Thomas Hanna’s Daily Cat in a Chair

Please practice in a chair without wheels and if possible without arms.
How to Do Somatic Movements:
1. Move slowly and comfortably - you are especially working with the part of your brain called the motor cortex. It needs time to process more efficient movement patterns.
2. Pay attention to the sensations from your movement - this will give your brain clearer feedback to learn to move more efficiently.
3. Stay within your comfort zone. If you have pain, move slower, make smaller movements, or even make the movement only in your imagination.
4. Follow medical directives you've been given for joint replacements, pacemakers, or any other conditions you have.
Disclaimer: This class is for educational purposes only. Please do all somatic movements comfortably, slowly, and without pain or force. Please consult appropriate medical or health care providers if you have any concerns about whether the movements are suitable for you, especially if you are dealing with an illness or injury, are pregnant, or have other health, balance or mobility issues.

Пікірлер: 1

  • @marileechallberg3267
    @marileechallberg3267 Жыл бұрын

    Yes! Let's do this 💪😍. Get the following you deserve > Promo SM!!!