The Dissenter

The Dissenter

My name is Ricardo Lopes, and I’m from Portugal. Thank you for visiting my channel.

Over the past few years, I have conducted and released more than 700 interviews and talks with experts and academics from a variety of areas and disciplines, ranging from the Arts and Philosophy to the Social Sciences and Biology. You will certainly find a subject of your interest covered here.

New interviews are released on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays.


  • @DarthVagen
    @DarthVagen11 сағат бұрын

    love you, you legend Ricardo !

  • @j.b.4340
    @j.b.4340Күн бұрын

    37:39, beautiful part. It’s great that we have such a wonderful, dedicated, open minded, ally.

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam9201Күн бұрын

    By the way, cryptocurrencies are a scam, and there is nothing to support their false value and no laws that regulate them and protect the rights of the owners of that illusion, unlike approved and recognized banks. This confirms the stock market's involvement in fraud and false values. this was written years ago too.

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam9201Күн бұрын

    I noticed that there is something ugly and stupid that attracts monkeys to each other, and that thing exists among other types of irrational animals. I am pretty sure about that (100 % correct).

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam9201Күн бұрын

    Even human thoughts about the concept of life and the aliens those reached planet Earth thousands of years ago... Etc. was stolen and contaminated. Some of them claim to be university professors!

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam9201Күн бұрын

    Do you still remember that experiment (location, orientation, calculating distances, the artificial environment that imitate planet earth with artificial light to resemble sunlight,….etc)? this one seems familiar: “We Were Completely Wrong About Why Bugs Are Attracted To Lights Anton Petrov”

  • @TheDissenterRL
    @TheDissenterRLКүн бұрын

    @@aminam9201 That has nothing to do with the interview. I asked you months ago to try to stick to the content of the interviews and 2 or 3 comments per interview. Can you please do that?

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam9201Күн бұрын

    @@TheDissenterRL Try to think a little! Is the book more important than human thoughts?! Whether it is a comment or sentences written on the walls! The issue is what is the type of mind behind the thoughts, and useful short sentences are evidence of understanding and deep thinking, and they replace the excessive talk in their useless books that indicates a lack of understanding. Do you really still not realize that my comments on your channel are far more important than all their books together ?! Try to think a little. If that's not the case, then why would thieves race to write books by stealing and polluting human's thoughts?! Because human thoughts have real value, even if they are as comments. thieves have to dignity, you don’t need to worry about something doesn’t exist.

  • @TheDissenterRL
    @TheDissenterRLКүн бұрын

    @@aminam9201 No, sorry, on my channel the interviews are more important than whatever you deem to be important. I will ask you a third time: please stick to the topics and reduce the number of comments.

  • @BatteryIncluded
    @BatteryIncludedКүн бұрын

    The gold nugget from Dr Churchill’s answers is the fact that hominins naturally interbreed with other related species. Introgressive hybridizations are the rule in evolution, not the exception.

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam92012 күн бұрын

    They talk a lot! The issue revolved around the marketing of toxic debts (fraud), and the winner from the fraud was the owner of the dominant currency, something like the fraudster putting his excrement resulting from fraud in the market and promoting it as a promising commodity.

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam92012 күн бұрын

    There is someone who has created stock exchange for speculation (evaluating things). How will he evaluate what he owns and what he will buy? Will he give an unreal and exaggerated value to what he owns, while granting or imposing a low value that does not represent the true value of what he will buy, and thus the stock exchange he created is just a platform for fraud? Who founded the stock market and on what basis? Was the rest of the world consulted or was fraud imposed?

  • @ronnysmobilephone
    @ronnysmobilephone2 күн бұрын

    Not caring if capitalism dies.

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam92012 күн бұрын

    I think this will make the matter more clear: Suppose aliens landed on planet Earth with a spacecraft the size of an island and had precious metals and advanced technology,…. etc. What currency will be used to complete commercial transactions between human beings and aliens?! Dollar? There will be no value for the dollar then! Who gives, or rather imposes, value on things and on what basis?!

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam92012 күн бұрын

    Who gives values to things and on which basis? Does the one who did that take his own interests as the basis of that evaluation? It’s important to rethink thoroughly about the global financial and economic system.

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam92012 күн бұрын

    Rather, the most important question is: Has the dollar become dependent on the economies of the world as a whole, since it represents the global financial system? Is there someone who makes profits on behalf of others? Is there manipulation and fraud? Are there parasites that live on human tragedies? Why not build a new global financial system that all countries of the world agree on?

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam92012 күн бұрын

    This may be more clear: Suppose you own something of value and it is valued based on a currency of unknown value that dominates the global financial system, then you will lose that valuable thing in exchange for something of unknown value, even if it is able to buy something else of value as a result of its dominance of the global financial system. In short, the global financial system may collapse one day, so what will remain then? (What makes money maintain its value? Does that money represent, for example, gold as its balance? Do all those billions of dollars really represent anything of value, or is fraud an essential part of that system?)

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam92012 күн бұрын

    All must realize the danger of the dominance of one country’s currency over the global financial system and using it as a reference, as this will lead to the dissolution of the economies of the weak economies in that unknown financial system (no one knows the true value of the dollar and what is the quantity that was printed as a result of the dominance of that global financial system)... . Etc. Therefore, a new global financial system must be established and solutions must be found for the dominance of one country’s currency over that global financial system and the profits it earns, other than the dissolution of the economies of the countries in that financial system and the amount of fraud and manipulation to compensate for the deficit as a result of excessive spending at the expense of the rest of the countries of the world.

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam92012 күн бұрын

    The presence of the dollar as a primary reference in the global financial system is a real danger, and the main reason is the true value of that dollar and the amount of profits that are generated through domination of the global financial system.

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam92012 күн бұрын

    Some governments of underdeveloped countries have deliberately changed the exchange rate with the aim of reducing the amount of foreign currency expenditures (the dollar), by reducing the actual value of citizens’ salaries by lowering the exchange rate (unofficially, but with the aim of fraud). Which led to inflation (the Bedouins act as pimps for foreigners). For example, you find ambassadors from Western countries without embassies and they use militias to protect them while on the move, with the aim of spreading strife and chaos (state instability means plundering of public money resulting from the plundering of natural resource revenues and transferring them to the banks of the countries of those ambassadors). )...

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam92012 күн бұрын

    Floating the currency only succeeds if there is a strong and stable economy, and strong, high-quality industry is the most guarantee and stability of the economy. Economically weak countries cannot float their local currency without serious consequences, so stable countries with a weak economy do not resort to floating their currency, but rather work to stabilize their national currency through multiple sources of income for the national income. This is the reason why some European countries, such as the Czech Republic and others, returned their national currency, as they cannot resist the economy of economically dominant countries such as Germany and France. This applies to the effect of making the currency of a foreign country, such as the dollar and the euro, a reference in third world countries.

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam92012 күн бұрын

    The dollar has been used as a reference to exchange the local currency in some underdeveloped countries with the aim of defrauding the general public. The reason for this is greed, ignorance and lack of patriotism. For example, in one of the countries whose main source of income from the dollar is oil revenues, it offered the dollar for sale in a parallel market (an official market and an official market). Another parallel is for the purpose of fraud to reap profits), and one of the countries several times floated its national currency against the dollar with the aim of reaping profits, as the income of the citizen in that country suddenly decreases several times to reach a level below the poverty line…. ( Floating the local currency in an economically weak country that does not have a strong local industry that can satisfy local demand and export, etc. is due to ignorance (the dominance of one currency in the global economy poses a danger to economically weak countries that are politically, economically, and security-unstable, and usually the collapse of the local currency indicates to the collapse of the state (weak government), and this is more clear in countries that gain hard currency from valuable local natural resources (usually in such a cases, foreign intervention is involved)) By the way, it is naive to expect a private bank to issue its own currency or print the same local currency, as that is the job of the central bank. This did not happen because it is the job of state, and doing so is considered a major economic crime in all countries.

  • @aminam9201
    @aminam92012 күн бұрын

    The economy is not just a mathematical equation that can be completely controlled and predicted. For example, whoever rules has a direct impact on the economy, as does the media and fraud, etc.

  • @v2plus4
    @v2plus42 күн бұрын

    These guys would see tens of millions of Texans dying?That would get their message across? Why not tens of millions of Californians? Peoples eyes have been opened to the tyranny of science during corona. You guys did it to yourselves. Scientists would love to lord over the populace and set all policy. Well, guess what? We, the people, get some say these days. And, that is why science is losing control, and we're seeing populist movements all over the world. You did it to yourselves. Keep talking down to us, there is room for you guys to even have less control

  • @jithinjose8065
    @jithinjose80653 күн бұрын

    He became master ( in 39:10) by saying I'm not quietly understood that. May be that's the value creation did us on ' how the value changes the master morality'

  • @MichaeldeSousaCruz
    @MichaeldeSousaCruz3 күн бұрын

    This is a delight to see @ProfSteveKeen!!! Please get more MMT (Modern Money Theory) economists on, like Warren Mosler, L. Randall Wray, and Scott Fullwiler. Muito Obrigado!

  • @TheDissenterRL
    @TheDissenterRL3 күн бұрын

    Thank you very much for the suggestions! I will try to get them on the show. By the way, I also have an interview with Michael Hudson from earlier this year, if you are interested:

  • @rainking50
    @rainking503 күн бұрын

    Magnificent interview. Kudos for giving voice to Douglas and his contemporaries.

  • @n.b.189
    @n.b.1894 күн бұрын

    Hey could you please interview him about borderline personality disorder

  • @aminomar7890
    @aminomar78905 күн бұрын

    Imagine that I own a bank and a currency that dominates global financial transactions, what will happen?! Then when people around the world use that currency, the biggest winner is the owner of that dominant currency because all those commercial transactions will become part of the financial system that I control myself, and if you liquefy the gold that you own into the currency that I own, then the biggest winner is me and I can I can print as much currency as I want because I control the global financial system and no one will notice the defect in the global financial system, and I can carry out fraudulent operations to avoid the deficit resulting from excessive spending. This will mean that the ones who will bear the deficit as a result of my excessive spending are others, not me. it’s possible that You will work for me for free without even realizing it.

  • @aminomar7890
    @aminomar78905 күн бұрын

    This might be more clear: Suppose you live in a country that has its own currency but uses the dollar for commercial transactions, what would that mean? Your currency will lose part of its value and will become part of the financial system dominated by the currency of a specific country. Therefore, the currency used in global financial transactions must not belong to a specific country, but rather a new currency or financial system agreed upon by all countries. What does the currency represent?!

  • @aminomar7890
    @aminomar78905 күн бұрын

    Can you comprehend ?! When the currency of a specific country is the reference for international financial transactions, that country is the main beneficiary of those global commercial transactions. For example, you own a precious metal like gold and you exchange it with the currency that dominates the global financial system, so what will happen?! This was applied to all people in all countries of the world. The main beneficiary of all of this is the country that owns the currency that dominates the global financial system (this poses a danger to countries with weak economies, etc.).

  • @aminomar7890
    @aminomar78905 күн бұрын

    Which is better? Describing the foolish pimp with the correct description or flattering the world of pimps?! What is the benefit of flattering the world of pimps?! To become a pimp too?! What you don’t like doesn’t mean it’s not the truth!

  • @aminomar7890
    @aminomar78905 күн бұрын

    Yes, apart from the Compliments, your guest’s thinking is closer to the thinking of a pimp than a person who has his own independent thinking! This is what prevails in the world of great pimps! that’s the truth whether you liked it or not, Sometimes telling the truth (the reality of the situation) as it is seems embarrassing and impolite, but facing the truth is better than flattering in the world of foolish pimps! If you do not like this, then you have become addicted to the world of foolish pimps!

  • @aminomar7890
    @aminomar78905 күн бұрын

    44:00 As long as the global financial system is controlled by one country and imposes its currency on that system, basically there is no room for improving a system that they do not own (it is not a partnership, but rather governed by one dominant party that imposes conditions that are consistent with its own interests), to be able to improve it!

  • @aminomar7890
    @aminomar78905 күн бұрын

    There is something dirty and irrational that attracts irrational apes to each other, something very similar to what attracts other irrational animals to each other (different language).

  • @aminomar7890
    @aminomar78905 күн бұрын

    42:30 Could Russia have invaded Kiev and changed the government within a maximum of two weeks?! Was what is currently happening in Ukraine agreed upon between Russia and the United States in advance? It looks like a war of attrition and not a real war (reshuffling the cards with the aim of maintaining dominance). Russia is known to have been used as a punishment for countries that do not agree with the United States (underdevelopment and poverty). Russia has been used as a harsh punishment against some countries.

  • @aminomar7890
    @aminomar78905 күн бұрын

    42:00 no one served US as Russia did, it represented by the former Soviet Union, served it. Russia had military cooperation with US even during what was called the Cold War. US found its target in Russia as an imaginary weak enemy (it needs that faked weak enemy) that it used to justify what it was doing. Russia was used as a punishment for some countries, for example it punished Cuba through Russia's support for it led to its backwardness for nearly a hundred years. Russia is famous for manufacturing a certain weapon and only vodka, and Russia transferred intelligence information to US against Russia's alleged allies. Russia recently allied itself with a member of NATO, namely Turkey, to occupy and plunder some African countries..

  • @aminomar7890
    @aminomar78905 күн бұрын

    Meaning replacing the law of the jungle (the Security Council) with a supreme court that judges according to international law and the interest of humanity as a whole, instead of the Jungle Law Council, which serves the interest of specific countries (members of the Security Council).

  • @aminomar7890
    @aminomar78905 күн бұрын

    The global financial system is not supposed to be linked to a specific country’s currency, but rather to an independent currency agreed upon by all countries and reflecting the true value of each country’s currency based on the economic power, natural and technological resources it possesses, etc. Establishing a real international bank instead of the current fraudulent bank, and rebuild UN without the Security Council and replace it with a supreme court independent of politics.

  • @aminomar7890
    @aminomar78906 күн бұрын

    It depends on the type of globalization! Globalization that facilitates and encourages trade exchange,…etc is not the same as globalization that is conditional on a specific financial system that controls it! It seems that slaves think differently!

  • @aminomar7890
    @aminomar78906 күн бұрын

    They believe that controlling the global financial system and plundering other countries’ money to cover the deficit,…. etc. is enough to prevent collapse!

  • @aminomar7890
    @aminomar78906 күн бұрын

    33:50 this man has nothing to do with economy, globalisation based on the current standards is so dangerous (global financial and economic collapse is a matter of time), but the existence of more than one dominant financial system is less dangerous.

  • @aminomar7890
    @aminomar78906 күн бұрын

    32:00 the answer is here: In 1970, France discovered that America was printing the dollar without a gold cover, and it, along with a number of European and Asian countries, stopped dealing with the dollar. French President De Gaulle came out in a famous speech addressing America: You will not buy our gold with paper. Accordingly, the United States exerted pressure and blackmail on several countries that possess important natural resources, provided that they would not sell those resources except in dollars. Thus, the United States regained its financial dominance, but through fraud and blackmail. In order for this not to happen again, in 1971, the United States abolished the link between the dollar and gold. thus US was free to print any amount of dollars without covering it with gold, and thus it was able to defraud several countries by plundering the gold that it had previously deposited in exchange for the dollar.