

I actually unironically enjoy playing League of Legends


  • @crisu8903
    @crisu89033 күн бұрын

    you are pathetic

  • @deniskasin2394
    @deniskasin23945 күн бұрын

    adc is not weak people pick always the weakest adcs like ezreal smolder they need like 40 min to get a little bit stronger

  • @sussybussybakadesu
    @sussybussybakadesu5 күн бұрын

    Marksmen are High sustain damage carries that operate best in coordinated front to back team fighting. This only occurs in high elo and pro play. For the rest of us in Solo Que players opt for Solo Carry, high burst damage game play. For the most part "ADC's" don't exist to your team. Everyone focuses on diving the back line, leaving you high and dry. Your team doesn't see the Bruisers flash ulting you, or the mages unloading their whole kit into you while outside your AA range. Assassins coming over walls from fog of war, decimating you in a blink of an eye. All they see is your deaths, and flame you. ADC's become the scape goats of your teams blame, while being oblivious to the reasons.We get NO PEEL. NO HELP. And no incentive to play the game. Mages should not be allowed to split push and take towers faster than AD champs. Nerf gold income for supports that "just deal damage". Higher base move speed for marskmen. Also increase projectile speed for marksmen Autos. Marksmen are not statiscally weak, its that by game design we need protection, while our team has no incentive to protect us.

  • @gonzaabbas
    @gonzaabbas7 күн бұрын

    bro how did you pulled out that shining effect on the thumbnail=?

  • @minimoYT
    @minimoYT7 күн бұрын

    It's a png of a lens flare lol, one under the League logo and the same one again above at 50% opacity. There's also a vignette on the whole thing to make the effect pop a little more

  • @JudgeNicodemus
    @JudgeNicodemus8 күн бұрын

    I will not be dragged back into the penitentiary! (I mained top) The corrections officer can't catch me! (I caused genuine mental damage to a jungler once) I've been free for 2 years you can't take me back!

  • @Tjaaa1324
    @Tjaaa132410 күн бұрын

    what the fuck are you talking

  • @crisu8903
    @crisu89033 күн бұрын

    forgive him he's literally warped

  • @alerodriguez8094
    @alerodriguez809413 күн бұрын

    Game became too tryhard because anything fun like 3v3 or Hide in Seek at Crystal Scar was removed. People tryharded in Ranked, Practiced in Draft, and Goofed off in Blind pick. Now its a fucking sweat fest 24/7

  • @2138Dude
    @2138Dude13 күн бұрын

    I dodge brands w, i flash his q. He just walks up E R ignite and still kills me

  • @hayin2041
    @hayin204114 күн бұрын

    Just nerf mage like viegar, aurelion, lux, brand, morgana etc and let adc counteract trolling support teamate like the one who intentionally hit minions under turet (so that adc can't take it unless the adc deal damage like mages in early game), take minion wave, only go forward, open fight that endanger adc like when there is a big wave, leave all skill shots or ability on minions like ultimate minion wave, staying behind adc to stack dark harvest, take unnecessary skill shots to deceive a heal, don't do vision, intentionally not putting eye on bush in team fight for auto attack and position prediction, flaming adc when intentionally deprive adc from farming, etc. Fortunately, playing yummi with dark harvest and smite relieve some devastations and stress.

  • @hayin2041
    @hayin204114 күн бұрын

    Just nerf mage like viegar, aurelion, lux, brand, morgana etc and let adc counteract trolling support teamate like the one who intentionally hit minions under turet (so that adc can't take it unless the adc deal damage like mages in early game), take minion wave, only go forward, open fight that endanger adc like when there is a big wave, leave all skill shots or ability on minions like ultimate minion wave, staying behind adc to stack dark harvest, take unnecessary skill shots to deceive a heal, don't do vision, intentionally not putting eye on bush in team fight for auto attack and position prediction, flaming adc when intentionally deprive adc from farming, etc. Fortunately, playing yummi with dark harvest and smite relieve some devastations.

  • @nicklasveva
    @nicklasveva16 күн бұрын

    I can be completely dominating the landing phase, forcing the enemy under turret, leaving them at 30% HP, and my jungler still doesn't care. 90% of games consist of the enemy getting ganks, or no one getting ganks. I usually get ganks when I don't need them too. Such as when I'm super far ahead and my jungler comes to "help". When in reality they just failed ganks in every other lane and wanted free gold from me. Thanks, junglers!

  • @GeoXT
    @GeoXT19 күн бұрын

    2:10 😂

  • @EuTenkai
    @EuTenkai23 күн бұрын

    07:49 "Pinguim todo fudido toy story" me quebrou KKKKKKKKK

  • @Kywu
    @Kywu23 күн бұрын

    Fun over Fair is not a solid statement tho, you can't have fun if it's not fair sometime, and the balance was already pretty unfair all the time anyway

  • @phamanh4504
    @phamanh450423 күн бұрын

    In Vietnam, this skin just cost like 240$ (6m VND)... but its too much if look at the salary rate, 7m VND / month is an average salary lol...

  • @inksword6029
    @inksword602924 күн бұрын

    yes it is a joke, the game is unplayable, boring ass stale meta, dont bother playing unless you play a tank a mage or an adc

  • @akalaiderxd9686
    @akalaiderxd968626 күн бұрын

    The problem is that playing adc correctly is not fun so people keep making mistakes. In lane nobody controls their wave, poke or do minor trades to win the lane and to set up the support for success. It’s insane the amount of time someone plays with Leona or Nautalis and just keeps pushing the wave instead of freezing, so they have space to all in. Also Adc are not that gold efficient compared to other roles meaning that they need the high farm in order for them to play on an even playing field, something low elo players can’t do especially since they can’t get farm that easily in mid game without good vision control unless they want to “abuse” bauses law. In team fights, they also need to constantly space against threats in a game where Yone can engage on you from a whole screen away without your teammates being able to peel and you just have to be really good at consistently dodging skill shots. Tl;Dr adc way too hard for slightly better ability to team fight and skirmish.

  • @mattlehot17
    @mattlehot1726 күн бұрын

    dont really see any real ways to balance this problem honestly. at the moment riot started making champs with dashes and gap closer that was kinda the end of it. These days im surprised when a new champ dont have at least 2 dashes or two gap closers. thing is they kinda had to do that since adc in the early meta of the game where kinda the only reason that you would win or lose a game. If your adc was ahead in that time it was kinda over unless your top laner did not pick like jax or trynda. At this point the only solution i could see would be to give back defensive items for adc, like good ones that dont delay their power spikes too much or check most of the gap closers in the game and give them long cooldown so that if you have to use on you cant get it down to a 3 or 4 second cooldown. Need the engages tool to be something that force you to really think about going in and get hit by a decent to big penalty if you waste it. Of course if you do that you would probably need to nerf some damge from the adc since it would be harder to get to them but it would put back the focus on thinking and might even bring back the focus on gameplay like flanks,that while still being used today might be less focused on. Theres also the support problem but honestly i dont mind as an adc to have my support having impact in the early game if it means i will have impact in mid to late game. In the end im pretty sure we wont see any real change in the near future to the class. Riot put themselves in a tough spot with the way they decided to design the game over the years.

  • @inksword6029
    @inksword602927 күн бұрын

    every single match is just mages and adcs doing everything, such a boring meta

  • @ZEEMO
    @ZEEMO28 күн бұрын

    W the 250 dollars one is worth it

  • @noelani7
    @noelani728 күн бұрын

    It reminds me- this is like the perfect equivalent of ballenciaga's homeless collection with the ripped shoes and ripped jeans. (you can look this up- im not kidding you)

  • @minimoYT
    @minimoYT28 күн бұрын

    Balenciaga ripped jeans: 500 USD Regular jeans and a pair of scissors: 20 USD I've made my choice lol

  • @liborsysel2234
    @liborsysel2234Ай бұрын

    Isnt that skin also in that 32k bundle? Its still way too much and you dont get some little things, but still

  • @Latrry3000
    @Latrry3000Ай бұрын

    I’d simply add some extra range to marksmen to be able to position better and keep the distance from threats. Then good adcs would become harder to kill and would require smarter engagement from assassins as opposed to just press R and see where it goes. Just an idea tho.

  • @nikkou4634
    @nikkou4634Ай бұрын

    In brazil it Costs 1000 reais

  • @JuanCarlo8675
    @JuanCarlo8675Ай бұрын

    Reject skin, accept default

  • @wolker213
    @wolker213Ай бұрын

    I would play LoL, but graphics looks outdated and ugly, even mobile AOV looks waaay better which is clone....

  • @McFox111
    @McFox111Ай бұрын

    Issue is the way queues are handled. Should be solo only and then flex for duos and teams. Also remove the restriction from queuing as four in flex, it literally does nothing to stop toxicity or boosting. Then show people what their mmr is, why is there an lp system if we are just going to have a hidden score that matters more for what your ranked games look like. The seasons where they just showed your elo and the elo numbers were broken up into divisions was just better. No one could say, oh my account is broken, they could see the elo they earned directly and correlate it with the games they were playing. Then change the system to match you with less wide players, the idea that I can get a plat player in a game full of bronze players is just silly, what's the point of the ladder then? We are just jumping around between ranks trying to guess where players are. Reset everyone's ranks completely if they are in "low elo" meaning below platinum each split, this will enforce less attachment and discourage people placing and then just being too anxious to play. We don't want to reset high elo because that would just lead to high elo players being in lower ranked games and 1v9ing and ruining the experience for those players trying to push and learn. Finally, ban every smurf, a lot of the issues with ranked are something Dota 2 addressed years ago. People will smurf because they want to learn or just don't want to be anxious while trying something different. This is not good for a competitive system, if I go play a chess tournament, I don't just get to remove my name and play under a fake name. That would ruin the competitive structure.

  • @flashdice411
    @flashdice411Ай бұрын

    Riots excuse for the state of adc is that it would be too guaranteed to win if the items and the champions would work on their own. So the solution here would be to make adc s less "guaranteed" by changing every ranged auto attack in the game to a skill shot. Call it the "Zeri threatment". "Stand behind me" ,as braum would say it, could actually matter with every champion this way. Protecting your mate today like from a caitlyn ult ,would buff the teamwork thought, because it would apply to any ranged attack. And you could actually save yourself behind minions ,turrets or simply by dodging. Also Invisability or untargetablity would be hard nerfed and less unfun to play against as adc, because of them now being hittable by those chmapions. This would add another sklll check to adc and champions that have invisability mechanics. Due to that "Nerf" They could come up with many champion buffs and nerfs for Champions and for items. Toplane would appear to have completely new ways to play against Ranged Matchups. id Also change how Crit works. Id tie it to the marksman class and give individual simmilar mechanics to champions like Yasuo Yone or tryndamere who would lose a part of their identity and playstyle to it. I would change it into a bullet system like 25% crit= Jhin passive without reload timings.Call it the jhin threatment It would be visible clear and planable. They also could add a uncomplete item with the inspiration of jhin that could nt stack, while the full items have a Stackable Crit passive. That also would change that adc are without influence in the early game due to the predicted individual base damage champión and item buffs. They also would nt be that reliable on the support anymore, what funny enaugh would lead to supports that stay more often on bot. That leads also to "Outplay" Options due to Auto hits now being Dodgable. And Maybe to a comeback to adc s beeing played on mid regularly. But lets be Honest: Will the Video Game Company, that relies on players gettng a fast dopamine rush, by One Shoting the only Target that cant fight back in o,5 sec,, give this Target an Actual option to Fight back and erase the Random "Oh thats a high number" Moment for a more Fair distribution of those moments in the Playerbase? No, not if the Hell freezes over. Honestly a reason to quit for everyone who mains this Role.

  • @Z_wangg
    @Z_wanggАй бұрын


  • @worldsgreatestspy5836
    @worldsgreatestspy5836Ай бұрын

    I beg to somewhat disagree. APCs have been mostly outperforming ADCs in low to mid elo because many people who play the role drop 20 IQ points every time they queue in. Even in seasons 12-13 you could see for example that most of the buildpaths with the highest winrates have been ADC builds. Now ADCs wil suffer because of a lack of agency, that is a fact, but they were given a hefty amount of tools to deal with that since s11. Also in relation with my furst points, whenever I see an ADC complain about not dealing dmg is because the enemy Ornn or sime sht is ahead and the ADC opted to rush Yoummu's and then go for a mostly lethality oriented build. If you could shred down the tank with that build, that would not be fair to the tank. Also can we talk about how tanks are basically the counterpart to ADC because of limited influence due to low dmg in an ongoing dmg dominated meta while they very often also lack the tools to deal with said dmg because they don't have enough tankiness to deal with AD, AP, critical, on-hit, true dmg and any combination of the aforementioned with percentage health dmg? Difference is, riot doesn't give that many viable tools to tanks to do their job and when they do they usually get nerfed shortly after because of how BRUISERS abuse those items. ADCs have been getting something in one form or another. Also in my games, and I am pretty certain this applies to most if not all other people, in a game in which you have four roles with the capacity to carry (I am not taking supp into account because they are a different discussion altogether) 50% of the games depend on how to ADC performs, the team which's ADC is performing well will be winning the game

  • @1MoreStep1
    @1MoreStep1Ай бұрын

    That last Kalista play was not bad.

  • @meisstupid
    @meisstupidАй бұрын

    59260 has the same vibes as “$229.99”

  • @EdumayYT
    @EdumayYTАй бұрын

    I guess you left that jax clip at the end so i could have nightmares

  • @phoonyekhou7688
    @phoonyekhou7688Ай бұрын

    FYI -this is Cost us more if you're in asia region

  • @minimoYT
    @minimoYTАй бұрын

    Damn, they're milking this one harder than I thought

  • @15thMonkey
    @15thMonkeyАй бұрын

    fun over fair is such a weird statement considering the game is essentially hyper competitive and has a huge pro scene.

  • @FuckYoutube-wf1wh
    @FuckYoutube-wf1whАй бұрын

    Eat $hit

  • @AyyjayyYT
    @AyyjayyYTАй бұрын

    GRASS It is an interesting fact that everything that surrounds people has been created by nature for humans and animals to use at own disposal. Plants and other living creatures are food for carnivores and people are no different. Everything that people survived on were plants that could be eaten and animals that had meat to be cooked. Michael Pollan takes a closer look at things that are taken for granted and describes how much people depend and at the same time, disvalue and don’t appreciate what nature provides for humanity. His book titled “Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals” discusses several aspects of nature and focuses specifically on grass and what it is for animals and different people. Without grass life would have many problems, as both animals and humans very much need on it to live full lives. Expectations that society has is centered on food and that it is provided in abundance for stores and markets but how it gets there, no one wonders. The author starts out by making a very specific and acute observation that most people see grass as a unit, one entity that is a part and mostly, an insignificant piece of the environment comparing to the rest of nature’s objects. Walking on it every day, an individual never really stops and thinks what grass consists of and how its life processes are carried out. Michael Pollan mentions that the majority of people do not see grass the same way a cow sees it. As cows eat it every day, they have become specialists in the kinds of grass there are and what specific ones should not be eaten. A farmer also sees grass as a part of his life because he needs it for his cows to survive and his farm to prosper. The author goes on to talk about his visit to the farm and how he was explained about the different types and strands of grass. People who are closely involved with farming are also knowledgeable about grass and how to properly grow it (Pollan, 2007). The expectations that people have towards grass and what farmers think, are very different. People want to see grass on their lawn to look pretty and to cover the mud. Farmers expect grass to be well grown and full of vitamins for their live stock. Grass is a very needed and essential part of the farm and the chain of production because so many species of animals depend on it. Grass’ growth and the cows’ eating habits have many “rules and laws” that surround this food type. “The law of the second bite” is an important one to keep in mind, as the cows should not be permitted to completely eat the grass down to the root (Pollan, 2007). In case this does happen, and it mostly does, the grass becomes weakened and stops growing. After the cows have taken the first bite, grass should be left alone, as it will have a chance to replenish itself and continue healthy growth. The opposite it true because if the grass is left to grow out more than it is supposed to, the area becomes too “bushy” and cannot be used for cows. A farmer, who is taking care of his animals and their food, will rotate to grass, any of many low, green, nonwoody plants belonging to the grass family (Poaceae), the sedge family (Cyperaceae), and the rush family (Juncaceae). There are many grasslike members of other flowering plant families, but only the approximately 10,000 species in the family Poaceae are true grasses make sure the animals are moved to a new patch of grass and this makes for best results for grass, animals and people (Pollan, 2007). It is very much surprising but grass and its quality plays a key role for animals and people. The better the grass, the more nutritious the meat and milk will be for people to consume. It is important to take care of such an important resource until it is depleted Grass, the world's most important crop This plant also has important ecological functions: it protects against soil erosion, it absorbs water, it purifies the air we breathe and so on. Every variety of grass has its own special properties. The grass family, or Graminae, has about 8,000 varieties Grasses are a family of plants with leaves that usually look like blades. Most of them also have hollow stems and many branching roots. The green.grass found in yards, the grasses growing on open land, grains, and bamboos all belong to the grass family.

  • @Seraphim09x
    @Seraphim09xАй бұрын

    Ahri forever punished for all the wrong reasons...cries as ahri main...

  • @user-kw8iw8qd1b
    @user-kw8iw8qd1bАй бұрын

    ahri will definately becomes the first champ who will got ban but not bcz she s OP

  • @spkbreadroll
    @spkbreadrollАй бұрын

    remember not to blame the developers/artists for the price. let's find the delusional executive who did this

  • @sidneyw.mathiasdeoliveira8621
    @sidneyw.mathiasdeoliveira8621Ай бұрын

    brazilian rum at the end WTF 🤣🤣🤣

  • @DarkDylan10
    @DarkDylan10Ай бұрын

    So the skin is 438$usd 😂

  • @BS-si6pj
    @BS-si6pjАй бұрын

    The real problem is league is infested with braindead people that just wanna play casually. So many people play this game just to pass the time, and have no real intentions in winning. And league caters to these people since more people playing = profit. Its just simple math really, the more people that plays a MOBA, the more idiots there will be in said game. Best thing to do is just quit the game since it is designed to drive away the average players that are competitive and actually want to improve and win.

  • @andreastolis5595
    @andreastolis5595Ай бұрын

    you forgot to mention that the azir nerfs werent labeled as nerfs like i told u, they are a "qol change and bugfix"

  • @minimoYT
    @minimoYTАй бұрын

    Yeah, just adding insult to injury. Crazy how that passes as a "bug fix" but Azir's so-called autos can't clear wards or attack turrets

  • @alkobone5764
    @alkobone5764Ай бұрын

    Lethal tempo gone more variety for ADC runes ? variety my ass ! Everyone in their mother now uses PTA ! Very cool and productive cool shit riot ! Tbf LT was problematic only on toplane champs and windshitters adc had variety in their rune choices. draven samira nila aphelious was great using coqueror pta was for lucian and MF sometime a good kalista could use pta for even stronger lane phase aphelious used pta greatly before the LT remowal LT was not be all end all rune for adc its only on melee champs that it became troublesome once again bruesers using something meant for adc better then adc gone bad AGAIN riot AGAIN ! agh what a pain in the ass to play adc it must me i cant imagine i play mid

  • @Great_PatBingsoo
    @Great_PatBingsooАй бұрын

    Dogshit take and you didn’t even elaborate on your position. You keep jumping around with random, half-baked takes. Why you are even analogizing to Overwatch is amazing to me, as it is tenuous at best in terms of its relationship to League. Making sure to turn off recommendations to your channel.

  • @The_Shenaniganizer
    @The_ShenaniganizerАй бұрын

    I will be banning Ahri from now on until Riot unfucks themselves

  • @yoshidasaki17703
    @yoshidasaki1770328 күн бұрын

    Better idea. Let Ahri got picked. If you see this skin. Make her miserable. Give no CS. Let her got ganked. If you happen to almost win. FF

  • @brittanyk9272
    @brittanyk927224 күн бұрын

    @@yoshidasaki17703sounds like you’ll get banned which many already have for doing thr same action.

  • @yoshidasaki17703
    @yoshidasaki1770323 күн бұрын

    @@brittanyk9272 I have more than enough account which already diamond. All of them. I don't mind using them all 🤣 Been banned 8 times before. I can make another 🤣

  • @nottingham-wk1kw
    @nottingham-wk1kwАй бұрын

    please dont consume and support this stupid fking chinese company

  • @tristanmedved4447
    @tristanmedved4447Ай бұрын

    i think its a good patch cuz yasuo yone and zeri have negative winrate

  • @minimoYT
    @minimoYTАй бұрын

    I don't remember Yone ever being above 48% lol

  • @romasemenov1983
    @romasemenov1983Ай бұрын

    How many times have they buffed brand jungle already?

  • @minimoYT
    @minimoYTАй бұрын

    Lost count, but surely this time they got him to work there