MALE DnD Player Roleplays Having A PERIOD | r/rpghorrorstories


In today's episode of DnD Horror Stories, we have a tale about a player that roleplays a certain female attribute in secret, without the dungeon master knowing, a story about a player that makes up a tragedy in order to "hit" on another player, which makes no sense, A story about a DM that does things so strict, that it makes dungeons and dragons just a drag, and finally, a story about a DM that gets jealous when a player flirts with his girlfriend's character.
0:00 Intro
0:21 Period
5:08 Creep That Guy
7:34 Mad Mage, Mad DM
16:20 Flirt

Пікірлер: 165

  • @MimiMerize
    @MimiMerize6 ай бұрын


  • @Agapecest


    2 ай бұрын


  • @chariotboi5061
    @chariotboi5061 Жыл бұрын

    Funny thing about Greg is that his character was suffering from effects worse than some of the most deadly poisons in the game.

  • @marmelaaden


    Жыл бұрын

    It sounds realistic to me, my period is really exhausting and sometimes close to debilitating.

  • @cammycakesss


    Жыл бұрын


  • @Schweighsr


    Жыл бұрын

    @@marmelaaden your period lasts 3d4 - CON modifier (not Constitution score) days? I have dysmenorrhea and, at its worst, I did not suffer a -2 to Strength or Dexterity, and I worked in Construction for a while.

  • @dionysus_adores


    Жыл бұрын

    It's very accurate people who were born with a uterus feel like our insides are constantly at war, smashing through building with a grace of a raging hulk

  • @marmelaaden


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Schweighsr Close enough, it lasts usually 7-9 days and usually im really weak, vomit 10+ times the first day and sometimes the second, and rarely even on the third day, i tend to faint on the first couple of days. Also the pain is awful the first 3 days as well. Days 4 onwards are usually pretty ok, tho. I've been to the doctor etc and i dont have any illness and my mother had period like that before her first child, so i guess im just unlucky. If someone modeled their game-period after mine, it would be pretty much like Greg's system :D EDIT: forgot to mention that my migraine also tends to hit on the first day of my period.

  • @williek08472
    @williek08472 Жыл бұрын

    It's kind of refreshing to find that the problem player in Story 1 wasn't a total creep or psycho, just someone with a really weird idea and who apologized for any harm he might have caused.

  • @supershid464


    Жыл бұрын

    kind of sad that the title of the video leads to believing that he is

  • @mrroboshadow


    Жыл бұрын

    and for once it doesnt affect anyone but the player themselves

  • @meteorwalkergg


    5 ай бұрын

    I keep hearing and seeing the "why though?" & "It's weird"... No? It's a normal biological function. It's like asking why fighter/barbarians have all the qualities which come with testosterone production or saying it's weird for someone going to the outhouse after drinking all night in a tavern... Yes. That's how human bodies work. Pretending menstrual cycles don't exist is just as weird as fetishizing them, imo

  • @FordPrefict42
    @FordPrefict42 Жыл бұрын

    I fail to understand the problem with Greg. His mechanic only effected his female character. Frankly, tracking a menstrual cycle takes a mental discipline that many of us lack. Consider that a round happens over 6 seconds and 10 rounds is 1 minute. Therefore, most combat is over in less than 1 minute. A short rest can be as long as 1 hour. Many games allow players to hunt, trap, and forage before cooking a meal and eating. Can all of that realistically happen over 1 hour? What I am getting at is the following question. What harm did it cause for this one player to track the 5 days out of a month when his female character wasn't feeling her best?

  • @doms.6701


    Жыл бұрын

    Exactly. If he did it where he RP being sick or something, no one would care. Being a horny bard is expected but this is too far 😂

  • @Tirnel_S


    Жыл бұрын

    Is it a little out there? Yeah? Should he have talked about it with dm first? Maybe, I've never actually played as of yet, but I don't see anything wrong with it so long as he isn't implementing any "that's not how women work" ideas. Maybe tmi, but, there are some periods where my whole body just aches and all I can do is lie down for the day. There are also times where I just feel like a dead battery. Tired and no energy for no discernable reason (this often happens a day or two before I start). Among other things. He wasn't imposing it onto anyone else either so, I really don't see the issue here.

  • @Arthas30000
    @Arthas30000 Жыл бұрын

    Gotta say, Greg's debuffs are REALLY harsh. I am kind of impressed by his dedication. Especially if he RP'd it the way he did, by having his character ACTUALLY behave differently

  • @whiterhabbit
    @whiterhabbit Жыл бұрын

    To be fair I expected the period story to be WAY weirder than it was.

  • @ReverieNightengale
    @ReverieNightengale Жыл бұрын

    Won't lie, as a woman I didn't find Greg's little mechanics to be that creepy? He wasn't fetishizing periods or anything from the sounds of it, and it seemed genuinely harmless to me that he kept it to himself up until that point. Disappointed that the DM told him to knock it off when Greg told him, since I think it's interesting for a dude to try and relate and understand the woman he's roleplaying as more, which is more than what can be said about most dudes playing women in these kinds of horror stories. Sounds like Greg kept it to himself not out of malice or being a slimeball but chances are he was embarrassed to share his little gimmick with anyone until he felt comfortable to do so, and the DM reacted about as well as anyone would've expected. I fail to see why it was cool to tell Greg to stop unless it was somehow affecting the gameplay for everyone else. OP is probably one of those dudes who can't handle buying their girlfriend/wife/whatever feminine hygiene products at the store for literally no reason.

  • @anstupid4093


    Жыл бұрын

    As someone with Adhd and Autism, I have on many occasions, when I'm getting into creating a character, gotten way too "in depth" with my character's personalities and physical descriptions. I'm really lucky to have a group of close friends that are willing to tell me when I go too far, but also understand that I have a hard time knowing when I'm going into details that make people uncomfortable. It makes me really sad that people don't seem to understand how differently others people's mind works and because something is off to them I must have some ulterior motive or whatever.

  • @ReverieNightengale


    Жыл бұрын

    @@anstupid4093 Sorry to hear about that, my dude. I have similar issues (though not formally diagnosed so I'm not sure what the cause is exactly) but I can totally get why neurodivergent people would implement such skills. To me, it didn't seem creepy, just the player wanting to flesh out and better understand the character they were playing. Honestly, I think more dudes should be encouraged to try and empathize with women more this way. Glad you have a group that understands and will communicate with you when they need to.

  • @grumpypants2066


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@Reverie the dm was a woman. I too was confused on why it would creep her out if he did it in private and the only reason she found out was from snooping.

  • @ReverieNightengale


    Жыл бұрын

    @@grumpypants2066 Oh! I don't know why I assumed the DM was a man. They just sounded like one of those dudes who get weirded out by periods. Either way, the point still stands - the player did nothing wrong and the DM was the weird one.

  • @grumpypants2066


    Жыл бұрын

    @Reverie i agree

  • @RandomTrinidadian
    @RandomTrinidadian Жыл бұрын

    Not gonna lie.... Greg impressed me more than disgusted. That is some serious deadication right there.

  • @schwarzerritter5724
    @schwarzerritter5724 Жыл бұрын

    You would be surprised what DMs do not notice. I had a -6 to all s20 rolls for several sessions, because the DM forgot to end it and also did not notice I still had it.

  • @frost68nskate
    @frost68nskate Жыл бұрын

    Greg technically made his character worse and rolled honestly with it. Normally people fudge rolls and make their character stronger. Good for Greg.

  • @jacksparrowismydaddy


    Жыл бұрын

    and he's absolutely not wrong. I'm slow as shit one week out of a month.

  • @aquawolfx8715


    Жыл бұрын

    It’s an honest challenge when you are playing an “average Joe” kind of hero. Sometimes you need Jack from the stack house or Sammy from the sandwich shop to go show them gobbos what for

  • @marmelaaden
    @marmelaaden Жыл бұрын

    I honestly thing Greg did nothing wrong and the dm's attitude makes me kind of sad both for Greg and for women as well. Like realistic (-2 for strenght, etc sounds realistic for me :D :D ) and stealthy roleplay that bothered noone and helped Greg concentrate. In my first DnD game, I also rolled for period (i am a woman) because I was confused how realistic the game should be :D it was a group of all women tho.

  • @tonyh8166


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah, I disagree with the "Greg knew it was wrong" take. Much more likely Greg just didnt think it was something that needed to be publicized, any more than most women publicize it. I dunno about the specific penalties, but if he was modelling it on his wife I'll call it fair enough. Certainly the comments here seem to thing the debuffs are within the range of possibilities. Could he have been more discreet? Wtf? Took the DM long enough to notice that anything was going on, let alone what, and the rest of the group still hasnt noticed. How much more discreet do you want?? The DM is being a twit.

  • @genera1013


    10 ай бұрын

    I think he should have discussed out with the DM first. Also, I think I read somewhere that women are actually stronger on their periods because our body produces more testosterone during that time, which is also why we're more irritable than usual. I'm personally not against the idea, but he shouldn't have done it in secret, and the effects should have actually been researched. As it is it looks like a guy trying to be misogynistic about women's periods. Not saying he intended that, just that that's how it looked.

  • @fred_derf


    4 ай бұрын

    @@genera1013, writes _"As it is it looks like a guy trying to be misogynistic about women's periods."_ I heartily disagree. If he was a DM imposing such a system onto others I'd agree with you, but doing it only to his own character (and on the down-low) hardly meets the definition of misogynistic.

  • @genera1013


    4 ай бұрын

    @@fred_derf The reason I said this is because, as I stated before, it's clearly not based on actual research. The effects he describes are not reality to periods. It's assumptions based on ignorance.

  • @fred_derf


    4 ай бұрын

    @@genera1013 He said it was based on his wife, so unless you can show me that every women has exactly the same reaction to their periods I'ma gonna give him the benefit of the doubt.

  • @natethegamelord
    @natethegamelord Жыл бұрын

    a period of all things? def out there. Though I gotta hand it to greg, it was creative in some way. and the fact that no one had really thought of it and or questioned it too heavily for a while showed that he was good at being decently discreet, at least to the other players. While we may not know why, certainly a different story to hear, thats for sure.

  • @ReverieNightengale


    Жыл бұрын

    How is a period "out there"? It's something that we women have to live with on a regular basis for most of our lives. :\

  • @fred_derf


    4 ай бұрын

    @@ReverieNightengale, writes _"How is a period "out there"?"_ I think he means that adding it as a mechanic to an RPG is "out there". There are lots of normal bodily functions that aren't part of D&D (DM: "OK everybody, roll for earwax build up!") and for good reason, they don't make the game more fun and would likely make the game less fun. Think of most of the novels you've read, TV shows you've watched or movies you've seen, how many spend any time at all on their female character's monthly cycle? It's almost none, there are a few but they're generally stories focused on interpersonal relationships. It would also be unfair to apply such a mechanic to female characters, maybe more realistic, but clearly unfair and a lot less fun.

  • @DefectiveDictionary777
    @DefectiveDictionary777 Жыл бұрын

    That's some serious dedication from Greg, but it definitely should have been talked about with the DM beforehand. And, due to how close it can border towards true horror story territory, it probably should have also been cleared with the rest of the table. Edit after hearing story #2: I feel so bad for the cast of CR for having to deal with so many "fans" like that guy. As the first major D&D stream, it's only natural that they'd attract all kinds of people from the D&D scene. Unfortunately - despite how kind, caring, and progressive the CR team is - they unfortunately got stuck with having to see the worst of the community on a regular basis.

  • @MasterCookies


    Жыл бұрын

    I mean, the first story wouldn't be a problem at all if nobody found out in the first place.

  • @ReverieNightengale


    Жыл бұрын

    @@MasterCookies I'm also not entirely sure why it's something that "needs to be discussed" with the people at the table ahead of time. I mean, the DM wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't been aware of the mechanics in the first place. Personally, I think the DM should've just minded his own business and let Greg play the character how he wanted to.

  • @HONAAA-kj9cx
    @HONAAA-kj9cx6 ай бұрын

    Mika in the thumbnail is so funny

  • @pumpkinicing
    @pumpkinicing Жыл бұрын

    ... sigh. can't believe I put thought into this. but as a period haver, if I were to give my characters periods, it'd be a DC 10 CON save for damage (1d4. cramps.), as well as a -1 to DEX and CON after the roll. +1 to STR though. out of sheer stubbornness.

  • @pumpkinicing


    Жыл бұрын

    disclaimer: this is stupid. do not do this.

  • @gekolvr0734


    Жыл бұрын

    @@pumpkinicing then so is what the player did lol

  • @pumpkinicing


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@Nettle Queen oh yeah the entire idea of periods in d&d is like. horrifically terrible. incredibly curious about what Greg was thinking there

  • @doms.6701


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@pumpkinicing 🤷‍♂️ maybe wanting to add to the depth of their character. Interesting that bards are expected to be horny but women having a cycle is the line to not cross 😂 I've read posts about people adding their disabilities to a character. It's no different than RP your age and if old it's not as easy to get up from a fall

  • @pumpkinicing


    Жыл бұрын

    @Dom S. I mean, as a disabled person who likes to play characters with my disabilities... uh... I'd say periods are pretty different. and bards aren't expected to be horny, and if they are, that's something the whole group needs to OK.

  • @Tyler171819
    @Tyler171819 Жыл бұрын

    Story 1 could have had some interesting RP moments if the mechanic was allowed. Like mid-fight a female enemy finds out and asks Greg’s character if she wants to pick this up next week 😂 “No it’s totally fine, we can raid the village later. Mine comes with migraines so I totally get it. You do what you need to.”

  • @xpandorasboxx
    @xpandorasboxx Жыл бұрын

    Honestly the OP of the first story should've let Greg continue the odd personal RP. Especially if it was helping him concentrate on the game more. If no one even knew what was going on, then clearly it wasn't harming or even annoying anyone beyond teeny bits of IC annoyance.

  • @DungeonJoltik
    @DungeonJoltik Жыл бұрын

    A small part of me died when I read your title and realized I was going to watch this on purpose.

  • @magitek_riding_imperial_witch
    @magitek_riding_imperial_witch Жыл бұрын

    The only thing I find disagreeable or cringe about Greg's story is that OP said it was inherently "wrong." Greg probably didn't think it was wrong, like OP assumed, and hid it because menstruation is a topic some people just can't handle. As long he's not being a creeper about the subject (which he wasn't), it seems like a totally fine aspect of one's character to explore.

  • @shadiafifi54
    @shadiafifi54 Жыл бұрын

    That Guy Meltdown: "And how he'd never allow his wife to disrespect him like that". Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. He'd have scared them off long before the ceremony. Hell, I doubt he could have formed any meaningful relationships in the first place!

  • @UnholyCameraman
    @UnholyCameraman Жыл бұрын

    *Story 1:* I admire the fact that Greg wants to explore subjects that not many would want to try, but like many before have said, he should be upfront about it. I gotten burned by a group and was kicked from two games for something I warned them (dark or mature topics) about and they said that are okay with it. I've learned that not only there would be people who would say anything to have a player or not bother to ask more questions about sensitive topics, there is no point in communicating as soon as anyone gotten uncomfortable.

  • @doms.6701


    Жыл бұрын

    Those are different though. Your dark topics were not for you only. I assume it was comments in RP or jokes, which are meant to be heard. It would be similar to Greg if you said you secretly RP that you were a psychopath and enjoyed it. That not seeing blood for awhile meant you harmed yourself or suffered a disadvantage to your sanity. Intelligence and wisdom drop. Like a vampire that can't think clearly because they haven't eaten. Hell, a human who can't think of perform tasks because they haven't eaten. It was another level of their character which was meant for only them.

  • @UnholyCameraman


    Жыл бұрын

    @@doms.6701 Indeed! I don't like obscuring mechanical effects due to circumstances and I do believe that was the fulcrum holding up the scale weighing in the OP's mind after that reveal from Greg. If Greg is still a good player in the OP's POV, then the least that can be done is to ensure that OP gets a say on what mechanical effect(s) would be allowed for Greg's character. Perhaps I was slightly bitter over being lied to when players said they had no problem with dark topics at all, and then had a problem when it comes up.

  • @CooperAATE
    @CooperAATE Жыл бұрын

    Regarding the Mad Mage story: I've rolled online and with eight different sets of actual dice; apparently when I need to make most saving throws, the only number that exists is 18 (as player or DM). My group laughs/sobs about it accordingly, lol

  • @tienshinhan4164


    Жыл бұрын

    Only eight sets? Rookie numbers.

  • @CooperAATE


    Жыл бұрын

    @@tienshinhan4164 I stopped buying when I realized the more I got, the better I roll. Lol

  • @tienshinhan4164


    Жыл бұрын

    @@CooperAATE I can understand that, being a DM myself. Rolling high at the precisely wrong moments. I think the guy with the lowest health in my groups party (A bard/rouge multi class) has taken more crits than anyone else in the group.

  • @brianvance1178
    @brianvance1178 Жыл бұрын

    Literally every spell in DnD has verbal and/or somatic components, none have purely material components, though some have all three. Maybe the dm for this story just didn’t like magic period, or just didn’t like bards, in which case he should have said so in session 0, but there wasn’t a session 0 now was there

  • @pyromidas
    @pyromidas Жыл бұрын

    Greg sounds awesome. He legit made his best attempt to roleplay. I don't think he did anything wrong, he wasn't hurting anyone. I wish people would put that much depth into their roleplay

  • @MartinRussellSchmidt
    @MartinRussellSchmidt Жыл бұрын

    Greg did nothing wrong.

  • @orchidofkhalida
    @orchidofkhalida Жыл бұрын

    The reddit thread for the first story is so cursed, imagine gatekeeping periods in a fantasy setting. I’m a girl and I genuinely do not care. 😂

  • @doms.6701


    Жыл бұрын

    I bet they would celebrate if it was a woman doing it because she was making womanhood known, not to be forgotten or shamed

  • @MimiMerize
    @MimiMerize6 ай бұрын


  • @thescottishfloofsquad5904
    @thescottishfloofsquad5904 Жыл бұрын

    I honestly don't think his whole period debuff thing is bad. It helped control his adhd and he was being discrete he wasn't trying to make a big deal about it. Plus he's basically doing a character flaw and being fairly realistic he isn't portraying it like periods make him a crazy bish. it's not like he's trying to make his character unbalanced or crazy powerful. Personally I would have just left him to it if it wasn't actually creating a real problem.

  • @TheDarkPixie99
    @TheDarkPixie99 Жыл бұрын

    To be fair to Greg, there was an anime that featured “that time of month” as part of a major debuff to all the female spell-casters in the village, as well as the main character. It was mostly used as a gag on the male character’s dimness, but it also brought the party a little bit closer together due to the need for cooperation; I think. I’m not sure that it’s a mechanic that all TTRPG players would be a fan of using, considering the “we live in a world of magic” logic, and the general dislike of realistic debuff mechanics. Maybe for vampires, it would make a whole lot more sense to incorporate into a build.

  • @kayq3231
    @kayq3231 Жыл бұрын

    When I started my first d&d game, being female and playing a female character, I asked my dm if periods were gonna be an in game factor. He said he didn't want it to be and it wasn't something my character would have to worry about.😊

  • @thierrydecker8110
    @thierrydecker8110 Жыл бұрын

    Honestly, I have to respect Greg for that story. It is the kind of thing that should probably be discussed with the DM beforehand, but it ultimately seemed harmless.

  • @sterrre1
    @sterrre110 ай бұрын

    The mad Mage campaign sounds very homebrewed. I'm DMing it for my table right now.

  • @MisterManTheBestMan
    @MisterManTheBestMan Жыл бұрын

    "He was hiding it all this time so he clearly knew what he was doing was wrong" Hate to be a stick in the mud, but characters don't know each other's names all of the time because they haven't discussed it. Does that mean it's shameful to have a name? No, that's part of good roleplaying. Maybe his character just isn't comfortable talking about it with the group, since he talked about it with you away from the roleplay I'd say it's mainly a roleplay thing. Would you, as a person, be willing to discuss your menstrual cycle with the rest of the group? No. Is it shameful to have menstrual cycles? No. He's damned if his character talks about it because that's not something someone would usually talk about it and he's damned if his character doesn't talk about it because you guys would think the person playing as the character is doing it that way for nefarious reasons. Honestly I find his behavior funny. It would be like playing a character with MPD. Hell, I don't even know how this is wrong. The dude isn't fetishizing menstrual cycles, he's just using it as a reason to have his character act so funnily. The effects as I seem to hear are emphasized, like our ranger just randomly becomes hungry, angry, and has random ass debuffs that are worse than some poisons in the game.

  • @enbeast8350
    @enbeast8350 Жыл бұрын

    Honestly, I'm impressed with Greg. He could have gotten away with it had he hid his paper better, but OP should have let him continue. It wasn't hurting anyone and only the DM and Greg knew about it, so the only one with the issue is OP. Also, the debuffs are accurate for some, inaccurate for others. People with periods experience a range of intense pain and agony to some people being mildly inconvieneced for 3 or 4 days. I envy them

  • @oukawakohaku
    @oukawakohaku6 ай бұрын


  • @GarkKahn
    @GarkKahn Жыл бұрын

    I don't agree nor disagree about what this first story antagonist did, but he thought about it really well He doesn't get my approval but he gained some of my respect honestly

  • @SirXer
    @SirXer Жыл бұрын

    That Nipsy and Alice clip gave my day a huge boost, alongside your lovely commentary on these crazy tales!

  • @jacksparrowismydaddy
    @jacksparrowismydaddy Жыл бұрын

    honestly I'd be okay with Greg's initiative. i'd be like "well you did your research dude. good job. I'm not gonna give you a hard time over it." as for why Doge, its because many of us with ADHD tend to hyper focus on details of random things. I made tables for genders and sexualities as well as put in to heavy thought what high intelligence species have periods, and what species of animal they could have evolved from in a magic low world...currently my hyper focus is researching the rules of that water ball game in a final fantasy game so I can try to make similar for second life merpeople. just to give you an idea... plus op did say it was helping his ADHD and I think OP should have thought about it longer and asked her self "why she was so offended by it."

  • @makinganegg-tempt1986


    21 күн бұрын

    please share fantasy races period lore pls pls pls

  • @annormal1414
    @annormal141410 ай бұрын

    Massive L for Greg's DM. Didn't disturbed anybody, only affects his character and only with debuff. It's like playing with prolong injuries. "I DaH WannA Dis aT MY tABlE!" - absolutely the same when some neckbeards don't allow girls at their table. Bad DM behavior. Right response would be "Sorry that i picked my nose at your character, but i'm your DM. I need to know what's happening with your character, so next time have a discussion with me beforehand. You can continue if you want it, i won't tell anybody."

  • @rhetorical1488
    @rhetorical1488 Жыл бұрын

    Ran in a drow group 3nd edition. kept daily track of my cycle. The closer to my monthly the more homicidal my priestess became. Positively cheery than rip your head off. My ranking in my house rose fast lol. I tone it down for new players or gm's but our evil groups would make a demon take pause at times😅

  • @ShiKageMaru
    @ShiKageMaru Жыл бұрын

    A minute and a half in: people don't know what red flag means. 13 minutes in: any DM that assumes there's no way that people armed with swords and spells wouldn't have heard of common monsters shouldn't be DMing. "There appears to be a person made of bones. I wonder what that would be called. I definitely can't say it's a skeleton or god will be mad at me."

  • @VadBlackwood
    @VadBlackwood Жыл бұрын

    After reading the title, I expected the first story to be much more gross. But all things concidered, keeping it to yourself as a little mini-game and not bothering anyone is so much better than, for example, loudly announcing "OK SO MY CHARACTER IS MUCH WORSE AT EVERYTHING NOW CUZ IT HER PERIOD! HAHA WOMEN, RIGHT?" Keeping it completely to yourself and not letting it be anyone else's trouble is also kind of in the spirit of a thing.

  • @REfan2002
    @REfan2002 Жыл бұрын

    The mad GM, jeez, and I'm with op, I would never have gone back to that table.

  • @snailsarecool
    @snailsarecool Жыл бұрын

    The first story was honestly kinda neat. Why did the DM care

  • @memiyazahra
    @memiyazahra6 ай бұрын

    why is mika there anyone help him😭😭 bring him back to shu 🤧

  • @ioridayoo
    @ioridayoo6 ай бұрын

    Why is Mika kagehira having a period on the thumbnail 😭😭😭

  • @andieanderssen780
    @andieanderssen780 Жыл бұрын

    Another vote for poor Greg to continue with his debuff. The only issue I have at all is how he didn't talk to the GM about including it beforehand. Honestly, if the GM is that bothered by it being a period and if Greg needs that extra layer within sessions to help him concentrate, they should both find another way to incorporate it.

  • @ProjectFraz


    Жыл бұрын

    if he really wants it he could go with an evil god placed a curse on the character that happens monthly. can still keep all the debuffs and stuff but without the direct connection to periods. that might help ease the dm and others.

  • @marybutler9250
    @marybutler9250 Жыл бұрын

    Lol ngl, I think it's pretty goofy and almost cute that Greg had this idea about wanting to rp his characters period. Like cute male curiosity about woman stuff.

  • @foxsnacks
    @foxsnacks2 ай бұрын


  • @rynowatcher
    @rynowatcher Жыл бұрын

    Second one; the fog of war thing is why they make mazes out of dungeon maps. They really intend you to not let you use the whole map as that is a style of play; there used to bea mapper in the party and people that like 3d puzzles tend to enjoy it as that is how you would find hidden rooms or secret passages. It is still a thing if you are into it. DM rolling irl is not different than masking the dm roll in roll 20 or rolling behind a screen in person. I do not see a problem with that, per se. It is a problem with a dm you do not trust, but why play with them at all if you do not trust them? I have never heard of a "fair meat grinder." Meat grinders are usually games meant to kill character, so fair play is not usually a virtue so much as difficulty. The analogy being you have the chance of survival as though you walked into a meat grinder as this dungeon... does not scream fair. The golem shooting out spell canceling collar was stolen from CR season 2; that sucks to be in that position, but it seems like he is ripping off Matt Mercer there. Again, not balanced design, but it is billed as a meat grinder. Lastly, doors opening or closing randomly is a hallmark of "funhouse dungeons" which dungeon of the mad mage is a more famous one. You had doors that opened the second time you passed it, doors that opened if you had an odd number of coins in your pocket, and traps that only worked if you had your eyes open... it is the dungeon of the MAD mage, so you get what you pay for here.

  • @CrashGordon94


    Жыл бұрын

    The "use your imagination" bit was BS though.

  • @fred_derf
    @fred_derf4 ай бұрын

    To the first story, if the player wants to nerf his character for several days each month, let them. As long as they don't try to force it onto other players what's the harm? Particularly if it helps his ADHD...

  • @leparfumdugrosboss4216
    @leparfumdugrosboss4216 Жыл бұрын

    The debuffs for being on the period are quite steep. Like you'd rather have a clerc cast a malediction on you than be menstruating... 🤷😂

  • @armiboy95
    @armiboy9511 ай бұрын

    There was nothing wrong with what Greg was doing. It didn't effect the game for anyone but his character. I commend his roleplaying

  • @cozykomala
    @cozykomala6 ай бұрын

    As a woman and a player, that's something I'd certainly not want to roleplay. Don't we just assume it happens in the background, like bathroom breaks?

  • @andreacallegari7137
    @andreacallegari7137 Жыл бұрын

    Gelatinous cubes are not supposed to be perceived, so passive perception does nothing

  • @slagarcrue85
    @slagarcrue85 Жыл бұрын

    The dm in the third storey had no clue what he was doing.

  • @marybdrake1472
    @marybdrake1472 Жыл бұрын

    I play women characters exclusively as a D&D player, and I never once had any thought to try track her cycle. That just feels improper to me, not to mention the eww factor.

  • @michaelhawk8895
    @michaelhawk8895 Жыл бұрын

    Your cats are cute as ever

  • @joewright1262
    @joewright1262 Жыл бұрын

    I feel like the dm in story 1 is just gatekeeping.

  • @mojpiesto
    @mojpiesto Жыл бұрын

    Honestly shame on the dm of the first story. The man really committed to his character and did nothing wrong. He should have been applauded for his roleplay not scolded.

  • @jacksparrowismydaddy


    Жыл бұрын

    yeah and it helped him focus. never discourage that.

  • @GarkKahn


    Жыл бұрын

    No pro or con here But i admit he planned it very well, let's give him that

  • @rynowatcher


    Жыл бұрын

    It was weird, but harmless. That is up there with a guy role playing a picky eater or something like that.

  • @JustSayRance
    @JustSayRance Жыл бұрын

    Greg seemed pretty cool

  • @unluckyone1655
    @unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын

    All I have to say about the last story is this, *hank hill voice* "that boy ain't right"

  • @munnypantz
    @munnypantz Жыл бұрын

    Nice vid

  • @BirdieBlush
    @BirdieBlush Жыл бұрын

    I’m not mad at Greg lol

  • @vampire9545
    @vampire9545 Жыл бұрын

    Ehhh seemed ok but I think the stats are off tho for period part. I think it'd more just influence ability checks not stats itself, if any stats it could add or subtract 1 from Chr; depends on the person/period style. Like RN my wife would have a +1 to intimidation but normally it wouldn't change anything at all. I mean besides some tasks in d&d I guess?

  • @merenwen4495


    Жыл бұрын

    It’s different for everyone. The first couple of years I couldn’t stand up straight because of the pain during the first one or two days of my period. So the debuff on strength would have been sensible in my situation. I really don’t see why the OP had a problem with this. I think it’s really fun he wanted to do this.

  • @TheBones1188


    Жыл бұрын

    Women also do get physically weaker during/before that time. Losing some strength sorta makes sense.

  • @amitamaru
    @amitamaru Жыл бұрын

    "Douche-canoe", that's a new one.

  • @doms.6701
    @doms.6701 Жыл бұрын

    I wonder what the reaction would have been if Greg was a woman? It much more common nowadays for people to add more of their life to their character. I've heard of those with ADHD and physical disabilities on their character. Why not add their cycle. Like a woman playing like that as they are currently on their period. It seems the DM had an issue with it being done by a guy more than it being done at all. Random thought: I've never had a gendered character. Not that they were nonbinary or anything. It wasn't important. It ranks up there with the eye color of my character, which are as unimportant.

  • @genericbug
    @genericbug Жыл бұрын

    eyy a new video!

  • @akmi1931
    @akmi1931 Жыл бұрын

    Yeah, nothing wrong with what Greg did. Maybe should of ran it by the DM first but that’s a small thing. A little unusual but mostly harmless.

  • @vortega472
    @vortega472 Жыл бұрын

    Oh, Nipsy and Alice, sooooooo cute. They would make beautiful kittens (I'm presuming they are neutered/spaded).

  • @rollanddev
    @rollanddev Жыл бұрын

    Can't see how Story 1 Period PC was in any way an issue. Or do female PCs typically keep the group informed about their menstrual cycle? I haven't played D&D in a while, it may have changed since back in my days... ...Admit it, Doge. It's the "icky female biology" aspect of it that got to you. :P

  • @jeanannd
    @jeanannd10 ай бұрын

    As a woman I can say Greg is way off. Sure, some periods are bad, but mostly I was stronger and felt better during my period - so greater strength, not less.

  • @Agapecest
    @Agapecest2 ай бұрын


  • @kaylawoodbury2308
    @kaylawoodbury2308 Жыл бұрын

    I mean, rping menstruation is... Very weird but at least he wasn't using it to be disruptive in either a sexist or kinky way.

  • @wingedoll8585
    @wingedoll85856 ай бұрын

    *MIKA KAGEHIRA???????*

  • @Dragons4Dummies
    @Dragons4Dummies Жыл бұрын

    Idk if story 1 is a horror story. I've thought of doing something similar just to explore my gender. Is it abnormal? Sure. Is it truly cringe/ horror? Nah, I don't really think so. And it seems to have ended amicably. Also side note, he shouldn't have hidden it from the dm, but hiding it from the other players is totally reasonable as what woman would just announce "Oh btw it's shark week so... LET'S FUCKING GO!!!" I'm sure some would but not most, so it makes sense to hide it even without thinking it's wrong

  • @SophiaNyx
    @SophiaNyx Жыл бұрын


  • @kagehira647
    @kagehira6472 ай бұрын


  • @machine-shopbilly6584
    @machine-shopbilly6584 Жыл бұрын

    I mean, atleast it's innovative, in a disgusted way

  • @miffyu
    @miffyu5 ай бұрын


  • @slagarcrue85
    @slagarcrue85 Жыл бұрын

    Ahh I love you to nippesy Alice Simba lucky and I can’t remember the last ones name.

  • @SquirrelGamez
    @SquirrelGamez Жыл бұрын

    First one is certainly unusual but very far from horror. Even OP seems to only have praise for it, except for being a bit uncomfortable... Second one though? Totally horror. WTF? Third one, GM rolling in secret and players in the open is 100% legit. Many rulebooks suggest doing that. The rest of it is horrifying though. Fourth one: just teens being teens. OP was not as bad as GM, in behavior, but aside from that... WTF was that character?

  • @RatedB1
    @RatedB1 Жыл бұрын

    I don't think Greg did anything wrong

  • @sn0wb00ts
    @sn0wb00ts Жыл бұрын

    Greg is honestly a strange case. I like his dedication to the premise but the premise is just kinda creepy and somewhat stupid.

  • @callmecharlie4250


    Жыл бұрын

    I don't really get how it's creepy or stupid

  • @lifeinnahole1081


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@callmecharlie4250exactly. Women have periods. He wasn't fetishizing it or anything and didn't bring it up.

  • @philipbabb
    @philipbabb Жыл бұрын

    Menstrual cycle as a game mechanic? Darn. They beat me to it. Back to the drawing board.

  • @snonyabeeswax
    @snonyabeeswax11 ай бұрын

    lol as a lady i feelblike i should be offended but im not thats how i am on my period XD

  • @Michaeljack81sk
    @Michaeljack81sk Жыл бұрын

    I don't really see Greg did anything wrong, it's weird but he wasn't harming anyone. if anything I think OP is a bit of an ass to bring up a private story when Greg did his best to hide it

  • @Iwannarox
    @Iwannarox Жыл бұрын


  • @slagarcrue85
    @slagarcrue85 Жыл бұрын

    Hey doggie

  • @Catarinasunnergren
    @Catarinasunnergren Жыл бұрын

    I don't get the "why though" reaction. Is it really that uncommon to want to try playing out naturalistic slice of life aspects of a character? I see nothing wrong with it at all... --- EEEEXCEPT the system he created.. a bunch of quite severe penalties to rolls seems a little off. I think the effects should be fine to keep RP only, it doesn't need to affect rolls at all.

  • @Stephanie568
    @Stephanie568 Жыл бұрын

    I think you did the first and last stories before, pretty sure I heard it yesterday on your channel. Not hating or anything just making a statement.

  • @VenomousKing
    @VenomousKing Жыл бұрын

    About the first story, I'm usually ok with the DM having the last word on something, a DM always makes the rule at the table and that's his role (I said "usually" 'cause we know well how many bad DMs are out there, and in those case I don't really care about their rules). Also, everyone has his triggers, and that's obviously ok too. But even if I'm ok with what the DM from the first story decided, I must say that what that player did with his character was pure genius.

  • @AmaryInkawult
    @AmaryInkawult Жыл бұрын


  • @zanzazaar
    @zanzazaar Жыл бұрын

    I think it was a way for Greg to cope with having bitchy wife xD

  • @gekolvr0734
    @gekolvr0734 Жыл бұрын

    Def comes off as Men Writing Women. Guy needs to ask what actually happens instead of just using stereotypes

  • @callmecharlie4250


    Жыл бұрын

    he was using his wife's behavior as a template.

  • @gekolvr0734


    Жыл бұрын

    @@callmecharlie4250 and it really comes off as "I'm not going to ask how she's feeling, I'll just make some assumptions." If it's because of pain, there's a ton of different ways to express that, but he went with the most stereotypical portrayal instead of giving it some thought

  • @callmecharlie4250


    Жыл бұрын

    @@gekolvr0734 I'd think the same thing if he didn't also have the debuffs. I believe those would represent the effects of debilitating pain, though I'd tweak it a bit since it usually isn't constant. I'd be pretty crabby with my stats lowered. I see it as he's not afraid of the subject and is willingly subjecting himself through gameplay to the negatives that he believes his wife goes through.

  • @jacksparrowismydaddy


    Жыл бұрын

    it's not a sterotype if people are actually affected like that. one week out of a month my kid has to make their own food. its okay cause they're a teenager and should learn it anyway.

  • @joewright1262


    Жыл бұрын

    MWW is a shit subreddit.

  • @TheGamersfolly
    @TheGamersfolly Жыл бұрын

    1st story: Greg did nothing wrong. He kept it to himself, and the DM got salty over gender issues. I am also inclined to believe the hidden story that DM probably threatened to kick Greg.
