Remote Rebels

Remote Rebels

Just two scruffy looking nerf herders having fun enjoying Star Wars


  • @ssotkow
    @ssotkow6 сағат бұрын

    14:35 "Sol, why are you getting on board with this?" Your frustrations with Sol and Torbin are on point. 13:11 "What are you doing?!!!" "What's his plan?!" is right. These two men are irrational beyond recognition. What adorable reactions to their lunacy from you two.

  • @adriankuban3134
    @adriankuban31347 сағат бұрын

    In the scene with Aniseya's mother, when Mae was asking for help, we had the opportunity to see some kind of magic where Anaseya was spitting and it also affected Mae. Do you think she was trying to teleport Osha.????

  • @adriankuban3134
    @adriankuban31347 сағат бұрын

    You don't think that the fortress has collapsed. Due to the fact that the fire damaged the electronics and its gradual overloading and short-circuiting then caused the reactor explosion. And the oil burned similarly to the Olympic fire, which in reality burns like this even on a stone.?

  • @evilgenius178
    @evilgenius17816 сағат бұрын

    Well so much for my theories. It seems master Inara was truly a wise Jedi,that never had attacked any of the witches, if they would have listened to her none of this would have gone down the way that it did. You called it, it was Master Sols and Padawan Torbins selfish desires that caused all this ,but at least Sol wanted to tell the truth and face the consequences. Master Sol jumped the gun and out of fear he led by that old adage of shoot first and asking questions later, which in many occasions will get someone innocent killed as it did in this case. Me personally I didn't have a problem with them repeating many of the scenes to show it from a different perspective to gain Insight on why seeing it from a different perspective may cause you to have a different view of what actually took place, I noticed a lot of reactors that I watched had the same issues that you did and none of them are haters they all love Star Wars but they thought that it was a waste of time and repetitious to show the same event, like they do in roshimon. As far as symbiosis and the symbiots what the meditorians are ,their life forms that have a symbiotic relationship with the host they reside in . And have a relationship akin to that of flowers and pollinators where neither feeds off the other ,but both benefit from one another and couldn't exist without the other. So they don't just simply mutually coexist and benefit from one another they truly need one another and that goes for the medichlorians and life forms in the Star Wars Galaxy. The medichlorians increase the abilities of individuals to tap into the force which permeates all living things, but they seem to have a special Affinity with the force that enables them to enhance their host ability to be more Force sensitive. And if it turns out that both Mae and Oshas M count is higher than Anakins then the bigoted haters are going to lose their minds completely but by the looks of it they pretty much already have lost their minds claiming this Series has killed Star Wars!! How does that saying go the road to hell is paved with good intentions and master Souls intentions although selfish were good from what he saw he was concerned about the treatment of the children in combination with his desire to have a Padawan and feeling some kind of connection with OSHA let him to obviously do what he thought was right and in an instant the F things up! And the witches were simply trying to defend themselves and their children after all it was the Jedi including master Idara that broken to their home and trespass!! Which a truly wise enlightened Jedi would have never done she would have knocked on the door rang the doorbell or whatever and waited for them to invite them in. My one prediction I know will come true and that is OSHA will become the Acolyte and turn to the dark side and I believe that she will end up killing Master Sol. And I also believe that Qimir is Venestras old Padawan and she did put that scar on his back.

  • @scdavis5074
    @scdavis507419 сағат бұрын

    You two are definitely the target audience

  • @sksknight
    @sksknight19 сағат бұрын

    Wish i would've muted the credits like y'all lol

  • @adriankuban3134
    @adriankuban313423 сағат бұрын

    The hyperspace disaster that Indara was talking about in Acolyte episode 7. It was in the book Star Wars High Republic Light of the Jedi & Into the Dark. Where you can learn that all life on some planets was built in this event. Vernestra was alive at that time and because she is more connected to the force and when she travels through hyperspace she tends to have pain/"nausea". You could say that it is something similar to when Darth Nihilus in Star Wars by Republic vacuum cleaners the life from the planets. Better to read it or at least watch some lore video about it

  • @adriankuban3134
    @adriankuban313423 сағат бұрын

    Acolyte all-flashback episode 7 was very good. I liked the references to the hyperspace catastrophe that wiped out life on some planets; of which in the last episode Jedi master Vernestra has pain/nausea from traveling through hyperspace due to her strong connection to the force. The fact that Sol was an emotional Jedi like Dooku, Anakin and Quigon Jinn was seen in quite a big way. The turn of the plot, who is responsible for the death of the entire Clan of these Witches who follow the path of Bogan = Darkness in magic, they were quite similar to the Witches of the Sisterhood of the Night from Dathomir, where Darth Maul also comes from. The fights were great, the choreography was great and seeing two Jedi fight against a possessed Wookie Jedi was great. But most of all, normally, just like Mother Cora, I felt this emotional pain in my heart. When Sol killed her partner, co-mother of two children and the love of her life, mother Aniseya, in front of her eyes. The destruction reminded me of something similar to when the Jedi destroyed the entire planet of Korriban, where the original Sith race came from.

  • @MMvmm2010
    @MMvmm2010Күн бұрын

    GONK and everything -I love You girls ❤❤

  • @swamppifi6186
    @swamppifi6186Күн бұрын

    Indara has been sketchy from the outset...she wanted to go in alone....she claimed she contacted the high council...she started the cover up.....sol only crime is striking down the mother.....why do I get the feeling that we will get a third point of view in the final episode....

  • @Barf-Barfolomew
    @Barf-BarfolomewКүн бұрын

    Such a heartbreaking episode. A mother is murdered in front of her daughter & partner 😢 I feel so bad for Sol. His instant regret that he showed brought tears to my eyes when he refused to fight Korill. Next Tuesday can’t come fast enough! MTFBWY….always And definitely play games on the channel. I’d tune in.

  • @IDONTCARE1313
    @IDONTCARE1313Күн бұрын

    Watching you guys shilling hard for Disney Star Wars is hilarious! So delusional

  • @jdeux3677
    @jdeux3677Күн бұрын

    But you're here watching them, so you're delusional

  • @IDONTCARE1313
    @IDONTCARE131316 сағат бұрын

    @@jdeux3677I enjoy making fun of shills and then seeing Reyboys like you cry about it! Haha

  • @kaygee2121
    @kaygee2121Күн бұрын

    The smoke was essence transfer

  • @GrandPoppyA
    @GrandPoppyAКүн бұрын

    Not to make you guys sad, but there is something else about Wookies most don't know. Wookies have retractable claws that they are only allowed to use when climbing. If they use them in combat they are called "Mad Claws" and are banished from their tribe. Kelnacca has no home. His honor taken because of his actions and the lie being told to the Counsel. The memory of the witch's in his head are driving him mad. Kelnacca probably let Qimir kill him with no opposition to end his pain. :(

  • @RemoteRebels
    @RemoteRebels23 сағат бұрын

    @@GrandPoppyA Oh that's terrible and very sad but important to know. Thanks for sharing!

  • @terogates1
    @terogates118 сағат бұрын

    I was thinking g of that when I saw the claws cus of zaalbar!!! ( funny that I just started a KOTOR playthrough aswell gonna go light side this time)

  • @adriankuban3134
    @adriankuban31347 сағат бұрын

    ​@@RemoteRebelsIn the scene with Aniseya's mother, when Mae was asking for help, we had the opportunity to see some kind of magic where Anaseya was spitting and it also affected Mae. Do you think she was trying to teleport Osha.????

  • @adriankuban3134
    @adriankuban31347 сағат бұрын

    ​@@RemoteRebelsYou don't think that the fortress has collapsed. Due to the fact that the fire damaged the electronics and its gradual overloading and short-circuiting then caused the reactor explosion. And the oil burned similarly to the Olympic fire, which in reality burns like this even on a stone.?

  • @kaygee2121
    @kaygee2121Күн бұрын

    Yes! Y'all caught the GONK!

  • @kaygee2121
    @kaygee2121Күн бұрын

    So I imagine any teenager on a camping trip for 7 weeks would get super restless and annoying. Way to go

  • @GrandPoppyA
    @GrandPoppyAКүн бұрын

    Lol. I said the same thing!

  • @orainefoster8316
    @orainefoster8316Күн бұрын

    Well I mean it’s 7 weeks of nothing happening for Jedi, like it makes Torbin feel there is no purpose being there. On top of that, the Jedi literally aren’t allowing them to leave at all till they find the vergence so I understand Torbin 100%. That’d drive anyone crazy and he was homesick. And you can make the argument that Indara should’ve been more connected to Torbin to help him better to manage that mental struggle. Her philosophy of having him “figure things out on his own” is sensible but Torbin really needed to be comforted and subtly you are starting this see the Jedi lose that level of relatability that you’re supposed to have through Indara. Indara should’ve helped Torbin manage it better and Torbin wouldn’t be going insane, she should’ve known her padawan enough to know he probably would’ve pulled something like this. Torbin especially after his experience with the witches, was clearly distraught but not once did Indara try to be comforting towards him at all because of her “figure out your own stuff” mentality. There’s a time and place for that; and Torbin needed comfort more than anything. Thats something as a Master, Indara was responsible to provide and she didn’t do so. Torbin definitely messed up, but Indara could’ve prevented this if she once tried to relate with him and give him some form of comfort.

  • @kelleycarr9065
    @kelleycarr9065Күн бұрын

    “Binary box brain!” Hahaha!!! See ya at the finale!!!! Great share, once again!!!!! 😂

  • @BH0060
    @BH0060Күн бұрын

    Glad to see you guys again. ☺

  • @theDaoistBean
    @theDaoistBeanКүн бұрын

    The driving theme of this show seems to be the destructive nature of codependency...for those who have it, Mae and Osha, and for those who crave it, Sol and Qimir. So it is fitting that the finale should put all four of these people together and how that will resolve, we'll see.

  • @GrandPoppyA
    @GrandPoppyAКүн бұрын

    That is really good. I'm showing this to my partner. Thank you.

  • @mightyrrt
    @mightyrrtКүн бұрын

    I might be going out on a limb, but... Qimir seems to know about the twins/witches. Torbin was seduced/possessed by Mother Aniseya. Could it be that Vernestra and her Padawan Qimir came upon some Witches? They possessed Qimir, and he became seduced, turning on Vernestra. The resulting fight left Qimir scarred. Vernestra, either because she sensed darkness in Qimir, or simply could not trust him, refused to continue mentoring him and petitioned for his expulsion. All sending him on the path leading to Mae, Osha, and the power of two.

  • @Citizen88020120820
    @Citizen88020120820Күн бұрын

    I wanna know more about the witches and what their endgame was going to be.

  • @user-xp7xm6nh9b
    @user-xp7xm6nh9bКүн бұрын

    Just one more! Whatever you decide to post I will watch.

  • @auntvesuvi3872
    @auntvesuvi3872Күн бұрын

    Thanks, Edith! Thanks, Shanda! 🌑 The "we must be sacrificed" misquote little 'Mae' relayed to 'Indara' and 'Sol' had a huge impact. They literally thought the girls were in mortal danger. 'Aniseya' actually said, "It is about sacrificing a *part* of ourselves" - which doesn't sound alarming at all. 🔸 It's also wild to learn that 'Sol' was imposing his own wants (to have a Padawan... even though he might not be ready) onto the situation. He even almost lost his temper on 'Indara' at the end. That shows a very un-Jedi-like conflict that adds to his motivations. 'Sol' confusing 'Mae' for 'Osha' further proves he's not thinking clearly. Plus, 'Torbin' being all immature because he's bored and homesick. It's starting to make sense. More revelations next week, I bet. 🔸 Sure, upload some STAR WARS gameplay videos. I watched an ex-boyfriend play 22 hours once upon a time.

  • Күн бұрын

    Qui-gon refers to Anakin as a Vergence in the Force. I'm guessing it means an unusual high concentration of the force!

  • @thepastorate3
    @thepastorate3Күн бұрын

    Where is the retro fan expo (?) you guys are going to?

  • @ssotkow
    @ssotkow6 сағат бұрын

    Plano, Texas most likely. I hear traces of Texas accents from our Remote Rebels. Enjoy your Retro Fan Expo this weekend gals.

  • @artiemedley9369
    @artiemedley9369Күн бұрын

    Possible Sol chose Osha because Mae saw him kill her mother.

  • @theDaoistBean
    @theDaoistBeanКүн бұрын

    No, Sol chose Osha because she seemed to be the one from the first time he saw her who was being forced and bullied (from Sol's pov, which is why we saw all those scenes again)...I think Sol felt a kindred spirit with Osha because I suspect his childhood was all bullying for being different until the Jedi came, which is why he happily went with them. This is why Indara keeps telling him to not confuse what he feels with what others feel. Sol had no intention of covering up what he did so he wouldn't need to let a witness die, he only agreed to the cover up because he thought it was in the best interest of Osha's future.

  • @artiemedley9369
    @artiemedley9369Күн бұрын

    The Vergeance would've happened long before the twins were born, considering how long it takes trees to mature. The Vergeance allowed the Witches to create life. Sol appeared terrified because the twins are so out of place in a Coven of Witches, plus, only Jedi are allowed to train younglings. Torbin is angry, embarrassed, and terrified that he was so easily manipulated. Hence his reaction when he snaps out of it. So, now, Anaseya was capable of taking Mae because Mae had ascended. She could not have done that with Osha, and that's probably why she decided to let Osha go with the Jedi.

  • @GrandPoppyA
    @GrandPoppyAКүн бұрын

    Excellent points!

  • @stickmadfull
    @stickmadfull23 сағат бұрын

    is the vergeance its the same thing create anakin who as no father and the "species" of yoda ? im not a big fan of starwars but i deduce that just by the movies

  • @bluesorcerer83
    @bluesorcerer836 сағат бұрын

    @@stickmadfull It's very likely, but it has also been theorized that the Force induced the vergence that created Anakin as a response to the experiments that Darth Plagueis and others did years ago.

  • @hannahawesome85
    @hannahawesome85Күн бұрын

    Hey ladies! 💜 Here we GOnk! 😁 I'm curious what you both think about this episode!! I think it was okay, but we didn't really get any explanation for anything... Like how did they (Aniseya and Koril) go up in smoke, or if it was a manifestation of the Force? Aniseya should have communicated with the Jedi that she would let Osha go with them before she turned into that smoke/Force(???) and getting killed by Sol. So unnecessary! Why does everyone make so many bad/dumb choices? 😭 No wonder Mae hates the Jedi. The Jedi didn't do the right thing and Sol started all of it because of his "good intentions". So sad. I still like the character but that was just not great. Kelnacca with a lightsaber and the Force was badass tho! Even if he was controlled by the witches. I hope the last episode is better!

  • @orainefoster8316
    @orainefoster8316Күн бұрын

    I mean Torbin seemed like he was going to kill Mother Koril, so it makes sense Mother Aniseya wants to protect her people first. Thats just a natural reaction and Sol should not have killed her immediately, that was his bias making a fatal mistake because he only saw the surface level of what went on. As far as Aniseya and Koril go up in smoke, thy're witches, we have seen the Nightsisters do pretty mcuh the exact same thing, especially Mother Talzin, so its not really a new concept for SW. Its part of their abilities, don't overthink it. As far as choices are made, the point is that both sides were wrong and at the end of the day tried to control the destiny of osha and Mae when neither have a say in the matter. Which is why Qimir is so tempting, he gives them a choice on how they want to explore the force and shows them they don't have to be bound to a particular way. We got explanation for alot actually, all we really need to know is how Qimir/the Sith are involved. Which, if im betting on something, considering we didnt see Koril or the other witches die - they probably survived and struck a deal with the Sith somehow.

  • @crandleberrysadie
    @crandleberrysadieКүн бұрын

    Play on stream!! I'm a gamer, my 2 best friends are gamers, my son is a gamer... DO IT!

  • @e.x.watson9997
    @e.x.watson9997Күн бұрын

    Welp, they did it... they didn't make any one party guilty of the whole thing... This episode was quite irksome I tell ya xD

  • @crandleberrysadie
    @crandleberrysadieКүн бұрын

    Irksome in the extreme. Personally, I didn't learn anything I hadn't guessed so it was disappointing.

  • @e.x.watson9997
    @e.x.watson9997Күн бұрын

    @@crandleberrysadie This episode was quite irksome I tell ya xD. I don't know whose bright idea it was to zoom in on Kelnacca's feet so much so that we could all see that Wookiee feet are *remarkably* shoe-like xD. And boy did old young Sol irritate me... he's so squirrely and a humongous busybody. Worst kind of person. And what's with his whole "attachment" to the little girl, that was creepy.

  • @crandleberrysadie
    @crandleberrysadieКүн бұрын

    @@e.x.watson9997 Sol was seriously creepy. I mean he fixated on Osha, decided her mother scolding her children for doing something unsafe was a danger to them and had this revelation that Osha was destined to be his padawan... All before he'd said a single word to her 🤷‍♂️

  • @e.x.watson9997
    @e.x.watson9997Күн бұрын

    @@crandleberrysadie guess we'll see next week if his creepiness is a sign of something else, or if it was just a byproduct of the writing.

  • @orainefoster8316
    @orainefoster8316Күн бұрын

    Well, a good writer makes sure not one side is completely guilty, they make it more complex than that to show everyone involved was wrong. I mean, Andor wouldn't be as good as it is, if the Empire was clearly portrayed bad and only bad and the rebellion 100% completely good. You need more complexity for conflicts like that. It was obvious that the situation wasn't black and white and from a writing perspective, you would not want to write the conflict that easily either. That would just be very simplistic storytelling.

  • @ArminaticsVoiceArtist
    @ArminaticsVoiceArtistКүн бұрын

    Grievous our Hero!

  • @terogates1
    @terogates12 күн бұрын

    I’m glad there fans enjoying the show and not jumping to conclusions before all I do is revealed, when people cried bad writing and told me it was Mae switching to wanting to leave her master as I consistant to her younger self, which I think is being done on purpose due to possibly memories being tampered with Edit: nvm no memories were tampered with 🤣

  • @Citizen88020120820
    @Citizen880201208202 күн бұрын

    Interesting Mae was restrained at the end by Sol while Osha is left free by the "Sith"

  • @Barf-Barfolomew
    @Barf-Barfolomew3 күн бұрын

    You two are so entertaining with your genuine reactions to Star Wars. You can immediately see your love of Star Wars. Loving the Acolyte. Some of the best Star Wars since ESB imo. We are finally getting to see Dark Side training in live action! I have a theory that Osha will end up being Plagueis by the end. I love this idea. The show is titled the Acolyte after all. But Even if no one is Plagueis and everyone winds up as just new characters I’m fine with it. I never get mad at Star Wars. I’ve always watched it as if it’s history and that’s just what happened a long time ago in A galaxy far, far away. MTFBWY….always

  • @remoterebels2
    @remoterebels22 күн бұрын

    Thank you so much. Soooo kind of you to say that. I love that you said you see SW as history because that's what my co-workers say I do too! They are like Shanda it is not a history book and I'm like um yes it is!! But yeah. I think this show is cool. I find the choreography of the fight scenes epic! My fav part of SW are the light saber battles and they sure have given us that! I can't wait until tonight. And nothing is perfect. It doesn't always go the way I want it to but I spent 1983 to 1998 being told we would NEVER get another star wars movie so I will consume anything SW. I even love the little forces of destiny shorts!! Glad you are here!❤❤

  • @Barf-Barfolomew
    @Barf-Barfolomew2 күн бұрын

    @@remoterebels2awesome! Only 3.5 hours until episode 7! You two have a fun watch tonight! MTFBWY….always

  • @kelleycarr9065
    @kelleycarr90653 күн бұрын

    Right back at cha!!!!🩷

  • @remoterebels2
    @remoterebels22 күн бұрын


  • @iluvyummywaffles
    @iluvyummywaffles3 күн бұрын

    Love those Gonk shirts ❤

  • @remoterebels2
    @remoterebels23 күн бұрын

    Thank you ❤👕❤ and GONK!!!! Lol

  • @shugaroony
    @shugaroony5 күн бұрын

    Who would have thought we would get Ventress being Yoda, with Omega being Luke in Empire Strikes Back, in the Bad Batch! Her testing is done in exactly the same way as what happened in the film, even down to the last line when Omega doesn't believe Ventress can calm the turtle thing, and she essentially replies as Yoda did "that is why you fail". Ventress also showing some semblence of balance within her by doing what Ahsoka did as an infant with the tiger in Tales Of The Jedi. So good to see how far our goddess has come. Also lay off our crew a bit, they don't know the journey she's been on, and she did kill tens of thousands of clones, many of them brutally. Wolffe for example, who we've seen recently in this show, she gave him that blinded eye he has.

  • @shugaroony
    @shugaroony5 күн бұрын

    The temple where Rex and co are set up is on Teth, from the first mission in the Clone Wars movie - also in the Ahsoka series more recently. I like Hunter telling Rex he's fighting a war he can't win, when we know he makes it all the way to Endor, to bring around the end of all this.

  • @shugaroony
    @shugaroony5 күн бұрын

    That little touch of Crosshair putting the clone helmets back up as a memento mori gets me every time. He's not great at telling everyone how he thinks, but his actions here show how much he's grown since Clone Wars, when he was on about leaving Echo behind - now he's creating memorials for regs, as they are all endangered species now. He puts on a facade, its who he is, but deep down he's pretty sensitive.

  • @shugaroony
    @shugaroony5 күн бұрын

    Love the dynamic between Omega and Crosshair. Crosshair is all about loyalty, and Omega was always loyal to him so it doesn't take him long to come back to her as its a weird feeling for him. And as we see he will now do anything to protect her, as she not only help free him from his cell, she offers him the chance at redemption, something he feels is beyond him.

  • @shugaroony
    @shugaroony5 күн бұрын

    I love how well both Crosshair and Omega enact Plan 72. They haven't worked before together, but since both know the plans, they work together flawlessly, showing how both are connected to the Bad Batch. Also when Omega talks to Crosshair through his cell bars, the shadow of those bars on her face look like Crosshair's facial tattoo. Nice touch.

  • @shugaroony
    @shugaroony5 күн бұрын

    Is your screenrips done on a potato lol? :D

  • @shugaroony
    @shugaroony5 күн бұрын

    While this episode is a favourite of the season, I just have an overwhelming feeling of sadness throughout. The last time we saw Gungi, he was so happy with his fellow "tribe" of other younglings, Petro, Katooni, Zatt, Ganodi, and sensitive Byph. Now he's seen and lost too much and when he gets a chance to get back his homeworld, we see the Empire razing the whole place to the ground as they strip the planet for resources and kill off wookies. And I don't even want to think about what happened to the other younglings. Though at the end, Gungi won't be able to realise his destiny as a Jedi, he can at least be a hero to his people and help them, as was originally his destiny when he became a Jedi.

  • @shugaroony
    @shugaroony5 күн бұрын

    Crosshair "follows orders" when he sees Cody struggling here to, and he makes the call. In effect he saves Cody's life by executing the governor. Its not the right thing to do, but he respects Cody so helps him out, and is why he is stunned when Cody goes AWOL later.

  • @shugaroony
    @shugaroony5 күн бұрын

    Seeing the mighty Hera and Chopper in Bad Batch was such a treat. Its great how they are tying the different media together now.

  • @amandaadler1860
    @amandaadler18606 күн бұрын

    Love rewatching these episodes with you ladies!

  • @remoterebels2
    @remoterebels25 күн бұрын

    awwwwww thanks Amanda!!! Glad you are here with us!!

  • @majinvegeta3181
    @majinvegeta31816 күн бұрын

    I thought star wars was made for kids not into pornhub 🤦‍♂️

  • @itsame3995
    @itsame39956 күн бұрын

    Let's see your deleted scenes! 😭😭😁

  • @Hippycilla
    @Hippycilla7 күн бұрын

    New sub here . Loved your reaction to the episode

  • @remoterebels2
    @remoterebels25 күн бұрын

    helllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo there!! Thank you. We are glad that you are here. Wooooohoooo!!! Now tell Tuesday to hurry up so we can figure the rest of this show out

  • @preciousotoakhia9789
    @preciousotoakhia97897 күн бұрын

    Rip jecki she was MVP of this show and would be friends with ashoka

  • @remoterebels2
    @remoterebels24 күн бұрын

    ❤❤❤❤❤ totally