Components of Balance


There are 4 main components of balance. These include proprioceptive, visual, muscular, and vestibular systems. When one of these systems is affected, it can cause the other systems to work harder in order to compensate for a dysfunction. In PT, we help improve balance and decrease risk of falls by working on each of these systems.
Proprioception refers to input from what you can feel from the floor, which is why it is easier to balance on firm surfaces than softer surfaces. In PT, we challenge this area of balance by balancing on different types of surfaces such as a foam pad, or unstable surfaces.
Vision also plays a huge role in keeping one stable by focusing one’s gaze on an object, which is why it is harder to keep your balance when your eyes are closed or in dimly lit areas.
Your muscular system needs to have enough strength and endurance in order to keep you upright, stand on one leg, and clear objects. One way we assess how your muscular system is working is by seeing how quickly you can stand up and sit down 5 times, ideally without using your arms. A score greater than 14 sec is correlated with increased risk of falls.
Your vestibular system is located within your inner ear and is responsible for detecting motions such as turning your head in different directions (bending side to side, looking up and down, and rotating left and right). When there is an issue with the vestibular system, it can cause symptoms of dizziness or vertigo, which can also be treated with physical therapy.

