Day 9: A Year Facing Fear. Booking the Surgery I’ve Put off for 30 Years Because I’m scared!!

I’ve been avoiding a surgery that I know I have to have.
But today, armed with my 3D scans and all the courage I could muster, I went to see my surgeon to set the date.
The news wasn’t great. While an impacted wisdom tooth is normally no big deal, mine is wedged into my jaw and runs dangerously close to the nerve.
And that puts me in the high-risk category.
The thought of losing feeling in half of the lower side of my face and never feeling another kiss is terrifying.
But it’s Day 9 of a Year Facing Fear, and I’m ready to look fear in the eye and do it anyway.
If you want to join me on this journey, you can follow along or join the A Year Facing Fear Facebook group.
Let’s do this together!
Love Katia

