Day 31: A Year Facing Fear. Facing my procrastination and avoidance head-on.

Today, I’m celebrating a win!!
After doing a fear audit and identifying 50 things I’ve avoided in my career because of fear, I’ve taken action.
I’ve been knocking these bad boys off one by one, and boy, does it feel good.
Do you want to know the crazy thing?
Some of these tasks I’d agonised over took me less than a minute to complete.
A minute!!
I can’t believe how much time I’ve wasted.
All because of fear.
I’m not saying that it’s easy. It’s not.
But then nothing worth having is.
It’s Day 31 of a Year Facing Fear, and I’m tackling this avoidance habit head-on!
I’m ready to look fear in the eye and do it anyway.
Until I see you again, my friend. I see you. I believe in you, and you have absolutely got this.
Let’s do this together!
Love, Katia
