Overcoming Mindset Barriers to Exercise and Finding Your Internal Motivation

“I cannot get out of my head, and I overthink everything when it comes to exercising - it just seems impossible.”
The mindset barrier when it comes to starting an exercise program can show up in many different ways. These barriers are often psychological or emotional obstacles that can make it challenging for someone to start and maintain a consistent exercise routine. Here are some common mindset barriers to exercising:
1. All-or-Nothing Thinking: This mindset involves believing that if you can't do a full, intense workout, or even a 30-minute workout, it's not worth doing anything at all. This can lead to inactivity because you cannot see the benefits of taking smaller steps.
2. Perfectionism: This is where you might set unrealistic expectations for yourself regarding your fitness level or appearance. The fear of not meeting these high standards can be demotivating and lead to avoidance of exercise.
3. Lack of Motivation: A lack of intrinsic or extrinsic motivation can be a significant barrier. Without a clear purpose or enjoyment in the activity, individuals may struggle to initiate or sustain regular exercise.
4. Negative Self-Talk: Negative thoughts about your abilities, appearance, or progress can create self-doubt and discourage regular exercise. Overcoming negative self-talk is important for building a positive relationship with physical activity.
5. Time Constraints: Perceiving a lack of time as a barrier to exercise is common. Busy schedules and other responsibilities can make it challenging to prioritise physical activity.
6. Fear of Judgment: You might feel self-conscious or fear being judged by others when exercising in public spaces. This fear of negative evaluation can prevent them from engaging in physical activity.
7. Lack of Confidence: Low self-esteem or a lack of confidence in one's physical abilities can deter individuals from starting or continuing an exercise routine.
8. Unrealistic Expectations: Expecting immediate results or rapid changes in fitness level or appearance can lead to frustration and disappointment if progress is slower than anticipated.
Overcoming these mindset barriers often involves a combination of self-reflection, setting realistic goals, building self-compassion, finding some enjoyment, and developing a positive attitude towards physical activity.
Overcoming mindset barriers to exercise involves:
Self-Reflection: Take time to understand your thoughts and beliefs about exercise.
Setting Realistic Goals/Find Your Internal Why: Establish achievable and realistic fitness goals. Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. This helps create a clear roadmap and provides a sense of accomplishment as milestones are reached. Identify and connect with your internal motivations for wanting to exercise. Whether it's improved health, increased energy, or enhanced mood, which is crucial for long-term commitment.
Building Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and recognise that progress takes time.
Finding Enjoyment: Choose activities you enjoy to make exercise more appealing. Whether it's dancing, hiking, or group fitness classes, finding joy in the process makes it more likely for them to stick with their exercise routine.
Developing a Positive Attitude/Challenge Negative Self-Talk: Cultivate a positive mindset towards physical activity and its benefits. Address and challenge any negative thoughts or beliefs that you may have about your ability to exercise or achieve your goals. Focus on a growth mindset, emphasising that setbacks are part of the learning process.
Seeking Support / Positive Environment: Engage with friends, family, or fitness professionals for encouragement and guidance. Foster a positive and supportive atmosphere in your training sessions.
Shift Focus from Outcome to Process: Focus on adopting a healthier lifestyle rather than fixating solely on results. Celebrate small victories and changes in behaviour, reinforcing the idea that progress is a continuous journey.
Build Confidence: Take a gradual approach to build confidence, so starting with manageable tasks and progressively increasing difficulty can enhance self-efficacy.
Education and Awareness: Embrace education about the benefits of exercise, not only for physical health but also for mental well-being. Understanding the positive impact on mood, cognitive function, and overall quality of life can enhance motivation.
Celebrate Progress: Regularly acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in shaping and maintaining a positive mindset.
Remember, a mindset makeover is a gradual process.
