This is not a show off video. Instead it's a video to motivate.
In this video I explain how I bought myself a Rolex. I go through my journey: the ups and the downs that it took to get to this goal. Buying a Rolex is not just a material thing, it's being proud of all the hard work that I've put in the past 10 years.
5 years ago I quit my highly paid job to be an entrepreneur. I would've never imagined being where I am today. It took a lot of determination, discipline and hard work.
I want to be able to motivate at least one person in this video.
You are enough. You are capable. You are allowed to get what you want in life.
Let's create a community of hard working individuals and let's pump each other to be the best versions of ourselves.
Until next time,
Cleanest man on Earth
#hustle #rolex #entrepreneur

