Exercises to reduce and tone the abdomen Beginner level


Exercises to reduce and tone the abdomen for beginners
To achieve strengthening and toning the abdomen do not look for miraculous products that do not exist, to get the long-awaited flat belly you have to change certain habits and be constant.
The first thing is to follow a series of dietary guidelines that will help us carry out our purpose.
We must start with a balanced diet, no miracle diets and fast diets.
Take five to six small meals a day, so that our metabolism stays active. Include fresh fruits and fresh vegetables, whole grains and raw nuts.
Carbohydrates limit and consume them in the first meals of the day, consuming lean meat and unsaturated fats.
Drink at least 2 liters of water a day, avoid alcohol and salt and consume more fiber.
Limit the consumption of sugar, sugary drinks and everything that is industrial bakery.
Avoid consumption of saturated fats found in fast food and packed or precooked.
The exercises we recommend for beginners are a combination of cardiovascular exercise and an exercise routine located for the abdominal area.
These exercises have to be performed at least 5 days a week, if you have any limitations due to physical or medical problems, before starting these activities, make a visit to the doctor, telling you what activity you want to start.
The cardiovascular activity will consist of walking every day 30 minutes at a higher rate than normal, so choose a course that does not have excessive slopes.
The exercises to be performed will be distributed in 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
Lying face up on a Gymnastics mats with head and back well supported and feet together, arms glued to the sides, legs slightly bent, and feet supported by heel to the ground. Raise legs together to form a 90 degree angle with our back, hold 3 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
The initial posture is equal to the previous exercise, the knees together flex the legs until you bring the knees almost until our chin maintain 3 seconds and return to initial position. Repeat 10 times.
Initial position lying face up with head and back fully supported, arms extended in cross and legs flexed with feet fully resting on the ground.
Raise your back and stay in that position 3 seconds before returning to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
If you are constant you will see the positive results very soon. Once the physical condition improves you can proceed to perform the Exercise routine to strengthen and tone the abdomen Intermediate level.
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Exercises for abs
Flat Belly Exercises
Abs Series
How to have abs
How to have a flat stomach

