DnD Group Keeps Killing Player's Characters | r/rpghorrorstories


In today's video of DnD Horror Stories, we have a story about a player that joins a dungeons and dragons game, but just stalls everything and insults the dungeon master. A story about a DnD group that seemingly purposely keeps killing off a certain player's characters as a joke, and much more!
0:47 Confusing Player
5:50 Traitor
8:42 Killing Joke
13:43 That Person
16:26 Forced Character
22:33 No Fireball!

Пікірлер: 109

  • @Jaeger_Bishop
    @Jaeger_BishopАй бұрын

    1st Story: As a DM myself, with the first conversation when the player kept refusing to actually play, I'd say: "Look, you wanna be a problem? Go be someone else's problem if you're not going to be a team player."

  • @davidtherwhanger6795


    Ай бұрын

    Exactly. Shut that down quick.

  • @Denkono


    Ай бұрын

    Once a player refuses to participate in-game during the set and demonstrates a contrarian attitude, booting said player is justified.

  • @theveganduolingobird7349


    17 күн бұрын

    If your character doesn’t want to partake in the main story, congrats! Role another one up

  • @LucyBean42
    @LucyBean42Ай бұрын

    I heard an earlier DM respond, and I think it's perfect: "Congratulations, you avoided my sinister trap! You won D&D! Now please leave so those of us who haven't won yet can still try."

  • @BlueTressym


    Ай бұрын

    Ooh! *makes notes*

  • @justinmargerum2559


    Ай бұрын

    I remember that one from somewhere too!

  • @fred_derf
    @fred_derfАй бұрын

    Player: "Why do you want to see my sheet?" DM: "Because I'm the DM. What are you trying to hide from me?"

  • @peterriverajr6899


    Ай бұрын

    I don't get people who do that I've shown all my DMs my sheets and it's never been a problem

  • @fred_derf


    Ай бұрын

    @@peterriverajr6899 When I DM, I expect to see the player's sheets prior to session one. For two main reason, so I can check it for errors (purposeful or accidental) and so I can become familiar with it so I can better design encounters / campaign.

  • @shadenox8164


    Ай бұрын

    Yep, like you can hide your sheet from other players, but definitely not the DM.

  • @AzureKyle


    Ай бұрын

    @@shadenox8164 Backstories too. There is no good reason to hide your backstory from your DM.

  • @alphons1456o
    @alphons1456oАй бұрын

    All I can say is, if Kodiak wants to join another of OP's game ,the only right answer is "Fuck off. I'm a bad DM, remember?"

  • @Liz-xd3ed
    @Liz-xd3edАй бұрын

    Yo! I'm the author of the first story!!! Tysm for reading! For context: Me and Kodiak were in the same campaign, and that da our main dm had happened to be out. I asked if anyone would like to join a oneshot in the discord and Kodiak and Luciano offered. Kodiak was never a problem in the other campaign, but for some reason he suddenly didn't like me that day. Thank you again for reading! Hope yall enjoyed!

  • @azthefreak526


    4 күн бұрын

    I'm guessing the original campaing got a bit tense after this?

  • @gimok2k5
    @gimok2k5Ай бұрын

    Honestly, if *any* player ever says "I don't go" when that's the very thing needed to actually play in the first place, here is my advice to every GM on what to say: "Alright, your character ignores this plot hook to being the adventure. They go and do other things not relevant to our game. Please hand in your character sheet and roll up a character that *does* have a reason to participate in the game, or leave the table." The end. No discussion, no nothing. If they complain, ignore them just as they ignore the adventure.

  • @CYBER_5KU11


    Ай бұрын

    Call me petty but with the way he was acting up to that point I would have made a point of the other pc and quest giver waiting a bit to give him a second chance to which if he ignores it, continue the game ignoring him since he just want s to spectate

  • @EnraiChannel


    Ай бұрын

    Yeah I get that there is a trope to being reluctant to answer the call (Bilbo from Hobbits for example). But if you want to try to RP that kind of thing you should probably be in RP focused table and speak about that before doing it. I don't know why so many DMs and players think that telling about your ideas beforehand is bad. It actually helps the RP and helps DM to set the things to motion.

  • @matthewbentley1236


    Ай бұрын

    Yeh, I've just handed the players a new character sheet when the character doesn't have a reason to stay with the party. Though in my case it was a result of good RP and natural progression of player characters goals, and the player was a good sport about it, immediately making a character that aligned with the rest of the party. Their original character became an antagonist.

  • @TigerW0lf
    @TigerW0lfАй бұрын

    Kodiak: "Nope, f$%& you DM. How dare you make me play the game that i agreed to play. You're a bad DM!" Everyone: DUDE, GTFO!

  • @TheOtherGuys2
    @TheOtherGuys2Ай бұрын

    "You get a letter in your mailbox saying that your skills are needed for a quest." "I don't go. It's what my character would do." "Okay, cool. Your character stays home and twiddles his thumbs. Would you like to roll up a new character who's actually going to take part in the story? If not, you're free to leave."

  • @CrateringGod
    @CrateringGodАй бұрын

    The proper response to answers like "I don't go" is "Okay, meanwhile..." and then just continue the game without them. Each time they wanna move the spotlight back on them - nope, yank it back. You refuse to bite on the plothook - you don't get to play. Ya didn't wanna go. So you don't go.

  • @shishsjxnsnzns


    Ай бұрын

    question: can a player do this consentually? i once had my character stay at our base so he could care for a dragon egg, while the rest of the party went and did something that'd take an hour or two of gameplay my plan was to sit out and just watch for awhile, because i saw keeping the egg safe as important to my characters arc. i have recieved criticism on reddit for my decision though

  • @CrateringGod


    Ай бұрын

    @@shishsjxnsnzns As long as the player knows that they won't be playing for some time and are okay with it - I don't see a problem with this. Perhaps GM will give you an NPC, or maybe you'll be alright with sitting this one out. Usually, problem players play the whole "my character wouldn't do this" game for attention - they either want people to start convincing them, so they can feel important, or they want their own separate adventure.

  • @gimok2k5


    Ай бұрын

    @@shishsjxnsnzns Nothing wrong there, and it's also a different story entirely (one, I think, someone else even read). You basically said "okay, I am talking a short break, here is a justification for why my character isn't participating in the main plot for a bit and rejoins later". As long as you also make that clear with the GM, everything's in order. No different from you just not having time to show up for a session, and other players still playing. Where as Kodiak went "I don't play the game, at all" and basically refused to even start.

  • @AlinNightwing
    @AlinNightwingАй бұрын

    Kodiak: "You're a bad DM" , Me as DM: "no, you're a bad player that's getting executed out of my game" pull trigger on character and remove player from table The guy getting his characters killed just for lulz, I'd just turn in a blank character sheet and say "who cares you're gonna kill it anyway why waste time rolling", get them to stop laughing when they see just how toxic it is and make it not fun for them when you simply don't engage their bullshit

  • @tw33144154
    @tw33144154Ай бұрын

    First exchange with Kodiak. DM: “can I see your sheet?” Kodiak: (anything other than compliance) DM: “Alright then. Find another table.”

  • @DunantheDefender
    @DunantheDefenderАй бұрын

    Gross. DMs like that last one piss me off. The players do something cool and fun, nuking a room full of minions is the wish-fulfilment of Fireball, and the DM is a little baby-back bitch about it. Personally, I feel like a good DM should provide a mix of encounters. Some should play to the strengths of some players so everyone gets to do their thing, some should just be neutral with no real regard for strengths and weaknesses, and some should purposefully counter at least some of the player's strengths so they either have to rely on each other more, or employ a clever tactic to with without losing too many resources.

  • @kilmerenterprises7148


    Ай бұрын

    Imagine how that DM will react to a well placed Cone of Cold, Hypnotic Pattern, Fear, Wall of Force, Slow, etc. If you can't handle a Fireball you're gonna have a real rough time with the party Wizard 😅

  • @SilverJ17
    @SilverJ17Ай бұрын

    Honestly, I'd ask the DM to make a point that all players must have characters who go along with most elements of a story, as long as it's within reason. This whole "I refuse to go along because it's not what my character would do" is stupid." If you didn't want to play, then you shouldn't have joined the table. You can't have a story if a character won't partake in it because "it's not what they'd do." If that's the case, they honestly have no place in the story. They're just dead weight. I haven't done any further campaigns since my one and only campaign, but this still makes me think. What was even the point of Kodiak joining the table if he makes a character like this? tl:dr Highly uncooperative characters are stupid.

  • @BlueTressym


    Ай бұрын

    My guess is trolling.

  • @7thsealord888
    @7thsealord888Ай бұрын

    Story #1 - Should have kicked Kodiak over the entire character sheet thing. "I Don't Go" was the next Really Big Red Flag. Anyone putting up that amount of cr#p is not to be trusted, nor are they anyone you want to be in a game with.. Story #2 - None of the Party opted to warn a teammate about that starting hazard and that said a great deal about them, imo, none of it being good. Also thinking that the Sorcerer Player seriously needed to have had his dice exorcised or something. That the Monk randomly chose to assassinate that Character entirely off his own bat, and NOBODY opposed it, just completes the picture. My only question being - WHY did OP sit around and wait until the session ended before leaving? Story #3 - "Guys, this stopped being funny for me a long time ago. *STOP IT* !!!!!" And if they won't, that's the time to walk out. I'm only glad that this group of utter ****s somehow didn't put OP off RPGing. Story #4 - J traded on his "friendship" with the store owner to be an AH, store owner gets his business bitten by J's @$$holery, and so boots J. Long overdue, doubtless, but still a good resolution. Story #5 - Choosing a starting Class for a newcomer, not necessarily a bad thing. But, a little support? Helping a new Player understand and and use his Character 's abilities is such an elementary step that I just cannot believe these morons. That this group folded so soon afterwards was a lucky escape for OP. Story #% - This is entirely on that DM. Players got extremely lucky with their Fireballs, that happens. So the DM passive-aggressively made sure that Fireball can never be used again. Ever. There will be circumstances when Fireball either cannot or should not be used, and that's fair enough. But there should be other times when it might be just the remedy. This DM took it way too far, mishandled everything, and really needed to be called out on it.

  • @EnraiChannel


    Ай бұрын

    I gotta say it's weirdly funny to see how many DMs get mad over fireball when they make encounters that are begging to be fireballed. And instead of admitting it was oversight on their part they instead do the asspulls you hear in the video. Haven't happened in any of my games, but me and other players tend to share the sheets with DMs and discuss possible tactics openly. That way the DM can actually make fun encounters where it's not over in first turn, nor there is need to come up with ridiculous DM vs player bs.

  • @davidtherwhanger6795
    @davidtherwhanger6795Ай бұрын

    Last Story. Never get salty over the players "WINNING". You're the referee, not the opposing coach.

  • @ShitpostingJoJo
    @ShitpostingJoJoАй бұрын

    16:53 Guys, Idk why, but I think I *_WAS in this very campaign_* 💀 because this story sounds VERY eerily similar to a failed spelljammer campaign I was a part of around 2020. I played a plasmoid mercy monk and my party also consisted of a very edgy, min-maxxed Goliath Pally-Barbarian and a sorcerer who was a newbie. 💀 Curiosly enough, that campaign also lasted EXACTLY one session before falling apart, and I never did find out why even though I also asked. 💀

  • @Jaeger_Bishop
    @Jaeger_BishopАй бұрын

    One of THOSE groups eh? I will never understand how people can just casually keep killing a player's characters. If you don't want someone at your table, just say so.

  • @kainslegacy78618


    Ай бұрын

    You got it wrong. They wanted them in the group so they could bully them.

  • @DraconisWyrm


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@kainslegacy78618 that's what it means to not want someone at your table.

  • @nekospaw
    @nekospaw22 күн бұрын

    for me, "that player" was our former 5e GM - since the mantle had been passed to me, he brings nothing but the most busted, min-maxed characters to whimsical adventures. Groans and moans about if I do anything too quirky (like the entire time they was doing a knock off scooby-doo adventure as part of a mini-arc of characters getting trapped in a story book) and took it somewhat personally when he forced a mini boss battle with 3 days to prep the npc I had just a race and name for. Really pissed in his cornflakes that I turned the centaur Dantelion into basically macho man randy savage parody and tuned him spesficially to deal with the all melee party (pugilist/battlemaster, same level as party and min-maxed to try and give him a hint that I too can powerbuild but choose not to) - and got straight heated because he kept rolling like crap. However he was perfectly fine about running massacre at fuzzy tail farm (hareagons run a farm that grows willy wonka style candy being threatened by something) because it introduced and largely centered his character. Sulked through most of a resident evil style necromancers mansion because he couldn't just faceroll through (having been warned previously that if he and the other min-max player keep trying to break the game, there will be a sharp difficulty increase i.e. i raided a whole bunch of stuff from van richtens & strahd). On the verge of throwing a tantrum because our healer/necromancer got an item that serves no purpose except flavour, but looked cool (a raven feather mantle, closed with a scratched out raven eye jewel) - from the necromancers lair, that later transpires is from our necro's players "granny" (hag) to advance her plot. Our necromancer who never gets any magic items not wants for any. The fact I followed up on the parties plan to expand the coaching stop/villa we was railroaded into taking over, into a bustling little hamlet with links to villages and hamlets that we visited during one shots (and building to a confrontation with my former character, who was railroaded into taking an arms of the betrayer to nerf her) that he had instantly regretted giving us - half the table being huge Civ/RTS nerds. *Has* to be right about everything, else he sits sullenly till it's combat time. Deliberately dicks with something that might be plot important - or conversely, wastes time for the sake of dragging the plot down. Often needs things to be blindingly obvious (referances, clues, hooks, etc.) then complains it doesn't have to be so obvious. I think he hates the fact i'm a (justifiable) rule of cool GM and can improv passably. Bare in mind - I run fun/silly little blow off steam type mini-adventures and one-shots (sometimes with a little dark edge to them in places) inbetween everyone running proper games/fill in where needed.

  • @GhostBear3067
    @GhostBear3067Ай бұрын

    I watch videos about TTRPG horror stories on several channels and am somewhat relieved that I have never seen any Battletech ones😅

  • @CooperAATE
    @CooperAATEАй бұрын

    Back for more DTT On that last story: Okay, the DM was definitely wrong for making Fireball totally unusable, but... who doesn't know mines use support beams?

  • @davidtherwhanger6795


    Ай бұрын

    I can see it. Most people today and even a couple of decades ago haven't seen the inside of mines much, but there are news stories about caves often enough. So I could see people thinking mines are just like caves.

  • @rifter0x0000
    @rifter0x0000Ай бұрын

    That last story is the orgin tale of "The Wizard" from "XP to Level 3." If you know you know. 😂

  • @Theokal3
    @Theokal3Ай бұрын

    Yeah Kodiak was a pain. At this point honestly, let's not even force him, just say "Okay you don't go, the others will carry on without you. Now the get fuck out of my table." Or alternatively, if he says "It's what my character would do", answer "Please explain why he would do that."

  • @Xylarxcode
    @XylarxcodeАй бұрын

    I've played with a party where I had to not just tell them the hook, but punch them in the face without before they would acknowledge it, but I've never had anyone (not even those guys) flat out refuse to join a quest. A few examples, perhaps. They were passing by the gate into the city where a kerfuffle was happening between someone who tried to get their tents set up outside the city and the guard who told them they need permits for that. The party just walked on by and ignored it. A young boy was following them in the street, making no effort to hide that fact but also not approaching them. They completely ignored him (and then got surprised late on when they were targets as a mark for theft). An NPC offered to help the party track down someone they were looking for to get information, but for a price. The party ignored him and tried to do things their own way. A store got mysteriously burned down overnight in the city they were staying at and the owner was outside, trying to salvage what he could, lamenting his fate. Party ignored it and did nothing about it. Very frustrating. Ok, I'm not expecting the group to react to every single thing I say is going on, but if you're going to ignore all the hooks and then complain there's not enough to do (which they did do at times), then I get a bit miffed, lol. That said, when I had a courier or somesuch literally drop the start of a quest in their lap and basically handed it to them on a silver platter, they did engage with that. It's just the random stuff going on in town that they ignored a bit too often for my liking. There's a reason I'm telling you this! It means there's something to do there!

  • @BlueTressym
    @BlueTressymАй бұрын

    Kodiak just seems like a troll player. He's not there to play, he's there to screw with people for the evulz. Monk's player in the second story is an arsehole too; in what world is it ok to just decide you have a 'job' to murder someone else's PC without checking with them OR the GM. I don't think there's anything 'almost' about it; this was straight-up bullying. The GM in the Fireball story seems to have forgotten that he's not supposed to actually be against the players. I mean yes, ok, you don't have to make every fight winnable with one spell but making every encounter *conveniently* fireball-proof is passive-aggressive bs.

  • @EnraiChannel
    @EnraiChannelАй бұрын

    I don't really get the tables where someone's character gets gibbed and they just make the player wait until next session. Making the player to wait until it's reasonable part to introduce the character is fine, but if they just expect you to do nothing for 4-6h I would just leave.

  • @nigeltucker4202
    @nigeltucker4202Ай бұрын

    Kodiak should have been kicked before it started. Being secretive about your character sheet to the DM is a HUGE red flag. Snatching his character sheet out of the DM's hands after a few seconds? Instant thank you but goodbye. Even after overlooking that, the DM handing out the plot hook and Kodiak saying, "i don't go" would be the end of him in my game. These kind of behaviors point to a person who is playing against the DM to "beat" them. In this case, hiding something they put on their character sheet to use later with the defense of, "but its on my character sheet". It goes perfectly with the "It's what my character would do" attitude of bad people (not character, making an excuse for bad/despicable actions is a sign of bad personal character. Blaming it on the game character is deflection to not have to feel or be responsible for repercussions of ones actions. Blaming the DM is another sign of this.) I would have responded with something like... "Okay, you don't go. You sit around your house or go to work or the bar, another uneventful day in your life. You think to yourself, wishing something would happen that would push you towards something different, something new. Maybe adventure. If only something like that would happen to you. The sun sets on another regular day for Kodiak." Then excuse him from the table. No DM, nor other players, should have to put up with someone who is only there to disrupt or derail the game. DM's and players. Don't keep people like this in your games. Don't make excuses or ride it out. DM's need to remove bad players/people just like players need to walk away from bad DM's.

  • @M_Alexander
    @M_AlexanderАй бұрын

    Player doesn't trust me with their character sheet? They don't need to play at my table. Player doesn't want to join the _first_ quest hook? Then player has chosen to leave the table.

  • @pumpkinicing
    @pumpkinicingАй бұрын

    kodiak's character sheet 100% had something that didnt add up on it. only semi-rational explanation. he cheated, and got pissy when he thought he could have been caught.

  • @RedHotChiliPepper31
    @RedHotChiliPepper31Ай бұрын

    Hi DnD Doge. Love your content as always. Hope you’re doing well these days, keep it up! 👍 ❤❤❤

  • @AzureKyle
    @AzureKyleАй бұрын

    Surprised and glad (though not in the aspect of a horror story) to hear about Scion. It's a game I have the original books for, as well as the 2nd edition set (I was a backer in the kickstart for the 2nd edition) and tried DMing twice for friends, but really wanted to play myself. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find anyone running the game, and they don't even have a category for it on Roll20, and you almost never hear about it, good or bad, so I'm happy I'm not the only one interested in the game.

  • @iank472
    @iank472Ай бұрын

    Just so any players watching this video know: DMs most often ask to look at character sheets at the start of a campaign or game so they can better tailor the game for you NOT because they want to change it or think you are cheating. Please don't be a d*ck about it.

  • @shadenox8164


    Ай бұрын

    Also if you aren't cheating why would you care if they check? It's not even necessarily a trust issue either because people make errors so a second pair of eyes helps catch those.

  • @matthewbentley1236


    Ай бұрын

    I also do it to write down stats like AC, other defensive stats, and some common stats for hidden rolls so I don't have to ask for stats mid play and can have the game run more smoothly.

  • @Saru5000
    @Saru5000Ай бұрын

    I've never DMed for someone like Kodiak, but I've played with people like that a couple times. Just ask them how they envision the game going or they don't bite on this hook. If they insist, carry on without the character. "okay, he doesn't join. That's cool. So the rest of you..." Either they smarten up or leave. Win win.

  • @Evoker23-lx8mb
    @Evoker23-lx8mbАй бұрын

    I’ve honestly done the “I refuse x adventure.” once or twice but only ever as a quick joke (all but one of the groups that I’m currently playing in aren’t particularly serious generally, full to the brim of shit talking.). After the couple seconds of the joke, I move on and obviously still play, making it clear that it was a joke as a parody of the “It’s what my character would do.”, sometimes it gets a laugh, sometimes it doesn’t, their reaction doesn’t matter either way. If I join in a game to play a game, I obviously play the game otherwise I’m just there wasting not the party’s and the dm’s time but my own time too by being there when I obviously don’t want to be there.

  • @Jermbot15
    @Jermbot15Ай бұрын

    First story had only two players. Sounds like a three person friend group that's about to grow out of one of the members. Fireball story.... immune to fire and narrow tunnels, that sounds liks lightning bolt territory.

  • @hazelox7971
    @hazelox7971Ай бұрын

    That's a really strange interpretation of Baron Samedi

  • @knottheory79220
    @knottheory79220Ай бұрын

    To be fair to that DM, tight terrain is an important feature to use occassionally. Though I find just spreading enemies out helps.

  • @zacharyfrierson6972
    @zacharyfrierson6972Ай бұрын

    Always love these stories.

  • @CYBER_5KU11
    @CYBER_5KU11Ай бұрын

    I get it might not fit the build or vision for the character but if I were the fireball guy, I'd get the metamagic adept feat to transmute spell to spite the DM

  • @sherylcascadden4988
    @sherylcascadden498819 күн бұрын

    If Kodiak doesn't want to play, why is he there?

  • @IceLordCryo
    @IceLordCryoАй бұрын


  • @kainslegacy78618
    @kainslegacy78618Ай бұрын

    I have nothing but disdain for those who take joy on bullying and gaslighting others.

  • @willhedrick8659
    @willhedrick8659Ай бұрын

    "My player doesnt answer the letter and stays at home" Okay, everyone else shows up to the next scene except you. We continue playing without you. If you want you can make a new character that does show up.

  • @1danysane
    @1danysaneАй бұрын

    1st Story: "i don’t go." "Its what my character would do." This is where you lost me, op. The fact that you tolerated this guy after the character sheet thing and then this interaction? I can't see any reason to anyone would sit there and think that keeping this guy around is a good idea. There shouldn't have been any attempt to compromise with him. You should have just told him to get lost as soon as he pulled that crap. Pointlessly disruptive behavior just to be an asshole.

  • @1danysane


    Ай бұрын

    I admit, I got heated after the first part of the story and made this comment without considering that it was just two players on a one shot. Not as easy to drop people in that situation. Even still, I don't think any DM tolerate or promote that type of behavior.

  • @alicemoonlight123
    @alicemoonlight123Ай бұрын

    What game do you use for the background in your videos? It's beautiful

  • @theyaden
    @theyadenАй бұрын

    For the fireball hating DM dependent on your level in 3.5 energy substitution cold so you could choose to make energy spells cold was a nice metamagic that added 0 levels and then energy substitution subdual could be bought later where you chose one energy type you could make subdue then specify cold. I had the NPC law enforcement come with one mage with that to break up bar fights without destroying the place or killing innocent bystanders.

  • @vulpinegamer80
    @vulpinegamer80Ай бұрын

    I kind of went through a similar situation as Ianmt22 did, had a dm pretty much made any character he didn't like or had an interesting backstory or set up made to die or fail basically telling me "if I don't like your character, its going to fail. " Now I am not saying I'm a god at D&D; far from it actually. my only other experience at D&D was with my brother when I was only a child and I think he made my character for me. At first I too thought it was me, that I was just not good enough and it caused me not to want to play, but after some time I believe it was just a shitty individual of a DM and not me that was the problem. I'm starting to get back into D&D again and just joined a group on discord so I can learn and be a better player.

  • @theofficerfactory2625
    @theofficerfactory2625Ай бұрын

    Intro: Hello Lucky. Story 1: That title is already infuriating me. Oh! Darkest Dungeon! Kn ow of it. That... was a weird one. Story 2: Oh god, this one. Hostile everyone. Glad OP left that lot. Story 3: Another crapp group. Story 4: I remember this one. Karma can be quite cosmic. Story 5: The theme seems to be crappy groups. Story 6: For fireball! No beach episode for you! Ahahaha!

  • @NoName-mb7sv
    @NoName-mb7svАй бұрын

    Send like Kodiak didn’t want play but also didn’t know how to say hey I don’t wanna play D&D maybe we can play a boardgame or video games or something. So instead he took the AH way out, and tried to make the game. No fun for anyone.

  • @justinmargerum2559
    @justinmargerum2559Ай бұрын

    Intro: [Likes for Lucky(?)] Doesn't matter which cat, this is always where I "Like" the video. Story 1: 2:38 Oh, hell to the no. Making a character that would not accept an adventure hook at the very start of a game session is stupid. If "it's what my character would do" derails a plot at the boarding station, it's time to either make a new character who actually WOULD accept a call to adventure or play a different game! Joining a D&D game and refusing the very first plot hook out of the gate is like agreeing to play a board game but refusing to move your token when it's your turn. It's so incredibly stupid. Kodiak is a toxic asshat. Story 2: Well, that sucked. Hope OP finds a better group to play with. Story 3: Kudos to OP for turning a horror story into a glory story in the end. It's a rare person who can self improve after what was essentially an abusive situation. Story 4: Wow. J sounds absolutely charming. [sarcasm] Story 5: 18:00 Support and damage? Light domain cleric. I could see how blessed soul sorcerer might be a bit more beginner friendly, but it doesn't look like DM was really invested in explaining anything. 19:30 Okay, that's not cool. It looks like they built OP's character just to be an NPC support bot rather than a player. Story 6: Feels bad man. I get that some spells seem to trivialize certain encounters, but situationally nerfing the spell in every single encounter going forward AND actively punishing it definitely wasn't the way to go. Sure, create a few situations to keep it from becoming the one and only "go to" spell for every encounter and encourage alternatives, but at least let there be situations where players can get the job done with Fireball. This DM needs to communicate with players and vice versa.

  • @darrenbarlow1826
    @darrenbarlow1826Ай бұрын

    1st story: split the party, just play with L, check in on K with "you have a nice nap"

  • @marybdrake1472
    @marybdrake1472Ай бұрын

    I too, am very confused by Kodiak's actions. That was nuts, and pointless.

  • @Caliballen22
    @Caliballen22Ай бұрын

    With Kodiak I would not let him keep playing at least not as that character

  • @newbienoah9461
    @newbienoah9461Ай бұрын

    Tbh, I think Kodiak was trying to troll OP as a way to be "Funny" and did a very poor job at it.

  • @playerblu3694
    @playerblu3694Ай бұрын

    Hello dragon age inquisition background

  • @gunbuckybucketman4578
    @gunbuckybucketman4578Ай бұрын

    Very special.

  • @MadkingLeviticus
    @MadkingLeviticusАй бұрын

    What Skyrim mod do these backdrops come from? Looks like a super neat world

  • @coronavirus..


    Ай бұрын

    Not Skyrim, some of them, like story 3 came from dragon age inquisition Edi: just checked, most of them are from dragon age, some from the hinterlands, some from val royeux and one is from the western approach, all locations in the game

  • @fred_derf
    @fred_derfАй бұрын

    The last DM, is a s*** DM. The party made it through to the boss fight and the spell casters had carefully rationed their spells? Wiping out almost all the baddies with the first two attacks is the reward for such good strategic play. The DM should have been congratulating the players and celebrating their victory with them, not getting butt-hurt.

  • @JimAbooGames
    @JimAbooGamesАй бұрын

    Story 1: Yeah it gave me one too. Not only was Kodiak a problem player he was completely stupid to boot. OP is fine as a DM Kodiak needs to learn how to be a better player. Getting tired of players like this Refusing to play when the agree to. Story 2: Yeah Monk is full of it there. He makes a roll to randomly pick one of the players he is going to decide to kill as a job that the DM doesn't even know you're doing. That's really messed up. I wouldn't go back either. Story 3: That's messed up, they just messed with him by killing his Characters cause they thought it was funny. Yeah OP was right they're a bad group. Story 4: Me I would have said "Wow there's still Homophobes in the Future?" And he's also Racist yeah he's a that guy for all times so more like "Wow there's still That Guy's in the Future?" Story 5: Messed up to do to a beginner in DnD. Glad this didn't turn OP away from it. Last Story: I agree it does sound like the DM wanted to win at DnD. It's a pretty shitty thing to go out of your way to try to stop players from using things in the game just cause you feel you want to win.

  • @blesper3415
    @blesper3415Ай бұрын

    I suspect the players from the first story were pretty young. Sounds like something middle school kids would do

  • @GarkKahn
    @GarkKahnАй бұрын

    Story 1: Maybe this is a question problem player should've asked himself before the game Do you want to play or not???

  • @vortega472
    @vortega472Ай бұрын

    When a kitty meows while doing a kitty stretch - I always give a like. But should I subscribe. Spoiler alert - I've already subscribed. Now for story 2 - if after 3 roll '1' - I would tell the player (if it was the same d20) to use another die - or let him borrow one of mine - and I would let him re-roll that last 1. Or even better - you're stabilized - and move on. Sorry OOP.

  • @mojpiesto
    @mojpiestoАй бұрын

    So many a paragraph starting with "now" has become so common in these stories, I cannot unhear it now and it annoys me every time it happens. there's other ways to start a sentence people!

  • @ss3nm0dn4r8


    Ай бұрын

    now you cant now unhear anything starting with a word other than now now

  • @arteagarodriguezalfonsojav5596
    @arteagarodriguezalfonsojav5596Ай бұрын

    Can someone explain me why r/rpghorrorstories hates so much on long stories????

  • @peterriverajr6899
    @peterriverajr6899Ай бұрын

    What monk subclass allows them to grow larger

  • @greasysmith3150
    @greasysmith3150Ай бұрын


  • @John-pe7nf
    @John-pe7nfАй бұрын

    Is almost like Cheems never left 🥲

    @VOLCAIONАй бұрын

    missed opportunity to put gege on the thumbnail

  • @MidnightKoi
    @MidnightKoiАй бұрын

    Bay-rawn suh-metty

  • @davidtherwhanger6795
    @davidtherwhanger6795Ай бұрын

    Story 2 just sounds like a bunch of @-holes. No team dynamic at all it seems.

  • @Oreo_cakester
    @Oreo_cakesterАй бұрын

    Rip DOGE u_u

  • @gamerkat4006
    @gamerkat4006Ай бұрын

    rip doge 🫡🫡🫡

  • @lamiahunter
    @lamiahunterАй бұрын

    Ha you said twotwo

  • @themightypen1530
    @themightypen1530Ай бұрын


  • @drdeutschland3956
    @drdeutschland3956Ай бұрын


  • @dracone4370
    @dracone4370Ай бұрын

    What classes and class archetypes do you think Doge's cats would each be if they were a party of Tabaxi adventures led by a version of Doge?

  • @foxylicious6543
    @foxylicious6543Ай бұрын

    15:46 well, I'm not a coward that allows someone to walk all over me and my friends so I don't really have a jay. I definitely wouldn't allow a single homophobic and sexist weirdo kick me and my friends out of a card shop.

  • @galdrnixthral6140
    @galdrnixthral6140Ай бұрын

    I’m sorry but I don’t buy the story of the sorcerer that had no choices, it’s sounds more like he did nothing to try to build his character then complained that he didn’t know how to use it. There is a reason the party ghosted him and I feel like he has a lot of holes in the story.

  • @PTp1ranha
    @PTp1ranhaАй бұрын

    A lot of folks are rightfully calling out that player for refusing to participate, in the first story. My guess is that he thinks it’s OP’s responsibility to make him want to go, but also without forcing him to go. Assuming he’s not just trying to be obnoxious for the sake of it, which he probably is.

  • @BlueTressym


    Ай бұрын

    As it reads, he's made no attempt to actually explain what he's taking issue with about the hook, suggest alternatives, or talk like a civilised person instead of an arsehole for the whole debacle, so I'm betting on 'Obnoxious for the sake of it'. I've been in a situation where the GM offered no assistance in coming up with a character that would fit a campaign, told us nothing about the premise to inform us of what we might do and then complained when I said my character wouldn't do it (I wasn't the only one to have an issue with it). I feel there is some responsibility on both sides. if you want me to make a character that wants to go on the adventure, you have to give me *something* to work with. Still, Kodiak is just an arsehole.

  • @PTp1ranha


    Ай бұрын

    @@BlueTressym True
