Day 29: A Year Facing Fear. Fear Audit Facing my procrastination, avoidance and self-sabotage!

Day 29: A Year Facing Fear. I’m in SHOCK! I can’t believe I didn’t realise this. Imposter syndrome, procrastination and facing my fear of the final 1%.
I’m in shock.
After auditing what I do when I feel fear, I discovered something about myself that I CAN NOT BELIEVE I didn’t see before.
And it’s a game changer.
Now that I see it for what it is, this protection mechanism, one I subconsciously use when I’m afraid, feel like an imposter or feel totally out of my depth and overwhelmed, is EVERYWHERE.
This ONE HABIT has sabotaged my success in more ways than I’d care to admit.
It’s kept me stuck.
Constantly doubting myself.
Beating myself up.
And playing small.
Anyone who knows me knows that I work hard. Perhaps too hard. I give the projects I’ve said yes to everything I’ve got, setting unbelievably high expectations for myself that, in truth, I’m often not sure that I can meet.
But when the finish line is just within reach, right at my fingertips and so close that I can see, taste, hear and feel it, that very last 1%, I put the brakes on, HARD.
I start to get busy, really busy.
Piling a million things onto my plate, and I think, “I’ll finish that off tomorrow.” I swing headfirst into sympathetic nervous system procrastination in a subconscious attempt to protect myself from possible failure, judgment and shame.
Tomorrow never comes.
That final 1% IS the key to your success.
If you never submit the proposal you’ve spent the last six months working on, or hit send on that email, you can’t fail because you haven’t really tried; you haven’t yet finished.
But without that last 1%, your dreams and goals will remain just that.
Always within just arms reach.
Always on your mind.
But NEVER yours.
It’s Day 29 of a Year Facing Fear, and I’m tackling this 99% habit HEAD ON.
I’m ready to look fear in the eye and do it anyway.
Until I see you again, my friend. I see you. I believe in you, and you have absolutely got this.
Let’s do this together!
Love, Katia

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