Ghost of Tsushima: Killing [SPOILERS] is CANON here's why


#GhostofTsushima #GhostofTsushima2 #KilledOrSpared?
After my fourth playthrough of Ghost of Tsushima, I made some connections on why killing Shimmura should be the canon ending since Sucker Punch hasn't officially announced anything about which ending is canon. But as far as we know It could be left to be ambiguous and up for interpretation.

Пікірлер: 28

  • @DaxReviews
    @DaxReviews2 жыл бұрын

    I've always leaned towards the SPARE option as cannon due to it completing Jin's transformation into the Ghost. I also believe this choice makes more sense due to his motivation for abandoning his code stemming from his desire to do what ever it takes to protect his home and family. By sparing his uncle it sends a message that he rejects the code of the samurai if it means hurting his loved ones which he holds in higher regards. With that said, I think you layout a lot of good points to justify the KILLING option. At this point I still lean towards SPARE but I think this just shows how well thought out the decision is presented to the player. Both choices seem like a believable decision that Jin could make in that senario.

  • @williamstockton5597


    2 жыл бұрын

    I agree with this comment. The title of the game is Ghost of Tsushima not samurai of Tsushima

  • @WulfTheRonin


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@williamstockton5597 I don't really see what the title has to do with it. Despite what ending you choose you're still the Ghost of Tsushima. Jin is still samurai at his core and he's really only been rationalizing his decision as bending the code not full on breaking it. So to me, I think he would want to honor the last of his remaining family not just for Shimmura but maybe because he thinks he can find some sort of redeeming quality for himself since he's been disobeying his uncle for the entire game. That's just my thoughts on it though, I think the ambiguity of the endings was done quite nicely.

  • @WulfTheRonin


    2 жыл бұрын

    @DaxReviews You make a good point about how sparing completes his transformation as the ghost, and while I agree that it sends a message I don't think Jin saw it like that in this situation. At least how I interpreted it was that Jin didn't want to kill his last remaining family and like throughout the rest of the game he rationalized. So him saying "I have no honor so, I won't kill my family" was more like a perfect excuse for him to let Shimmura live rather than him sending a message. Because I think given how Jin has acted throughout the game has been message enough and I don't think Jin would be that petty about it. Plus I don't think Jin was really aiming to break the code, as I state in the video when you're raised to live a certain way breaking those morals and codes is not an easy thing to do which is why he rationalizes so much through out the game. Jin tells Yuna, "I will never break my code" "Then bend it," Yuna responds. I think this scene here is really what solidifies Jin's decision to "bend" his code just until the Mongols are pushed back. I think you're right though they did a great job on both endings and I love the ambiguity they left us with. Some of the best writing have ambiguous endings.

  • @DaxReviews


    2 жыл бұрын

    ​@@WulfTheRonin Yeah I would agree with that. I guess what I meant to say is this decision of Spare "sends a message" to the audience that Jin's transformation is complete. I'm curious to see what Jin's "Bending" of his code will end up as in a sequel. Does Jin completely abandoned the ways of the Ghost or does he double down on his tactics or maybe most likely somewhere in the middle? Another reason I'd like to see some type of ninja introduced to challenge these beliefs.

  • @WulfTheRonin


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@DaxReviews I think he'll double down on his path of the ghost and reestablish the sakai clan as a ninja clan teaching farmers and fisherman his ways to maybe possibly launching a strike at the Mongolian steppes which was alluded to at the end of the game.

  • @derekadrian7217
    @derekadrian72173 ай бұрын

    The thing is, Jin never wanted to abandon the way of the Samurai. For some reason i found the spare option a bit out of character for Jin, and is not like Jin questioned the ways of the Ghost as well, like Norio last tale and the Mongols reverse engineering his poison. There's many other missions that makes you question the Ghost ways. There's also the case for Ryuzu. Ryuzu represents what is a Samurai without a code, is complete antithesis of Shimura ways. Another point, Yuna never encouraged Jin to break his code, merely to bend it. I don't know i agree with you the Killing option makes more sense overall

  • @Kurogane_Shin_
    @Kurogane_Shin_ Жыл бұрын

    The ending in which we spare him is the canonical one because it is the definitive act that makes Jin move away from bushido

  • @leesup999


    Жыл бұрын

    and the game is literally called ghost of tsushima the whole point of the game is jin leaving his samurai life behind him and becoming the ghost of tsushima liek why tf would sparing him not be canon 🤣

  • @_vakas
    @_vakas Жыл бұрын

    The director confirmed that sparing Shimura is the real ending. What we see throughout GoT is the transition from a Samurai to a full-on ronin. Breaking tradition. Going against expectations. As much as killing Shimura makes sense, it makes even more sense for Jin to spare Shimura. Jin had to bend/break the code in order to save Shimura the first time, so why wouldn't he do it again after everything he's done? Jin doesn't want to follow a broken system. The Mongols taught him that.

  • @leesup999


    Жыл бұрын

    literally the game is called ghost of tsushima the canon ending is spare when he puts the ghost mask on and walks away it’s just better as well

  • @aidendrake21
    @aidendrake21 Жыл бұрын

    personally i killed him, and im quite shocked to see the majority spared him. shimura was all about honor, and he would lived the rest of his life with shame, or even worse, ordered to commit seppuku. I think he would rather die by jin's hands than the shogun, and jin must be well aware of that. it's what shimura wanted, and at the very least, the last thing he saw was not jin the ghost, but jin his adopted son. its way more emotional than the spare ending, imo. also, the white dye ghost armor is way cooler than the red one.

  • @WulfTheRonin


    Жыл бұрын

    I agree with this 100% I've said before that sparring Shimmura is the easy way out for Jin. He gets to keep his family. But by killing Shimmura, Jin has to come full circle and not make decisions based on emotions which is what Shimmura has been trying to teach him over the course of not just the game but throughout Jin's life

  • @JooshMaGoosh


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@WulfTheRonin totally agree man, replaying the game the kill option not being canon makes no sense narratively for a sequel. As if they go the spare route then the sequel is just a rehash of the first games lessons & themes. The 2nd game should focus on jin's relationship with the ghost and the affect that has on things around him. This game dealt with the identity of the ghost and how it affects him on a personal level obviously that can be continued but to use shimura as a vessel for that would be a mistake as that's what the whole first game was about. The Khan was just an inciting incident. The real story was between jin, the ghost & shimura. If shimura lives the 2nd game would just be exactly like the first no? The kill ending wraps things up nicely while leaving lots of ambiguity in jin's thoughts and emotions to develop in the sequel. Which would be much more interesting imo

  • @zm8w88


    Жыл бұрын

    i doubt theres going to be a 2nd game for starters, but i chose to spare him bc jin doesnt respect the samurai way anymore and even told his uncle it has poisoned him, i was going to kill him but realized i was stooping down to his level and jin throughout the game is never the type to do that, he follows his heart not samurai code. its also a huge slap in the face to shimura to show how much of a better man he is than shimura , to me it made perfect sense and jin loved his uncle more than anything killing him when he didn’t believe in his uncle’s beliefs doesnt make sense at all

  • @PhasmaOfTsushima
    @PhasmaOfTsushima Жыл бұрын

    Hello! Just wanted to say good job on the video! I like that there is still ambiguity today about which is the "correct" ending, and so both endings are affirmed for all people. I also liked that there are so many different ways to interpret it. One little thing I want to mention: Kurosawa's film The Hidden Fortress features a duel in which the punishment for failing is NOT seppuku. (Spoilers ahead) The protagonist defeats an enemy samurai lord and then has mercy on him (in front of many witnesses too). That samurai goes back to his general and is humiliated, beaten and scarred. The samurai returns to the protagonist and says "See my scarred face?! You did this to me! You shouldn't have spared me!" But the protagonist says "It's not me who did this to you, you have a wicked lord! Leave him and join me instead!" and then the samurai becomes allies with the protagonist. Considering Ghost of Tsushima is actually more akin to Kurosawa samurai narratives than historic Japan (also seppuku didn't exactly exist yet in Kamakura era), I think they took inspiration from this duel. That said, I don't think Shimura would have been ordered to kill himself by the shogun. Perhaps some lingering humiliation, but I think he'd stay in power. If he did get beaten and scarred by the shogun, that would be pretty interesting, and if it leads to resentment and later open rebellion against the shogun, that would be super cool. Shimura siding with the Emperor to get revenge, eventually bringing down the Kamakura shogunate? And then reuniting with Jin? An unlikely scenario but would be quite a twist for the character. Shimura may have his code, but I always felt that he put family first, hence why he "punishes" himself with the duel. He blames himself for accidentally teaching Jin to put kindness ahead of obedience.

  • @WulfTheRonin


    Жыл бұрын

    I'm glad you liked the video!! You know I haven't even thought about that. It's been a little bit since I've really sat down and watched Forbidden Fortress great film though. And you know, that could actually be a scenario with the potential sequel since the game is heavily inspired by Kurosawa's works anyways.Thanks for the insight I'm very excited to see where SP goes.

  • @kingsauce_319
    @kingsauce_3192 жыл бұрын

    There’s a clip on Reddit of the developers saying the spare is the canon one.

  • @WulfTheRonin


    2 жыл бұрын

    Yes, I acknowledged that in the video. When Nate fox says the "True ending" I think he's mostly talking about how sparing shimmura would've been Jin's true ending since letting his family live is ultimately what he wanted. Personally, I don't see them dropping a canon confirmation like this. Sucker Punch always likes to leave the player in suspense with their ambiguous endings. We didn't know that the Infamous 2 canon ending was hero until we actually played Second Son. So again I think when Nate Fox said that the spare ending was the "true ending" he's saying that that's the one he wanted since Shimmura was his favorite character.

  • @sherozsheroz


    Жыл бұрын

    @@WulfTheRonin Wrong, he said he choses the kill ending all the time because he liked shimura, but he said the true ending for the game is for Jin to spare his uncle. It doesnt make sense for him to kill his final family member, for honor

  • @WulfTheRonin


    Жыл бұрын

    @@sherozsheroz The clip I saw off reddit only really states that it's Nate Fox's ending. I didn't see anything about confirming any ending as canon. As far as we know it's still ambiguous. In regards to killing Shimmura it does make sense. Just because Jin has fully accepted the path of the Ghost doesn't mean he drops the code he's been living by for 30+ years overnight. I've said this before, at the end of the day Jin is and always will be Samurai at heart.

  • @JR_Inka


    Жыл бұрын

    @@WulfTheRonin I am playing through the Iki Island DLC and I just had a cutscene where Jin has a vision and relives killing Shimura. Directly next to the Gonoura Cape Hot Spring. I wonder if this event is just not there if you chose to spare him? Also, during the "Bloodletting" storyline, Jin makes a comment to Yamaneko that killing a relative is a difficult thing to do.

  • @leesup999


    Жыл бұрын

    @@sherozsheroz literally the game is called ghost of tsushima and the spare ending he puts the ghost mask in and excepts his new role

  • @DrkMessiah
    @DrkMessiah5 ай бұрын

    He broke from the Code . He told his Uncle he is a slave to the Code so by sparing his uncle is the right way to go

  • @gregoryaguon1925
    @gregoryaguon19252 ай бұрын

    Wrong my man. Directors cut says otherwide3
