Embracing the Role of Being an ACTIVE NAN (Grandmother)

Are You Sitting in the Grandstand or are You Playing on the Field with Your Grandchildren?
Becoming a grandmother (or great aunt) is a pretty major event in life, right? It’s about transitioning to a different role where you can share your love, wisdom, and care. The role of a grandmother can vary across cultures and families, one thing remains the same: the impact grandmothers have on the lives of their grandchildren.
The role of a grandmother goes far beyond babysitting or spoiling grandchildren with treats. You play a crucial role in the family dynamic, offering support, guidance, and a sense of continuity across generations. Research has shown that grandchildren who have close relationships with their grandparents tend to have better social skills, higher self-esteem, and a stronger sense of identity.
Grandmothers also pass on the family history, traditions, stories, recipes, and cultural heritage to future generations. You offer a unique perspective on life, drawing from your own experiences and wisdom accumulated over the years. Whether it's providing a listening ear, offering words of encouragement, or simply being a constant source of love and affection.
I believe that being a role model for valuing and caring about yourself is one of the most important parts of being a nan. Being an active grandmother goes beyond traditional roles; it involves actively engaging in physical activities and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Research indicates that grandchildren who have active and fit grandparents are more likely to adopt healthy habits themselves.
Tips for Being an Active Nan:
Your actions speak volumes. Demonstrate the importance of staying active by incorporating physical activity into your daily routine.
Encourage your grandchildren to spend time outdoors and engage in active play. Take them to the park, go for bike rides, or explore nature trails together. Outdoor play not only promotes physical fitness but also fosters creativity, imagination, and a sense of adventure.
Use cooking as an opportunity to teach your grandchildren about the importance of healthy eating. Involve them in meal preparation, teach them about nutritious ingredients, and encourage them to try new foods.
Organise family outings that involve physical activity. These activities not only strengthen family bonds but also promote a sense of teamwork and camaraderie. Make exercise a family affair and create lasting memories while staying active together.
Being active and fit isn't just about physical health; it's also about maintaining a positive mindset. Encourage your grandchildren to develop resilience, perseverance, and a can-do attitude. Teach them the importance of setting goals, overcoming obstacles, and celebrating their achievements.
Being an active nan is about more than just keeping up with your grandchildren; it's about actively participating in their lives and instilling healthy habits that will benefit them for years to come.
