Driving Value through Sales & Operations Planning in Manufacturing and Retail (10/26/20 Monday)

This is the 3rd Power lecture series from NCSU INFORMS Student Chapter.
For this talk about Sales & Operations, we invited Dr Bram Desmet to give some aspects of how OR and Analytics can power the S&OP process. The webinar will focus on Sales & Operations Planning, its goal, and the steps involved in the process. It will further address the question of why companies struggle with implementation S&OP and how OR and analytics to power the S&OP process.
About the speaker: Prof.Dr. Bram Desmet is the CEO of Solventure, a Europe based expert in designing and implementing S&OP processes using the Arkieva software. Bram is also an adjunct professor in Operations and Supply Chain at the Vlerick Business School. He obtained his Ph.D. at Gent University on the topic of “Safety stock optimization in multi-echelon production-distribution networks”. He published a book called “Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics”. Look for more on www.bramdesmet.com.

