Dr. Solomon Mikowsky Interview


World-renowned pianist educator and my teacher Dr. Solomon Mikowsky passed away last night in New York. His students are spread all over the world, supporting and helping each other.
Chinese students affectionately call him Lao Mi. Lao Mi gives me a bit of a "godfather" feeling. He will do everything he can to help students, even a bit too much sometimes. He is often very demanding, but is also extremely funny and self-deprecating. His lifelong persistence and passion have been devoted solely to music, purely and persistently. On the first day I opened FaceArt Institute of Music, he flew from New York to Shanghai with several students to support us, and came back to Shanghai for us on our 10th anniversary! At that time, he was already over 80 years old and had a kidney transplant. I remember he said to me: "Jenny, look at all these pianos you have! Look at all these amazing students you have. I’m so proud of you! Your influence in China will make history!"
I was lucky enough to meet him in January this year. That day he sat waiting for me outside Mikowsky Hall, the concert hall named after him, and even set up a chair for me facing him. As soon as I entered, he said: "Jenny, I have two cancers. But I am not afraid to die. Look at my rich life!"He waved and showed me the concert posters of his students that were hung all over the wall outside his concert hall.
Unexpectedly, that day turned out to be his last day at Manhattan School of Music, the school to which he devoted his entire life's passion and dedication. Unexpectedly, the farewell I said to him that day would actually become our last farewell.
I heard that he lost consciousness the next day and was admitted to the hospital and never came out. Dr. Mikowsky’s impact on the realm of music is immeasurable. His students all over the world have formed close bonds and friendships. My dear Professor Mikowsky, we will definitely pass on your ideas and values to future generations.
We will miss you forever and continue your ideas and legacy!

