Day 18: A Year Facing Fear. Difficult conversations

Hands up if you avoid difficult conversations or bite your tongue to avoid offending or rocking the boat.
Muting your truth and numbing your feelings so that you’ll fit in.
Keep the peace.
Find acceptance.
Be loved.
Avoid rejection.
I know I do.
It’s day 18 of a year facing fear, and I’m sticking to my commitment to speak up and express my truth every day over the next year.
That means having a LOT of difficult conversations that, frankly, I don’t want to have.
Today I needed to have a difficult conversation.
I knew that it was time to advocate for me, but I’ve never wanted to back out of something so badly.
My threat response was in overdrive, and every cell in my body screamed, “NO,” “Keep quiet,” “It doesn’t matter,”
I felt scared. Sick.
But I spoke up.
And it was liberating.
It’s Day 18 of a Year Facing Fear, and I’m ready to look fear in the eye and do it anyway.
When was the last time you spoke your truth? How did it make you feel? What’s stopping you from expressing yourself more often?
If you want to join me on this journey, please subscribe and join the A Year Facing Fear Facebook Group.
Until I see you again, my friend. I see you. I believe in you, and you have absolutely got this.
Let’s do this together!
Love, Katia ❤️
