Halfus Heroic Guide


All drakes and the whelps are active on heroic. We went with 4 tanks and 9 healers on 25 man. On 10 man I saw guilds doing this with 3 healers and 3 tanks, but it all depends on how you free up the drakes. Number 1 main reason for a failed attempt on Halfus is tanks being dead. With current gear, it is challenging for a tank to survive even one drake, let alone 2. Each drake freed gives you 50% extra damage on Halfus, but you also have to tank it if you free it.
So you want 1 tank per drake and one on Halfus. Start the fight with one tank on Time, Time helps you avoid Fireballs, one tank on Storm, Storm allows you to interrupt Halfus, and one on Nether Scion, Nether reduces Halfuses damage. That's 3 tanks 3 drakes. Also release the whelps, Whelps reduce the Fire Breath damage, which is mass aoe attack, hard to heal.
Don't have one of your tanks take damage from a drake and all the whelps. Spread the whelps among all your tanks, to improve survivability.,
Bring the 8 whelps, time and halfus to the center. That's 10 targets, 10 targets means max aoe dps. Kill the whelps 1st, then focus on time. Once Time is dead release Slate. Once you release Slate you gain the maximum +250% damage increase bonus on Halfus which should enable you to kill him before the 6 minute enrage timer. Use bloodlust/heroism after releasing Slate.
Melees and ranged dps, only issue for them is to keep out of the fireballs. It is a bit hard as melee with all the drakes on top of each other. Watch your feet. While you are dpsing Time, Time has a large hitbox, you have where to move as melee. Once you switch over to Halfus, more of a problem as he has very small hitbox. Move from left to right to avoid the fireballs but never go on top of the tanks. Another way to do this is to have the tanks always moving, always backpedalling, and so the fireballs won't hit a group of bunched up melees because they will land behind them.
Healers and tanks have the hardest job in this fight. Tanks, because all 4 of them have to rotate between Halfus and the drakes. This is because of The mortal strike debuff. Each tank remembers who is he after, he can have his partner tank on focus or use vent. He taunts when his partner tank reaches 5-6 stacks of the ms debuff. Partner tank picks up the free drake.
So again biggest reason for a failed attempt on Halfus is tanks being dead, during or shortly after the stun. I'm talking about the Furious Roar triple imba mega stun which Halfus does below 50%. Watch the timer and call it out on vent. Just before a roar you need to use some sort of Major cooldown on your tanks, pain suppression, barrier, all of that.You need to set up which healer takes care of what tank, when do healers use their cooldown, when do tanks. Don't take this step lightly this is very important this is the key to getting him down. Have something prepared for the 1st 3 roars, after that use whatever cooldowns you got left.
During the stuns best thing to do as dps is to avoid fireball damage by jumping. You can't move while stunned, but if you spam jump and left or right during stun, you end up jumping in between stuns and moving a little bit. Remember this, this will keep you alive during the stuns.
Also don't forget, a mage should blink during the last stun to interrupt Halfus.
Disipline priests are really good in this fight because of smite. Smite heals a friendly target based on the amount of damage it does on the enemy. And since smite hits the unfaithful Halfus for 250% extra damage, it also heals for just as much.
This has been a guide from love2playwow.com. I do need your support. If you like my videos and wish help me out follow me on facebook. I always post there when I release new videos , just check the link in the description. Thanks for watching.

Пікірлер: 7

  • @TheChannelPlace
    @TheChannelPlace13 жыл бұрын

    I have been waiting for you! I had watched all your hm guides from icc

  • @LuckyPalms
    @LuckyPalms13 жыл бұрын

    Very informative! Your guides are the best :o

  • @ashk0n
    @ashk0n13 жыл бұрын

    @love2playwowdotcom Thanks for the update. We noticed this last night, it seems to make the fight easier along with fewer drake HPs and lower damage.

  • @Serialify
    @Serialify13 жыл бұрын

    Nice guide keep it up!

  • @Xaplelul
    @Xaplelul13 жыл бұрын

    Two Essence of Cyclone, very nice lol.

  • @Naardenhg
    @Naardenhg13 жыл бұрын


  • @ashk0n
    @ashk0n13 жыл бұрын

    I thought you only receive a 50% dmg buff for every drake killed, not just released. Are you sure about this?
