The Truth About Alzheimers

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Type 3 diabetes isn’t an official medical term. However, more research suggests Alzheimer’s could be linked to insulin resistance and insulin-like growth factor dysfunction in the brain.
Currently, treatments focus on amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, microglial malfunction, and vascular contributions. But these are downstream issues caused by the root problem: improper brain metabolism due to insulin resistance.
We need to shift our focus from treating the symptoms (the smoke) to addressing the root cause (the fire) of insulin resistance. This means changing our diets, reducing sugar intake, and improving metabolic health.
If we keep treating Alzheimer’s the same way, the disease will continue to rise, and the costs will skyrocket. It’s time for a radically different approach-address the root cause, and we might finally see a decline in Alzheimer’s rates.
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