to your next video, thank you! I have subscribed.

  • @Funkydood
    @Funkydood13 күн бұрын


  • @Greifwelpe
    @Greifwelpe20 күн бұрын

    Indeed, this chanel is a blessing to me! Please continue to share these valuable infos. ❤

  • @johnsavel5995
    @johnsavel599520 күн бұрын

    66 books of the Bible are perfect, what other speculation do one need?

  • @BertNijland-bn3mf
    @BertNijland-bn3mf20 күн бұрын

    Please read Math7:22&23.

  • @ChurcHouse777
    @ChurcHouse77720 күн бұрын

    Thank you

  • @Davidsavage8008
    @Davidsavage800820 күн бұрын

    All you need is love