Day 10: A Year Facing Fear. Setting Boundaries, Saying No and Finally Expressing My Truth.

Day 10: A Year Facing Fear. Saying YES to Me!! Setting Boundaries, Saying No and Finally Expressing My Truth.
What holds us back from speaking our truth, saying what we mean and expressing how we really feel?
Why do we say yes when we really mean NO!?
Today, I made a commitment to myself to stop with the people-pleasing and to pause before saying yes to something when I really meant no.
A big eye-opener for me has been the freedom and joy in receiving when you finally express what you really need.
People won’t always be thrilled when we speak our truth or advocate for our own needs.
In fact, sometimes they’ll push back HARD, and that’s okay.
Our boundaries aren’t about other people. They are about us.
When we say yes when we mean no or remain silent, we’re putting other people’s needs above our own. We’re abandoning ourselves to please and appease, be liked and accepted, and belong. To avoid being judged and rejected.
We can’t control how other people respond to our truth. But we can control how we respond when they push back, get defensive, or start pointing the finger.
Today, I stood firm and advocated for myself. I felt scared and CONFRONTED and wanted to hide, backpedal, say, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that,” and “It’s fine, no problem.” But I didn’t.
I embraced the discomfort and had those difficult conversations.
While it wasn’t easy, a small part of me, that part of me healed today, and that my friends is worth FULLY showing up for.
It’s Day 10 of a Year Facing Fear, and I’m ready to look fear in the eye and do it anyway.
If you want to join me on this journey, you can follow along or join the A Year Facing Fear Facebook Group.
Let’s do this together!
Love, Katia

