Secret P*d*phile Joins DnD Game | r/rpghorrorstories


In today's video of DnD Horror Stories, we have a story about a player joining a dungeons and dragons game, and has sus roleplay with a little girl npc, only for the party to discover the player's dark secret. A story about a player that get a tad too attached to an NPC, and much more!
0:00 Intro
0:58 Secret Scumbag
10:13 Deloris
17:40 Rogue
20:04 Owl
22:25 Bad DMs
25:42 No Loot

Пікірлер: 302

  • @starbird3939
    @starbird3939Ай бұрын

    Story 1 For reference, “nonce”/“nounce” is UK slang for pedophile. And yeah, dude was basically rp’ing as himself and married one of his victims.

  • @kaylawoodbury2308


    Ай бұрын

    I honestly want to know what that guy was even thinking and why he thought he had the right to act dejected. He's a pedophile, tried to act it out in game, in a public area to boot and somehow thought people would just accept it and let him? Like dude, you've ruined childhoods in one of the worst ways imaginable, you don't get to look all sullen and walk away with your head held low like you're the real victim here. I only feel pity for the children and that poor girl he groomed into marrying him, I hope they never have kids.

  • @ArcCaravan


    Ай бұрын

    Huh. I assumed the word meant idiot or a vulgar phrasing for anatomy.

  • @BlueTressym


    Ай бұрын

    @@ArcCaravan a bit of Googling has revealed that it apparently originated in Wakefield Prison, as an acronym for 'Not on Normal Courtyeard Exercise' for prisoners who were in danger from other inmates. This, of course, would include child sex offenders, although not only them. The term seems to have spread from there and I've heard it used in other contexts as well, probably through typical linguistic shifting.

  • @DiscoTimelordASD


    Ай бұрын

    In Australian we just call pedos "rock spiders". My parents were British and used the word "nonce" to refer to an absolute a-hole of a person only. They said "kiddy diddlers" to refer to pedos. Sorry for TMI and I hope no trauma was triggered for anyone.

  • @CrusaderKnight2000


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@DiscoTimelordASDPeople shouldn't do the spiders dirty with that comparison... Spiders didn't do anything to deserve that.

  • @Omnywrench
    @OmnywrenchАй бұрын

    It always baffles me how readily some people will try and play out their nasty pedo fantasies in these games, and then act surprised when they're told that what they're doing isnt allowed. Like, how do they expect everyone else to react? I mean, most child molesters try their best to hides their child molesting habits in real life; you'd think he would know that that sort of thing wasn't exactly respected in common company.

  • @bigboybastard7162


    Ай бұрын

    Something about dnd really brings out the degenerate side of these types of people where they think "its imaginary so its ok". That's how we get all these pedo stories, party rape, harem campaigns, ect ect

  • @BlueTressym


    Ай бұрын

    Some people think "But it's my CHARACTER!" will work as a Get-Out-Of-Consequences-Free card.

  • @TonySamedi


    Ай бұрын

    I wonder if they think everyone else feels the same way but hides it. A lot of folks who hold really disgusting opinions or beliefs often seem to have this belief that eveyrone else feels the same way, and they're the only ones brave enough to say it or act on it. He may genuinely think that a table presumably of other guys would entirely be on board with him acting like that, because in his mind ALL men are into what he's into. He thinks we're just lying or 'virtue signaling' or whatever when we object.

  • @DanaOtken


    Ай бұрын

    @@TonySamedi The coding trap. It isn't even about having an unpopular opinion; it's just the way humans think, but the more unpopular a perspective or opinion is, the more obvious it'll be that somebody holding it sees evidence all around them that so does everybody else and they're just hiding it. And the less somebody gets to connect with reality, the less variety of perspective or opinion they'll be willing to admit exists and the more they'll expect anybody who seems vaguely like them in any sense will feel the same way about everything. (Empathy requires admitting how different other people can be.) It is very hard to be sure I have accurate information on this specific example of it (most of what's available really isn't that trustworthy as representative), so I'm not willing to comment further here.

  • @draconicfeline6177


    Ай бұрын

    That or they're too used to videogames like Skyrim or baldurs gate, where they can be depraved on their own if they wish.

  • @DarthRic_
    @DarthRic_Ай бұрын

    I found it hilarious that the priest in the party was the one who called it out xD

  • @GarkKahn


    Ай бұрын

    And the culprit being part of a church

  • @mikethamostest
    @mikethamostestАй бұрын

    Unpopular opinion i guess: a 2hr phone call to your DM to talk about your FAMILIAR is wild

  • @rynowatcher


    Ай бұрын

    That stood out to me too; she might not have known what she was getting into and decided to set a hard line afterward to avoid another 3 hour conversation on the familiar.

  • @ArcCaravan


    Ай бұрын

    Makes more sense than pretending to agree then refusing without telling the player you got excited.

  • @ugxsan


    Ай бұрын

    Bruh, I wish my players wanted to talk about their characters for 2 hours. :V But yeah, probably just not the right player or the right table.

  • @rynowatcher


    Ай бұрын

    @@ugxsan they are not talking about their character for 2 hrs, they are talking about their character's familiar and how they want you to play this subservient character's personality that the op controls in every meaningful way for 2 hours. I feel that might get a bit weird as the op is expecting the dm to play a character that has no autonomy, agency, and the dm has no creative control of.

  • @ugxsan


    Ай бұрын

    @@rynowatcher That’s a very vivid description of something that only partially lines up with what we were actually told. Your familiar is part of your character to me and if it’s important enough for you to talk to me for two hours about it, I wanna facilitate that in some way. Not every DM has to do that if course. With that said, if the DM didn’t want to play the character they had discussed, she shouldn’t have agreed to it or at least said something about it, later when she had second thoughts. The problem here isn’t that the DM didn’t wanna do it, the problem is the DM acted like she was excited about it and then turned on a dime, threw all of the discussion and planning out the window, and yelled at the player for being confused. I will grant that since we’re being told this story through the lens of the player that got told off, we can’t know for sure if the DM was excited about it or if the player misread the DM, but then we literally don’t know if the story ever even actually happened. Nevertheless if you as a DM don’t tell your players you won’t do something, don’t be surprised when you outright refusing not to do something they think you agreed to catches them off guard and chases them away from your table.

  • @oniminikui
    @oniminikuiАй бұрын

    Any player that makes a character that doesn't want to join the party discovers quickly that I DM the party and not individual characters.

  • @tobiasbayer4866


    Ай бұрын

    This. Like, I dont mind roleplaying but this is very much a team game. The whole concept of a party is that its a group of people working together. You can roleplay why they do it and you can maybe have a fun story about how they came together, but in order to play you need to work together, both as a party and in real life.

  • @LordMyron09
    @LordMyron09Ай бұрын

    As a new DM, I have not had anyone try to actively avoid the party. I have edge lords, main characters and players who outright refuse to role-play (the characters they created were the "silent and mysterious" type), but I've found I can handle those. I think saying something equivalent to "you have successfully played the character you want, now write a new one and do it properly this time" to someone would be extremely awkward. Adventure buy-in is fundamental to TTRPGs, and it boggles my mind that people would make a character that would actively resist following the plot in the name of role-play

  • @kaylawoodbury2308
    @kaylawoodbury2308Ай бұрын

    It is a form of spot light hogging and main character syndrome. They want to play out the trope of "edgy lone wolf begrudgingly gets tag alongs that follow them everywhere". They want to be the center of attention and the decision maker for everyone and everything and they genuinely expect the party to chase after them and play along. To them their character is just so cool, so edgy, with such an amazing tragic backstory so of course everyone will love them and beg to be their underling.

  • @SchlauSchafe


    29 күн бұрын

    What's wild is a group I'm in had somebody try and do that mid campaign Like she joined our group with our pre-established dynamics expecting us all to both read her mind & basically simp for her character to join us I'm shy so I was like, polite and friendly, but apparently that wasn't enough for her. The other people's characters IRP weren't the types to pander/beg somebody to join our group if they didn't seem interested? And the new girl didn't act interested, so they, too, didn't actively try to "recruit" her like she had apparently wanted. It was super confusing the few sessions she was there because she kept acting super moody yet putting zero effort into integrating herself into the group. Our DM told us afterwards that she was apparently getting legitimately upset that we weren't immediately spotlighting her. The stupid part is if she tried *at all* to include herself, we would've given her way more attention than the weird aloof shit she had chosen to do.

  • @kaylawoodbury2308


    29 күн бұрын

    @@SchlauSchafe Honestly the utter lack of self awareness makes this situation funny to me. Like they're so ready to live out their Isekai protagonist fantasy they forget the other players are real people trying to act out their own fantasies and stories, not scripted characters meant to play support to their story.

  • @littlegiantj8761
    @littlegiantj8761Ай бұрын

    I hope Hunter never goes a day without feeling paranoid for his safety

  • @fmor2779


    Ай бұрын

    As a person who is expecting medical information about my status I can confirm that tranquility is by far the most important thing to have besides good physical health, and to people like the Hunter player I wish the same, to not be able to feel calm not for one second.

  • @nadeshikorealnofake2237


    Ай бұрын

    Dunno man, id preffer him being behind bars

  • @littlegiantj8761


    Ай бұрын

    @@nadeshikorealnofake2237 could be paroled for all we know

  • @fmor2779


    Ай бұрын

    @@nadeshikorealnofake2237 I get the feeling, I do want that too, but not having a single second to feel safe or calm it's preferable than believing such person is happy and enjoying himself while free. I hope, at least, his paranoia consumes him.

  • @lulolie


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@littlegiantj8761paroled clearly not enough

  • @marybdrake1472
    @marybdrake1472Ай бұрын

    No Doge, the cleric's comparison was made in earnest. That said, I doubt the cleric player realized it right away.

  • @AdiG1
    @AdiG1Ай бұрын

    For those who don't know about Jimmy Saville, he was a TV presenter (and I think also a radio DJ) on the BBC some years ago. When he died in the early 2000's, people started coming out that he abused them when they were adolescent fans of the show, Jim'll Fix It, and the BBC was covering it up. As for Yuffie, she wasn't hard to recruit in the original FF7. The method of recruiting her was just arbitrary

  • @M_Alexander
    @M_AlexanderАй бұрын

    The only reason you should lead a child NPC into the forest is for dark magic rituals. Sometimes you need blood of the innocent. Don't make it weird

  • @Mexican-Inquisition


    26 күн бұрын

    Or stealing her valuables and eliminating the witness

  • @M_Alexander


    26 күн бұрын

    @@Mexican-Inquisition I mean sure if you've run out of better options. Generally if you can trick a kid into following you into the forest then you ought to be able to convince them to just hand over whatever they've got

  • @akun50
    @akun50Ай бұрын

    Story 2 - My guess is that the Rogue had unresolved issues with bullying and/or taunting. Either they suffered it themselves or they had someone close to them suffer as a result. And, as always, the problem could've been solved by actually talking like human beings and voicing discomfort. The Rogue could've admitted that the teasing was bothering him more than he thought and asked for it to be toned down or stopped, and while the Druid was under no obligation to be mean to Dolores, they didn't have to be nice either. Neutrality towards or ignoring Dolores was an option for the Druid. Story 3 - Clearly this rogue didn't want to play DnD, he wanted to WIN DnD. Maybe he wanted to play some sort of lovable rogue that never gets punished. Or, most likely, he was hoping he'd get solo adventures yet somehow still be involved in the main campaign. Last Story - The lack of loot off enemies is a small red flag, but not getting rewards at all is a ridiculously huge red flag. If the DM had such an issue with the items, they could've just nixxed them and offered a list of approved items instead. I can't help but wonder if the DM wasn't treating the players as having a negative bank balance to which killing enemies slowly "paid off" until they'd eventually win back the chance to get loot again. Which wouldn't be a bad idea for a campaign, but it should be discussed prior to the game.

  • @GarkKahn


    Ай бұрын

    Lots of details feel left out but for story 2 i think rogue couldn't tell apart character from player and refused to talk about it so they could solve it like civilized people

  • @Virtualblueart
    @VirtualblueartАй бұрын

    "He was a church youth pastor" Honestly , we hear that in this context so often in the news hat it could be added as a synonym for p word.

  • @Nana-kx4hc


    Ай бұрын

    that's honestly sad

  • @leonelegender


    Ай бұрын

    Of all religions, Christianity is the one who have the least cases. But we cannot speak ill of the "protected groups religions" , it's agaisnt the narrative

  • @RorytheRomulan


    Ай бұрын

    @@leonelegender Or teachers

  • @codysmith3531


    Ай бұрын

    i immediately said "yup called it" when it said that

  • @Scruffy-qi3ik


    Ай бұрын

    @@leonelegender i'm not excusing it. but when a religion is disproportionally more popular than all other ones and has way more people in it while technically being the main religion of the country, is going to lead to stuff like that being noticed more often for them. and are you speaking of just christianity? because the joke is commonly associated with one of the branches of it, being Catholics. not Christianity as a whole

  • @SpenceSession
    @SpenceSessionАй бұрын

    The armor in the game footage is worn by a dragon hating knight in the dark souls series. Ironic to mention appeasing the algorithm dragon while dawning such armor...

  • @mikeisernie
    @mikeisernieАй бұрын

    ....somewhere in another channel someone is relating a story about the "needy player who demanded a two hour phone call about their pet owl."

  • @ArcCaravan


    Ай бұрын

    I assume if that story is read, the narrator will point out that DM should have just been honest. Or comments saying "why can't these OPs have a backbone".

  • @RyuSpike
    @RyuSpikeАй бұрын

    For the Deloris story, I wonder if there was some kind of reason behind his sensitivity that was never addressed. It is obvious that Druid putting Deloris down upset him, but the story doesn’t elaborate further. Probably because OP never learned the reason or even tried. Dunno, but feels like we are missing details. If I were in Rogue’s shoes, I would also be annoyed if another player is basically bullying the NPC you spent time and gold to bond with emotionally.

  • @BlueTressym


    Ай бұрын

    I agree. There's a line between banter and bullying. No one has to like an NPC but constantly putting someone down is not OK and honestly, I'd be pissed too if someone was going out of their way to pick on someone like that. I don't feel OP handled this well at all.

  • @escarche9753


    Ай бұрын

    I especially enjoyed the "I am such a nice person, so I blocked him, lol"

  • @dungeonsanddioramas8068


    Ай бұрын

    I was thinking the very same thing. There’s usually a trigger for that kind of outburst. OP made it seem it legit came out of nowhere

  • @EnraiChannel


    Ай бұрын

    Yeah I feel like we need the other side of this story too to draw any actual conclusions. That's why I don't like stories that gloss over the problem while trying to paint someone as reasonable or unreasonable. Especially the ending "I thanked and blocked them" just doesn't sit well with me with this little info what was really being said. Sure there are unstable people, and while you don't have to accept their behavior it's still good to understand where it comes from.

  • @WolforNuva


    Ай бұрын

    There is still the fact that the rogue didn't communicate, they verbally harassed the druid instead of bringing the issue to the DM, and then followed by bottling their issues until they exploded with more harassment. There may well be another side to the story, but still the rogue should have talked more with their DM. Poor communication kills.

  • @incineroar9933
    @incineroar9933Ай бұрын

    Reminds me of one of my horror stories. Guy played a lawful good paladin in the middle of a crowded public seating area? All he wanted to do was become a serial killer of women and children in the game, and worse. He wanted his paladin to... make them be with him, butcher, cook, and sell their jerky. We were playing a band of wandering heroes, not the bad guys.

  • @PrideOfFantasy100
    @PrideOfFantasy100Ай бұрын

    It's fine if the DM is not on board with the familiar being some special entity, but that really should be just stated up front. Same with the next story. It's not that things needed changing, it's about communication and making sure both parties are on the same page.

  • @Blindy_Sama
    @Blindy_SamaАй бұрын

    First one is disturbing because there's a lot of game shops. That being said I got accused of being a sicko one time because my character had a tea party with an imaginary NPC to be nice and there some relevant plot points to the kid but I don't remember exactly what it was now. I was very unhappy when I was accused of this because I said excuse me but I've had tea parties with nieces and younger cousins so why would you say that? Also, for more info both in the game and outside of the game the tea parties were done in Plain view of other people The guy in the first story though that is super duper creepy behavior.

  • @9liveslie-cat-lie129
    @9liveslie-cat-lie129Ай бұрын

    Algorithm dragon? Did Drake get a new job? Lol 😆

  • @stephenadams8712


    Ай бұрын

    No not the algorithm dragon is likely a green dragon based on how toxic it is

  • @parishthewolf1508


    Ай бұрын

    I’m still not paying my taxes!

  • @kaylawoodbury2308


    Ай бұрын

    It's what Doge used to do before he posted like and comment kitties.

  • @SightlessSenshi


    Ай бұрын

    Came here to ask this too! lol

  • @avalacheavalanche


    Ай бұрын

    He gotta protect the cringe archives somehow

  • @dorianleakey
    @dorianleakeyАй бұрын

    Hmm, the Dolores story, I just want to know for sure that the Druid said before that meltdown. Not that it makes it acceptable, but it makes no sense and comes from nowhere, why did he have that meltdown? Just holding on to stuff?

  • @zacharysieg2305
    @zacharysieg2305Ай бұрын

    Third story - Why. Why do players do this. What is the point in making a character for a GROUP ACTIVITY who then refuses to join the group?!

  • @kaylawoodbury2308


    Ай бұрын

    It's an annoying trope in a lot of shows and videogames, especially anime. The lone wolf with a tragic past that inexplicably gets a dedicated following he begrudgingly accepts and eventually starts to like them. These people want to be the de facto leader and have the adventure center on them and what they want to do. They think this kind of character is just so cool that everyone will just immediately go along with it. Not realizing that the characters in the shows and games only do that because they're just written that way, that real people don't act like that. Worst thing is they only ever take the bad parts of these characters and leave out all the good, leaving out what makes the other characters actually WANT to follow them.

  • @DaoYeLung
    @DaoYeLungАй бұрын

    for the Deloris story I'm curious if the DM had access to Tasha's. They could have just make Deloris a sidekick and give her some usable stats.

  • @ArcCaravan


    Ай бұрын

    Sounded like the DM planned the girl to not be an adventurer and let the party change that plan. Maybe they'd be a sidekick later, but I doubt it'd have prevented the tabletop horror story.

  • @timreynolds4785


    Ай бұрын

    @@ArcCaravan Telling Druid not to step on Rogue's gaming ambitions. Also...Doge is getting racist with the Italian nonsense.

  • @ArcCaravan


    Ай бұрын

    @@timreynolds4785 Or rogue could have kept in-game disagreements in-game. Based on what we heard from the DM, all druid did was voice disapproval to the NPC instead of hindering anything.

  • @CocaoDemon
    @CocaoDemonАй бұрын

    Excluding the DM's girlfriend getting her super special item, I find the idea of a campaign that's an emotional, physical, and financial drain on the party kind of interesting. It would, of course, be something nice to know ahead of time, but having to nickel-and-dime your way through a mission like that, unappreciated and destitute solely because either no one knows of your work at all or is actively being fed propaganda that you're the bad guys sounds so intriguing. Like the whole campaign is asking the players "how long are you willing to play the heroes if no one is there to sing your praises but yourselves?"

  • @sparrowfox6943
    @sparrowfox6943Ай бұрын

    Oh boy oh boy, can't wait to find out why Azura Fire Emblem is in the thumbnail

  • @idreadFell365
    @idreadFell365Ай бұрын

    The hell Azura doin in the thumbnail?

  • @vodachan4458


    27 күн бұрын

    The hell fire emblems resident Aquafina ad doing here

  • @ikarder
    @ikarderАй бұрын

    Idk why but british dog talking about hot topics is so hilarious, like fairy tails narrator trying to tell the kids about global news, i can't XD

  • @dwaynejackson551
    @dwaynejackson551Ай бұрын

    I have a few former sex offender people I know play dnd. I have to tell them to not do that. If I DM I won't even continue the game if they start. I don't have a problem with people's pasts. I have a problem when they keep trying to go back to it.

  • @draconicfeline6177


    Ай бұрын

    And they just... With their whole chest... Try to offend again in game?

  • @dwaynejackson551


    Ай бұрын

    @@draconicfeline6177 They start falling into old thinking. I correct this by saying that I am not allowing it and to find a different action. A lot of the time it is they don't realize what they said in the quick back and Forth's. I only had one guy who refused to take accountability for his bad thinking. He is behind bars for another crime, not sexual but the thinking was the same.

  • @lulolie


    Ай бұрын

    I would have a problem with it, they clearly haven't changed simce they keep trying to do it -_- the hell

  • @dwaynejackson551


    Ай бұрын

    @lulolie The problem stems from living a certain way for so long backed up with the "reward" chemicals from masturbation. It's actually harder to break because the brain has rewired itself to make these thoughts more pleasurable. I'm not saying it's right. I am saying it isn't easy to go back to not having said thoughts because their brains have literally changed to suit it.

  • @UltimatBlitz
    @UltimatBlitzАй бұрын

    "Don't you hate it when you agree on stuff with your DM and then they go back on it without telling you?" Why is my mother in this title?

  • @LauraBow
    @LauraBowАй бұрын

    That first story was so weird. Like was everyone supposed to stay quiet while he did a diddling rp. And he was reenacting his crime holy shit.

  • @cmhsky
    @cmhskyАй бұрын

    Last story: this sounds sooooo boring. No one gets anything for doing anything and we all have to eat goodberries.

  • @amelianekomimi1936


    Ай бұрын

    if i wanted to do that, id go back to the military!

  • @ArcmageZaln
    @ArcmageZalnАй бұрын

    yuffie was so hard you needed the game magazines to help get her. yes im that old that i used game magazines because no internet help was available yet. ;p

  • @ieatpeopleand


    Ай бұрын

    Wait! Yuffie was easy for me to get. If memory serves, she stole all our materia and I think I had to fight her? Then she joined, easy-peasy. I could be forgetting a few things. 🚬😎

  • @paulman34340


    Ай бұрын

    Yeah, that was pretty mean spirited of the developers back then! setting that Save point there to punish cautious players with not getting her if they went to it just to save as a just in case they screwed up. It was bad enough they took her out of a main character roll to make her a optional recruit (I'll praise Rebirth for fixing this and restoring her main character status LOL) but yeah, I only recruited her my first time do to getting FULLY into FF7 in the PS3 era (I played it when it first came out, but RPG were new to me and without a memory card which I got around when the FF9 came out, The PS1 FF I actually BEAT. I did nearly beat FF8 without a memory card though LOL! Power outage fucked me over though. I only got as far as Shinra HQ in Disc 1 on a rental before forgetting about the game till the PS3 era! So I was aware of the infamous way you could screw up getting Yuffie by this point) so had I would have never know WHY she kept running away then (as by then Memory error made me PARNOID about losing progress so I frankly started saving any chance I got with multiple saves out of PURE fear) Man those were the days, nowadays companies barely BOTHER with Guides because of how fast sites like Gamefaqs and such make their own guides for free (Hell I got into making my OWN guides for myself as well! Frankly I leave em spoiler free and their more "hey doesn't that look familar" as I usually repeat a long RPG when I'm at the point where a year has past and playing other games and life made me forget about 60-70% of the game for me to feel like it's new! My guides are more to help me be LESS frustrated while relearning how to ride a bike I haven't ridden in 20 years! Basically not spoil myself while letting myself know "Something is right there, just not WHAT it is! These are for the games that LOVE pulling that "hidden shit" where you'd never know something was there do to the game never hinting or ANYTHING and expecting you to guess somehow!) but I still miss em!

  • @QuirkOfArtXD


    Ай бұрын

    I choose to believe it’s cuz the devs knew they created an annoying ass character and were trying to protect the players XD

  • @thephantomwolf1002


    Ай бұрын

    Meanwhile I used some website to find out when the earliest point I could get her was and what the correct dialogue choices were after that i had her in my party for pretty much the entire rest of the game (except for that one sidequest where she stole the materia)

  • @paulman34340


    Ай бұрын

    @@thephantomwolf1002 We're talking about back in the day BEFORE the internet was a major thing (Anyone remember AOL, that was fun to deal with! Had REAL fun dealing with that DAMN noise they make when I wanted to look at the internet at night and the computer was in my mother's room so I had to feel FEAR she'd wake up and see me on the computer as she made it clear NO COMPUTER WHEN SHE IS NOT AT HOME. And well, my only internet access was the library for ONE HOUR at a time! So having it at home saved a two mile trip only to use it for one hour LOL) But again, most were stuck with OTHER means of sources back in "ye ole internetLESS days"

  • @vortega472
    @vortega472Ай бұрын

    You had me at hello...I mean kitty. Story 1: Hey little girl - does this rag smell like chloroform? Yep needed kitten's snuggling together is just what was needed.

  • @ErdriedDeirdre
    @ErdriedDeirdreАй бұрын

    We needed 3 kitty pallet cleansers after that first story. ☹️

  • @KiwiSpartan01
    @KiwiSpartan01Ай бұрын

    Am i the only one who lives vicariously through these stories with never playing dnd

  • @GarkKahn


    Ай бұрын

    I played only once and i learnt all the basics from horror story videos from doge and drake

  • @kamudo999
    @kamudo999Ай бұрын

    I had something similiar to gm doing something like owl one, but in my case it was more of a double standerds type of thing. I was playing as a warlock in a game, in which short rests were not a thing we could do, so I show a homebrew solution for the warlock class that made it so its not so relying on short rests. then I get told that there is nothing that can be done about it and was rejected. keep in mind that one of the other players was playing as a homebrew class and race FROM DNDWIKI, and still have homebrew guns, so right after the same player told me that there is nothing to be done about it, he immediality says to the gm that he wants another homebrew gun that can could be use on melee, and the gm is ok with the idea. I left that server without saying anything

  • @l0stndamned
    @l0stndamnedАй бұрын

    With regards to "abusing the boots" I wonder if the DM is referring to the way some players have tried to brake the game by messing around with flying rules. Doesn't explain the rest of the DM's stupid though.

  • @MrBuns-yi2hk
    @MrBuns-yi2hkАй бұрын

    I pretty much helped write backstories for all of my players in my campaign. They gave me more of general plot points that they wanted, and I helped them incorporate it into my story in a lore-friendly way. I also made sure to give them all a character sypnopsis to check over before we finalized things just to make sure they were okay with it.

  • @RadChannel
    @RadChannelАй бұрын

    Ain't no way I'm spending 2 hours helping someone craft their familiar

  • @ArcCaravan


    Ай бұрын

    As long as you're up front about that, you're good.

  • @BlueTressym


    Ай бұрын

    Fair but just say so. Spending those two hours, appearing on board, and then just ditching it at the table with no warning or notice is incredibly counterproductive.

  • @GarkKahn


    Ай бұрын

    Ok but don't say ok today and no way tomorrow That's the real problem here, not the time spent

  • @phobiawitch835
    @phobiawitch835Ай бұрын

    I’m listening to this video from my very first apartment, time to bless this new home with some Stories by the Doge!

  • @lamiahunter
    @lamiahunterАй бұрын

    Ah yes, the ‘doll house dm’. They dont care about your character actually they just want you to play house

  • @starlight2098
    @starlight2098Ай бұрын

    "Gotta appease the alogorithmn dragon!" Den of the Drake sneezing in the background..

  • @nigeltucker4202
    @nigeltucker4202Ай бұрын

    New player rogue steals from party, wont join after failing insight check. Seems like metagaming roll results doubled down on running away. DM could have stopped the metagaming and said that Rogue believes and feels he could trust the cleric. If the rogue still ran away, well that's the rogue willingly choosing to metagame still. On top of this, the story is cut short. This could be a really interesting way for the rogue to join up late. They follow the party around. Scout them. Build up a trust from the roll by trailing them and seeing their actions in the town. When the rogue saw the party didn't report them, the DM could remind the rogue the party didn't attempt to harm them when they were held by magic. They could have killed or KO'd them for the bounty but didn't. Its a rare chance but what if the rogue was planning on doing this or something similar and then approached the party later? There is to little on the story to speculate where it was going. Person makes a character that doesn't want to join the party horror stories are usually more descriptive and the character is wearing a red flag as a cloak.

  • @user-qx7yw2cv7k
    @user-qx7yw2cv7kАй бұрын

    That one story with no items reminds me of the dude in prison who had a PC with the eye the hand and the book telling me magic items are super duper rare

  • @justinmargerum2559
    @justinmargerum2559Ай бұрын

    Commenting to feed the algae rhythm dragon.

  • @amelianekomimi1936


    Ай бұрын

    Me too.

  • @IcarusMundi
    @IcarusMundiАй бұрын

    "God strikes you down. get the fuck out." My personal ending.

  • @kyronmckinney
    @kyronmckinneyАй бұрын

    19:57 I would have done the same thing. Give them 3 options: 1 make your character join the party. 2 roll a new character that will join the party. 3 GTFO and stop wasting my time

  • @johnhodgdon2434
    @johnhodgdon2434Ай бұрын

    I would kick him at the first sign of that shit, creeper shit is strictly forbidden in any campaign I DM and I have DMed many, worst thing I have had so far is a guy that liked a girl that was playing with us, and kept trying to use persuasion checks as seduction checks to get her character with him, I kept telling him, unless the person consents to having a roll used against them I do not allow rolls against other PC's eventually the girl came to me after a session and asked me to do something as she was wildly uncomfortable, so that's what I did, I asked him to stop and he did for a bit, but then he started doing it again and I had to kick him from the campaign, moral of the story, don't be a creep.

  • @samurailevi49
    @samurailevi49Ай бұрын

    As someone who plays a druid and a friend who plays a rogue, you need to chill tf out. I’m chaotic like the druid and sometimes I do go overboard, but everything is handled in a proper manner. Nobody should be that attached to an NPC to where they resort to name calling.

  • @MrB-bx7dz
    @MrB-bx7dzАй бұрын

    9:53 "very poor choice of words"

  • @johnf.kennedy7683
    @johnf.kennedy7683Ай бұрын

    I will never understand why people would even attempt to do degenerate roleplay around other people who clearly aren't into it.

  • @Svartalf14
    @Svartalf14Ай бұрын

    Thanks for telling me that DM can mean direct message... I knew more or less that, but didn't know what the acronym actually stood for.

  • @bigboybastard7162


    Ай бұрын

    Wait really?

  • @skylarjohnson7779
    @skylarjohnson777929 күн бұрын

    The black cat looks like he heard the story and is very judgemental of Hunter.

  • @DJScootagroov
    @DJScootagroov26 күн бұрын

    Why would you out yourself like that at a table full of complete strangers?

  • @GoranAkuto
    @GoranAkutoАй бұрын

    I laughed pretty good at the Yuffie reference! 😂

  • @GiantTalkingTree
    @GiantTalkingTreeАй бұрын

    Holy crap talking dog. Next thing you know there will be talking trees.

  • @amehayami934
    @amehayami934Ай бұрын

    If I was the DM I'd say ok you succeeded in your hide they went off. And then I proceed to run the rest of the group. 😊 And if he gets mad because I'm not running the game with him I'll just say "I gave you a chance, you could have been part of the group, I have (name off how many other players I have). Seriously do you really think I will have the time to run you solo and run them? And what makes you think you're so special that I have a solo game I made just for you?" "Wanna join up with them now? You might have to start begging knowing my friend lol"

  • @SnapDaddy96
    @SnapDaddy96Ай бұрын

    The rogue attempting to rob the party then not wanting to join honestly feels like the player joined with the sole purpose of trying to hinder the other players.

  • @plutoniumP
    @plutoniumPАй бұрын

    i love listening to dnd doge, like a podcast while i draw

  • @KamiNoBaka1
    @KamiNoBaka128 күн бұрын

    One time I was playing in a friend's high-powered evil campaign as an LE Grey Elf Artificer (the class from Eberron) with the Renegade Mastermaker prestige class, and I worried some of the members of the party when I started "rescuing" the young children of our victims from our murder-happy psychotic bastard of a CE TWF Ranger with a penchant for necrophilia. That ranger had a habit of doing unspeakable things to corpses and loved traumatizing people, especially children, by doing those things in front of them. All I was doing, though, was using the opportunity to cast myself as a savior to them so I could put them to work in a pocket dimension sweatshop, boosting their skills with items I created so they could produce the masterwork items I needed. My character was actually more or less asexual, too focused on his goal of creating an artifact that would raise him to godhood to concern himself with matters of the flesh.

  • @ethanmontgomery6132
    @ethanmontgomery6132Ай бұрын

    Azura NO!

  • @Shane-hx4xp
    @Shane-hx4xpАй бұрын

    It’s simple Dnd Doge posts we watch and like

  • @shadowchu419
    @shadowchu419Ай бұрын

    I’m sorry did the 2nd dm just say he gave a character a shield and armor with no mechanical benefit even after charging the player gold?

  • @jonaslover123457
    @jonaslover12345727 күн бұрын

    I remember joining a game of furries that were genuinely hyper sexual and odd and i remember being so uncomfortable. But I sat that whole session and continued a few more till someone just told me to leave because I felt bad… smh I’m so bad with confrontation…

  • @Remoniq
    @RemoniqАй бұрын

    First time one of the stories scared me real bad.

  • @Roadent1241
    @Roadent1241Ай бұрын

    I'm surprised it took calling the dude a nonce to realise where the players were from, I don't think Mr S is very well known outside of the UK so that was the only tipoff you'd need? Also while done in jest, very much deserved considering his behaviour. If anything that's a warning of "oi don't be evil even in fiction. You're telling on yourself and that's disgusting. Get help.".

  • @neerGdyahS
    @neerGdyahSАй бұрын

    I believe that's staff* sergeant snuggles.

  • @SplashV_
    @SplashV_Ай бұрын

    Not the esam wojak 😭😭

  • @sw33tshar3
    @sw33tshar3Ай бұрын

    The Esam wojak was an inspired choice

  • @adirblazkowics7717
    @adirblazkowics7717Ай бұрын

    That doge vtuber model is great honestly

  • @modakkagitplugga
    @modakkagitpluggaАй бұрын

    I run grimdark games. Everything is on the table, but the world and characters will react accordingly. My general rule of thumb is that you're allowed to imply more than you explicitly describe. Go too far and I will immediately put the player in an unsurviable situation and will encourage other players to find a way to stop the new villain of the story. The vanquished demon earning a place as an infamous charichature (of their actual self, not the character) side quest where their misdeeds are simply alluded too or a victim will be used to motivate a new party to seek out justice. There's a chance you will be banned from my table and I will use your sick degeneracy for content.

  • @demonic_myst4503
    @demonic_myst4503Ай бұрын

    Story 1 hell no gross m while i play the evil character who will turture somone for information for the party luring a kid is just a level too far

  • @UltimatBlitz
    @UltimatBlitzАй бұрын

    I think that rouge guy might need to deal with trauma about being put down. That's the only (reasonable) explanation I can come up with.

  • @kisaknight626
    @kisaknight626Ай бұрын

    Yuffie wasn't difficult, just trial and error in conversation

  • @RS3isRealscape
    @RS3isRealscapeАй бұрын

    RIP THE REAL DOGE may his memory be a blessing to all who knew him and used his image in memes

  • @sothisthebeginning
    @sothisthebeginningАй бұрын

    I appreciate the Azura in the thumbnail

  • @shiva0
    @shiva0Ай бұрын

    RE: Owl story. I feel like there is more to this than just the familiar incident. Or the DM is irrational, but I feel like the former.

  • @namor3607
    @namor360718 күн бұрын

    Of all the reddit stories, that first story is the most reddit story of all time. There's a reason they have an entire subreddit called r/thathappened devoted to stories that are obviously fake or at least extremely embellished.

  • @RorytheRomulan
    @RorytheRomulanАй бұрын

    Thwarting a cult who have no material possessions does sound like a fun idea, IF you can provide the players an alternate means of material progression... like maybe employing them to a ruler or to an enterprising military leader who will reward them with funds and gear. Never giving them anything is ridiculous. Once the party reached level 8, OP's total equipment value would have been in excess of the Winged Boots' standard price by nearly 11,000 gold. They aren't THAT helpful.

  • @JondarKorric
    @JondarKorricАй бұрын

    you telling me to like and subscribe at the start is the fastest way to get me to not do either.

  • @jimmyredd
    @jimmyreddАй бұрын

    What game are the background scenes from?

  • @jokersucksatpoker6451
    @jokersucksatpoker6451Ай бұрын

    Bro I thought that was Anthony Fantano in the thumbnail

  • @danielgiovanniello7217
    @danielgiovanniello7217Ай бұрын

    Now say it with me: the only good predator is a-

  • @trublgrl
    @trublgrl28 күн бұрын

    I got a broom of flying in one campaign, where I cybered with the DM. But he gave me the broom before the banged it out, so I don't feel it was unfair.

  • @ryanrizzo4869
    @ryanrizzo4869Ай бұрын

    As an Italian, I resent that remark! Whyyyyy Iiiii 'otta! 😉 lol

  • @bluepuppystudios3617
    @bluepuppystudios361729 күн бұрын

    Best boi right here

  • @thephantomwolf1002
    @thephantomwolf1002Ай бұрын

    was listening to this in the background and came here because YUFFIE MENTIONED :D

  • @mrbones7331
    @mrbones7331Ай бұрын

    You drive a hard bargain sir you have my subscripción

  • @LauraBow
    @LauraBowАй бұрын

    I dont get people that never wanna rp. You can just play a video game at that point.

  • @KimchiYeo
    @KimchiYeoАй бұрын

    it's the silent hill 2 doge!!!

  • @Nomorehero07
    @Nomorehero07Ай бұрын

    Oh... Oh my goodness...

  • @gweebies
    @gweebies21 күн бұрын

    what game is in the background?

  • @Spikeboizttv
    @Spikeboizttv14 күн бұрын

    Funny talking dog

  • @AmonDevilman
    @AmonDevilmanАй бұрын

    A secret WHAT?!

  • @rabbitmaskedman
    @rabbitmaskedmanАй бұрын

    Doing NorthernLion dirty in the thumbnail tbh

  • @theratking013
    @theratking013Ай бұрын

    How the Group in the last story survived without dying from malnutrition,weather/climate problems and how did handle traveling with barely any Money?

  • @ArcCaravan


    Ай бұрын

    I'm guessing DM ruled goodberry was enough for food and didn't have weather/survival mechanics. Probably had the party walk to each location, maybe with fast travel rather then dedicating any game time to it.

  • @Nana-kx4hc
    @Nana-kx4hcАй бұрын

    of course it had to be a youth pastor guy

  • @thenekonero
    @thenekoneroАй бұрын

    this doge is so cute omg

  • @dannyjaye
    @dannyjaye20 күн бұрын

    That first one ended up being so tame and ridiculous. Nothing happened in the end and as usual some chick made a mountain out of a molehill. Typical Londoners…

  • @temperingtantrum
    @temperingtantrumАй бұрын

    Regarding Delores story: Rogue, I feel you. Keep going, and try it in real life?
