From Girmit to Permit Seminar

Mae'r term "Girmitya" yn deillio o'r gair "Cytundeb" (ac yn cael ei ynganu yn aml fel "girmit" neu "girmitiya") ac mae'n gysylltiedig â'r system lafur ymrwymedig a ddaeth ag 1.6 miliwn o lafurwyr Indiaidd i wahanol wledydd trefedigaethol yn ystod y 19eg ganrif a dechrau'r 20fed ganrif yn dilyn diddymu caethwasiaeth yn yr Ymerodraeth Brydeinig.
O dan y system hon, recriwtiwyd llafurwyr Indiaidd o ranbarthau yn India, yn bennaf o lefydd fel Uttar Pradesh a Bihar. Roedd yn ofynnol iddynt lofnodi contract llafur, y cyfeiriwyd ato'n aml fel y "Girmit" neu'r "Cytundeb." Roedd y contract hwn yn eu rhwymo i weithio am gyfnod penodol o amser (pum mlynedd neu fwy fel rheol) o dan amodau a oedd yn aml yn llym ac yn eu hegsbloetio.
The story of Girmityas is also a story of triumph of human will and resilience over adversity, tyranny and gives a message of hope.
The term "Girmitya" is derived from the word "Agreement" (often pronounced "girmit" or "girmitiya") and is associated with the indentured labour system that brought 1.6 million Indian labourers to various colonial countries during the 19th and early 20th centuries following the abolition of slavery in the British Empire.
Under this system, Indian labourers were recruited from regions in India, primarily from places like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. They were required to sign a labour contract, which was often referred to as the "Girmit" or "Agreement." This contract bound them to work for a specified period (typically five years or more) under conditions that were often harsh and exploitative.
