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Mani Pande | Dollars to Donuts 🍩

This episode of Dollars to Donuts features my interview with Mani Pande, Director and Head of Research at Cisco Meraki.
We used to do these immersion events where we would bring everybody who worked on, who was our stakeholder, to come and listen and talk to our customers. And we would do these focus groups, they were like a whole day event. There were folks from marketing and ops team who ran some of these focus groups. And when we got feedback about the immersion, it was very clear that everybody realized that when researchers are not doing the moderation, the kind of data that you get is not good. And the conversations were not that interesting. They didn’t feel that it was a good use of their time. So I think you can have your stakeholders experience it, that it’s not that easy to do moderation. - Mani Pande
🗒️ Show notes, transcriptions, other episodes:
🏄🏾‍♀️ More about Steve Portigal, Portigal Consulting, and user research:
📚 Interviewing Users & Doorbells, Danger, and Dead Batteries:
