

New skills! Kuno up big?

New skills! Kuno up big?

Awake drak is really bad

Awake drak is really bad

Arena of Solar Issues

Arena of Solar Issues

Waiting for more BDO content

Waiting for more BDO content

Succ Kuno PVP  - Clip Review

Succ Kuno PVP - Clip Review


  • @mehdidebbari2918
    @mehdidebbari29182 ай бұрын

    Thanks for the video. I'm starting pvp on her. The guide is a bit difficult to follow for a beginner. And btw you're still playing Kuno?

  • @BlurPC
    @BlurPC11 ай бұрын

    Hey bro, thanks for the guide this helped so much as a new Kuno player really hard to find any Kuno content these days. Bit of a longshot but do you remember what graphics settings you're running here? Did you use nvidia profile inspector? Thanks so much bro!

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis409010 ай бұрын

    Sorrry this is pretty old and when i recorded this i had a different pc at the time. Settings were most likely on lowest opti or medium at best as my PC couldnt handle anything more than that really. I dont use anything but ingame settings as even on my crappy pc back in the day i could still run on low settings and play

  • @fxreach6743
    @fxreach674311 ай бұрын

    Maegu awk really really suck class, it's look like PA throw this class into the trashcan.

  • @guidocolombo8751
    @guidocolombo875111 ай бұрын

    😢 awake maegu is sht pve and pvp agains eva

  • @angelnokare6906
    @angelnokare6906 Жыл бұрын

    Noob question: how can you have 2,7k pots and not be overweight limit? I get lose to limit with just 100 pots

  • @Zedh1982
    @Zedh1982 Жыл бұрын

    What is the kuno best core skill for pvp/rbf ?ty dude

  • @cjlsniper
    @cjlsniper Жыл бұрын

    I really like succession nova but they keep nerfing it because of pvp I hope it becomes a better grinder at some point

  • @SemiQuest
    @SemiQuest Жыл бұрын

    Verdict 7 months later: class dead

  • @wowserouisly
    @wowserouisly Жыл бұрын

    People complaining about AoS dmg aren't objectively comparing its dmg to others and the factors to have high dmg. Maegu is a great designed class but isn't broken when E buff and Z buff aren't included. Haven't seen a single one combo from this class without those 2 factors in AoS. Her weakness is being unable to Re CC being around people as the float is punishable. The classes with crazy dmg have no issue Re CCin people and don't struggle to one combo examples being Musa, DK, Drak, Zerk, Succ Sage, Mystic, all can kill without an e buff or z buff. While I think Sage specifically is an extreme case, these examples show high dmg being present on a class. I don't agree with all of them being fair, but this class needs dmg to be significant as it doesn't have the utility or the CC of some of these classes even listed.

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    I agree but being ranged and having that much damage is a big deal. Succ ranger has even more damage but its far easier to catch. I think a lot of people are just annoyed at how slippery she is more so than the damage but i do think dmg is a bit high on a couple skills. That being said i do agree that the lack of CC means she needs good damage, just maybe a bit too good right now. I would like the devs to wait a bit and see how high the maegu's climb but outside of solare ive heard of Maegu getting 300 kills in siege which shouldnt really be possible on a class that just came out and is missing 6 usable skills. tl dr: If her kit were to stay exactly as is she would only need minor damage nerfs but given shes missing several skills that could easily make up for the lack of CC she will most likely need some bigger nerfs, just hope they dont gut her like they did my succ kuno

  • @EntityVII
    @EntityVII Жыл бұрын

    Her solare damage needs to calm down fr

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    It does seem insane in solare, i think it only felt weak to guardian. i also think maining drak for a while has prolly messed up my idea of good damage lol

  • @sleepynier371
    @sleepynier371 Жыл бұрын

    May I know the costume were you using in this video? Thank you.

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    Its the outfit swap that we got a while back. Its not available right now and will probably be available around halloween or some other event. Its called Darkborne Rose, You can find it under Dark Knight right now but not drak.

  • @dogbonesx4865
    @dogbonesx4865 Жыл бұрын

    also Nylis i have posted a feed back on the forms and clipped some stuff of what you said about the revert its called Kuno Nerfs Down BAD

  • @dogbonesx4865
    @dogbonesx4865 Жыл бұрын

    PEARL JUST LOVE FUCKING US OVER AS KUNO MAINS I JUST LOVE HOW A NINJA DOES MORE DPS AT LOWER GS AND LOWER AP THEN US KUNO AND WE ARE THE SAME CLASS Just about like ive been playing kuno for years and i really hate all of the damage i wanna grind 40k trash at orc like every single class in the game does now like god damn a shai pulls more trash per hour then kuno and thats sad

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын


  • @ic30fbl1tz
    @ic30fbl1tz Жыл бұрын


  • @aslankasanova3201
    @aslankasanova3201 Жыл бұрын

    Being a kuno player since 3 years now, I am totally happy to see these changes. Ok they removed the fg on sah spreed but they added it since the rework and this is not a big issue because you can just and c swap to have the fg. They finally give an other aspect to this spell and I think that you can use this spell instead of flow indignation to cc as you used to before. Maybe you can use it directly after dance macabre, who knows.. Eva on halo 9% it is huge and totally deserved on kuno because you have to linger your sa. I am hugely happy for this because this is a spell I always use. The buggiest issue with a kuno is his damage and the time to make dmg. With the moon storm buffs and other dmg buffs that are huge, she will finally give more pressure and not only be a cc class dependant. She totally has way less dmg than many class. You are talking about a nerf but I just see a real big up for this class on pvp aspect. The only bad thing I noticed is : - her pve sucks - chakram rise still useless - delighted blast big nerf even if it goes faster. But since they give her more damage, she will give way more pressure differently

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    To the first point, removing fg on sah spree AND the movement means you cant approach casters anymore, not without getting slapped with huge debuffs and big damage. It also reduces how much we can chase players in general by removing some of kunos movement overall. having a 4th damage float option is a waste since we have: Rise which jsut got buffed, Wheel the go-to in awakening, and Stomp the go-to in pre, why give a 4th thats nowhere near as strong as the other options? To the second point, yes having evasion buff in the awakening kit is good and should have happened a long time ago, im glad we got that. To the third, this is just not true in a lot of cases. Even with the buffs, you arent going to be outrading other classes for the most part. You dont have enough tools to do so against classes like musa who will just win the trade skill for skill and have 5 other skills waiting after the trades are done. Her damage is nowhere near enough to give the kind of pressure a musa does and with the loss of CC on DB her pressure is just mediocre. Im talking about changes, both nerfs and buffs. It doesnt make sense that kuno should get any nerfs of any kind in order to "justfiy buffs" since she was so weak to begin with. Rise actually is a good option now, has more damage than stomp skill for skill. With crit rate stomp prolly slightly harder but its still a fast float. That being said, we still have stomp and wheel so its not like we dont have options and with sah spree, welll now its just overkill on floats. DB nerfs kill her pressure far more than the pressure she gains from the damage. The frame 1 float was a very good counter and the multihit KD with a vacuum was a very strong combo. Losing BOTH of those at the same time only to put in a single KD that isnt effected by resist penetration means it hardly ever even CC's anyone. This means while she still has some CC pressure in flash smoke grab bj, she lost her best option. The damage she has now is still a far cry from other classes and really only brings her up to par with some of the more average classes in terms of damage. Now all that being said, im glad someone is happy but dont settle for less. PA is litterally gutting you while handing you some candy to distract you. NO PVE buffs, nerfs to "compensate" for the buffs on a class that was very very weak to begin with? You shouldnt settle for this, its a joke to kuno mains being treated the way they are.

  • @jpofficialYT
    @jpofficialYT Жыл бұрын

    I love to see what your locked skills are.

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    Tragic Blade is the only thing i lock off the top of my head. Not really any reason to lock any of her skills since most of them have a place these days.

  • @Badkarma912
    @Badkarma912 Жыл бұрын

    lol i havent even played this is horrible good thing i dont play bdo anymore XDXD

  • @TwoMinds2
    @TwoMinds2 Жыл бұрын

    Why they puttin so much effort into delighted when we still got tragic blade? Where's the rework for that? 💀

  • @ic30fbl1tz
    @ic30fbl1tz Жыл бұрын

    All of these changes are just... Tragic xD No Really though, they keep implementing all of these changes that are entirely turning the class into a meme simply put. Please rework the entire rework. There are so many other classes that have 2x KD potential.🙏

  • @EmpyreanDreamer
    @EmpyreanDreamer Жыл бұрын

    @@ic30fbl1tz Tamer has had a lot of this as well. Even some of the hash changes this patch don't really make sense. I don't know where they get the ideas from but the issue is they are so out of touch and have so little technical knowledge of their own game that they genuinely believe changes like this are a buff to the class. It's happening more and more lately and there's really not much we can do. They played the whole each region gives conflicting feedback card but if you ask a notable KR player about your class its likely they complain about the same stuff.

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    Wheres REAL succ kuno buffs, not this give and take BS on a weaker class

  • @silverziko8495
    @silverziko8495 Жыл бұрын

    am already a succ sage main

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    lmao succ sage looking very strong cant blame ya

  • @vd9190
    @vd9190 Жыл бұрын

    Thanks for the vid. Always like your reviews

  • @ZZR37
    @ZZR37 Жыл бұрын

    one small step forward, multiple steps back. Nice PA

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    Classic PA, no understanding of their own classes somehow

  • @AntaresBDO
    @AntaresBDO Жыл бұрын

    You think they'll revert the negative changes? I was about to reroll to Awakening Kunoichi and pour my heart & soul into it, I was briefly very happy to see they finally buffed her properly. Now I think I'll try Mystic instead, until they do something positive about Kuno :(

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    Since this video, they have already made it worse. instead of a multi hit KD on the explosion, they put the KD on the initial hit of the disc. This hit only had 1 so now the float is gone and the multi hit KD is gone. Its just a KD in between the first hit and the explosion which is terrible

  • @AntaresBDO
    @AntaresBDO Жыл бұрын

    @@nylis4090 That's terrible man. xD

  • @juicybad
    @juicybad Жыл бұрын

    give me hotbar indig KD (no SA) PLEASE otherwise fuck that KD it's useless I'd rather have the SA + damage

  • @juicybad
    @juicybad Жыл бұрын

    indig was never a reliable KD since the only way to use it was after danse which was only for cringe combos that you don't need to do.. KDing after a wheel float (which is rarely a first CC anyways) was always bad full SA danse > indig > wrath actually doing damage feels great for large scale especially along side moonstorm buffs if you can't use indig off hotbar or flow it after more skills it's just not useful as a KD imo

  • @juicybad
    @juicybad Жыл бұрын

    also thoughts on first frame delighted being a knock-BACK that vacuums into an unavoidable KD?? too busted??? I never cared for the float on delight tbh since it was a bad re-cc and not my favorite first cc anyways edit: I would still much rather have the float back than no float even tho I didn't care for the float that much as a first cc attempt

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    @@juicybad They actually made it worse apparently. Its now no longer a multi hit kd on the explosion, but a KD on the lunar hit. So its goes like delighted attack, lunar hit, lunar explosion. The CC is in the middle now and its only on one hit. KB would be even stronger than float imo since it would only be 1.7cc as opposed to 1 which would be kidna insane.

  • @fafibdo
    @fafibdo Жыл бұрын

    i completely agree 100% on everything you've said in this vid. i think the damage buffs are pretty strong and a lot of awk kunos will prob underestimate it, especially when you add that to the ability to maintain 9% eva at all times with ease (which the dmg on evasion awk kuno was one of the biggest issues with the spec imo), but i'm really struggling to understand why, going forward with these buffs, you would choose awk kuno over succ kuno for anything other than 1v1 when awakening was already better than succession in 1v1. i definitely think the class needed these dmg buffs and the evasion buff to halo is a warranted qol change for evasion players if nothing else, but the nerfs....... like if i wanted less protections and more damage i could just play succession. the line in the sand between the specs is growing more and more defined with every patch and i really hate it 😞 kuno as a class can feel so rewarding to play, but the fact you have to limit yourself by spec to being good in one area of pvp or another, or good in the low end of pve or high end, has really been ruining the experience for me ever since the succ stam nerfs. i feel like i've been waiting for such a long time just to play one spec of the class without having to do so much more just to achieve less than the meta classes. it shouldn't be this difficult to balance kuno when classes like hash, zerker, valk and striker have free reign over everything. even ninja is getting more meaningful pve and pvp changes these days. rip i guess

  • @immunetoevil2324
    @immunetoevil2324 Жыл бұрын

    My Kuno Has been catching dust on the shelf since the succ nerfs months ago and now the Awakening get screwed over. smh

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    A lot of kunos feeling that way rn, dmg is all well and good but removing movement and cc options is not a good idea

  • @fishboy9215
    @fishboy9215 Жыл бұрын

    Ye guess they think kunos so op that cannot get buffs only. Which doesn't make any sense, probably none of them actually play the class.

  • @silverziko8495
    @silverziko8495 Жыл бұрын

    They straight up buff ninja massively and they give the kuno the give and take treatment what a disappointment 😞 the class need buffs not take these and remove these

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    I dont think the ninja skill is a major buff by any means. Another float option is fine but when they have stomp and serpent why would they use the new skill?

  • @presentingjuri6706
    @presentingjuri6706 Жыл бұрын

    i was pretty excited for this update because of how much they buffed ninja. what a disappointment.

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    I cant tell if this is satire lol. Ninja buffs hardly mean anything imo. The new skill is just stomp in awakening and they dont really need another float.

  • @presentingjuri6706
    @presentingjuri6706 Жыл бұрын

    @@nylis4090 i know ur like 600 gs but ppl who grind to improve their gear might want to pve on their main class. im referring to the last couple months where ninja has gotten a lot of buffs, particularly in pve.

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    @@presentingjuri6706 so at the time when i read it and replied, i assumed you meant the new skill for just that patch. Makes a lot more sense now. Also im just a tad shy of 660 these days, i do grind just not as much as most. And as a EX kuno main now drak main, i very much want to grind on my main

  • @vd9190
    @vd9190 Жыл бұрын

    Excellent video. Thanks for being the only person who covered the drak update in depth.

  • @TwoMinds2
    @TwoMinds2 Жыл бұрын

    W vid, keep it up

  • @zarykkkkkkk5637
    @zarykkkkkkk5637 Жыл бұрын


  • @TwoMinds2
    @TwoMinds2 Жыл бұрын

    @@zarykkkkkkk5637 see what had happened was..

  • @SemiQuest
    @SemiQuest Жыл бұрын

    Buffs will come soon... copium

  • @brianjehh
    @brianjehh Жыл бұрын

    you say don't follow discord then hardly show combo, and each time you show a combo, you fail it xD "didn't mean to do that" rofl

  • @Yumi-mo4ij
    @Yumi-mo4ij Жыл бұрын

    What the outfit on kuno?

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    Oblivion outfit, no longer available as far as i know.

  • @Yumi-mo4ij
    @Yumi-mo4ij Жыл бұрын

    @@nylis4090 Thanks, great video

  • @bayus8692
    @bayus8692 Жыл бұрын

    hows SuccKuno PVE rn ? in all scenarios. still struggle ?

  • @FrostThorn
    @FrostThorn Жыл бұрын

    I don't think they know how to buff drak

  • @truejaystone3425
    @truejaystone3425 Жыл бұрын

    Thanks for demonstrating the skill.

  • @neodruidic5539
    @neodruidic5539 Жыл бұрын

    yeah the new skill for kuno seems like its a big buff for succ kuno much less for awk

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    Yeah, awake doesnt get the cancels so its nowhere near as good far as i can tell.

  • @neodruidic5539
    @neodruidic5539 Жыл бұрын

    @@nylis4090 it's a nice pulling skills for pve for grinding

  • @NotHeny
    @NotHeny Жыл бұрын

    down with kuno

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    fuk u perma banned

  • @wowserouisly
    @wowserouisly Жыл бұрын

    It really seems like ur objective to make 1 skill solve multiple issues and that shouldn’t be the case. I do agree with class functioning off of cancels and should be Cancelable. I disagree with the suggestion to give a longer sa linger and being cancelable is asking to have an OP skill to counteract a kit issue of no stam regen or high costs. The skill is already good being a prot reposition. Simply make some changes that you have already suggested after nerfs

  • @mayo9017
    @mayo9017 Жыл бұрын

    Agree. I do not agree that this skill needs more damage. It is like asking PA to give damage to wiz/witch teleport on landing. You give this skill super fast connection to grab and short cd... you'll have the most op grab in the game that it will put awakening lahn grab to shame 😅

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    Problem is they arent implementing any changes on kuno except this new skill, atleast on succ. I dont think the skill can solve all of kunos issues even with all the changes i suggested. It would however help a great deal to have the option to recover stam or cancel out. Old danse Macabre worked this way before and with danse you didnt need to hit someone to get the linger. If they gave us back linger on danse that would be great and i prolly wouldnt suggest adding another, but i dont think everything i suggested would be too strong personally considering all of kunos kit currently.

  • @madpad4397
    @madpad4397 Жыл бұрын

    So much relays on this being a non stam costing skill or not. Will determine if suc kuno is truly down bad or not if this skill eats stam too

  • @memesistiko
    @memesistiko Жыл бұрын

    Thanks for the vid nylis 💚

  • @mayo9017
    @mayo9017 Жыл бұрын

    Hopefully Dragons Maw Magnus will make the skill better/usable.

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    The skill is currently usable as it is. Its not terribly strong or anything but def usable. the magnus version, based on the leaks, is terrible and unusable

  • @ravenemir5208
    @ravenemir5208 Жыл бұрын

    yo nylis...how do u feel awak kuno is currently and how she might be after changes?

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    Awakening kuno is currently, meh. While she is very protected and hard to catch, her CC potential is on the weaker side and her damage is very bad when compared to other classes. Her 1v1 is very very strong since her combo dmg is still decent. Her AOS is meh since she doesnt offer much to a team compared to ninja and other rats. Her NW is really based on gear more than anything. If you have hella gear you can do well. Basically, shes a worse ninja. The changes do nothing to address her main issue which is damage. So i dont think its going to be a real difference in anything that isnt 1v1. In 1v1, she just became god tier, though she is already very strong in 1v1 anyway so again it doesnt change too much.

  • @sisco5153
    @sisco5153 Жыл бұрын

    hopefully nova comes back 🙏 let's go

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    She gonna get nerfed i think but who knows maybe im wrong.

  • @exit_hero2230
    @exit_hero2230 Жыл бұрын

    Idk I still think strikers rage hammer is just as long of a lingering super armor, he is still the king of super armor cycling sadly to say. Maybe someone should test and see who’s lingering is longer ps, I’ve been trying to get on test servers forever man, there isn’t a real way way explained becuase it’s not in the game menu to sign up anymore, but still I see more n more newer people getting on it, what’s the deal

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    Cant say on how to get PBE access. Sometimes they shut it down and dont allow new accounts because there are already a lot of people who have access. I made my PBE account a long time ago so i guess im lucky. As for SA lingers yeah striker has a huge amount of them and can use only Mass Destruction to perma SA with.

  • @Lastsight100
    @Lastsight100 Жыл бұрын

    Appreciate the insight on Kuno. I feel the same way PA likes to jumble things around while really not doing anything effective most of the time.

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    Sad but true, there is no way the original class designers work on the game today. If they do they took such a drastic turn in how they make classes and stuff.

  • @Hard_Cor3
    @Hard_Cor3 Жыл бұрын

    This go put nova in a good position, but the bad thing is... They change everytime this class, when u start to be good at it they change or nerf something.

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    Yeah i fully expect to see nova make a huge comeback then see a bluepost on a Labs update something along the lines of "we overshot the mark on nova. the idea was to give players access to accel more often as that was her identity but now shes in accel too often..." ya know, what they always do.

  • @myTERAexperience
    @myTERAexperience Жыл бұрын

    Yeah the bsr changes are going to be toxic af. Any1 who pvps has died to musa, ninja, etc. before even seeing them, it's going to get worse.

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    That patch hit KR without the BSR changes so at the very least, they are taking a look at it again before deciding what to do.

  • @Indi5459
    @Indi5459 Жыл бұрын

    Was wondering where you found the succ lahn changes you mention at the very end - are those the ones listed under the Character "Column" on the translated g-labs update page? I don't recognize any of the move translations. Appreciate the vid breaking down the new Nova changes - can't wait to try it out.

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    I believe so, i dont recognize the names but you can check the numbers and see what skills they match up to instead if you arent familiar enough with the class

  • @MsGhoulz
    @MsGhoulz Жыл бұрын

    They should just rework Accel.

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    Low key agree

  • @Cyberk0k
    @Cyberk0k Жыл бұрын

    hello, what is that outfit?

  • @nylis4090
    @nylis4090 Жыл бұрын

    The Oblivion Outfit, its not available anymore. Was a limited time outfit for the release of the mountain of eternal winter i think