30-min lower-body barre Pilates workout with Steph Claire Smith

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Kic trainers Steph Claire Smith and Laura Henshaw have teamed up with Women’s Health UK for an exclusive 14-day Pilates challenge to suit all levels, starting with this lower-body session, designed to target every major muscle group, from your bum to your legs and hamstrings. Steph and Kic coach Kika will guide you through every move, with recommendations to progress or regress as you go along. Here’s everything you need to know.
Equipment needed: Chair, sliders (or non-grip socks)
Reverse lunge + pulse + static hold
Scooter + skater combo
Squat + calf raise + 1 and ½ pulse + static hold
Downward dog to plank flow
Quadruped fire hydrant + pulse
Quadruped kickback + pulse
Quadruped oblique crunch
Quadruped hip opener + hold
Tricep press
The full workout should take you 30 minutes.
For the rest of the 14-day plan, Steph and Laura have prescribed you a specific activity or rest day. You can view the full schedule on the WH UK website: www.womenshealthmag.com/uk/fi...
Steph and Laura have also put together two more workouts - one full-body barre Pilates workout, and one full-body barre Pilates workout with a core focus.
You can find these on the WHUK KZread channel as and when they land: / womenshealthukyt

