Meniscus Repair Rehab


Early Phase (Weeks 0-4): Building Stability and Minimizing Swelling
In the initial weeks post-meniscus reconstruction, the focus is on managing pain, reducing swelling, and establishing a stable foundation for the knee. Gentle range of motion exercises, isometric contractions, and controlled weight-bearing activities help prevent stiffness and enhance joint mobility. The primary goal is to protect the surgical site while gradually regaining basic functionality. Strengthening exercises for the surrounding muscles are introduced to provide support and protect the healing meniscus.
Mid Phase (Weeks 4-12): Progressing Strength and Flexibility
Entering the mid-phase, emphasis shifts towards progressive strengthening and flexibility. Physical therapists introduce more dynamic exercises to enhance muscle endurance and coordination. Controlled weight-bearing exercises continue to evolve, incorporating balance and proprioception training. As the knee gains stability, the rehabilitation program becomes more dynamic, simulating functional movements required for the athlete’s sport. The focus remains on achieving optimal range of motion, building muscle strength, and improving overall joint stability.
Late Phase (Weeks 12 and Beyond): Sport-Specific Training and Return to Play
In the final phase of meniscus reconstruction rehab, the emphasis is on transitioning back to sport-specific activities and preparing for a safe return to sport. Intensity and complexity of exercises increase to mimic the demands of the sport. Cutting, pivoting, and jumping exercises are incorporated to retrain the neuromuscular system. Comprehensive strength and conditioning, along with ongoing monitoring of any residual symptoms, guide the final steps towards a successful return to play. Clearance from the surgeon and the physical therapist is crucial before resuming full sport activities. The late phase is about not only recovering from the surgery but also ensuring the athlete is well-prepared and resilient for the challenges of the game.

