169. Thai seven spice butternut squash & bean stew

Thai Seven Spice Butternut Squash Bean Stew
Butternut squash, cut into chunks
3 sticks celery, cut into chunks
2 medium onions, cut into chunks
1 leek, cut into chunks
3 cloves garlic, minced
500g tomatoes, roughly cut
1 good vegetable stock cube
1 X 400g tin mixed beans
Bunch of chives, chopped fine
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
1 tablespoon Thai seven spice
½ tablespoon dry thyme
Black pepper to taste
Olive oil
Preheat oven to 210°C. Add butternut squash, celery, onion, leek, and tomato to a roasting dish, toss with some olive oil, season lightly with salt and black pepper. Roast until tender, about 30 minutes.
Add to a pan ½ cup water, stock cube, thyme, Thai seven spice, beans and bring to a simmer, turn off and wait for the roasted vegetables to cook.
When vegetables are cooked add to the beans and bring to a simmer, cook 10-15 minutes, adjust seasoning to taste, at last minute before serving, add chives, serve sprinkled with pumpkin seeds.
The recipe for Thai Seven Spice Butternut Squash Bean Stew contains several ingredients that are considered beneficial for an anti-inflammatory diet, which can be helpful for managing arthritis symptoms. Here’s a breakdown of the ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties:
Butternut Squash: Rich in vitamins A and C, which are antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation.
Celery: Contains antioxidants that may help protect against inflammation.
Onion and Garlic: Both have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Tomatoes: Contain lycopene, which may help reduce inflammation, particularly in the lungs and other parts of the body.
Leafy Greens (like chives): Typically high in antioxidants and other nutrients known to reduce inflammation.
Olive Oil: A staple of the Mediterranean diet, which is often recommended for anti-inflammatory benefits due to its high content of oleocanthal, an anti-inflammatory compound.
Herbs and Spices (like thyme and Thai seven spice): Many herbs and spices are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.
However, it is important to note a few things when considering this recipe for an anti-inflammatory diet:
Nightshade Vegetables: Tomatoes are part of the nightshade family, and some people with arthritis may find that nightshade vegetables can exacerbate their symptoms, although this is not universally accepted and can vary from person to person.
Salt: While the recipe states "salt to taste," it is important for individuals with arthritis to watch their salt intake as excessive salt can contribute to inflammation.
Beans: Legumes are generally a good part of an anti-inflammatory diet, but some people may have difficulty digesting them, which could lead to inflammatory responses in the gut.
Individual Responses: Each individual with arthritis may react differently to specific foods, so it's important to pay attention to how your body responds to this meal.
It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a registered dietitian or a doctor, before making any significant changes to your diet, especially when managing a health condition like arthritis.
