DnD Party Kills Player Character Via Horse "Ranch" | DnD Horror Story


In today's episode of RPG Horror Stories, we have a tale about a player in a 2 year long campaign that just doesn't want to learn the game, a story about an irate player sending a first time dungeon master a message, a tale about a player character getting offed via shenanigans with horse "ranch", a story about a dungeon master giving hope when even a critical role wouldn't do anything, and finally, a story about a cheater accusing another player of cheating.
0:00 Intro
0:38 Refuse To Play
5:51 Irate Message
10:26 Horsey Sauce
14:10 Perfect Fail
16:32 Cheater

Пікірлер: 154

  • @mostlyharmfulll2103
    @mostlyharmfulll2103 Жыл бұрын

    The "Horse"-story actually got an update: It turned out that some members of the group including DM no longer wanted to play with OP because according to them he was "annoying" and made "stupid choices", but no one had the courage to say it out loud, so they just used this opportunity to bully him into leaving.

  • @robertwildschwein7207


    Жыл бұрын

    It's more fun than just dismissing him the normal way.

  • @Andi_Frost_XPR0PR18


    Жыл бұрын

    Well that's shitty. If a player or dm takes issue with the actions of a player character, they should talk it over with them, and not just boot them from the table.

  • @Andi_Frost_XPR0PR18


    Жыл бұрын

    I'd feel very betrayed if my supposed friends did this to me.

  • @Radio-97


    Жыл бұрын

    Ya know, I personally think that these players have some issues if they think that bullying is better than just talking They have no balls nor any decent moral as a person

  • @WyntheRogue


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Andi_Frost_XPR0PR18 Agreed, it's fine not to like somebody what's not fine is to bully them away from the game but instead, approach said player like a rational adult and go "Hey, thanks for taking interest in my game but I'm afraid you're not a good fit for this campaign." Here's hoping OP finds a table that'll take him in and aren't gross, cliquey douche canoes.

  • @texgum833
    @texgum833 Жыл бұрын

    It is me from the horse story there was an update to the story added later I am the author of the post. Turns out I ad misconstrued what the players were saying vs what the DM had said. But the goblin happened to be allergic to ranch and died. The Dm apologized in public through the comments & in private. But what frank did was truly terrible which he apologized for too. We agreed to go our separate ways.

  • @DnDDoge


    Жыл бұрын

    So, it was ranch?

  • @texgum833


    Жыл бұрын

    @@DnDDoge yes thank god I was misinformed but the rest of the story is true.

  • @realrealwarpet


    Жыл бұрын

    @@texgum833 oh thank god…why the hell did a goblin allergic to ranch chug a bottle of ranch?

  • @texgum833


    Жыл бұрын

    @@realrealwarpet I think Sam (The Gm) said in the comments he didn't know he ws allergic

  • @realrealwarpet


    Жыл бұрын

    @@texgum833 well, that’s actually believable. Though now i want to make a druid with allergies.

  • @Surllio
    @Surllio Жыл бұрын

    I am the OP from Story 5. It being 10+ years ago, some of the exacts are fuzzy. I kept up with DM through the years since he owned and operated one of the only local game shops at the time. I just never played in any more of his games. What I learned afterwards was that the DM and Problem player were long time friends. While I can't attest to the type of relationship they had, it came across to me as one sided and toxic. One friend basically using the other, and threatening to walk. While yes, on the outside looking in, we can say "that is bad, leave!" for the person in that position, they can openly be scared of losing someone the feel close and bonded too, which puts them in a strange position. I can not clarify that it was their situation, but from the few conversations I had with DM over the years afterwards, I got the sense that he wants to hold on to connections for fear of not having them. This, in no way, excuses how he let the other dominate the game.

  • @olserknam


    Жыл бұрын

    Are the two still "friends"?

  • @dragonturtle2703
    @dragonturtle2703 Жыл бұрын

    So, she doesn’t engage in role play, and even if they engage in combat, they have to have their hand held the whole way? What are they actually doing?

  • @REfan2002
    @REfan2002 Жыл бұрын

    Man, that dude in the second story. He's being toxic and messages OP late at night. Glad he left.

  • @unluckyone1655
    @unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын

    Story 2; what can I say, sometimes trash has to be loud when it takes itself out. Seriously anyone who text bombs you at odd hours is not the type of person you want to be around. Talk about rude, disrespectful, and super self centered. Good that OP didn't let that get them down and from what it sounds like, is still running a fun and successful campaign for everyone else.

  • @texgum833


    Жыл бұрын

    TRUE -Writer of story 2 here

  • @KCohere33
    @KCohere33 Жыл бұрын

    Story 2: That dude was such a drama queen! He sounds like one of the “Nice Guys” who texts a girls 30 times in the middle of the night and gets mad that she didn’t answer him. If he knows so much, he can DM his own game and shut up.

  • @paulman34340


    Жыл бұрын

    Ten bucks says he picked senting those messages when he knew DM OP was sleeping so he could justify the "apathetic" accusation of OP! Dude should have just come out and say that he wanted to DM his own game and OP is in the way of that! Seeing that he's a first time DM, it's clear the asshole wanted to dishearten OP and steal the table wouldn't be surprised it's because he long scared off other player with the same projection shit he was throwing at OP!

  • @AuntLoopy123


    Жыл бұрын

    Or the, "I've been texting you for ten minutes, and you can't answer me? I started out saying you were gorgeous, but now I'm going to insult every single feature you have!" "I was in the shower." "Oh, well, that's OK then. We can still date!" "No, we can't." "But, WHYYYYYYY?! You OWE ME for making me suffer for TEN WHOLE MINUTES!"

  • @texgum833


    Жыл бұрын

    This is accurate I wrote the story so I can confirm

  • @lazyspade1559
    @lazyspade1559 Жыл бұрын

    Update on the horse ranch story. The DM and some of the others (it’s unclear how many) Thought OP who is 16 was annoying and wanted them to leave. (The rest of them were 18-30) The Wizard didn’t purposely attack them it was poor casting. The Rogue, was away from the table so the DM played his character during combat. The Paladin, little us known but it’s been stated that they might’ve being Skyrim logic I’E “Well in Skyrim when something like that happens even your Allie’s attack you.” And DM apologized but admitted to just trying to get rid of them.

  • @joshuawiener5003


    Жыл бұрын

    Sounded like everyone in that story was an overall jerk.

  • @AuntLoopy123


    Жыл бұрын

    So, you're saying that a bunch of FULLY GROWN ADULTS decided to gang up on a MINOR, because they thought "That's better than actually TALKING to him about the things that annoy us and possibly COULD BE FIXED. Let's just BULLY THE CHILD UNTIL HE FLEES FOR HIS OWN PROTECTION." Oh, wow. And some of them are THIRTY?! Way to give gamers a bad name.

  • @tsifirakiehl4250
    @tsifirakiehl4250 Жыл бұрын

    First story: That sounds really annoying. Most of my players are new to the game, but they’re at least putting some effort into learning the rules! Sure, sometimes they’ll forget what dice to roll or need to check what a spell does, but they usually remember stuff when it’s explained to them. The girl in this story, however, is apparently refusing to learn. Even if she has some kind of mental disability that makes it hard for her to remember things, she could at least take notes when people explain things to her, and refer to said notes when she forgets again. With what she’s doing now, though, it looks like she’s just being willfully ignorant. If I was OP, I’d bring the issue up with the DM. Good friends don’t always make good RPG partners. Second story: That guy sounds like a major creep and asshole. Seriously, if you’re messaging someone at 2 o’clock in the freaking AM, there’s probably a good reason they’re not responding! Good thing the trash took itself out and OP didn’t let that guy kill their enthusiasm for DMing. I wish them and their party many more years of happy adventuring! Third story: What the actual fuck? Of course you’re not the asshole, OP! You did something that you had no way of knowing was wrong, especially since it was ANOTHER PC who told you it was ranch, and they responded by MURDERING YOU? They’re obviously the assholes. Get out of that group, because they sound like an absolute nightmare. Fourth story: What the heck, DM? A nat 20 means you get the best possible result for what you’re trying to do. If your goal is “get through the portal,” then the best possible result would not be destroying the portal. If you wanted it to be impossible to get across, you shouldn’t have even allowed the roll. Fifth story: Where was the DM for all of this? Why didn’t they tell Mr. Cheater Pants no? If I’d been the DM, Mr. Cheater Pants would have gotten one warning to stop being a hypocrite when he started whining about other players being allowed the same privileges as him. Once he started sabotaging another player and/or casting more spells than he had the spell slots for, he’d have been gone. I have zero tolerance for people who act like that.

  • @angelswarz8995
    @angelswarz8995 Жыл бұрын

    When your DM wants to do a Berserker-themed campaing focusing on the wrong themes and story Beats...

  • @Jaeger_Bishop
    @Jaeger_Bishop Жыл бұрын

    Story 3. I would skip right to just leaving, no point in sticking around where you're not wanted. You'll just be a punching bag otherwise.

  • @ketrava0425


    Жыл бұрын

    Current Me would walk the h*** out but old me would have been desperately trying to figure out what I did

  • @unluckyone1655


    Жыл бұрын

    Yup, staying around is going to make OP a patsy for the other players to kick around even if they make a new character. OP is better off leaving that group

  • @noneyabidness9644


    Жыл бұрын

    When you're not "one of us."

  • @starbird3939
    @starbird3939 Жыл бұрын

    Story 3 It sounds like someone was out to push out this one player. Sometimes everyone actually is the asshole.

  • @ChaosCounseling
    @ChaosCounseling Жыл бұрын

    I’ve had people like in the second story having a melt down for not responding to them in the middle of the night. Even though they know I go to sleep extremely early because I have early morning work

  • @raymondjohnson2744
    @raymondjohnson2744 Жыл бұрын

    20:26 I wouldn't be surprised if the dm was aware of and or approved halfling's grease and other shenanigans but only took issue when players started to walk.

  • @unluckyone1655


    Жыл бұрын

    If I had to guess, that player is probably family with the DM

  • @Surllio


    Жыл бұрын

    @@unluckyone1655 I am the story OP. From what I understood, the DM and problem player were long time friends. However, from my limited interactions with them, it was one of those one sided friendships with a lot of toxicity to it. The DM and I have kept in touch over the years (he ran the game store after all), but I've not been in any more of his games.

  • @unluckyone1655


    Жыл бұрын

    @Surllio toxic friendship would have been my second guess, as I've seen that (and dealt with) first hand irl. Here's hoping that DM can eventually shake toxic player, but I also know that it often is super complex why toxic friends can't be let go. Anyway glad you were able to eventually make a gaming group away from them and have fun

  • @AuntLoopy123
    @AuntLoopy123 Жыл бұрын

    The Sleep Social Fallacy: I'm awake and online, therefor, EVERYONE is awake and online.

  • @Yun_denn
    @Yun_denn Жыл бұрын

    The ranch story wasn't nearly as bad as this video's title made me think it was going to be.

  • @walterbunn280
    @walterbunn280 Жыл бұрын

    Story 1: She's playing a Mary Sue so that she can invade every part of the story. In all likelihood, she wants to be able to be included in all parts of the story. Immaturity and insecurity give way with experience and interaction with people at the table, but it can take time. If it's not your table's speed outrightly tell your DM what's up. Story 2: This is another Go-Your-Own-Way story. The Table had fun. Period. If he didn't have fun, he can go play by himself. He sounds butt-hurt that he didn't get do something he was pushing for, but that doesn't excuse being an asshat like that. The most telling thing is no one else left with him. Story 3: Ehhh.... The Paladin should have immediately fallen and lost all paladin abilities. The Paladin made the decision to kill a character that did not benefit anyone other than his own pride, and would not be swayed from that path no matter what (He even attacked the artificer). That sounds like a Lawful Evil act. After that, they sound like murder hobos. It's probably not going to get better. Story 4: This one is probably bad. It kind of depends on the DM. Newer DMs should be more likely to get a pass. If this is an old DM, this is less acceptable. Feel it out. If he's a new DM, let the complaint be known, but don't be too harsh. If the games fun and he's willing to drop some extra xp or boop a magic item into an inventory, it could be ok. If he's experienced and still doing this... look real close at whether you like the game and act accordingly. Story 5: That guy isn't worth engaging. Firstly, he's not playing a game with anyone, he's playing the game against everyone. I also get a hint of "He's trying to get you to do something in character", but he's clearly not going to tell you what it is he wants done. At best, you're going to end up doing what he wants you to do. At worst, he's going to actively hinder you from playing the game in an enjoyable manner. I would not play with that at the table.

  • @texgum833


    Жыл бұрын

    Story 2 Writer here: There was an update so check it out

  • @stephenblevins3829
    @stephenblevins3829 Жыл бұрын

    It's good to hear the Midnight Campaign Setting mentioned. In my opinion it is one of the best world settings for any gaming system out there.

  • @starbird3939
    @starbird3939 Жыл бұрын

    Story 4 I mean, there is a toll with disadvantage-but if the rogue did roll a nat 20 even with the disadvantage (in other words, it was two Nat 30’s), I feel like you HAVE to let it past. It sets a bad precedence and ruins what could have been an awesome moment.

  • @ss3nm0dn4r8


    Ай бұрын

    if you cant succeed at max roll dont have them roll

  • @realrealwarpet
    @realrealwarpet Жыл бұрын

    …that “ranch” better not be exactly what i think it is

  • @DallasBrownridge
    @DallasBrownridge Жыл бұрын

    Sir, its time to put the ranch away.

  • @starbird3939
    @starbird3939 Жыл бұрын

    Story 2 A person who can’t respect a person’s sleep is not someone worth worrying about. No shit no one is reaponding… people sleep.

  • @ChakatBlackstar
    @ChakatBlackstar Жыл бұрын

    That last one, I never understood how people have fun when they cheat on their rolls like that. The joy in victory, for me at least, comes from overcoming the odds through hard work, creative strategies, and even sheer dumb luck. But winning just because you basically said "haha, I win" just feels...empty.

  • @paulman34340


    Жыл бұрын

    Some people are empty individuals that would love to take anything as a victory! Whatever it's winning an arguement over minor shit with a kid and bullying said kid for "aggravating them" to Main character syndrome with the cheating rolls! They cannot, nor will not admit themselves as pathetic! I refuse to believe the DM didn't notice this bad behavior, he was barely hiding it, especially when he was grease spelling OP into quietly quitting then mocking him! He's a manbaby that has tp bully someone, otherwise he'll have to admit his own faults and patheticness instead! OP was targeted simply for pointing out his hypocrisy (notice how he got REALLY aggressive the moment he was called out, it was like he expected OP to take his insult, but lets be fair, he would ) DM was likely a friend or relative of his and was too much of a coward to call him out! Only "noticing" once the chaose was assured and he was losing players over his bad behavior (it was one thing with OP quiting, he could take one player, especially the target of the problem player he was too afraid of removing leaving since he was likely hoping that would be it and PP would just stop, Hopefully the DM grew a spine, eyes and ears and cut that player out for good and stopped being a passive wimp! A DM/GM who can't defend his good players from PP and believes "it's for the best" when one targeted by PP leaves thinking the bully will calm down is a terrible DMGM undeserving of any players BUT those like PP) But yeah I can't really enjoy something if I have to cheat to win (even in video games, I HATE using cheese tactics! That just ruins the fun of overcoming the challange. It would be one thing if my life would be over if I don't win this challange or something like a bomb strapped to my neck! But that's not so, so why not sit down and just enjoy the game as it's presented. But I guess they really need that dopomine fix, I don't know I won't get my own if I know I had to cheat to earn it, so I guess they full on delude themselves to trick the brain into giving it to them I guess! As they say "cheaters never prosper")

  • @RandomTrinidadian
    @RandomTrinidadian Жыл бұрын

    Alice sounds very wise, indeed

  • @PaladinGear15
    @PaladinGear15 Жыл бұрын

    I hate when DM's make a natural 20 into a bad thing... Like the time someone was playing a monk, punched a guy with a natural 20, and broke his own hand which became unusable for many sessions. Or the time I was playing as a vampire in 4th edition, but I was a changeling to make it not obvious, but the jerk of the party decided to talk out loud to intentionally get me into trouble "Hey VAMPIRE boy! eat anyone lately?" the DM says they quickly realize he's not kidding and start to panic, so I roll diplomacy to ask them to not tell anyone or make it obvious I'm a vampire, I roll a natural 20, so the two NPC's suddenly kneel while bearing their necks and screaming out "OH NOBLE VAMPIRE PLEASE FEEL FREE TO DRINK OUR BLOOD!".

  • @marybdrake1472
    @marybdrake1472 Жыл бұрын

    I feel for that first time DM. Getting saddled with an arrogant, self centered, sad excuse for a player like that. It's also pretty stupid to project your own flaws onto others. It will only get into more trouble down the line.

  • @cmhsky


    Жыл бұрын

    I feel like the mansplaining is strong within this one

  • @marybdrake1472


    Жыл бұрын

    @@cmhsky Possibly.

  • @smeefman6923
    @smeefman6923 Жыл бұрын

    For the first story I've had a player like that in one of my games he wouldn't learn how to play and he would barely interact at the table after talking with him about it I found out the only reason he was even there was because he just wanted people to hang out with so I just let his character be there to hang out with the rest of us during game days we ended up having a lot of fun of that campaign although I kind of wish he would interact more with the party in the world and learn the mechanics of the game but he never did

  • @Nyx..-
    @Nyx..-8 ай бұрын

    No one ever:… TTRPG Brooders: I am vengeance! I am the night! I. Am. BATMAN!!!

  • @omegaotaku1342
    @omegaotaku1342 Жыл бұрын

    the horse ranch story kinda reminds me of the time the party drowned a bandit in wyvern piss. too bad i wasn't there for that session

  • @texgum833


    Жыл бұрын


  • @omegaotaku1342


    Жыл бұрын

    @@texgum833 i pretty much had the same reaction to the story, though it is a very chaotic group so maybe i shouldn't have been surprised

  • @melaniehansen6236
    @melaniehansen62362 ай бұрын

    Hooray for the kitty palate cleanser service!

  • @phillee427
    @phillee427 Жыл бұрын

    In the 1st story if the young lady does not like to interact with the story ignore her completely. After over a year's time of playing and she doesn't know how to use the system or interact then she doesn't want to be there so ignore her. She will either get tired of being ignored and join in or get tired of been ignored and leave.

  • @starbird3939
    @starbird3939 Жыл бұрын

    Story 1 It sounds like she likes rping, but not dungeons and dragons. For some, rp is just making OC’s and texting back and forth

  • @vallahdsacretor4839
    @vallahdsacretor4839 Жыл бұрын

    For that grappling hook story, I think a better response would have been: "Your grappling hook latches onto a near by beam and stays secure. You and your companions begin combing the rope, pulling yourselves towards the portal. As you do, however, the slaver ship launches another volley, with a stray shot hitting right next to the portal. The wizard gets knocked back and the portal closes, and the beam the grappling hook is connected to gets blasted off, taking you and your companions with it. Now, dazed, confused, and floating out in space, the slavers quickly capture you."

  • @raining_softly
    @raining_softly Жыл бұрын


  • @deepseastonecore3017
    @deepseastonecore3017 Жыл бұрын

    Thanks 4 all the hard work.

  • @Neganium
    @Neganium Жыл бұрын

    Bro, the horsey sauce joke is both terrible and brilliant. Bravo.

  • @bernadmanny
    @bernadmanny Жыл бұрын

    The woman in the first story was clearly there just to keep tabs on her boyfriend (/control).

  • @vortega472
    @vortega472 Жыл бұрын

    Oh, lovely little Alice - okay baby I'll like and comment, and I've already subscribed sweetheart. Horse ***** - WHAT! That Yoda for baby house panthers to cleanse the cringe away. For the starjammer story with the grappling hook - I completely agree with Doge - don't give false hope and use better story telling why it does succeed - a barrage of fire hits the other side and the portal has to close, or something. Don't let them roll if you don't want consequences DM.

  • @texgum833


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah I genuinely was shocked to the bone when it happened

  • @jonathanfenton8695
    @jonathanfenton8695 Жыл бұрын

    Story 2: was that a certain Helpful Comrade? Sounds just like him.

  • @texgum833


    Жыл бұрын

    I am the writer probably not allthough who knows idk

  • @solarchos4352
    @solarchos4352 Жыл бұрын

    Lik, coment, an subscrib! DO EEET!! 5:00 - The thing about Silent Bob is that while he IS played for comedic effect, when he does break his own silence it's ALWAYS to say something EXTREMELY important and/or relevant. Realistically, Silent Bob also serves as a Plot Point.

  • @ArawnNox
    @ArawnNox Жыл бұрын

    Story 1: I suspect that this person actually doesn't want to play, but is just there because her boyfriend is.

  • @LeRodz


    Жыл бұрын

    Maybe she does, but 1) doesn't want to take the time to actually learn what to do mechanically and 2) has some trouble developing a character beyond "constantly edgy asshole rogue". With a little effort she could be a great player, probably.

  • @ArawnNox


    Жыл бұрын

    On the second part, I've known a few people who stuck to an archetype and it took a long time for them to branch out, but they were also heavily invested in the games and knew the rules.

  • @theofficerfactory2625
    @theofficerfactory2625 Жыл бұрын

    Do it! Like and subscribe! For Alice! For Simba! For the triple voids! Story 1: I don't know what to say as I am a still new DM. Story 2: What the offing heck is wrong with this player? Ignore him. And I am glad OP did. My god, my dude. I am lucky with my first group for my one-shot and have a good feeling about my 2nd group. Story 3: WTF is this story?!?! Wha...? Just leave OP. Speaking of triple voids. Story 4: Huh? This sounds like poor planning. Story 5: Oh, a rare one! A cheater! A cheater and an non-confrontational GM.

  • @Antsaboy94
    @Antsaboy94 Жыл бұрын

    I was about to comment _"Yeah, last time I checked horse semen isn't lethal,"_ but then I realized-

  • @texgum833


    Жыл бұрын


  • @mynameisntpatrick1476
    @mynameisntpatrick1476 Жыл бұрын

    God tier thumbnail for 2023

  • @cac_deadlyrang


    Жыл бұрын


  • @mynameisntpatrick1476


    Жыл бұрын

    @@cac_deadlyrang fuck lol

  • @DominicEverlot
    @DominicEverlot Жыл бұрын

    I like comment and follow your accent cause Alice is so amazing

  • @galdrnixthral6140
    @galdrnixthral6140 Жыл бұрын

    I feel like there is more to the story about the “ranch” just feels like the OP left a lot out.

  • @texgum833


    Жыл бұрын

    I did there was an update to the story that cleared some stuff up also the comments have more context

  • @KatarnandKanos
    @KatarnandKanos Жыл бұрын

    I don't disagree with the thought that DMs shouldn't have players roll for something that they're not actually going to allow, but in this situation it may be that the dm got trapped by an idea they hadn't considered, which is always going to happen eventually. As in, they described how far away the other half of the ship was and then the player mentioned that they can throw a grappling hook farther than that.

  • @schwarzerritter5724
    @schwarzerritter5724 Жыл бұрын

    The guy in the last story thinks 16th make a character useless? I rolled one single 12 for my monk. And yes, it was completely useless. I hated playing that character.

  • @novadrake9232
    @novadrake9232 Жыл бұрын

    Good morning looking for the cute kitty vibes

  • @Thagomizer
    @Thagomizer Жыл бұрын

    I want to hug the dog.

  • @michaelpomato45
    @michaelpomato45 Жыл бұрын

    Makes me wonder if the girl in the first story is dyslexic? She maybe to embarrassed to let people know, thus she ask the other players to read it for her.

  • @ShiKageMaru


    Жыл бұрын

    I wonder that too. People are being really judgmental about her in the comments. I don't think the author even said anyone had talked to her about it yet.

  • @niniseconda5839


    Жыл бұрын

    thats a cute explanation, but a long shot dude. theres literally dyslexic friendly fonts all around, all she had to do was "translate" patches of the sheets and memorize them at home, if she was so embarrassed. this is not dyslexia, its just pure laziness. shit, forget text: the whole point op is making is the absolute refusal to remember the simplest of things, i.e. "the +2 written after 'Perception' is you Perception modifier". You don't need reading to remember the position of text. The problem is not knowing it's a +2, it's knowing that there's a number you're supposed to add, and that that number is supposed to be somewhere on the skill list.

  • @dragonmasterknight7
    @dragonmasterknight7 Жыл бұрын

    The second story just sounded like the player was pissed the DM wasn't feeding him attention and making things about him. I'd say they're lucky he left. Otherwise, I would have kicked him pre-session and shared the messages with the other players to get their input.

    @NEKOEVE Жыл бұрын

    Ya it did sound like they were just trying to get OP to leave rather then actually having conversations like human beings. Seriously if you at least talk to them, they have a chance of changing, and if they don't. you don't have to be dicks to get them to leave.

  • @texgum833


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah it hurt me so badly when they did this

  • @SophiaNyx
    @SophiaNyx Жыл бұрын

    good doggy! 💜

  • @Gamer_Guys1
    @Gamer_Guys1 Жыл бұрын

    I know the people from the horse coom story, crazy.

  • @theratking013
    @theratking013 Жыл бұрын

    The first time DM was sleeping and most likely in a different Timezone than that ranting Maincharactersyndrom dude so how could the DM answer to any of that crap?!

  • @DisneyChar
    @DisneyChar Жыл бұрын

    So anyways I watched a few Caligula last night to see what the buzz was....

  • @rynowatcher
    @rynowatcher Жыл бұрын

    Last one: lowering one stat to raise another is min maxing; that is where the term comes from. I disagree that it is the dm's exclusive job to police cheating. Like having a problem player, that is more of a table wide issue. Ie, if the player keeps rolling high during die snatches, everyone who sees it should call it out because the dm might be looking at their notes or stat blocks in a fight. The dm should make the call on if the issue is cheating (the dm might have table rules that conflict with RAW).

  • @Surllio


    Жыл бұрын

    OP from the last one. I am aware it would be scene as min maxing. My issue was with it being addressed in a criminal way when the one making the fuss about it had done the exact same thing. I have no issue with it being tossed out. I knew what I was doing (also, it really did fit the character better). It was more his outright insulting manner, when he got to get away with it.

  • @rynowatcher


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Surllio lowering one stat to raise another is literally min maxing. It was an official rule in the 1e and 2e dmg and dragon magazine called "min maxing." Not saying you cheated, my guy. You are min maxing in that story, though.

  • @tenchraven
    @tenchraven Жыл бұрын

    First story, who in the party is the group who won't roleplay dating? This just sounds like the "GM's girlfriend" trope. Story two. Would have contacted the admins of the VTT, a player like this isn't needed in the hobby. Story three. Passive agressive group can't find the stones to kick a player they don't like. There are two sides to every story, and I'm curious. Story four. Did they hire the pirates? This is bad GMing. Story five. Yeah... When you own the shop, and as a GM you allow this crap, you risk the shop by ignoring cheating. And isn't it the way of the munchkin to bitch about someone who is "min/maxing". One, this is m/m'ing and two, even if it was, he'd just be mad you got to do something without cheating while he has to.

  • @Elyseon
    @Elyseon Жыл бұрын

    Time for fried halfling.

  • @ethankaryadi37
    @ethankaryadi37 Жыл бұрын

    Why’d ya have to throw Narancia in the thumbnail? What did he do to you? Dance all over your cat? Fail a math test?

  • @munchies982


    Жыл бұрын

    Because he fucking would too and Fugo would help

  • @ethankaryadi37


    Жыл бұрын

    @@munchies982 how would he? Use Aerosmith to tickle a horse’s cojones? How would Fugo help? Use Purple Haze to knock out the horse? Better yet, what would Mommy Bucciarati think?

  • @munchies982


    Жыл бұрын

    @@ethankaryadi37 they'd just pay or threaten a horse breeder, and Mama Bucci couldn't even stop them from trying to make Giorno drink special tea

  • @RunningBear2525
    @RunningBear2525 Жыл бұрын

    Geez. Really wish I hadn't been eating a sandwich with horsey sauce on it when that story was playing. Story is still messed up, but I guess bad timing for me

  • @LadyRP
    @LadyRP Жыл бұрын

    Dude how many cats do you have?!?!?!

  • @TheGreatSeraphim
    @TheGreatSeraphim Жыл бұрын

    #3 is most definitely an asshole if they did that. So easy to play the victim on the internet.

  • @starbird3939
    @starbird3939 Жыл бұрын

    Story 5 Yeah… dude wanted to be better than everyone else and was mad that someone was doing better. And then doing PVP. Where was the DM in this?

  • @frankalphonso268
    @frankalphonso268 Жыл бұрын

    Classic cheater. If they accuse you of cheating when you’re not, they are the ones cheating.

  • @stephenadams8712
    @stephenadams8712 Жыл бұрын

    If something can't be achieved don't have a player roll for it likewise if something should be effortless the player shouldn't have to roll for it

  • @halroth9222
    @halroth9222 Жыл бұрын

    Anyone else think we aren’t getting the full story about the “ranch”? If the OP was doing something like that this could be a case of last straw and the others were tired of his gross tendencies

  • @texgum833


    Жыл бұрын

    there was an update on the story and the comments have more context written by me of course the OP of story 2

  • @halroth9222


    Жыл бұрын

    @@texgum833 Thanks for the updates Tex. There have been other stories that have leaned in the other direction, so my apologies for applying that assumption

  • @texgum833


    Жыл бұрын

    @@halroth9222 No prob I can see why you thought that

  • @ShadowsOfEssence
    @ShadowsOfEssence Жыл бұрын

    Story one, OP is a bit sus. They are "ok" with thr lack of Rp. But it was like 90% of the post. Seems like they had more of a prob with it and threw in the few lines about lack of rules to make it seem like they weren't attacking the lack of rp.

  • @Captain_Gargoyle
    @Captain_Gargoyle Жыл бұрын

    Hey Doge? Protip: _"Horsey sauce"_ is *not* an improvement over semen lol

  • @liamdalemon1525
    @liamdalemon1525 Жыл бұрын

    So in story 3 the party decided to... Murder their own teammate? HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE?!?

  • @SamWeltzin
    @SamWeltzin Жыл бұрын

    I know this is a shocker, but ejaculate is not poison.

  • @munchies982
    @munchies982 Жыл бұрын

    God, Narancia fucking would too

  • @Elyseon
    @Elyseon Жыл бұрын

    Frank should get impaled. Not the character. The player. Same for the rest of that group.

  • @texgum833


    Жыл бұрын

    Story 2's OP here: Yes Yes he should absolutely Hate that man

  • @Renkencen
    @Renkencen Жыл бұрын

    Story 1- Ok I get she's a friend but I would of been honest there and asked WHY she is playing dnd when it's clear she has no interest in it. I would of gently gave her an ultimatum or either just leave or TRY to put more effect into learning the game and make a better character especially when it was claim she likes character development stuff!

  • @ShiKageMaru
    @ShiKageMaru Жыл бұрын

    I wonder if the douchebag from the second story is a west-coaster. Like, obviously they weren't a cool person either way, but i have to wonder at the logic of messaging someone at like 2 a.m. thinking they're ignoring you instead of just not awake.

  • @texgum833


    Жыл бұрын

    Writer of story 2 here: They're from Nebraska I think not sure

  • @SnaxTheSnaxolotl
    @SnaxTheSnaxolotl Жыл бұрын


  • @SnaxTheSnaxolotl


    Жыл бұрын

    I did eeeet Alice!

  • @justinheads5751
    @justinheads5751 Жыл бұрын

    all the disclaimers and nods to relativism the first person gave, are actually the cause of their problem. it's especially hilarious when people feel the need to bend the knee to the altar of relativism before giving criticism, when they could give that exact same criticism without the disclaimer, and only morons would think the thing they didn't disclaim is what they're doing simply because they're being critical without first prostrating oneself before the altar of relativism. there is no point to the critical examination of ANYTHING on relativism. his criticism tacitly espouses objective values (aside from the idiotic and culturally orthodox disclaimers he thinks he's deep and enlightened for)

  • @FogartyChile
    @FogartyChile Жыл бұрын

    algorithm comment

  • @jimmieloop8587
    @jimmieloop8587 Жыл бұрын

    The ranch story group, that group is toxic AF! No dnd better than whatever that group is.

  • @cac_deadlyrang
    @cac_deadlyrang Жыл бұрын

    narancia plz

  • @AF-tv6uf
    @AF-tv6uf Жыл бұрын

    "You would think a Goblin wouldn't even notice." Wow. Racism much?

  • @TheFuriousScribbles
    @TheFuriousScribbles Жыл бұрын

    I don't like ranch dressing. I think it's gross. My opinion of it has not been improved.

  • @thedungeondelver
    @thedungeondelver Жыл бұрын

    "Collaborative stories being what D&D is about and all!" Get. The _fuck_ . Away from my hobby.
