OG Haptix

OG Haptix

Real Vanilla content from a real Vanilla player. Former Nostalrius Rank 13.

I'm a 27 year old lifelong gamer. My channel primarily focuses on Classic WoW content, but I play a variety of games & occasionally upload shitty vids of me playing other stuff. I've played WoW since 2006 and I've played Vanilla private servers since 2012.

I grew up playing competitive Halo & I'm a huge esports fan. I do freelance casting/commentary work, specializing in CSGO.

Twitter: twitter.com/OG_Haptix
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/OGHaptix
Discord Server: discord.gg/cNvJsAR

Ohhgee - Phase 1 Clips

Ohhgee - Phase 1 Clips

A Bunch of Idiots

A Bunch of Idiots




  • @joemurray
    @joemurray21 күн бұрын

    Is this up to date thanks <3

  • @Lasseswe1337
    @Lasseswe1337Ай бұрын

    Come back and make videos about SOD please

  • @fknbastages
    @fknbastagesАй бұрын

    PVP in WOW is broken.

  • @JSeminole56
    @JSeminole562 ай бұрын

    Cringe lmao

  • @bathsalts666
    @bathsalts6663 ай бұрын

    i miss herod and your content

  • @W4lkst4r
    @W4lkst4r5 ай бұрын

    Where did go :(

  • @Thomas-notabot
    @Thomas-notabot5 ай бұрын


  • @Fropxy
    @Fropxy5 ай бұрын

    thx for video xd

  • @alfreds.3023
    @alfreds.30235 ай бұрын

    i wish there were more classic vids of what an undergeared, but skillcapped mage fc's can do. when i first encountered these moves i was blown away

  • @engared
    @engared6 ай бұрын

    I never agreed with the set-up the meta in classic seemed to favor (basically what you are proposing here). I remember facing this on some early private servers and my strategies still worked against it pretty (might even have been against APES =O and I recognise a lot of the other guys playing competitively in other videos - I think Nuxxy, Greatwizard and others might still remember me). The set-up and playstyle I preferred was developed back in Vanilla. Though the skill level has gone up significantly since Vanilla, the positioning and team movement seems to have gone down from the old days. This classic meta build reminds me a lot of the old Eurocomp from Arena whereby mobility is the priority. My most favored build sacrificed mobility and traded it for raw tankiness and fire power. It was what was necessary for horde IMO to counter the alliance. When we were running our league back in 2006, set-up I liked was 2 warr, 2 mage, 2 lock, 2 Shaman, 2 Priest. Was very strong against ulility/mobility teams like the meta set-up above. We used a warrior as our flag runner; both geared out the teeth with both offensive and defensive gear. Team would win the mid field fight with overwhelming fire power (easily I might add), secure the flag and march it down the field as a unit. 10 man against 8 or 9 in the midfield and the 10 man would always win; especially with the raw spell damage, mortal strikes and healing. Required very good focus fire and coordination but it would always come out on top. Once flag is secure, grind down the enemy offense till its blunted then split the teams into offense and defense. This period was flexible depending on what the enemy did but the key was the blunt the enemy's mobility and momentum. It was a very "negative / turtle" way of playing the game, slow moving and usually unkillable. So much so that we used to get hate mail on the server forums LOL. And this strategy was effective against most of the top pvp guilds A-teams back when Xrealms came out and later on the early private servers. IMO warrior flag runner was seriously underrated. With the druid being a 10/10 flag runner, the warrior with the right gear was 9.5. D stance gives you massive mitigation, you are not vulnerable to fear or rogues, you have shield wall as an "oh shit" ability, piercing howl to slow down the entire enemy team, demo shout, thunder clap etc etc. Then your massive dodge, parry and block chance. Plus another Mortal strike on defense. Warriors were most vulnerable to mages + ironically other warriors. Then for the rest of the team com, the 2 mages + 2 warlocks + 1 elemental shaman (sometimes ran 2 resto shamans, or a tank/resto plus shaman because the caster dps was usually enough) provided huge burst damage which could not be mitigated. Then healers could give 2 x purge + 2 x dispel. 2 discipline priests with R14 gear would be basically unkillable and with the healers cross healing each other; plus resto shaman burst healing, toughness and ancestral fortitude = the entire team basically becomes 4 X as tanky. I found druid flag runners on horde to be overrated (though still very good). Horde druids are just never going to be as shifty as alliance druids and are especially vulnerable to rogues + warlocks. The key to Warrior flag runners was to support each other as the warrior flag runner spent more time exposed in the mid field. Keep moving, grind down your opponents and wins almost always followed. This also gave us better hunting capacity against the opponents defense and the locks just tear up druid flag runners. Then when the flag is captured, with a flag runner (warrior) immediately on offense, we could "turn around" and immediately run the flag again without having to risk a hand off. And with specific strategy calls, we would immediately be 2-0 up in a matter of minutes and the enemy premade in absolute disarray. IMHO trying to run the meta comp as horde, seems like its not taking advantage of the horde strengths. I had a few other strategies which features the ommitted classes but i usually built those around what we had available on the day itself. Have a rogue? Have him hug the flag runner (orc rogues here are underrated :))) ). Have a hunter? Play the hunter as a sweeper, etc etc. Or run double hunter with double entrapment. etc etc. My 2 cents. Miss the game dearly actually. Wish I still had my warrior, would love to try out my strategies against the top teams and players in the modern era. Just don't have the time to commit to gearing anymore. Nice guide though!

  • @zeroresistance7203
    @zeroresistance72036 ай бұрын

    04:47 ngl i find this Very Cringe. Because it rewards players who are practising 18 hours a day doing super mario :D

  • @austinstar1100
    @austinstar11007 ай бұрын

    Great video you should do one updated for sod

  • @MrCtrath
    @MrCtrath7 ай бұрын

    u made every class sounds like it sucks thank you.

  • @mojotmn
    @mojotmn7 ай бұрын

    Rock, scissors, paper .... and warlocks

  • @ghourmi
    @ghourmi8 ай бұрын

    The best strategy is to fight where they are not. Always make sure you have the advantage, especially at the start of the game before one base is captured. Every kill early on will spawn at the BG entrance. For example kill the small group at GM and farm/stables before pushing to BS. It will give you the advantage in numbers. Don't tag the base until you have the advantage in numbers, because it will always cost you 1 player.

  • @pillman12
    @pillman129 ай бұрын

    you ruined the game

  • @thatrootree
    @thatrootree9 ай бұрын

    Nice, thanks for the tip! ☺

  • @StocktonSmurf
    @StocktonSmurf10 ай бұрын

    That Lay on Hands at 8:00 was insane, Im sure it was their first global too but it was perfect, to keep the mage alive that engages - as a ghost - is nuts

  • @rogerstalder7184
    @rogerstalder7184 Жыл бұрын

    I played Paladin ever since Vanilla.. And Ret was straight out crap 🤣 That specc is mostly there to get to level 60, or maybe lvl 45 because at that level you best respecc to that famous AoE tank specc. makes leveling so much more fun to pull 5-10 mobs 😉

  • @user-hm6xo8ti9s
    @user-hm6xo8ti9s Жыл бұрын

    I play druid... No damge just carry the flag everyday...

  • @StocktonSmurf
    @StocktonSmurf Жыл бұрын

    This is a fantastic guide, the one thing I wish Ohgee mentioned explicitly would be how much more difficult it is to heal on shamans and paladins, during this era of wow, in comparison to Priests and to a lesser extent druids. With eng. stuff it’s a tough time to cast and it’s all they can do

  • @filipposroidis
    @filipposroidis9 ай бұрын

    Poop 000ppp I'll 0p😅😮002😮 poop😅0😅😊😊😅😊 14:33

  • @billyumbraskey8135
    @billyumbraskey8135 Жыл бұрын

    bro... the "viable vs optimal" distinction is SO important, people really do use these terms interchangeably and its crazy.

  • @MrSh4des
    @MrSh4des Жыл бұрын

    Popping your CD's as an arms warrior and melting 3-4 enemies in a matter of seconds in a BG is one of the best parts of wow

  • @mikeg3317
    @mikeg3317 Жыл бұрын

    Thanks but I still don’t know what class to play

  • @livinginked7035
    @livinginked7035 Жыл бұрын

    i know an enhance that will disagree with you ive watched his videos many times where he just gets a proc and completely one shots someone

  • @andrewsoundtrack
    @andrewsoundtrack Жыл бұрын

    Nice video, a shame that its almost imposible to play WSG properly since everybody prefers to spam and be afk on AV... bg that i find very boring.

  • @billyumbraskey8135
    @billyumbraskey8135 Жыл бұрын

    imagine showing helm. bad infosec.

  • @billyumbraskey8135
    @billyumbraskey8135 Жыл бұрын

    the wall jumps are cheese tbh and oversights not intended "skill cap" checks.

  • @sasha_yudin504
    @sasha_yudin504 Жыл бұрын

    Is this the same Haptix from SoM?

  • @OhhgeeHaptixGaming
    @OhhgeeHaptixGaming Жыл бұрын

    i didnt play SoM, that guy wasn't me. I had a Rogue named Haptix on TBC classic. But I havent played WoW in 2-3 years.

  • @sasha_yudin504
    @sasha_yudin504 Жыл бұрын

    @@OhhgeeHaptixGaming Oh thank you for corresponding back !

  • @officialrobertcenox
    @officialrobertcenox Жыл бұрын

    for world pvp go rogue druid or hunter druid owns all in world pvp

  • @ninja12333444
    @ninja12333444 Жыл бұрын

    Shamans can dispel debuffs from allies and buffs from enemies. Cleaning totem, cleanse poison / disease, and purge

  • @davidjones-wr3pg
    @davidjones-wr3pg Жыл бұрын

    Enter Turtle WoW, where a class rework allowed ret paladins to do good pve dmg, and prot paladins get a taunt. Unfortunately, it broke pvp. Rets can now ROFLSTOMP high armor opponents like warriors and feral druids, and a good priest using dispels and mana burn, or maybe a hunter spamming viper sting with a scorpid pet to hide poisons may be the only way to deal with them. Alliance win 90% of battles on that server now. Since it's a PVE/RP server, I think making paladins playable in all specs was worth the tradeoff. Now excuse me while I race change to alliance.

  • @SilverWF
    @SilverWF Жыл бұрын

    you said "easy to learn, hard to master" about pretty much every class.

  • @alistairbolden6340
    @alistairbolden6340 Жыл бұрын

    On the subject of ret paladins I do feel you were rather unfair. Assuming you are talking about WSG premades since thats by far the best way to rank up on any private realm, at least for most of the servers lifespan untill the AV changes kick in and its made much faster. While I agree that build for build most teams would prefer a holy paladin over a ret paladin very often your 10man team will already have a resto/feral druid and a holy/prot paladin running the flag, and either a priest or another holy paladin mid field. There is such a thing as to many healers on a team, Its very possible to build a good premade around having any number of ret paladins assuming they are well geared, so to say its not viable is just wrong. The last two teams I played with, both had a ret pala who reached rr14, having a dps who is immune to burst damage and can dispell and cast bop and bof is very useful. 1v1 outside of premades they can be kited but that's far harder to do in WSG, his team mates are simply not going to let you.

  • @stevenpitera8978
    @stevenpitera8978 Жыл бұрын

    This. and in ERA phase 6 pvp certain talents on the ret side got stronger. Eye fore eye hits for decent dmg since caster's gear got deadly but their health pools did not. Ret's 31 talent was used by entice on apes to score huge highly competitive plays in their wsg matches and a ret in healing gear has more defensive utility with repent than holy shock; shutting down a shamen after they try to score their instagib combo is arguably more healing done than trying to cast multiple holy lights as a hpal to come back from that. Hell even the top holy paladins during classic looked at holy shock and took blessing of sanctuary instead because of its defensive opportunities against dot classes. Lots of theorycraft went into ret late classic/som/era that got overlooked massively.

  • @erurainon6842
    @erurainon6842 Жыл бұрын

    What? Rogue is counter to hunter.

  • @danillonogueira4534
    @danillonogueira45342 жыл бұрын

    when r u coming back, mate?

  • @LepKenetmiss
    @LepKenetmiss2 жыл бұрын

    Fresh servers? :D

  • @samuelhammond7211
    @samuelhammond72112 жыл бұрын

    Whats the map addon?

  • @PVP956
    @PVP9562 жыл бұрын


  • @wowsecretsyt
    @wowsecretsyt2 жыл бұрын

    What an awesome video mate! Pushing back those dirty colluders and making absolute bank

  • @binarybuzz
    @binarybuzz2 жыл бұрын

    disagree with your take on Ret Pally in PvP, such beasts.

  • @spicylemon9339
    @spicylemon93392 жыл бұрын

    Rets as a class are great it's just many of the players of the spec are just not too good and try to be pseudo warriors, rarely using their utility

  • @ryanweeks287
    @ryanweeks2872 жыл бұрын

    This video is still helpful in 2021. Really good video, good context without being too much info.

  • @toemaytoez2913
    @toemaytoez29132 жыл бұрын

    top quality content :D

  • @robertla3304
    @robertla33042 жыл бұрын

    is there a macro for it to switch it from off hand to ur off hand using after using skull

  • @gameshow8602
    @gameshow86022 жыл бұрын

    So who was your pick tf?

  • @starnotin
    @starnotin2 жыл бұрын

    i thought this was a real healing pouch lol i was all confused like is he talking while playing a game?

  • @IWillSexU
    @IWillSexU3 жыл бұрын

    Unflagged mage using blizzard, epic skills :D

  • @IWillSexU
    @IWillSexU3 жыл бұрын

    aah the good old henhouse..

  • @StealthBlackHand
    @StealthBlackHand3 жыл бұрын

    3:56 thanks for the laugh

  • @eskaban_edits_beats_and_more
    @eskaban_edits_beats_and_more3 жыл бұрын

    so it doesnt matter how much he dodges. if he stands at the green circle spot at the time you finish casting the grenade you hit? got it. thanks for this great guide. gonna be useful for my rogue grenade skills