Islam in Wales - The Story of Muslim Settlement in Wales seminar

Bydd Dr Abdul-Azim Ahmed yn cyflwyno canfyddiadau’r prosiect ymchwil Islam yng Nghymru, a fu’n archwilio’r cysylltiadau hanesyddol rhwng Cymru ac Islam, mudo’r Mwslimiaid o bob rhan o’r byd i Gymru, a’r profiadau o ymsefydlu a chreu cymunedau cyn yr Ail Ryfel Byd ac wedi hynny. Defnyddiodd y prosiect ymchwil gyfweliadau archifol, papurau newydd a hanes llafar.
Mae Dr Abdul-Azim Ahmed yn Ddarlithydd mewn Astudiaethau Mwslimaidd Prydeinig ac yn Ddirprwy Gyfarwyddwr y Ganolfan ar gyfer Astudio Islam yn y DU. Bydd ei fonograff sydd ar y gweill, "The Contemporary British Mosque", yn cael ei gyhoeddi gan Bloomsbury ym mis Ebrill 2024. Mae ei brosiect presennol, Prosiect Hanes Islam yng Nghymru, wedi edrych ar stori mudo ac ymsefydlu’r Mwslimiaid yng Nghymru.
Dr Abdul-Azim Ahmed will present the findings from the Islam in Wales research project, which explored historic connections between Wales and Islam, the migration of Muslims from across the globe to Wales, and the experiences of settlement and establishing communities from before the Second World War onwards. The research project drew on archival, newspaper, and oral history interviews.
Dr Abdul-Azim Ahmed is Lecturer in British Muslim Studies and Deputy Director of the Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK. His forthcoming monograph, "The Contemporary British Mosque" will be published by Bloomsbury in April 2024. His current project, the Islam in Wales History Project, has explored the story of migration and settlement of Muslims in Wales.

