Day 25: A Year Facing Fear. Conquering my fear of heights.

Today, I’m celebrating a win.
As I climbed the 10 metres to the trapeze platform this morning, I realised I wasn’t scared.
Nothing. Nadda.
It might not seem like a big deal, but the first time I climbed that ladder, I was so terrified that I cried.
And it wasn’t the Hollywood, one tear gently rolling down your face crying.
My face was contorted, sticky and hot, my mouth open, gasping for air.
My whole body sobbed as if begging me to stop, begging me to go back down. To return to safety.
I’ve come a long way since then, and with each and every fly, it’s getting easier. I’m not quite ready to jump out of a plane just yet, but who knows!!
If you want to join me on this journey, follow me and say hello on the A Year Facing Fear Facebook page.
Until I see you again, my friend. I see you. I believe in you, and you have absolutely got this.
Let’s do this together!
Love, Katia
