The DM Forced the Party to Listen to His Scripted Fanfiction - RPG Horror Stories


This one had some tamer stories when compared to the insanity of our last marathon. If you haven't checked that out yet, I totally recommend. In any case, I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I wish you best of luck over the weekend!
RPG Horror Stories is a series where I read through stories from the subreddit r/rpghorrorstories and give advice on how to avoid the issues that lead to such stories in the first place.
Send us YOUR TTRPG and DnD horror stories:
0:00 - Intro
2:02 - Casual White Knighting (Reddit: WitchOfThe4Seasons)
6:06 - Threats Over...what? (Email: Ruth)
9:54 - The Weirdest DMPCs (Reddit: Goblingabe)
14:54 - The WORST Combat (Reddit: ColonelJebediah)
Thumbnail Art:
Anna Podedworna - Shigeki Jukai Visionary
D&D/CR Lo-Fi by Autumn Orange:
/ sonicvaughn
/ @autumnorange613
Avatar animated by Slab of Cheese.
Check out her stuff: / @slabofcheese3521

Пікірлер: 126

  • @angelofdusk13
    @angelofdusk13 Жыл бұрын

    The only time it's ok for an NPC to finish off the Big Bad is that one time when Matt Mercer accidentally did it with the Ancient Assassin of Lolth fighting Tharizdun's monster, and he didn't want to do it, but the cast kept chanting, "Say it! Say it!" And Matt Mercer was bullied into saying, "How do I want to do this?" XD It was very much an accident and he clearly wanted a PC to take the kill, but the cast found it too funny to pass up lol

  • @VCXZ883


    Жыл бұрын

    Context? I've never watched Critical Role, so I'm confused on how he "accidentally" got an NPC to finish off a BBEG.

  • @Thalion124


    Жыл бұрын

    @@VCXZ883 the NPC was a high level assassin that was previously forced to work with the BBEG, and before the NPC bounced they wanted to get a parting shot in. Unfortunately the DM didn’t realize that the assassin would get sneak attack or that the BBEG’s health was as low as it was.

  • @beastwarsFTW


    Жыл бұрын

    Or the NPC was tasked by the PCs with manning some artillery peace or something.

  • @beastwarsFTW


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Thalion124 When you want to shot them in the leg to wound them and hit the femoral artery and they bleed out.

  • @bossked1563


    Жыл бұрын

    Same thing happened at the end of Campaign 2 (Spoilers, I guess). The NPC the party kept dragging along was in a good position to attack, but Mercer clearly hesitated and was gonna do something else. The players egged him into attacking though, and the NPC got the killing blow on a PC-tied BBEG. And the players loved it lol.

  • @Jermbot15
    @Jermbot15 Жыл бұрын

    "I've been waiting for this speech for 12 years." Then he should have spent those 12 years writing books. He could have gotten really good at it, then gotten published, then went on book tours where they'd schedule readings in local bookstores. Alternatively he could have taken acting, gotten really good at it, then written an off-broadway one-man show, then found a producer willing to wrangle up investors to pay for the space finally put on his show. Either way if he accomplished either thing, he would have an attentive room of people who actually signed up to listen to 30 minutes of character dialogue. His friends agreed to play a game. And they're not getting to do that in this story.

  • @SyxxPunk
    @SyxxPunk Жыл бұрын

    It's like... Archive Of Our Own is free, you don't have to make a literal captive audience listen to your story to get it out there.

  • @crypticcryptid4702


    Жыл бұрын

    Bigger audience too

  • @genericname2747


    Жыл бұрын

    But what if we want to make our friends suffer for 4 hours

  • @Omegan01
    @Omegan01 Жыл бұрын

    21:30 "The DM proceeds to roll for each individual ork," By the Emperor, *this is what horde mechanics are for!* Precisely so you can have pitched 40k battles but don't have to roll a million times for individual enemies!

  • @PeterFendrich
    @PeterFendrich Жыл бұрын

    Got to the end of the video, had cleared out the brush from half of my backyard, and suddenly realized "oh wow, according to the clock that one guy would still be reading his NPC dialogue...." Ouch

  • @SaphDegatzlXl
    @SaphDegatzlXl Жыл бұрын

    "I'm not like other girls" got me a good laugh, thank you.

  • @BrookeA12


    Жыл бұрын

    was just coming to the comments to say this XD

  • @Nameless_drama


    Жыл бұрын


  • @l0stndamned
    @l0stndamned Жыл бұрын

    For those not familiar with the 40k rpgs (Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade and Only War) big mobs are supposed to handled as one mass rather than each critter individually (kinda like a swarm but bigger). It makes the big fights so much quicker and easier to run, so the DM was failing on that front as well as the other stuff.

  • @wargriz8213


    Жыл бұрын

    Mass combat/NPC groups rules exist for a reason.

  • @nickmillar999


    9 ай бұрын

    I wish Dark Heresy had more support. I just started learning the system a little thru character creation after reading the “All Grunt Party” greentexts and it seems like it could be such a blast. I guess my poor Desperado will never get his time

  • @l0stndamned


    9 ай бұрын

    @@nickmillar999 Most of the 40k rpgs appear on humble-bundle from time to time, so it might be possible to find groups online. Finding that stuff inspired me to try running an Only War game.

  • @MsLuckoftheDraw
    @MsLuckoftheDraw Жыл бұрын

    Having the party be able to rig an alien machine on their own doesn't just mess with lore, it also mechanically makes having a techie redundant. It always sucks to select a support class only to realize the GM never had the problem you're there to fix actually BE a problem in the first place.

  • @ironbadger8985
    @ironbadger8985 Жыл бұрын

    My DM did this to me and other players twice in two different campaigns. The game was heavily scripted and full of NPC characters that were always overpowered and would save us if we got into trouble. I started trying to kill my character off on purpose just to see what kind of mental gymnastics he would go through with his NPCs to try and save me. Once the other players at the table realized that we didnt actually have agency and everything was scripted regardless of our actions, everyone quit. Since then I have become a willing forever DM simply becuase I don't trust anyone else to do it. I dont want my time wasted again.

  • @DiscoTimelordASD


    Жыл бұрын

    Please tell me the stories of these campaigns. I need to know.

  • @freddykruger1086


    Жыл бұрын

    Lol iron badger..remember that name from neverwinter nights servers i feel like ;)

  • @ChaosCounseling
    @ChaosCounseling Жыл бұрын

    I once ran a game where a player insisted on being a half dragon despite the fact that their the most hated race in my homebrew world. And I made it very clear this was a thing. But the player insisted. And got mad when the npc reacted poorly to him. Even got mad at me when I offered a magic ring to hide his dragon traits so he wouldn’t be left out of role play. He immediately threw the ring away and demanded basically said I should just rewrite my whole world instead so he could play what he wanted.

  • @spaceboye9343


    Жыл бұрын

    Sounds like that player needs to be the center of attention tbh

  • @ChaosCounseling


    Жыл бұрын

    @@spaceboye9343 to be fair to this guy his wife asked me to run this game for him because she was trying to get him into d&d so I was kinda out on the spot to make it about him. It’s a very complicated horror story and I was not innocent either. I’ve actually been debating on posting it for Crispy to read.

  • @spaceboye9343


    Жыл бұрын

    @@ChaosCounseling i would love to hear the story! if you feel comfortable enough to post it wed love to hear it

  • @ChaosCounseling


    Жыл бұрын

    @@spaceboye9343 maybe one day. I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to tell it without completely paint one party as being completely at fault. Yes I blame the player for creating a bad situation for ignoring my warnings about world and lore problems. But I did not handle things much better as a Dm. And because of that I want to make sure I don’t down play my own faults in the horror story and come across as trying to make myself look better then I was if that makes sense.

  • @ShyBiiteVT
    @ShyBiiteVT Жыл бұрын

    That DM in story 1 didn't want to play a game. He wanted to reenact his own personal garbage fanfiction with a captive audience.

  • @acasualegg6556
    @acasualegg6556 Жыл бұрын

    Ngl, almost shat myself when I heard the name "Killian" mentioned. I have an npc named Killian in my game that's a high-level paladin, but he's just a quest giver for my party. Whew, I thought one of my players put a post here about me.

  • @genericname2747


    Жыл бұрын

    Killian jumpscare

  • @Izrek
    @Izrek Жыл бұрын

    -You are monster out of my tavern! -We got gold. -Welcome fine folk here is the best table. 💚

  • @ninawth


    Жыл бұрын

    Didn't they just get pickpocketed, though? 😂

  • @Izrek


    Жыл бұрын

    ​​​​​@@ninawthpick pocketer failed. cos kobolt was perceptive. Glory to smoll scalies. 💜

  • @ninawth


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Izrek Oh I misinterpreted that. I thought it meant that the pickpocketing only failed on the Kobold.

  • @finnmchugh99
    @finnmchugh99 Жыл бұрын

    Story 1: it saddens the group had this sour experience with Mutants and Masterminds cuz it is a very good superhero system, especially 3rd edition. The system fleshes out the the setting quite well and even gives DMs archetypes for villains to build their own. It also has a plethora of established in-universe heroes and villains which I often just leisurely read cuz I'm interested in these characters. The system has a books for more heroes and villains; making your own Avengers/JL; space travel and time travel; supernatural stuff and an atlas of the settings earth and describes heroes, villains and places in every continent in the setting. Nerd rambling aside this rpg system deserves recognition cuz it is quite good imo.

  • @wolf1066
    @wolf1066 Жыл бұрын

    Intro - I played a Drow - Chaotic Neutral - fully knowing that my character may well encounter people who would automatically assume she was Evil and I would have to roleplay earning people's trust - but by then I was an extremely experienced player and knew which playable races were generally viewed as "monsters" (had fought most of them in earlier editions when they were "just monsters"...) Not fair inflicting this sort of thing on a newbie player without warning them that the character race they've chosen is viewed as a monster. Nothing wrong with the player playing a race typically seen as a monster, but they should have been able to do so with full understanding of what they were about to undertake.

  • @wolf1066
    @wolf1066 Жыл бұрын

    13:48 - I'm sure that if I had to put up with this shit, I'd suddenly have "scheduling conflicts"

  • @TheAdarkerglow
    @TheAdarkerglow Жыл бұрын

    If you've been waiting for 12 years for a moment to crop up in your TTRPG, you need to just write a book. Moment ain't coming.

  • @iank472
    @iank472 Жыл бұрын

    Yeah as you said Crispy there's a big difference between an "Um Ackshully" guy and someone who can't get into a game because there are utterly lore shattering changes they weren't made aware of. The 40k story could easily be tweaked to become a renegade Imperial Guard unit who are willing to do whatever it takes to protect mankind from the foul Xenos threat! Perhaps they are protected by a Radical Inquisitor who feeds them intel on new missions. All that is totally possible within the setting if the DM isn't a lazy jackass.

  • @firefang92
    @firefang92 Жыл бұрын

    So I haven't played Only War, but I do have an eldar army and stack of 40k books, so humans jury rigging some eldar tech would be frowned upon but neither impossible nor unheard of. The consideration for the DM ends there however, as number 1 a warwalker has 2 weapon connection spots not 4 let alone the idea that it would actually be able to connect to bolters, stubbers and plasma as apposed to the normal laser and shuriken weapons it would be equipped with. Now onto what it's actually described doing in the story, simply put in both the lore and tabletop: fat chance. Warwalkers along with all eldar tech is made from psychically reactive plastics, these give them a high degree of flexibility but not a lot of toughness, both in the lore and on the tabletop eldar are a notoriously low toughness army, the idea that 1 warwalker would be tanking over 100 boyz and even catching a rooket perfectly fine is, well i suppose not literally impossible but purely ridiculous. It clearly seems like this guy wanted to make a cool toy that would break the system so he pulled out something not described in the source books to staple a bunch of nonsense onto.

  • @InsertCleverNameHere0
    @InsertCleverNameHere0 Жыл бұрын

    This is neither here nor there, but as a Magic: The Gathering player, I always get a kick out of recognizing what art Crispy's using this week 😂

  • @battyrae1398


    Жыл бұрын

    Omg same!

  • @shadowstalksthesoul
    @shadowstalksthesoul Жыл бұрын

    Warning, long post is long. With the monologue one, we had the opposite issue in an azure bonds 2nd ed game, group of 4 of us, myself as a barbarian fighter, my tribe mate a M'wanga shaman, a wildmage and someone playing a strange combo class that was basically a powerful jack of all trades, psionics, magic, shapeshifting that could render my combat moot. We were using skills and powers as well, and after some back and forth between myself, the DM and the guy playing the other barbarian I ended up taking the magic resistance of 2%/level. After a chotic start to the campaign where some of us just refused to be knocked unconscious by the ambushes, etc, we end up getting to the first "boss encounter" room, and come up with our plan, which promply goes out the window, when the wild mage instead of blasting the door to splinters wild surged and just kinda.... deleted the wall, giving us a surprise round as, for some reason, the bad guy hadn't expected us to just atomise a wall. so we advance into the room, surprise round ends. this guy is high up on the initiative as a rogue and goes to use his scripted action, use magic device with a wand of mass hold person, focused on me. I roll my magic resistance and pass, and with how these spells worked in 2nd ed if the primary target isn't effected no one is. Then it gets worse for him, as the two barbarians are highly superstitious, any magic we don't understand (not from our tribe) is BAD MAGIC! and this guy just pointed a stick at me and shouted something, a few seconds later he's got an fighter in his face and with a yell of "BAD MAGIC!" takes several axe blows to his now shocked and confused face, he did not survive. by the end of the fourth round we had also mopped up what was left of the thieves and the second scripted event happened, as the elite knights and Vangerdahast, a powerful named caster, who just disintegrated the ceiling arrive along with the king of Cormyr, who came to rescue his daughter which we had been given the job of saving descend on ropes. sadly it was revealed afterwards that the 1 use wand of hold person was meant to be used to give him a chance to monologue and give us more of the plot.... oops.

  • @BlazingKhioneus


    11 ай бұрын

    Then on the walk back to town, the whole party is like "And then he started monologuing" like in the incredibles.

  • @kaylawoodbury2308
    @kaylawoodbury2308 Жыл бұрын

    For that opening story, I know from experience that someone somewhere is going to try and justify it with some "um actually" comment about inherently evil races. First off, race alignments are meant to be guidelines, NOT requirements. A lot of people do not adhere to canonically evil races. If you want to play with fictional racism and go off of lore as written, that's fine but you need to tell people so they either don't pick those races or work with you on how to implement the character without completely screwing everything up.

  • @teheles
    @teheles Жыл бұрын

    About the heavy railroading DM (2:02 to 6:06), I will never understand why these people prefer to vampirize the time of real people who want to play, rather than becoming the director of a short film or simply writing fan fiction.

  • @byronsmothers8064
    @byronsmothers8064 Жыл бұрын

    That only war GM got a group together, had his friends flex their OP homebrewed combat mech, and they all just dipped with 0 elaboration. That's one way to gatekeep your hobby from people unlike yourself!

  • @felinemage8285
    @felinemage8285 Жыл бұрын

    " I'm not like other girls." Crispy is best waifu comfirmed

  • @dr3dg352
    @dr3dg352 Жыл бұрын

    As one who recently got way back into Warhammer 40,000, that Only War session sounds like actual hell. xD

  • @somebody4952
    @somebody4952 Жыл бұрын

    Ok, those strings used for the unsettling parts of the story might be getting too intense

  • @destroyerinazuma96
    @destroyerinazuma9610 ай бұрын

    I played with a GM who only started learning dnd once. They relied on me for some in-game situations, and I made sure to always tell them that a certain rule existed, there were alternative ways to rule on it (rule zero), and HE not me the consultant, had the last word. Not to humble brag, all credit goes to this GM who was good at his job (just new to 5e), but I believe that empowering my GM made the game better for everyone. So I'd advise anyone who knows more than their GM about the rules to stay humble and be open to giving advice but equally open to the GM deciding they'd rather rule another way in this or that situation.

  • @johnoneil9188
    @johnoneil9188 Жыл бұрын

    Playing large scale battles sounds like it can be fun but not when done like this.

  • @blueleapord18
    @blueleapord18 Жыл бұрын

    Listening to these stories at work just make everything better! Thanks for the content ❤

  • @unluckyone1655
    @unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын

    That last story, sheesh might as well break out the minis and play the actual table top WH40k game at that point if each individual orc is going to get a chance to roll. It may have been a hot minute since i played the WH40k ttrpg games, but i remember hoard mechanics to make combat not be a slog

  • @towelgirl21
    @towelgirl215 ай бұрын

    "Don't commit heresy" is like the most basic WH40k principle.

  • @Qyshawn
    @Qyshawn Жыл бұрын

    *Casual White Knighting* - not knowing the rules to MUTANTS AND MASTERMINDS??? Geez you cant do that it's so complex on the character creation end!

  • @lalunafate
    @lalunafate Жыл бұрын

    "I'm not like other girls" happy Pride month?

  • @johnk9727
    @johnk9727 Жыл бұрын

    It’s crazy there haven’t been any lancer stories

  • @Boastful_Tuba


    Жыл бұрын

    Lancer isn't a massivley well known system so why is it crazy?

  • @DrivingSoCal
    @DrivingSoCal Жыл бұрын

    "I'm not like other girls.." 🤣🤣🤣

  • @Ave_Echidna
    @Ave_Echidna Жыл бұрын

    Yeah, you say your different until you run The Corrupted strike with noobs

  • @starlightglitzz7481
    @starlightglitzz7481 Жыл бұрын

    Im planning to DM for the first time ever and im a little worried that ill end up on here, i told all the players that if anything im doing is wrong they can just tell me so hopefully im fine

  • @genericname2747


    Жыл бұрын

    People only end up in these stories by being jerks. Don't worry, even if you mess up, you're better than these guys

  • @BadassHater1
    @BadassHater1 Жыл бұрын

    Once again we have overpowered DMPCs who constantly make player characters look like chumps. Which begs the question - if that gigachad is so powerful.....why not let HIM handle all of the bad guys? Like...without the party to begin with. Oh right. Because then he wouldn't have a fucking audience to his audiobook full of cringey fanfiction.

  • @einCAA
    @einCAA Жыл бұрын

    😍 Mutants and Masterminds 😍

  • @dDbalL-to7rt
    @dDbalL-to7rt Жыл бұрын

    OP mech assault role playing...

  • @rpghorrorstories
    @rpghorrorstories Жыл бұрын

    "Fantasy Elon Musk" So, he didn't invent anything and just took credit whenever convenient?

  • @rentheseer190
    @rentheseer190 Жыл бұрын

    Ah, takes me back to an innocent time when first heard your mlg gamer bro cuss you out where you as a young teen make the deciding moment of taking the high road and just let him get it out of his system, or returning that energy in kind and foster a deep seated hatred that has NO bearings on your feelings about confrontation as an adult. *laughs internally with an eye-twitch.*

  • @BunnyWitchcraft
    @BunnyWitchcraft Жыл бұрын

    Oh boy monologs. I had a session 1 open up to nearly half an hour of the dm talking to us in a town hall about politics mumbo jumbo. Nobody was into it and that was not the game advertised. My fried brain could only break the awkward silence when we had the floor with random kobold nonsense.

  • @j.tgrooms
    @j.tgrooms Жыл бұрын

    Truly a fate worse then death

  • @betheguy_posts
    @betheguy_posts Жыл бұрын

    Please do a bit in the next Tavern Adjacent talking about the lore-inaccurete DnDestiny game. I have a need.

  • @Nyx685
    @Nyx685 Жыл бұрын

    oof, yet another "just write a fucking book dm", y i k e s

  • @MisterHanRPG
    @MisterHanRPG Жыл бұрын

    4:55 So...he was trying to recreate Final Fantasy 6 or something?

  • @GoblinGirlLindsey
    @GoblinGirlLindsey Жыл бұрын

    Hey man, Just write fanfic then give your players one inspiration every time they read 5,000 words of it like I do.

  • @BrassMutant
    @BrassMutant Жыл бұрын


  • @Angel-db8fc
    @Angel-db8fc Жыл бұрын

    A literal script

  • @ashely8731
    @ashely8731 Жыл бұрын

    I've played Dark Heresy 1st and 2nd edition, Only War, Deathwatch and Wrath and Glory for a custom growing open world subsector that has lasted almost a decade. Listening to that Only War game caused me actual pain. If everyone was having fun, then hey, no problem, but....yeah. There was no reason for a turn to take an hour. Not everything has to be 100% lore accurate, I mean, its own books contradict itself all the time, but there are some pretty broad consistencies. If they brought back an Eldar walker they'd be -redacted- by the Commissars if not -redacted- from the Inquisition along with everyone they knew. I mean you could actually have a desperate few guardsmen trying out heretical machinery in a desperate bid to stay alive and the hunted down by the Inquisition, that could be exciting, but....this GM sounds like they barely read the rulebook at all, let alone much the setting to be honest. Shame, the setting is a ton of wacky fun.

  • @HeatherSchrivener-el2mx


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah, the All Guardsmen Party (famous 4chan saga of a Dark Heresy campaign) we’re committing tech heresy all over the place, but they did it in a way that made sense for the characters and NOT OUT IN THE OPEN, or in front of a tech priest holy hell.

  • @Stranglebat
    @Stranglebat Жыл бұрын

    space marines using an eldar craft would be like doing a bible rpg and Jesus is a donkey that stores stuff inside his eurethra. Just completely not ever gonna happen.

  • @genericname2747


    Жыл бұрын

    Yes but..why did you have to use THAT as an example

  • @Stranglebat


    Жыл бұрын

    @@genericname2747 i have a dual gift of being able to string several random things together without actually thinking about them myself. You are welcome world

  • @emberfist8347


    Жыл бұрын

    More like having a Muslim saying the Lord’s Prayer before eating a pork chop and driving a Jack Daniels delivery truck.

  • @sean.chiarot
    @sean.chiarot Жыл бұрын

    A literal script.

  • @Saru5000
    @Saru5000 Жыл бұрын

    I can comment on the Only War system and I'm going to say there are rules for fighting swarms that would have made this fight faster.

  • @Youtuubpewp
    @Youtuubpewp Жыл бұрын


  • @genericname2747


    Жыл бұрын

    Honestly, nothing bad with having a little script for your npcs. Just be smart and listen to your players

  • @Youtuubpewp


    11 ай бұрын

    @@genericname2747 you right :)honestly it’s a smart thing to do. Helps one be prepared!

  • @LeonoraTindall
    @LeonoraTindall Жыл бұрын

    Why the hate for 4th edition? It was a good game!

  • @mrprogamer96109


    Жыл бұрын

    If you like 4th ed, then I would suggest trying out Lancer. 4th ed meets big mech combat. tons of fun if you want a combat focused system.

  • @LeonoraTindall


    Жыл бұрын

    @@mrprogamer96109 Extremely good call, I run a LANCER game currently :)

  • @NoName13Thirteen
    @NoName13Thirteen Жыл бұрын

    I actually know the DM in story #2. I'm in one of their games rn, and they're my favorite DM of the 4-5 I play with weekly. Their "DMPCs" aren't terrible, and I think it's kind of garbage for whoever wrote the story to have directly written their character names like that, even if not many people would understand. Small world and all that... but giving out character names and even just a letter of the other character was enough to wake me up completely and have me check. Yeah... The DM isn't a terrible guy. They're one of the nicest people I've ever met. I just wish that the OP brought up their concerns with them instead of doing... that, and putting them up to be ridiculed by some randos on the internet.

  • @shadowscall7758


    Жыл бұрын

    The OP even said that he enjoyed the DM and he was a sweet guy. The only issue he had was with the DMPCs, I think you are being a little sensitive about it.

  • @NoName13Thirteen


    Жыл бұрын

    @@shadowscall7758 Perhaps I am. I'm just saying that I wished that they just changed the names.

  • @LinWarai
    @LinWarai Жыл бұрын


  • @DirkLoechel
    @DirkLoechel Жыл бұрын


  • @Curriation
    @Curriation Жыл бұрын

    A literal script?

  • @marybdrake1472
    @marybdrake1472 Жыл бұрын

    I'd say your reaction to the intro story was more experience than education crispy. As for story number one, never let a narcist with a victim complex being in charge of a game, or anything really.

  • @bunnybean77
    @bunnybean77 Жыл бұрын

    a literal script??

  • @anim8edn819
    @anim8edn819 Жыл бұрын

    I genuinely don't understand how DMs will spend so much time on their own stories just to steamroll other players. At that point, you might as well just publish your own fantasy novel and stop wasting everyone else's time. If it's a plotline that is good, but barely requires the players to be involved, then it's not a good ttrpg. The whole point is that both players and DMs come together to create a truly compelling story

  • @peterfarkas199
    @peterfarkas199 Жыл бұрын

    Roblox is toxic as heck just played one game on roblox with kaijus and somone spamed at me ez bc her killed me- me lvl 20 him lvl 100

  • @confloashton3617
    @confloashton3617 Жыл бұрын

    Ugh, I don't like 40k as an RPG setting there's so many lore restraints.

  • @kaylawoodbury2308


    Жыл бұрын

    Same, for dnd while some races are canonically evil, most DMS don't play that way and the books literally encourage you to do that if you wish. Giving you freedom to play a lawful neutral orc if you want. Not so much 40k, it's a lot of required lore that you need to read up on and if you try to deviate, the fans will lynch you. It's also a system where "Everyone is an asshole" is a give in, there are no heros.

  • @confloashton3617


    Жыл бұрын

    @@kaylawoodbury2308 And more often than not most people trying to DM these systems are superfans.

  • @jamiekamihachi3135
    @jamiekamihachi3135 Жыл бұрын

    Does fantasy world Elon Musk also crush labor unions, lie pathologically about his accomplishments, and cringiest richest weirdo to plague their world?

  • @shadowscall7758


    Жыл бұрын

    I mean even weirdos can do good things. For example, he is reigniting interest in space which is a good thing.

  • @mrchiefe_tv878
    @mrchiefe_tv878 Жыл бұрын

    Why did you spell country as ‘cunttree’😂😂😂

  • @buttmuncher-cm5tl
    @buttmuncher-cm5tl Жыл бұрын

    Do you think krispys breedable

  • @RainyLS


    Жыл бұрын


  • @kaylawoodbury2308


    Жыл бұрын

    No, he very much isn't. He's asexual.

  • @buttmuncher-cm5tl


    Жыл бұрын

    @@kaylawoodbury2308 I did not say "dateable" boy

  • @kaylawoodbury2308


    Жыл бұрын

    @@buttmuncher-cm5tl First off, not a boy. Second, being asexual means he very much can date if he wants to but overall isn't interested in sex. You can stop being a gross creep any time.

  • @genericname2747


    Жыл бұрын


  • @davidspring4003
    @davidspring4003 Жыл бұрын

    A literal script

  • @SenieSingsSongs
    @SenieSingsSongs Жыл бұрын

    A literal script?

  • @INeedTogepi
    @INeedTogepi Жыл бұрын

    A literal script
