Player DEMANDS Control And CREEPY Relationship | DnD Horror Story


In today's episode of RPG Horror Stories, we have a sequel to yesterday's tale about a problem player that throws temper tantrums and demands total control over the game, and a romantic role play with npcs that is a bit inappropriate. Then for our friday glory story, we have a story about a dungeon master rick rolling his players.
Music by Alexander Nakarada and Ean Grimm
0:00 Intro
0:35 Creepy Relationship
16:32 Friday Glory Story

Пікірлер: 171

  • @l0stndamned
    @l0stndamned Жыл бұрын

    On one occasion I came up with a bunch of convoluted backstory that let to a potentially world-ending plot just so I could have a fungus-creature say "Thank you, but your castle is in another princess". If the problem-player's issues were legit, then rpgs are not suitable for her, but I suspect that said problems were just an excuse to be demanding. Her character and relationship ideas seem to combine all the worst clichés of slash-fic writers.

  • @AmaryInkawult
    @AmaryInkawult Жыл бұрын

    No, no no no. Anyone that CLAIMS they have anxiety over the unknown do not need to be playing a game where wether your character lives or dies is in the hands of CHANCE. The best thing for their nerves, if they're telling the truth that is, is to not include them in these campaigns where chance, multiple people's personalities clash, and the fucking unknown rule. The ones that are LYING about this anxiety, they NEED to be booted. These aren't sufferers, they are narcissistic abusers who want to control other people and WILL use this excuse to socially ostracize you should you not give into their demands. You cannot win with a narc, don't even try. The best thing to do is NEVER engage with these people even if they scream in your ear.

  • @AmaryInkawult


    Жыл бұрын

    And if they insist on screaming in your ear and the tenitis or however you spell it annoys you, knock their teeth out. Narcs need humbling.

  • @MyLittlePonyTheater


    Жыл бұрын

    At the risk of sounding politically incorrect, a player who has a panic attack every time something unexpected happens joining a standard group D&D campaign is like a quadriplegic person applying to play ice hockey. We understand you love the game, but it's clearly not for you! We don't have to bend over backwards and ruin the game for everyone else to accommodate these players.

  • @AmaryInkawult


    Жыл бұрын

    @@MyLittlePonyTheater that's, actually a funny comparison

  • @timothyswanson8773


    Жыл бұрын

    @@AmaryInkawult Amen.

  • @monikasernek1177


    Жыл бұрын

    @@MyLittlePonyTheater Nice comparison. I always wondered myself (because this is not the first I heard this excuse & lets say it is a real mental health problem) how this people enjoy other media. Do they look up spoilers for movies? Read only the last chapter of a book? imagine taking them to see a new movie and they spend 2/3 of the runtime screeming in a corner.

  • @ChaosCounseling
    @ChaosCounseling Жыл бұрын

    Okay if you need all those things just to have fun with d&d then you don’t need d&d you need therapy

  • @marybdrake1472
    @marybdrake1472 Жыл бұрын

    Speaking as someone is a pretty highly sensitive person, it is not a mental illness. Nor should it be presented as such. Warlock was just an attention seeker that respected no one's boundaries.

  • @AutumnWoodham


    Жыл бұрын

    Also an advocator for pedophilia. don't forget that crucial piece of info.

  • @REfan2002
    @REfan2002 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you Simba for the protection. Praise the Simba!

  • @realdragon


    Жыл бұрын

    A well deserved praise

  • @kata1261


    Жыл бұрын

    Behold, dog!

  • @gabrielaubry1334


    Жыл бұрын

    It's the CIR-cle of CRIIIIINGE!

  • @melaniehansen6236


    3 ай бұрын

    Praise Simba the great Cleric!

  • @colinchildress1251
    @colinchildress1251 Жыл бұрын

    Dude, Simba looks like he ate one too many brownies.

  • @ErdriedDeirdre
    @ErdriedDeirdre Жыл бұрын

    How much catnip did Simba have in them at the time of that video? That kitty's higher than 15 Woodstocks.

  • @KyurekiHana
    @KyurekiHana Жыл бұрын

    I once created a puzzle for my players that required them to sync arm movements with a scrambled chant. It wasn't until they started performing it that they realized what I got them to do: numa numa.

  • @PaladinGear15


    Жыл бұрын

    Cute picture, mate xD

  • @darklord884


    Жыл бұрын

    That sounds like the "Two Wongs can never make a Wight" story, with potentially the same outcome of "I then sat down as my players stood up and started shouting at me. I regret nothing. :D"

  • @AuntLoopy123


    Жыл бұрын

    @@darklord884 I don't know the story, but fortunately, I know my gaming group (They're literally my family), and if I pulled that, I'd get a standing ovation, and phone calls to friends, with "You'll never guess what my DM just did! It was hilarious!" Yeah, we all love a good pun.

  • @AuntLoopy123


    Жыл бұрын

    I don't know "numa numa," but I was picturing "YMCA," and now I want to do that in my game, somehow. My brother LOVES puzzles and asked for more, after all. Hehehe.

  • @KyurekiHana


    Жыл бұрын

    @@AuntLoopy123 Numa Numa is an internet meme from the mid 2000s, where a guy waves his arms and lip syncs to the song of Dragonstea Din Tei. Of course, feel free to go with something your group will recognize. It's really fun to do stuff like this every once in a while.

  • @TheOvervoid
    @TheOvervoid Жыл бұрын

    I get the impression her HSP was made up and used to cover for her extreme narcissism

  • @demonic_myst4503


    Жыл бұрын

    Hap isnt even a diagnosis the only close thing that could be diagnosed is autism but even then their more detail to what makes autism

  • @AryTehCapricat
    @AryTehCapricat Жыл бұрын

    That last story reminds of one session when we fought an eldritch version of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. His legendary action was converting his followers into monsters by ‘making his name their name too’

  • @theinquisitorisamage1653


    Жыл бұрын

    Well damn, that's clever - horrifying and terrifying, but clever. How'd everyone react?

  • @AryTehCapricat


    Жыл бұрын

    @@theinquisitorisamage1653 it took me a bit to figure out since it was spelled different and being chanted one at a time by his followers. (Joh'on. Yokub. Gingle. Hiejmer. Schmidt.) once I finally put it together, I pounded my desk cause it was just so dumb but so clever. xD

  • @martmeisterpaladin4074


    Жыл бұрын

    How did you defeat him? Was there something special you had to do?

  • @AryTehCapricat


    Жыл бұрын

    @@martmeisterpaladin4074 Naw, just had to bring him down to 0 hp. It was basically a side mission to give time for the DM to figure out the next arc.

  • @martmeisterpaladin4074


    Жыл бұрын

    @@AryTehCapricat No resistances or immunity or anything like that?

  • @Changeling
    @Changeling Жыл бұрын

    And this is why when you run a TTRPG game you have to be comfortable with saying the word NO. "No, you may not insert anything that does not fit the world...including deadly plagues." I get OP wanting to compromise, but the moment it was rejected the offer should have been pulled from the table with a firm, "then no, you may not have this in your backstory." The DM is the one creating the world, sometimes they work with players to make elements...but that does not mean the player gets permission to use them as a doormat in return and take over. Good on OP for ultimately holding their ground, but yikes. And Holy Hypocrisy Batman! The problem player doesn't handle "dramatic, dark things well" with _that_ gem of a backstory with the creeptastic mentor NPC? Then wants all these other special things all because she's mentally disabled, likes to use it as a crutch to get her way, and is used to her friends enabling that bad behavior instead of trying to help her, ya know, not be a selfish, entitled brat? I game primarily with people that are Neurdivergent, I also fall into this category, so...what's her excuse exactly cause from where I'm sitting she ain't got one. Being accommodating is one thing, but this is not that...this is using a disability for special treatment. ...OMG _how_ does the problem player lack sooo much self-awareness that they have no comprehension of what they wrote and can't figure out why OP cast that NPC as a villain? OP lost nothing by losing that dead weight of a group. And the problem player needs to stop playing altogether cause... Ewwww.

  • @ThatWTVGuy
    @ThatWTVGuy Жыл бұрын

    The subject of this story is the definition of a crybully

  • @RandomTrinidadian


    Жыл бұрын

    I was getting strong Chris-chan vibes from Warlock

  • @AuntLoopy123


    Жыл бұрын

    crybully. Good call. My late sister and my living sister both had to deal with a... I'm not even sure how to describe her. An "I'm so nice, why are you angry?" bully? They were all patients at the same dialysis clinic. Keep this in mind. Hemodialysis. All three of them (and all the others there) were kidney patients in end-stage kidney failure, just staving off death with hemodialysis and a CAREFUL diet. Hemodialysis diet is NOT a "healthy diet," by standard terms. For example, if anything is good for you, it's bad for you. All those healthy legumes? NOOOO! Beans? NOOOOO! Half the fruits and vegetables? NOOOOO! Whole grains? NOOOOOO! They had to keep their phosphorous and potassium levels low, in particular. Chocolate and nuts are no-nos. Bananas are no-nos. Dried fruit are no-nos. Did I mention beans? Dried beans are even more no-no. So, then there was... Let's call her Carol. Carol was not a Karen. She didn't go putting other people down, or stuff like that. But she DID make demands. Here are a bunch of people having their blood sucked out of them, run through a filter and pumped back in. It is LITERALLY draining. Most people just want to try to sleep through it. But CAROL DEMANDED that the other people there be SOCIAL. HAPPILY social. She declared herself to be the "Morale officer," or some such, and decided that she was IN CHARGE of making all the patients HAPPY! So, she and her long-suffering husband arranged meet-ups, and paid for treats, like chocolate for everyone, bags of nuts for everyone, size large T-shirts for all these hemo-dialysis people who are PUFFY and LETHARGIC, because of the kidney disease, and very few are smaller than XL, and most are XXL or up. Several are XXXXXL. BECAUSE of the kidney disease. And she's giving them stuff to make it worse. It's one thing to sabotage yourself, but she was sabotaging the entire unit of patients! She demanded that the lights, which are usually dimmed, because patients want/need to sleep, be turned up BRIGHT, so that "EVERYONE will be awake and ENERGIZED by the bright light! We can play games and have a great time." Play games while being literally tied to your chair, with six to ten feet between each station? And you can only use one arm, because the other one is BOUND and FULL OF NEEDLES AND TUBES, and you have to keep it straight, or else you'll blow out the vein and start spurting blood all over the place? Yeah. She wants to organize GAMES. OK, car games work. I Spy, and "I say a word and you follow with a word that starts with the same letter as the last letter of my word, and see how long we can make the chain," is good in a car, with willing participants. Maybe even forcing the children to participate, because otherwise they will drive the driver insane. But these are ADULTS. Many of them are OLD. And they are mostly tired, and ALL SICK. And they don't WANT to be given the temptation of a bag full of delicious Phosphorous and Potassium that will make them need EXTRA dialysis, or maybe just outright kill them. But, if you don't accept with an enthusiastic "THANK YOU, Carol! You're a real peach!" (only good for you if canned, because the process leaches out the P&P, btw), then she would get all butt-hurt and feel unappreciated. So, she was just "SO SWEET" and "SO HELPFUL," and lots of people were glad when she finally died, because they didn't have to DEAL with her, anymore. It's really sad, to tell you the truth. Nobody should feel happy about a patient dying, especially if they are patients, too, but dang. Most happy, perky, cheerful, helpful, generous people are missed when they are gone. But she wasn't. Her death was met with sighs of relief, because now they don't have to deal with "Oh, I hope she doesn't give me chocolate covered peanuts, and expect to watch as I eat them, and for me to THANK HER for giving me little death pills, which SHE KNOWS are little death pills, and they are for her, TOO, but she's 'just trying to be helpful and brighten everyone's mood! You'll live longer, if you keep your chin up!' and it's crazy-making, because if you turn down her gifts, or don't get all enthusiastic, or don't want to chat with her, or play with her, or just want to sleep, then she will take it as a personal affront, and 'You're so mean! I'm just trying to HELP YOU,' and then she'll cry, and WE will be the bad guys! I am just so glad I don't have to deal with that, anymore." What do you call that? A smilebully? A giftbully? It was like she was aggressively "helpful" and cheerful, and everyone else HAD to be cheerful, too, or else they were "mean" to her, just because sick people were SICK and TIRED, and just need to REST, because they FEEL ROTTEN. It's just so sad. But honestly, I'd much rather have a crybully. You can TELL them to "just grow up," but with this cheer-bully, you just 1) can't get through, and 2) seem like a bully, yourself, when you try.

  • @ThatWTVGuy


    Жыл бұрын

    @@AuntLoopy123 wow. That is crazy.

  • @mondenkindqueen


    Жыл бұрын

    That’s a narcissist, plain and simple. She wasn’t “helping” to be “helpful,” she just wanted that ego boost.

  • @RankStankulon


    Жыл бұрын

    @mondenkindqueen seconding this. Definitely a narcissist. Probably a covert narcissist. For anyone who may be reading and feels like they've encountered people like this, it's definitely worth studying up on it.

  • @lazychickqueen4734
    @lazychickqueen4734 Жыл бұрын

    Just gonna say I almost always try to find a love interest in the games I play too. But I don't EXPECT the DM to make someone specifically catered to me, I just test the waters and see if my character clicks with an NPC. If they do then I just continue on down that path. If not, then I move along. Personally I think the best way to find good love interests for you if that's your thing is to keep an open mind with who you come across along the way and not expect someone to be dropped in your lap. Truly, only you know what's perfect for you. Also if you want to have a romance with another PC, please don't pressure the other player into it. Communication and the willingness to let go if it's not something they're into is SO IMPORTANT. Be considerate at the table. ❤

  • @R3GARnator
    @R3GARnator Жыл бұрын

    "Needing things in order to not trigger her". Wow. That's not how PTSD triggers work. PTSD triggers are specific sensory experiences that remind someone of a past painful event and sort of 'bring you back' to your head space at that time.

  • @marclytle644
    @marclytle644 Жыл бұрын

    I remember hearing a story about a DM that set up a world where the people they had the players fight had various elemental powers. They ended up with them meeting up with the neighborhood friendly driderman. The campaign only was reveled at the end to be an elaborate spoof of spiderman.I am sure others have heard that story before.

  • @Draqer


    Жыл бұрын

    That reminds me of the "Two Wongs cant make a Wight" quest.

  • @darklord884


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Draqer Potentially with the same outcome of "I then sat down as my players stood up and started shouting at me. I regret nothing. :D" As for a neighbourhood friendly driderman...NO NO NO NO NO! But on the other hand, also YES YES YES YES!

  • @mrosskne


    7 ай бұрын

    but what do the elements have to do with spiderman?

  • @axel4196
    @axel4196 Жыл бұрын

    You should have told her, "B!tch, this is D&D not The Andromeda strain!"

  • @lordgenerias
    @lordgenerias Жыл бұрын

    Rickrolling in a campaign sounds delightfully evil.

  • @ShyBiiteVT
    @ShyBiiteVT Жыл бұрын

    Yeah, that anxiety over not knowing what will happen next is obviously a complete lie. Otherwise, she'd be having a panic attack every time she watches a new tv show or movie, or reads a new book. I honestly hope that everyone else in that friend group eventually realized how toxic she was and kicked her to the curb.

  • @siobhannoble8545
    @siobhannoble8545 Жыл бұрын

    Okay, how old is this Problem Player? I can't see her being able to function as an adult if she has a meltdown every time something doesn't go her way. I'd be very tempted to contact her next of kin and tell them to get her to a doctor ASAP - and keep her away from the internet.

  • @Zetact_


    Жыл бұрын

    Given it's clear she was self-inserting as the younger party and just has a thing for older men, probably middle or high school.

  • @thorcadail5812


    Жыл бұрын

    She could have been an adult and purposefully did those crying fits whenever it seemed convenient to her. I'm pretty sure Fighter wasn't around her 24/7 so she probably didn't do that kind of stuff in places she would look bad. She would probably do a milder temper tantrum or something if she did it everywhere she went

  • @holoshrimping


    Жыл бұрын

    I have 35 yr old... i stoped playing DnD, because the generations from 2000, and 2010, are quite "warlock"ish... And saddly in Argentina, this kind of players... are quite the mayority

  • @lagggoat7170


    Жыл бұрын

    I can see two possibilities: Teen, as you assumed Early to mid 20s and enabled in her life so far (by family, partners, school, whoever) This is the type of behaviour you can see in some fandom spaces

  • @solarchos4352
    @solarchos4352 Жыл бұрын

    9:10 - No, being a Highly Sensitive Person is NOT a mental health issue. It's a Bad Habit issue stemming from a lack of self-control and self-awareness. Given everything else Wizard did in that story, it sounds more like she has Borderline Personality Disorder, or perhaps Histrionic Personality Disorder. Either way, she needed to be a LOT more honest and not obfuscate her personal problems. If you have mental issues, that's fine. What's NOT fine is disguising and downplaying them and in doing so causing problems for other people since they don't know what they're dealing with. The fact that she kept using HSP as an excuse means she was using it to exploit everyone else at the table. That's not mental illness; that's just being malicious.

  • @alsenddrake7764
    @alsenddrake7764 Жыл бұрын

    I had one. Basically, I'd made a deal with the DM to run another character temporarily for a major event, and then we would get mine, with me rotating characters as we went to where I was. One of the characters was a Warlock with the Many Faces trait. We had a Kobold. Cue her entering as a half-dragon, art I made included, only to once the Kobold ran over and was gushing, for her to go poof, I flip to the next page, and reveal she is a Kitsune.

  • @TheCodyverse
    @TheCodyverse Жыл бұрын

    So many of these situation seem like huge opportunities for the DM to exploit. Case in point he could have sent a mage guard force after her for trying to target magic users.

  • @SamWeltzin
    @SamWeltzin Жыл бұрын

    "Jesus Christ" is the correct reaction to that story. Holy hell.

  • @jrytacct
    @jrytacct Жыл бұрын

    If she's this delicate a flower, then TTRPGs are not the hobby for her. Tell her to go home and listen to some soft jazz or something.

  • @vegetin01
    @vegetin01 Жыл бұрын

    HSP is not recognized in the DSM. The closest would be histrionic personality disorder, which is entirely believable based on the self diagnosed “mental health” problem and actions during the story.

  • @demonic_myst4503
    @demonic_myst4503 Жыл бұрын

    “You entottled b***” this caught me off gaurd doggo

  • @meepmeep749
    @meepmeep749 Жыл бұрын

    I have problems with certain things happening sometimes in our campaign. It's an anxiety thing but I've never requested to know the full story or write my own stuff. I told my dm whats not on the table, and we come up with story beats for my character together and she adds her own twists to it.

  • @lagggoat7170


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah its good to control for triggers etc. My DM did it by using a website questionaire were we could anonomously rate our levels of gore, sex etc tolerance and add stuff definitely not to include ourselves and I think this idea was amazing. Everyone has stuff they cant (or dont want to) see in a campaign so its good to get a basic comfort level beforehand. Im judging that problem player hard though. Its one thing to have mental health issues/be neurodivergent and ask for people to be acommodating, its another to use your diagnosis as a shield to bludgeon people into submission with. (And Im saying this as a neurodivergent person myself)

  • @rennyforyourthoughts8023


    Жыл бұрын

    Do you remember the website by chance?

  • @1Katakana
    @1Katakana Жыл бұрын

    So, does she also never read books or watch movies unless someone tells her the whole plot/everything that happenes to every character beforehand?

  • @thehowlinggamer5784
    @thehowlinggamer5784 Жыл бұрын

    To quote from DBZA... 'Is this a red flag?' 'CRIMSON!'

  • @williamyates7679
    @williamyates7679 Жыл бұрын

    Ok soo a flaw of mine is naming npc's I usually pull names from thin air alot of the time which has resulted in some interesting situations like how there's a vigilante/terrorist cell led by a man with the same name as the dad from family matters just spelled different. At one point my players working with police captured and interrogated a bomber from said group. She demands her lawyer not wanting to give up and advantage they ask his name so they can try calling and getting info on her real identity. I leaned into my flaw and chose to make it the law offices of Mark Dice and Harry Styles. They assumed this another of my naming fails. And it's not until the guy who answers yells we've got some marked dice and hangs up abruptly do they realize they just called her boss and gave him the coded message that she was in police custody and they needed to go into hiding. Not the funniest trick but damn did it make them start reading deeper into my naming conventions. 🤣

  • @vegetin01
    @vegetin01 Жыл бұрын

    If they came from a distant continent you could give her the plague idea she wanted but say it only exists on her home continent because it can’t survive in any other climate.

  • @thehowlinggamer5784
    @thehowlinggamer5784 Жыл бұрын

    Lol, the party in the last story getting Rick rolled in more ways than one!

  • @lyudmilapavlichenko7551
    @lyudmilapavlichenko7551 Жыл бұрын

    As a DM I don't do romantic subplots. It seriously creeps me out.

  • @deadzone4033
    @deadzone40333 ай бұрын

    3:49 Gave me the same vibes as that one "Sonic breaks character" video

  • @ancapftw9113
    @ancapftw9113 Жыл бұрын

    Should have said "you are still a child. The closest you are getting to a love interest is an 11 year old human squire rescuing you from bullies or kidnappers."

  • @AuntLoopy123
    @AuntLoopy123 Жыл бұрын

    No drama in a story? a COMBAT-FOCUSED story? What the heck?!

  • @ECJD426663
    @ECJD4266638 ай бұрын

    Highly sensitive person… more like Highly suspect person. That girl seemed like she has a lot of unresolved issues that she is bringing to a game that is basically everything that she’ll stand against just to have her “role play safe space.” And the fact that she was hardcore shipping a young boy with an older man had to be a big indicator to just say “NO” to the entirety of that campaign.

  • @Kingdo_RGT
    @Kingdo_RGT Жыл бұрын

    Welp, I must say, if you are hyper sensible enough to have to know in advance every plot twist that will happen in the game. You are probably hyper sensible enough to play some video games, see a movie, read a book and more or less anything that have a narrative.

  • @kejimaeda
    @kejimaeda Жыл бұрын

    Gm should have gone: "Okay so 100% death rate and no cure? Your character is dead, make a new one. Also the gods intervened afterwards and purged the disease."

  • @letsplaysvonaja1714


    Жыл бұрын

    Eh, it's good enough for a warlock Being saved by their patron makes for a pretty good reason to work for them "Incurable" doesn't really matter to sufficiently powerful beings after all

  • @shocknawe
    @shocknawe Жыл бұрын

    2:58 - C’mon. Get up c’mon get down with the sickness.

  • @williek08472
    @williek08472 Жыл бұрын

    Hoo boy, I've been waiting for this... at least the kitty will help.

  • @AuntLoopy123
    @AuntLoopy123 Жыл бұрын

    As a DM, if a player asks me for a love interest (and this is hypothetical, because my game group is my family, and I am NOT doing love interests for my siblings), I would respond, "Well, that would be very nice, if it happens. I'll do my best to make my NPCs interesting and unique, and if you should flirt with them, some of them will flirt back, IF it fits their character, and if the two of you hit it off, that's great! You know, just like in real life!" In short, I will NOT create an NPC specifically to serve as a love interest for a particular PC. But, I would be (not with my family, but with a different group) open to creating a diverse cast of fleshed-out NPCs, and hopefully, one of them will strike a PC's fancy. If the PC is lonely, and doesn't meet anyone that strikes their fancy, then they are free to "join a lonely hearts club" and "write a personal ad" or whatever works for the world, and thus give me some hints as to the kind of NPC they want, and maybe I'll add a few of the characteristics they desire to some NPCs, but I will not tailor-make a NPC to fit the bill, exactly, because NOBODY IS PERFECT, and in real life, you have to go for someone who is close, but still has some imperfections, or flaws, or simply does not have every single thing on your list. And so, you have to decide what means the most to you, and what does not. That said, if you ask for a love interest AT CHARACTER CREATION, I would be willing to create a partner for you. For example, you're creating a married PC? Sure, I'll create a spouse of your choice (or you can create the spouse of your choice) and I'll role-play that spouse. Or, maybe, you have a crush on a particular person AT CHARACTER CREATION, and I will create that person to float in and out of your area (or be stable, while you move around), so you can have the occasional interaction with them. But I will never run an ERP game, and if that's what you're looking for, look elsewhere. Also, if you want an ERP game, I think you need to get EVERYONE on the same page, as in "This is an ERP game. Everyone gets a love interest, and X% of each session will be dedicated to erotic stuff," and everyone agrees, or finds a different game. That's the great thing about role-playing games: You CAN find a game that gives you all the stuff you want. Sometimes, you just have to put in the work to create it, yourself. And sometimes, you have to say, "This group is not for me, and doesn't give me what I want, so I'll take my d20 elsewhere," but you can DO it.

  • @iank472
    @iank472 Жыл бұрын

    Well I commented on the last video and it turned out prophetic. NEVER capitulate to bad player behaviour. It will only worsen, spoiling the game for both you as DM and your players. It's fine to work with players to resolve issues but for all the Gods and Demon Princes sake grow a bloody spine and don't let bad players steamroll you to get what they want!

  • @slagarcrue85
    @slagarcrue85 Жыл бұрын

    Simba if you please . Nah savanna esemrsee Babba( beginning circle of life song)

  • @foisopracurtir6389
    @foisopracurtir6389 Жыл бұрын

    ...Didn't expect OP to have been the DM of that hijack. At least you didn't let us down

  • @axelwulf6220
    @axelwulf62208 ай бұрын

    My human Paladin has a complicated relationship with his Orcess Mentor Circumstances said she consumed a lot of alcohol, and she took his virtue in her inebriated state The fact they were both on temple grounds was irrelevant...

  • @TriXJester
    @TriXJester Жыл бұрын

    Last Story reminds me of that moment in D20's A Starstruck Odyssey where the super intelligent AI they stole turned on and it was fucking CLIPPY

  • @Haywood2
    @Haywood2 Жыл бұрын

    This is the dangers of online gaming

  • @Lionwoman
    @Lionwoman Жыл бұрын

    0:24 He's charging the braincell.

  • @ChaosCounseling
    @ChaosCounseling Жыл бұрын

    Hears about the mentor and dry heave

  • @CheshireCatMystic
    @CheshireCatMystic Жыл бұрын

    18:14 You know the rules, and so do I…

  • @neko281
    @neko281 Жыл бұрын

    Damn…rick rolled through dnd and i dont even play it.

  • @ChaosCounseling
    @ChaosCounseling Жыл бұрын

    Hold up Simba in front of everyone to boost our shields

  • @deepseastonecore3017
    @deepseastonecore3017 Жыл бұрын

    Thanks 4 all the hard work.

  • @glitterytrash
    @glitterytrash Жыл бұрын

    A few seconds into this vid and I'm already scared

  • @REfan2002


    Жыл бұрын

    Simba will protect.

  • @vortega472
    @vortega472 Жыл бұрын

    Sweet sweet Simba, look at that cuuuuute face. I wanna cuddle with kitty. That's Doge, you can Rick Roll me any time.

  • @rentheseer190
    @rentheseer190 Жыл бұрын

    I swear to god if I ever DM live, the first thing I'm going to do is buy T-shirt, and hat, that says "I AM NOT YOUR THERAPIST" just to 1) be like a poison dart frog and alert the kind of people who use mental issues and trauma to justify their behavior that their intimidation checks are not going to matter and 2) because if you wanna explore something and you want to do that in a group publicly where we are ABSOLUTLY NOT BOUND BY LAW TO KEEP THE WEIRD S*#% YOU 'HYPOTHETICALLY' DO CONFIDENTIAL! then you're hopefully an adult and are free to make choices.

  • @Senor_Mogly
    @Senor_Mogly Жыл бұрын

    Bro is such a doormat

  • @starbird3939
    @starbird3939 Жыл бұрын

    Yeeeeaaaah… shotacon/lolicon is a BIIIIIIIG no. And any person who gets super sensitive over negative stuff would not be welcomed yo my games.

  • @AutumnWoodham
    @AutumnWoodham Жыл бұрын

    HSP? More like TFC, Totally Fucking Crazy.

  • @thephantomspectator407
    @thephantomspectator4079 ай бұрын

    WTF?!? 'Warlock' should have been kicked MONTHS before the final blow-up!

  • @jimmieloop8587
    @jimmieloop8587 Жыл бұрын

    I wish people would take the time to understand ALL the differences between the "philes". A great session 0 would have killed the entire problems OP had with his "toxic" player. I think OP helped create his Frankenstein. SESSION 0 BIOTCH*S!!!

  • @Inkubun
    @Inkubun Жыл бұрын

    Happy friday Doge

  • @mrroboshadow
    @mrroboshadow Жыл бұрын

    "not knowing the plot ahead of time is triggering" so you literally cannot consume any media then

  • @davenrippe480
    @davenrippe480 Жыл бұрын

    For fucks sake this problem player is such a damn princess with her "I have mental health problems and NEED all of these things to NOT be triggered." screw that there is a door for problem players

  • @ThePuppin
    @ThePuppin Жыл бұрын

    So... HSP is a "highly sensitive person" personality trait. So, another word for an adult child?

  • @MMT399561
    @MMT399561 Жыл бұрын

    I think its fine if you have NPCs in your game that do very disgusting shit, if everyone on the table is fine with that, of course. The problem begins when you start to apologize those NPCs and their behaivor. Killing Nazis? All for it. Helping Nazis out? Fucking weird and creepy.

  • @mrosskne
    @mrosskne7 ай бұрын

    This is why D&D is supposed to be about a bunch of scumbags stealing loot from dungeons. Not feelings.

  • @asteriondeltoro124
    @asteriondeltoro124 Жыл бұрын


  • @foisopracurtir6389


    Жыл бұрын

    Got stuck in Rick Cube

  • @Taistelukalkkuna


    Жыл бұрын

    Cube is never going to give them up.

  • @RandomTrinidadian
    @RandomTrinidadian Жыл бұрын

    Bless the Simba Also.... i am getting stong "Chris-Chan" vibes from Warlock. Not a good thing.

  • @9liveslie-cat-lie129
    @9liveslie-cat-lie129 Жыл бұрын

    thank you simba luv you

  • @balazsvarga1823
    @balazsvarga1823 Жыл бұрын

    Tumblr, the group. Yeah, run and call Chris Hansen.

  • @turingtestflunker
    @turingtestflunker Жыл бұрын

    How many cats can one dog have?

  • @Tyler171819
    @Tyler171819 Жыл бұрын

    I’m sorry but being sensitive is not a mental illness and throwing emotionally abusive tantrums in an attempt to change the world around you, is delusional at best an sociopathic at worse.

  • @starbird3939
    @starbird3939 Жыл бұрын

    So I watched this before the previous story about Yaoi Fangirl as I call her. And yes, I do believe she was a yaoi fangirl of the 00’s, where mlm pairings were called seme/uke and had a lot of power imbalance and straight up pedophilia in stuff like Loveless. I am off the opinion that you can have problematic favs… but you don’t force non consenting parties to partake in your kink-and that folks under 18 are automatically nonconsenting and therefore should not be fetishized on. Yaoi fangirl forced the DM to be an active participant in her shotacon fantasy, and that is VERY NOT OK.

  • @CRONNOS95
    @CRONNOS95 Жыл бұрын

    so that fighter is probably loosely based on guts. no not based, inspired actually.

  • @TheLordUrban
    @TheLordUrban Жыл бұрын

    The nice thing about OSR games is that players are too busy trying to keep their characters alive to engage in this sort of crap.

  • @varietywiarrior
    @varietywiarriorАй бұрын

    This is why the "x cards" nonsense is bullshit. If you can't handle the dm telling you no, you shouldn't be playing the game.

  • @tenchraven
    @tenchraven Жыл бұрын

    Creepy should never be at a gaming table. The TikTok generation shouldn't be apologized to, they're spoiled and manipulative, and I'd bet real world money that her "HSP" was self diagnosed, not in the DSM, and thus bullshit. On the very off chance where it's real, this is not the hobby for her. Rule 1, don't be a perv or a creep. Rule 2, don't push your agenda. Rule 3, the table is not free therapy, not even for the GM. She broke all three of the rules that as a GM will lead to me telling you to leave. That she came as a "package deal" with the other players would have probably ended friendships for me.

  • @teeram100
    @teeram100 Жыл бұрын

    SO ?

  • @slagarcrue85
    @slagarcrue85 Жыл бұрын

    Don’t make Kooh library cover this. Probably jinxed my self.

  • @drockier8437
    @drockier8437 Жыл бұрын

    The storys are just that and shows how good he is at makeing storys up as a DM

  • @DetectiveThursday
    @DetectiveThursday Жыл бұрын

    And this is why you gatekeep the hell out of woke crybullies. This needs to happen so early, it’s not just a session 0 requirement, you need to make it session -1.

  • @Gray_ninja
    @Gray_ninja Жыл бұрын

    If we forget entire manipulation thing there is nothing wrong with it

  • @demonic_myst4503


    Жыл бұрын

    Their is a million things wrong with her and what she did

  • @Gray_ninja


    Жыл бұрын

    @@demonic_myst4503 "i want my in-game character to have a weird pedo relationship with older guy" Why is it wrong. That's not even real

  • @ArcCaravan


    5 ай бұрын

    ​@@Gray_ninjaIt's forcing it on the DM and party.

  • @Gray_ninja


    5 ай бұрын

    @@ArcCaravan Skill issue on DMs part

  • @ArcCaravan


    5 ай бұрын

    @@Gray_ninja More like the player couldn't play by someone else's standards.

  • @Dorito_Djinn
    @Dorito_Djinn Жыл бұрын

    It's weird but I relate to the highly sensitive thing and it caused me similar problems in DnD. I never had any crazy external reactions like she did or even bothered the other players about it but I felt intense anxiety when the story would get dark and I had trouble playing out negative interactions in roleplay. I'd often feel like when you don't eat for a while and get shaky/weak. Big reason I decided it wasn't for me unfortunately. Might just be a side effect of my anxiety/panic disorder. I still enjoy listening to DnD, reading about it, and hearing stories of course!

  • @menryyami3162
    @menryyami3162 Жыл бұрын

    I Pity The Player of the Warlock from the First Story. She Seemann like she is going throug a lot of emotional problems, but it‘s Not OPs Problem to Deal with that.

  • @monsieurkain218
    @monsieurkain218 Жыл бұрын

    I wonder how you can spot a trans person instantly

  • @nathankey5246
    @nathankey5246 Жыл бұрын

    🤢 lots of ick. Way too much ick.

  • @gr_pillar
    @gr_pillar Жыл бұрын

    Medival scenery? People had children with 15 then. Don't put your own values in DnD scenery. Unless you play in a copy of modern world.

  • @ArcCaravan


    5 ай бұрын

    Fantasy isn't bound by outdated values.

  • @ronturner3598
    @ronturner3598 Жыл бұрын

    The voice for Goober and calling a woman a b is really of character for your channel for it's crassness and sucked imho. I hope this isn't a new feature.

  • @xzenitramx666
    @xzenitramx666 Жыл бұрын

    That player sure watches a lot of anime. But all anime Watchers are a bunch of creeps.
