The Complex Consequences of Polygamy: A Biblical Perspective

In this video, we explore the intricate narrative of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar from a biblical perspective, shedding light on the complexities that arise from polygamous relationships. Dive into Abraham's struggle to conceive, leading him to sleep with Hagar, Sarah's maidservant, who bore him a son named Ishmael-Witness Sarah's jealousy towards Hagar's son and her subsequent request for them to be cast out. Discover how Hagar, despite the circumstances, was blessed, and her son became the father of a great nation. However, Sarah eventually conceived and gave birth to Isaac, who also became the father of a mighty nation. Remarkably, Abraham never saw his son Ishmael again until his funeral, highlighting the consequences of a polygamous relationship. Join us in unravelling the layers of this biblical tale and reflecting on the intricate dynamics and lasting impact of polygamy.
ComplexConsequencesofPolygamy # ABiblicalPerspective #shorts

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  • @trumenfreight6055
    @trumenfreight6055 Жыл бұрын

    i beg you (or your supporters) to respond to this comment so that we may talk about this issue. You are incredibly misinformed on this issue. The question that must first be answered is "is polygyny a sin?". This requires that we first of all know what sin is. 1 John 3v4 we are told that sin is the transgression of the law. Rom 5v13 and 7v7 say the same thing. Sin is defined by the Law. John 1v17 tells us that the law came by Moses while Christ brought grace and truth. Christ did not bring the law and his disciples including his best friend deny that he did. Moses' writings must inform our opinion on matters of morality. Remember that if both paul and John are teaching that Moses ALONE functioned as lawgiver, then that means Christ believed that to. Yahushua is the one that led them to this conclusion about Moses, He taught both men after all. If we are to understand Christ's words and those of His disciples on the topic of marriage we must look to Moses first. Remember the road to Emmaus (Luke 24v27). Please consider the following points: 1)There are no laws in the books of Moses that restrict a man to one woman. In 2 Sam 12v8 Yahuwah tells David that He gave him his master's wives into his bosom. That means that God actively participated in the polygamy of his servants he did not merely tolerate it (a claim found in abundance outside the bible but zero times within it). In addition to this He contrasts the many wives that David received from Him to the wife of Uriah that he took by himself. He says that this was done in contradiction to his commandment. Clearly telling the reader that Yahuwah does not believe that polygyny is against the law he gave to the holy people at Sinai. Remember where there is no law there is no sin. 2) There are laws in the bible that regulate polygyny and teach men how to be good polygynist fathers and husbands. These are exo 21v10 and Deut 21v15. If laws define good and evil then it good to give wives and children their rights in a polygynous home. Men that follow these laws are righteous like all men that obey God's law. Consider the fact that never once are they called sinners yet they are given laws with which to pursue righteousness. 3) Moses' writings teach us what marriage is contractually. In Gen 2 Adam has a rib taken from him then a woman given in exchange. This is a purchase. This depicts Eve, and hence all wives thereafter, as human property, as slaves. This is why these holy men that sleep with multiple women every night were never charged with adultery. Adultery in the Hebrew is Zanah it speaks of covenant breaking. However, the man cannot break that covenant as masters are not accountable to their slaves. That is why Yahuwah has three laws in the ten commandments against polyandry (No adultery, coveting another's wife or stealing.) but not a single one against polygyny. There are many other things to discuss in Moses' law ie the bible that Yahushua read but what i have written will be a good starting point. Please respond you need my help on this because no prophet ever taught what you are teaching.

  • @FAMKeepFamilyTogether


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    This is not true, this is misinformed teaching. Neither in the Bible, nor research, is polygamy supported as good practice. It’s a man made practice that has caused division, jealousy, greed, crime, etc. I can tell that you only listened to my short and not all 3 parts of “polygamy has begot polyandry” in my playlist. At some point we will open this up for a live. But before you respond you should have listened to the 3 parts of the whole talk on it. Sounds like your a man who wants to justify this. However most women do not want to share a man just like men wouldn’t want to share a woman. We’re against it because it’s not how men were designed to be by God, and the RESEARCH proves it to be a subpar family dynamic that always breeds crime and dysfunction. Please dig deeper into my videos and not just the short. Thank you🙏🏾

  • @trumenfreight6055


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    @@FAMKeepFamilyTogether Fine . I will watch the the 3 part series and i will look to see if you prove from the LAW OF GOD that this is wrong. Then i will return here to talk about the verse from the Law of Moses that you gave. Where there is no law there is no sin said Paul and John

  • @FAMKeepFamilyTogether


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    @@trumenfreight6055 The original plan of God was one man and one woman. God has always worked with man in His sons but it has never been without consequence. The stories in the Bible show the errors of man and the consequences. God has never and will never condone polygamy. We need to understand this as men and if we don’t we will always have the disparities within communities through the poor leadership examples of men. Adam and Eve Is the example of what God intended. Man did otherwise after sin and leaving the garden. There are no stories where men lived with multiple women and had peace. There was always crime, envy, fatherless homes and separation. The stories are there to prove it. Texting however in this comment section is too much for discussion. But you will find that research supports monogamy as healthy along with the Bible. We are not to treat women as property, they are not property and that is an error of man. They are helpmates and no matter who you are you get one helpmate. If you choose two you will bear the consequences of operating outside of Gods original design. We are baring them now. As I’ve stated we have polyandry due to polygamy. Our example will be our demise. If we don’t change how we operate. As for my women, you are entitled to one man, look for a man that gives you monogamy. That is partially where you blessing will lie. In men with sexual disciple, self control, and Godly leadership.

  • @trumenfreight6055


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    @@FAMKeepFamilyTogether Paul and John said that where there is no law there is no sin. If you accept that polygyny is a sin then please show me where Christ told Moses to give such a LAW to the children of Israel. Again please give a law. I am watching your videos as you said still you are not showing where Moses said what you are saying. Please give a LAW from the 613 laws that Christ gave to Moses demonstarating that polygynous men are disobedient. If there is no law then man up and confess that there is no law.

  • @FAMKeepFamilyTogether


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    A video response will be sent to you and the audience. I’ll keep you posted on the name of the video once published.