That Guy OBVIOUSLY Cheats With Roll 20 | r/rpghorrorstories


In today's episode of RPG Horror Stories with DnD Doge, we have a tale about a dungeon master that allows his favorite player to metagame. A story about a couple that is so bad, that they get kicked from a game of dungeons and dragons. A story about a cheater that thinks he's clever when cheating with roll 20 and fudging rolls. a tale about some high elves and some cringy role play. And finally a story about another annoying cheater.
0:00 Intro
0:42 Meta Gamer
4:25 Kicked Couple
6:47 Roll 20 Cheater
14:03 High Elf
16:42 Obvious Cheating

Пікірлер: 92

  • @yourface2464
    @yourface2464 Жыл бұрын

    Not evil aligned... But self aligned? What does this guy think evil means? It's straight up making choices that benefit one's self, even potentially at the cost of others.

  • @ss3nm0dn4r8


    Ай бұрын

    could be neutral theres a lot of grey area between neutral and evil

  • @unluckyone1655
    @unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын

    Oof story 1, i really feel for OP. There was a guy in my friend group who was very similar to that player. He also kept trying to steal other partys loot and would always work against the party "because its funny" but no one brought it up to the DM because he and the DM were the bestest of pals. I subtly try to avoid playing if hes in a campaign because it eventually feels like a chore to play because i just cant trust him as a player to have my back and am always on high alert, and im sure other players in my group feel the same and are also too afraid to bring it up too

  • @briansmaller7443


    Жыл бұрын

    Get the other characters together and string him up.

  • @mrosskne


    Жыл бұрын

    This is why I like games that do away with the idea of looting entirely

  • @whensomethingcriesagain
    @whensomethingcriesagain Жыл бұрын

    "None of us can figure out why it's fun to cheese rolls." It's because he wants to look cool. That's it. That's the reason.

  • @PaladinGear15


    Жыл бұрын

    One of my old Cleric's best moments was from the craziest rolls ever, I scored a natural 1, we had a table to roll on to see how bad it was, I scored another natural 1 meaning I lost my next turn and had to roll on the table again, I rolled a natural 20 (which was the only good result on the crit-fumble table), it said "show how much damage you COULD have done to your enemy, roll intimidation, if you beat its wisdom save, the enemy surrenders if the DM believes it's reasonable to do so". I roll high enough to beat the wisdom save, and I had attacked the cultist leader, so the moment he surrendered, all of his acolytes surrendered as well, ending the combat in the first turn through two nat 1s. I joked that how that happened was that my character was fumbling and landing ass-backward onto his own head, the crazy cultist thought "if he's that dangerous to HIMSELF how dangerous will he be for us?! I surrender!" but the DM said "no! no! that's not what happens, Rhoda lifted his axe, charged the leader, missed, but literally destroyed the whole wall beside the cultist leader, his axe being stuck in the rubble was gonna cost him the next turn, but it terrified the leader", so that was nice :p

  • @davidtherwhanger6795


    Жыл бұрын

    I was looking for this. This is the entire reason.

  • @unluckyone1655


    Жыл бұрын

    I know being a spellcaster, wasting a spell slot and an action on a missed spell stings. But that is just how it balances out. I once crit failed casting a guiding bolt and had to roll to see which direction it went. I of course rolled it on myself and took full damage. It wasn't too bad but as a cleric, I decided to just go more support instead of offensive after that lol

  • @AmaryInkawult
    @AmaryInkawult Жыл бұрын

    There was a time I used a dice app because not a single soul brought their dice. The agreement was ALL rolls were made on one phone in front of everyone to avoid cheating. Yes there was the screen diddler cuz they thought it helped their chances when it didn't, but that phone practically became The Glass of Fate for that session.

  • @spectrelead
    @spectrelead Жыл бұрын

    Second story: If your SO is THAT clingy that you can't do anything except work without them, therapy might need to be involved

  • @TheFuriousScribbles
    @TheFuriousScribbles Жыл бұрын

    I was in a group with a player like the one from the first story. In addition to wanting to do his own thing and occasionally fight other party members, (usually me,) and metagame. He also seemed to think that in D&D if you speak louder than everyone at the table you act first and if you speak faster, you can take more actions. The DM had his hands full with this guy, whom I've called "Wally" in older D&D horror stories that I've told. Like the OP in the first story suggested doing, I passed written notes to the DM, to keep information that Wally's character wouldn't know away from him. Other players in the group did this as well. Wally did get wise to the fact that if I passed a note, there was a secret to learn, even if he didn't know it yet. It's worth noting that I'm not the good guy in this story, (that would be our long-suffering DM,) so I started passing notes to the DM that had nothing to do with my character or the game to throw Wally off the scent. Usually these notes would say, "Act like I wrote something really clever," or something like that. DM was a good sport and played along with it, and it did have the intended goal of psyching Wally out.

  • @m.cigledy6769
    @m.cigledy6769 Жыл бұрын

    Cheating is so very annoying. I played with a guy who would put a d20 on the table with the 20 up, then roll a d12 next to it. He would then quickly grab the 20 and squeal ike a cheerleader on helium. He was an asshat. The way we dealt with this was I made a really nice dice tower out of maple and purpleheart, and it became the centerpiece for the table. It was SOOO COOOOL the DM decided that every roll had to be through the tower. That guy quit soon after.

  • @nievesassassin
    @nievesassassin Жыл бұрын

    As a person who is notorious for getting bad rolls (80% of my rols are below a 10) it's not fun continuously losing. You can play a few thing off and still have fun but if you swing 8 times in a row and can't roll above a 4 as a monk it stops being fun and your just left with the feeling of "why am I even here?". It's crippling. I will never condone or promote cheating, though I used to do it when I first started. I stopped as it stop feeling rewarding, I just wanted to win "sometimes" but I just started seeing it as handouts and hated it.

  • @JohnSmith-qp7xu


    Жыл бұрын

    Roll20 is notorious for streaks of bad rolls. Had a session last week where nobody but the GM rolled above a 9 in a 4 hour session. It wasn’t “fun” to rp missing every skill check and every attack in an entire session. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a nogames That Guy.

  • @bloodybutterflygaming1242
    @bloodybutterflygaming1242 Жыл бұрын

    8:00 bro, saaaaaame! Roll20 *thinks* I've played like 1700 hours, but most of those are from me not logging out when a session wraps 🤣🤣🤣

  • @TigerKirby215
    @TigerKirby215 Жыл бұрын

    Story 1 is the case of a DM doing nothing and ruining his campaign. Instead of kicking one bad player he let two of his players leave, and either way he's out of a campaign now.

  • @garuelx8627
    @garuelx8627 Жыл бұрын

    I thought the cheating was going to be simple editing of attack formulas on Roll20s automated character sheets, we sometimes set the crit range to 1 to test the custom formula we use to determine crit damage. Imagine my surprise to find it was a method that was a bit more subtle.

  • @REfan2002
    @REfan2002 Жыл бұрын


  • @lexcentrique2554
    @lexcentrique2554 Жыл бұрын

    The wizard on Story 4: *Decides to get laid* OP: "I'm about to end this campaign's whole caRrReer."

  • @phobiawitch835
    @phobiawitch835 Жыл бұрын

    I love having sessions with low rolls, because normally I roll TERRIBLE with my Orc Fighter in dragon heist and it leads to fun jokes. But then it also leads to sessions like the one we just had this week where I roll like 3 nat 20s out of the 5 in that session, and several other high rolls at clutch moments like saving the Barbarian from a 60ft fall when a bridge collapsed, crossing a rope we set yp across said drop, and shooting a ladder we set up so some Zhents couldn’t avoid traps

  • @kaylawoodbury2308
    @kaylawoodbury2308 Жыл бұрын

    I've actually had to deal with something similar to story 2 on a text rp forum (sfw so don't worry). There were 3 people who always joined every single RP thread, you couldn't refuse them because one of them was a mod. 2 were a couple that exclusively rp'd as soul mates and only interacted with each other. Regardless of setting or anything, pokemon mystery dungeon RP? Harry Potter? Cyberpunk dystopian? They would actively ignore everything, including character requirements, to bless us single plebs with their brilliant romance and drama writing. And the 3rd person? She was the exact same way but would play 2 characters and romance herself 😂. I haven't been on that site for over a decade now and I left precisely because I was sick of them and the other abusive mods. No rp lasted more than a weekend because everyone would get bored of the near voyeuristic romances that always took center stage, you couldn't say no or criticize any mod or their friends without threats and temp bans, the forum owner would try to force people to ERP in private messages. No idea how old she was, I was a teen at the time and the site was meant for teens but still could have been a pædo situation.

  • @clairelarue992


    Жыл бұрын

    Seems to be common, because I have a story of my own from long ago. It was a forum RP where our characters woke up in coffins with fuzzy memories. Oh, and they were all vampires now. The idea was escaping the crypt they found themselves in and learning why they'd been turned into vampires. Flimsy yeah, but I was 16 so this appealed to me. Anyway, we had two players (one of which who pitched the concept) that just ignored everyone else in favor of only playing with each other. The one time one of them ever interacted with me was an OOC message that my character's coffin shouldn't be standing up and they wanted that changed. Other than that the two of them played cliché seme/uke nonsense with each other. Shy, small crossdressing uke and manly 'sadistic' seme. Uke even indicated in their next post that the other characters *did not matter* to him, only the "man of his nightmares" did. The game died within seven posts, since understandably no one else wanted to just be their audience, and they made it clear that our characters were not allowed to leave without theirs, since they were the "main characters" of the story.

  • @kaylawoodbury2308


    Жыл бұрын

    @@clairelarue992 Ugh so edgy " man of my nightmares" and using the worst Shounen ai tropes to boot.

  • @clairelarue992


    Жыл бұрын

    @@kaylawoodbury2308 Yep. The uke was mentally ill, making this character even "better". He had hallucinations and a split personality, with his new vampire powers being based off his issues. The seme was, for the player's two posts, "grinning darkly" at everything. It was peak late-aughts/early tens yaoi paddle dreck. They could have just had a private thread with each other, but they had to have an audience.

  • @destroyerinazuma96
    @destroyerinazuma96 Жыл бұрын

    So, I don't cheat at DnD. And still, there was this one time where a boss cast a spell thrice and every turn I passed the Counterspell check. GM had to take a break. They later explained they had lost it and felt bad for feeling upset. But they decided to roll with the punches and didn't retcon anything. We still had a good session (everyone insisted on continuing) and a good campaign. Extra context: GM had stuff going on IRL and had a deep setting/lore. Yet every time his important boss NPC spoke a cool line and cast a spell, my Bard countered it. I didn't try to be that guy, I just knew every one of those spells could seriously hurt the party. And GM also told me they knew I was playing my character and not bring mean on purpose. Still felt a bit down for upsetting the GM, as much as I was not responsible for how they felt about my Bard getting lucky three Counterspells in a row.

  • @PaladinGear15
    @PaladinGear15 Жыл бұрын

    I was once invited to join a game, and the DM who invited me said "we use real dice" in an online game, I asked "how do you confirm the dice rolls?" and the DM said "we just use the honour system, but don't worry, we've been playing for years", I played with this one guy for years and he would constantly try to cheat in stupid ways, like "I'm gonna try using this online dice roller you can't see for this roll, OH! Natural 20! gawd, who'dda thought it?" (he never got away with it). Either way I just didn't join that game, even if they were all super honourable and NEVER cheated a single roll, the day someone rolls three natural 20s in a row, even if it was absolutely real, that just wouldn't feel right. I even roll infront of the players when I DM.

  • @Aubsy
    @Aubsy Жыл бұрын

    I'm in a similar boat with the op who had just started. I just had my second session ever and let me tell you it was fun, but two of my party members are facing being banned from the club (it's going on at an after school dnd club ). This one kid was awful to play with. Constantly cheating his rolls, arguing with the dm all the time, making sa jokes which our dm had a huge issue with since they had just filed a police report for sa. Last session he crossed the line, by smacking another member with his dice bag in the back of his head. Both members of the group of being banned and our dm is only planning on advocating for the one who got hit. The entire party is glad the guy who did it is gone. Otherwise it's been a great experience so far

  • @joshuawiener5003
    @joshuawiener5003 Жыл бұрын

    I get the temptation to cheese when I do poorly at something my character is supposed to be good at. I describe my character having experience with machines and being a remarkably competent mechanic. Imagine how much that falls flat on its face when every roll I do when it comes to machines always turns out low.

  • @3of6mylove
    @3of6mylove Жыл бұрын

    I hope the dnd doge is doing well today. I just had my first legitimately fun session of dnd last night. Had another campaign that didn't pan out since the dm didn't want to use the dnd system anymore, and I really didn't want to jump into the seemingly very brutal and unnecessarily complex Warhammer FRPG 3E, especially considering its defunct and super hard to find any info for.

  • @sn0wb00ts
    @sn0wb00ts Жыл бұрын

    I mean tbf the roll20 dice roller is horrendous. Only time I’ve ever seen a crit fail be “confirmed”.

  • @ZachSeineVideos
    @ZachSeineVideos Жыл бұрын

    4:29 " Reddit-user Spooni(ous)..." Obi-Wan in my head: ""Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time... a long time..."

  • @briansmaller7443
    @briansmaller7443 Жыл бұрын

    The only rolls that count at my table are ones I ask for. Nobody rolls for perception or anything else unless I think it is necessary. So the meta-gaming player in that story "rolling" to justify his meta-gaming and OOC knowledge wouldn't fly. This is a GM problem even more so than a player problem.

  • @BurroughsProductions
    @BurroughsProductions Жыл бұрын

    Honestly I have a hard time believing the cheating story cause op sounds exhausting and so condescending. Like "why talk about ur hours on roll 20" after going on about playing in paid games lol and that's just the start of how annoying they are

  • @kermanbizzlebop8895


    Жыл бұрын

    Right? I thought I was going crazy but no OP sounds like a fucking dickhead. Genuinely felt extreme annoyance at how much of a condescending asshole he made himself out as. Type of guy I'd probably curse out in a game for just being rude for no reason.

  • @unknowfornow35
    @unknowfornow35 Жыл бұрын

    that last story. Clearly a troll.

  • @thephantomspectator407
    @thephantomspectator4078 ай бұрын

    Starting off strong with that tiny Tabaxi Rogue!🥰😼😊

  • @Arthas30000
    @Arthas30000 Жыл бұрын

    For story #1: I feel super bad for the poster, and there are 2 ways about this. The petty way, and the mature way. Mature way, he should've spoken to DM & with that player that it wasn't fun for them. If the problem player refused to change and DM wouldn't do anything, if I was in OPs shoes, I would go the petty route. Step 1: ask DM to retire character temporarily. Make up an in-game reason. Step 2: make an optimized AF character and start doing the same things back to the problem player. Probably a paladin. Make him high in CHA, and STR. Problem player has some cool loot? Time for Paladin to threaten to smite the problem player since you sense evil on him and it would be better if the holy paladin had the loot. Etc...Most people would be sympathetic and apologize me thinks, but its still petty AF. Edit: Just got to the part where OP already talked to DM and problem player. Yeah, that's A) a bad GM B) an ass of a player. I would at that point either leave or go the petty route tbh. Because hey, if you leaving will cause the game to implode and the other player isn't having fun, just go out w/a bang me thinks.

  • @DanaOtken
    @DanaOtken Жыл бұрын

    I really hate to say it, but I don't think that first example was metagaming. The player was playing a bully, somebody who for whatever reason is fixated on the other two characters and is hyperfocused on everything they do. Most of us have the real-life experience to know that trying to do something without a bully noticing usually attracts their notice. That doesn't mean it's okay, it means the reason it isn't okay isn't about metagming; it's not okay because bullies are almost never fun to be around and when they are it's usually because they're comic relief. I'm guessing this player isn't okay with their character being humiliated for the group's amusement... although I wasn't there and if the player isn't also a bully it may be worth checking. But if you're not having fun and don't expect you will in the future, leaving is totally okay. Huh. I can understand the occasional player who feels it's okay to expose their less socially acceptable sexual fantasies at a D&D game, and I can understand a few of them being in the same game and thus collaborating - but I don't think I've ever run into ones who were insufficiently self-aware to not realize a fantasy which is only all right in fiction is, in fact, a fantasy under that classification. Clearly I've led a sheltered existence.

  • @davidtherwhanger6795
    @davidtherwhanger6795 Жыл бұрын

    Kicked Couple Story. Well yes the couple was being disrespectful and broke the one stipulation the other members made. Although I think by the way the DM talked about it, the DM was mostly hurt that the couple weren't amazed at his BBEG. And that may have more to do with their kicking. Honestly, this should have been a warning first to see if things improved.

  • @Fatherofheroesandheroines
    @Fatherofheroesandheroines7 ай бұрын

    I've decided. I am naming my Rogue Nipsy lol.

  • @stephenadams8712
    @stephenadams8712 Жыл бұрын

    Players with s/o who wants to play D&D with you make sure they actually want to play not just be with you

  • @ryanrizzo4869
    @ryanrizzo4869 Жыл бұрын

    NERRRRRRRDS!!! (No, that movie didn't age well, but it was a favorite film of my childhood, as well. 😊

  • @eolhinforest7736
    @eolhinforest7736 Жыл бұрын

    Here for the ultimate stealth cat. :D

  • @BlueTressym
    @BlueTressym Жыл бұрын

    The fun of cheesing rolls is the fun people derive from a power fantasy. They're not at the game for a challenge but to feel powerful and that fantasy is ruined by failing rolls. I mean, most of us like to succeed and like to feel cool and powerful but some kinds of people, *have* to succeed because it's ALL about the 'Look how cool and powerful I am!' fix. It's not my kind of fun but *shrugs*

  • @credendovides20
    @credendovides20 Жыл бұрын

    Not gonna lie, the OP in the third story sounds kinda shitty for making fun of the other player with the DM. What are you, mean girls in high school that mock people behind their backs? That cheater cheated and it's good to call him out for it, but OP should grow up.

  • @SophiaNyx
    @SophiaNyx Жыл бұрын

    doge in the morniiiiiiiiiing

  • @BS-we3qe


    Жыл бұрын

    Haha, for me doge upload means that i need to wrap up the job for the day, since it is about 4 PM :D

  • @TheSnollygoster


    Жыл бұрын

    That sounded to me like “Troy and Abed in the mooorning”

  • @Knuckles2761
    @Knuckles2761 Жыл бұрын

    love that logic in story 3: >> free games have more twerps >> I didn't care much about this game and didn't pay attention, because it was just a free one-shot

  • @TigerKirby215
    @TigerKirby215 Жыл бұрын

    tbh I wouldn't give the DM a chance in the last session. If a guy does everything in his power to ruin the game during the first session _and also cheats_ that's not a player I want to play with. The being annoying I understand as a weird character quirk, but I have a zero tolerance policy for cheating.

  • @maceyshort2681
    @maceyshort26813 ай бұрын

    In one session i swung across a rope over water... nat 1... i forgot to let go of the rope 😮 later that same session i was on the edge of the bridge when the ranger walked past me i failed my dex save... fell in water 🤦‍♀️ but still funny

  • @IceLordCryo
    @IceLordCryo Жыл бұрын

    Not only is it fun to play out bad rolls, it's hilarious when one of your party members rolls three nat 1's IN A ROW!!! XD

  • @pLanetstarBerry


    Жыл бұрын

    My cowboy character in Spelljammer tried to give a pep talk to a nervous NPC about not being afraid of failure. "When you fall off that horse, sometimes you gotta get back on, that's how you learn." But I rolled a nat 1, so the DM responded in-character "wait... what's a horse?!" One of my favorite nat 1 moments. 😂

  • @MadkingLeviticus
    @MadkingLeviticus Жыл бұрын

    This is about the gameplay, not the stories. Just an FYI from someone who played too much DS2, you can blow up the pillars on either side of the bridge with the elite knight you're sniping at around 17:50 for massive damage.

  • @realdragon
    @realdragon Жыл бұрын

    Once i had player who rolled 5 nat 20s in a row.. I thought he had just amazing luck and wasn't suspicious at all because we were playing on roll20. I still think he just got lucky because in next session he rolled like shit and since we were playing other system that is very lethal I didn't mind that. He died anyway at the end

  • @G94Nick
    @G94Nick Жыл бұрын

    Dice rolls should always be done visibly. If there's a feature on roll20, roll there with 5sec time limit. If you're in person, dice roll in center. Don't want to roll visibly? Then DM should designate someone to roll for you. It's a game, sure, but play fair.

  • @nicksmith8212
    @nicksmith82124 ай бұрын

    If you leave there are two players anyway … take him out and just say it’s what your character would do .

  • @Daman3tm
    @Daman3tm Жыл бұрын

    doge in the afternoooooooon, greeting from Belgium!

  • @robertwildschwein7207
    @robertwildschwein7207 Жыл бұрын

    6:47 Payed DnD????? How greedy can humans be?

  • @Lady_Ginnie
    @Lady_Ginnie Жыл бұрын

    Something about OP in the cheating on Roll20 story...I don't like. I can't put my finger on WHY, exactly, but I just don't like them. I didn't know it was possible to cheat on Roll20, though. That is interesting.

  • @JohnSmith-qp7xu


    Жыл бұрын

    They sound like a pretentious douchecanoe.

  • @BlueTressym


    Жыл бұрын

    OP sounded condescending as heck to me in that story. The cheater was an AH but OP didn't make themselves sound too likeable to my mind with their own descriptions of what they did (except for sleuthing the cheating).

  • @treinadordeledian7540
    @treinadordeledian7540 Жыл бұрын

    doge in the morning is incredible.

  • @CallMeKes


    Жыл бұрын

    I know right! Best part of waking up, is Doge in my...subscriptions? I love eating breakfast and watching Doge.

  • @WolfLover21213
    @WolfLover21213 Жыл бұрын

    Enjoying Dark Souls 2 that's playing in the background

  • @kylethomas9130
    @kylethomas9130 Жыл бұрын

    Was at first impressed with the guy cheating on roll20, until OP explained the exploit was making combat run longer. That's the point of no return, I'll work with a player who fudges rolls or modifiers, give them a second chance, but don't you dare waste everyone's time.

  • @lear_volchanka
    @lear_volchanka Жыл бұрын

    stealth kitty 😭🤲!

  • @GM-lr1kw
    @GM-lr1kw Жыл бұрын

    Watch Fast Times at Ridgemont High about a year ago because I heard it was a classic comedy. That aged worse than Revenge of the Nerds, I would say.

  • @LoneWanderSpark303
    @LoneWanderSpark303 Жыл бұрын

    18:54 Nice lucky play.

  • @vortega472
    @vortega472 Жыл бұрын

    Ninja Nipsy! Stealth kitty.

  • @CulturalDuck
    @CulturalDuck Жыл бұрын

    The Roll20 cheater story.. geez.. That cheater is definitely an asshole for cheating but the way OP explains it all he was already in the DMs private messages mocking and talking shit about the player before there were even signs of his cheating, sounds like the whole table was bad. Cheater is definitely worse, but OP doesn't sound like anyone fun to play with either.

  • @DrDashajacsonaleksan
    @DrDashajacsonaleksan Жыл бұрын

    Yes Doge please share!!!!!

  • @greggp4840
    @greggp4840 Жыл бұрын

    Story 1: Eh, just ambush and kill him. Establish relations with NPCs as needed if he's really strong enough to win a 2v1 in which you get the surprise and the opportunity to set up any traps needed. Both the DM and problem player have clearly set the precedent that PvP is fine. Obviously make sure to do everything off-screen so that no meta knowledge can be used.

  • @thehowlinggamer5784
    @thehowlinggamer5784 Жыл бұрын

    There's 2 scenes in revenge of the nerds for me that count as creepy. 1 being the obvious of the panty raid and insert cameras for booty shots and 2, one of them creeping on a girl knowing she'd mistake him for someone else and get it on with him...

  • @randomnomad9933
    @randomnomad9933 Жыл бұрын

    I hope you make a discord server someday that way we can all share rpg cringe and cute kitty pics

  • @marybdrake1472
    @marybdrake1472 Жыл бұрын

    Any DM that allows metagaming needs to not be a DM. And holy crap. Nipsy, in Elder Scrolls terms has a 100 in sneak, and is wearing shadowed armor that is enchanted to give him more of an advantage on stealth. XD

  • @PancakemonsterFO4
    @PancakemonsterFO4 Жыл бұрын

    OP from story one shouldn't just be leaving, he should ignore the threat posed by the player, get himself killed because of his bs homebrew and then just walk out. Maybe it will inspire other players to do the same leaving the DM in a position where he has to limit the problem player or lose the entire group (or the group turns on the toxic player and take him out for good as he just killed one of their groupmembers ingame)

  • @lauradryden2443
    @lauradryden2443 Жыл бұрын

    how do you cheat with rolling on roll20?

  • @DanaOtken


    Жыл бұрын

    I've never used roll20, and have not myself looked up exploits for it, but the description in the post seemed pretty clear. The app "rolls the dice", but the client the player who's rolling the dice is using reports the result to the server. This means that if the system running the client (or potentially a router along the network path) is also running software that allows blocking a report they don't like from getting back to the server, they can just keep rolling dice without the server seeing the rolls until finally making visible the roll they like. The real-world equivalent would be the guy who keeps fiddling with and rolling dice at all times until he stops, and when asked to roll points at the prerolled dice. It's not a perfect allegory, but it's close.

  • @lauradryden2443


    Жыл бұрын

    @@DanaOtken Did not know you could even do that.

  • @emily_vins
    @emily_vins Жыл бұрын

    What's wrong with you people? Every time I am amazed at how people leave the group because of one small problem that can be solved in a short time. You can imagine how the GM feels when he kicks a problem player, but you still leave. This is not respect for GM, the players and does not make sense at all.

  • @AmaryInkawult
    @AmaryInkawult Жыл бұрын


  • @robinmohamedally7587
    @robinmohamedally7587 Жыл бұрын

    The DM is also the bad guy in Story 1, and OP is too dumb to realize it.

  • @PTp1ranha
    @PTp1ranha3 ай бұрын

    The OP for the Roll 20 story rubs me the wrong way. They did weed out a bad player but I still get a mildly elitist feeling from them.
