Column generation and Benders decomposition using C++ and CPLEX (03/11/21 Thursday)

Description: This tutorial is a continuation of the previous session solving LP problem using C++ and IBM ILOG Cplex with details on model building, scenario analysis, deciding solver parameters, and post-processing. In this tutorial, Rahman will show how to program column generation and Benders decomposition algorithms to solve cutting stock problem and facility location problems.
You can see the first part of the video here:
• Solving optimization p...
Presenter: Rahman Khorramfar is a Ph.D. student in the Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at NC State University. His research interests lie in the theoretical, computational and applied aspects of operations research (OR). His focus is on decision-making problems under uncertainty and math programming in hierarchical environments. Rahman’s dissertation addresses new product development in the semiconductor industry, and decomposition methods for general multistage stochastic programs to generate quality bounds. Besides, he has research experience in developing customized solutions for large scale optimization problems. During his Ph.D., Rahman participated in various student competitions and challenges; he was part of the winning team in IBM Call for Code Spot Challenge and IISE-LSC Student Case Competition.
Here is the code:
