Doctor Laila Kassam Interview Rethinking Food and Agriculture Veganic Vegan Organic Network 25/03/21

Edited version with full interview.
Tony Martin interviews Doctor Laila Kassam (Animal Think Tank) about her new book Rethinking Food and Agriculture which she co-authored with her father Professor Amir Kassam (University of Reading). The book highlights the urgent need to ‘rethink’ the food and agriculture system and highlights ‘new ways forward’, including alternative paradigms of agriculture, human nutrition and political economy that are more ethical, sustainable and just. Contributors include Robert Chambers, David Jenkins, Tony Juniper, Dr. Shireen Kassam, David Montgomery, Vandana Shiva and many others. It’s a wonderful contribution to the science and philosophy supporting the urgent need to transition to a non-violent vegan food system and restore a right relationship with ourselves, other species and nature.
