Day 28: A Year Facing Fear. Facing my fear of heights!! EEEKKK!

There's often a certain level of discomfort in growth.
Stretching out of your comfort zone can feel uneasy and even terrifying (I know it does for me), and it's easy to retreat back into our safe little cocoon.
But this is where the magic happens.
Today, I felt like I’d taken a major step backwards in overcoming my fear of heights.
Standing 10 metres high on the platform, I leant out one hand on the trapeze, the other holding the bar.
And then, one little change triggered my fear response, and every cell in my body said, “NOOOO.”
I froze.
A wave of panic swept through my body, and I couldn’t jump.
I couldn’t let go.
I’d done that trick ten times before, but not with the wooden rise.
This tiny little detail changed everything.
And this time, I couldn’t let go.
One small change.
If there’s one thing we can count on, it’s change. There’s no avoiding it, no matter how hard we try and keep ourselves safe by playing small, drawing within the lines and staying within our comfort zone.
We can’t control it, but we can learn to embrace it.
Embrace it and let yourself fly. Love Katia
It’s day 28 of a year facing fear, and I’m looking fear in the eye and doing it anyway.
If you want to join me on this journey, follow me and say hello on the A Year Facing Fear Facebook page.
Until I see you again, my friend. I see you. I believe in you, and you have absolutely got this.
Let’s do this together!
Love, Katia
