The Unexpected Joys of Fulltime Grandparenting

My love and I were well and truly settled into our empty nest years. After raising kids and thinking this was in the past and enjoying a calmer, quieter lifestyle that was all about us, our business and interests life took an unexpected turn when our grandchildren, ages 7 and 8, came to live with us.
At first, it was a huge adjustment having little ones in the house again. The noise, and general chaos we had once taken for granted now seemed overwhelming at times. Add in the mountains of laundry, countless meals to prepare, and endless cleaning required, and I wondered if we had the stamina and patience to be full-time parents again in our mid-60s and 70s.
As the weeks went by I realised this new parenting (grandparenting) role was providing some beautiful and unexpected gifts. While the days were often exhausting between chasing after the kids, school and keeping up with the household duties, I found myself appreciating the positive impacts this experience was having on my mindset, well-being, and daily routine.
A Newfound Vitality and Organisation
I've always made a point to stay active through regular strength training and walking. But keeping up with two young grandkids - not to mention the laundry baskets, dirty dishes, and general mess - took my physical activity and organisation skills to a whole new level! Racing between loads of laundry, preparing meals, and cleaning up after inevitable spills and crumbs was an unexpected calorie burner. Caring for the grandkids also required maintaining a level of organisation I hadn't needed to tap into for years - keeping track of school schedules, activity supplies, meal plans, etc. Instead of my previously laid-back lifestyle, I found myself mapping out detailed day plans and to-do lists to keep our household running smoothly.
And when it came to playtime, there was no moving at my typical "60+" pace. I found myself running, jumping, and climbing like I was young again as we played at the park or ran through the yard. I was amazed at how much extra energy I could tap into when needed. Mother Nature may naturally slow us down as we age, but being around children seemed to reignite an inner vitality and organisational stamina I hadn't fully experienced in years.
Stepping Up My Communication Game
When you live with little ones, every interaction becomes a teaching moment in communication. With an adult, we can let conversational murmurs or distracted responses slide. But young kids demand - and deserve - your full presence and elaborated explanations. Each day with my grandchildren has been a lesson in active listening, speaking clearly and patiently, and making sure I take the time to understand their perspectives and thought processes. This has strengthened my communication skills in powerful ways not just with them, but with one another.
Developing Patience and Slowing Down
I'll admit, as I've gotten older I've become less tolerant of chaos and things that disrupt my routine or prevent me from staying on schedule. Having two spirited grandkids in the house constantly challenged this predisposition! Pivoting to a child's ever-changing needs and interests throughout the day - despite how those shifted plans often derailed my typical schedule - forced me to embrace going with the flow. Amazingly, this has helped me become more patient and present overall. While the pace of life sped up caring for young kids and managing the household duties, I also found myself being more intentional about savouring small, quiet moments instead of rushing through them. Life sped up, yet slowed down in important ways.
While caring for grandkids full-time at this stage of life certainly wasn't expected, I've discovered so many beautiful silver linings in the experience. Yes, it's tiring and tests my limits at times juggling the kids, cleaning, cooking, business and general household management. But it's also renewing my spirit, pushing me to live life more fully engaged both physically and mentally. I'll forever be grateful for the opportunity to have this bonus time with the grandkids and the important life lessons they are teaching me.
