DnD Player Goes Too Far With A R*p* Fantasy | r/rpghorrorstories


In today's episode of RPG Horror Stories With DnD Doge, we have a tale about That Guy meeting the consequences of his "its what my character would do". A story about a player that tries to play out his sick fantasies through Dungeons and Dragons. A story about a player not vibing with house rules of a TTRPG. And a glory story about a heist gone right.
0:00 Intro
0:45 What My Character Would Do
7:46 Sick Rogue
12:30 House Rules
17:23 Glory Story

Пікірлер: 109

  • @Bigslam1993
    @Bigslam1993 Жыл бұрын

    If a player goes "My character fights till he is dead", then I'll just tell that player "Great, I hope you are prepared to make a new character with more common sense."

  • @fred_derf


    9 ай бұрын

    Player: "If you take my PC's stuff, he'll just fight until he's dead". Me as DM: "That's your call. They take all your stuff, throw you down and back away".

  • @flexiblenerd
    @flexiblenerd Жыл бұрын

    The kitties are clearly the real stars of your show. They deserve main character syndrome.

  • @sentientbottlecap
    @sentientbottlecap Жыл бұрын

    Story 2 was straight up criminal. How do people find people like this and think “yeah, he would make a good fit for the team”.

  • @KCohere33


    Жыл бұрын

    He sounds like a psycho indulging in some secret (hopefully) fantasy. The DM should have shut that down.

  • @kimielle


    Жыл бұрын

    @@KCohere33 If I had been in a group where the DM had let this happen, as soon as the town guard showed I would have narrated them doing everything the rogue did back to him. Then I would leave the table. Not someone I would wanna continue playing with, and turnabout is fair play.

  • @lanir9543


    Жыл бұрын

    @@KCohere33 I would have to agree. That player wasn't grinning about his little bout of "rapey incel fantasy story time". He was grinning because he just inflicted this on everyone else sitting around that table.

  • @chillrat0964


    Жыл бұрын

    They usually act normal when you first see them then do this shit

  • @kaylawoodbury2308
    @kaylawoodbury2308 Жыл бұрын

    Based on how Cici described her character it sounds like not only did she want to be the edgelord variety of the main character (Im too cool and edgy to join the party but I expect to be center of attention and everyone to follow me for no reason) and added the "will go crazy if told what to do" thing as some bs contingency to avoid consequences due to op's less confrontational nature.

  • @realrealwarpet


    Жыл бұрын

    Like, ive got a very edgy character who craves attention. But she hits on a TON of really dark topics. Things like *TW for the rest of the comment* grooming, abandonment, and self unaliving. She’s an extremely broken woman who hides her pain through narcissism. She NEEDS to feel important. If she isnt the star, what is she? Just some worthless woman nobody will remember. She has one goal, to put on the greatest performance ever, a show no one will ever forget. If she achieves this goal, she takes the curtain call, and takes her life. Nobody will ever forget that.

  • @unluckyone1655


    Жыл бұрын

    I have a character that has a pretty dark backstory, but is basically the anti edgelord. He tries to solve problems non violently, and likes to talk to people as a priest and a doctor always trying to come from a place of understanding. He's more or less the party dad lol

  • @muggins2279


    3 ай бұрын

    I really don't get the mentality, like you wouldn't play sports only to refuse to kick the ball and instead just squish bugs in the corner like get out the way we're trying to play a game here

  • @brianvance1178
    @brianvance1178 Жыл бұрын

    For the last story, it sounds like the DM expected their players to Ocean’s Eleven that heist, but the players decided to Batman villain that shit instead. Still good, definitely gets my stamp of approval

  • @Gormfeld
    @Gormfeld Жыл бұрын

    The last story and your commentary made me realize I would definitely watch an "It's Always Sunny in the Forgotten Realms" kind of show. Ah, if only...

  • @alarkhar
    @alarkhar Жыл бұрын

    About the rapist rogue... aside from being a humongous crap, the player made a mistake - this is D&D, not reality. He killed the girl to stop her from talking. This would have worked in OUR world, but aside from Speak with Dead being a thing, the DM stated clearly that her girlfriend was a Harper - i.e. someone with enough contacts and clout to arrange for a rez spell. If he was expecting anything but a platoon of guards to storm his lodging to squish him like a bug, he was sorely mistaken.

  • @Nikodraws149
    @Nikodraws149 Жыл бұрын

    I'm a huge fan of the conker's bad furday/wolverine style character arcs of "guy who doesn't want to be there is forced to be there and maybe it even makes them a better person along the way." So I have played my fair share of character who isn't the most enthusiastic about being in the party but is participating whether he likes it or not so it makes me sad when I see people writing off that sort of character because I feel like there's a lot of fun narrative and character growth that can come from it. But I fully understand why people don't want to deal with it when this is the reputation they have.

  • @unluckyone1655


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah, as a character story arc concept, it's interesting. However playing such a concept can be very difficult to pull off in a very team based game like D&D. Because if that character is too confrontational or too much of a jerk, no one else is going to want to play with them, so the player has to work to balance it out, being in character while not alienating the other players/characters. When done well, it's amazing, but because of the balancing act, is not recommended for newer players

  • @Nikodraws149


    Жыл бұрын

    @@unluckyone1655 oh for sure it's not for new players or people who don't understand how to balance a narrative. I'm not saying it's *easy* because a lot of consideration has to go into your interactions with others and you have to be very very open to allowing your character to change and grow over time which I can understand why that's difficult for people to do. Especially if they aren't going in with the expectation of even desire for the character to experience any kind of change. It's understandable why this type of character is looked down on, but I've also had a lot of fun with my own group playing different flavors of the reluctant hero/party member so it's kinda sad to see so many people using the archetype as an excuse to just be an asshole in game. Very unfortunate.

  • @unluckyone1655


    Жыл бұрын

    @NikoDraws yup people don't realize that playing such a character is harder that you think. I played a character, who was the lone survivor of a party wipe and everyone else rolled up new characters. I played my character like a bit of a cantankerous jerk when he first met the other party, and it kindof sullied the group dynamic after that. I had him calm down by the next session, but the other party members were just not having it, so I had to retire the character early and bring in a new character that would fit in better. Yeah I blame myself for that blunder lol

  • @Nikodraws149


    Жыл бұрын

    @@unluckyone1655 that's totally fair, it's also a group thing. I'm pretty lucky in that my group really enjoys character driven narratives and part of that is exploring more dramatic character dynamics so everyone appreciates my willingness to "choose the mean dialogue option." But there's a level of care that comes with it. I always warn everyone out of character ahead of time when my guy is about to be mean to someone or if he's about to do something that others might not like to give everyone a chance to prepare themselves or veto the action or give someone else a chance to intervene in character if they want. It took me a long to even be comfortable playing rude characters for fear of upsetting other players but once I started and everyone was fully on board they've become some my favorites to play. I'm also very lucky to have a group that are all in on open communication about how we as players and also our characters are feeling and who all want the same thing out of our gaming experience. Not everyone is as enthusiastic about exploring social dynamics and in depth RP as we are. It's a shame you had retire your guy but I guess it was for the best if it was going to make everyone unhappy.

  • @WildArmACF


    Жыл бұрын

    that character requres up front communication and letting people know what you are doing. it cant just be done without their knowledge

  • @tywren2486
    @tywren2486 Жыл бұрын

    3ed story: Those aren't house rules, they're mechanics that have been badly ported over from second edition. The only getting spells you find is straight out of second (though you can learn them from scrolls), and the weapon/armor breaking is either advanced rules, or out of Darksun, or maybe a mix of both (break saves on 1 and 20 is Darksun, but durability points is from advanced rules, and this guy mentioned both)

  • @fred_derf
    @fred_derf9 ай бұрын

    If the DM doesn't give you a written list of their the house rules, you're not playing D&D, you're playing an unfair, one-sided version of _Calvin Ball._

  • @Michaeljack81sk
    @Michaeljack81sk Жыл бұрын

    That last story...I thought my party came up with some insane plans but that takes the biscuit! I'm definitely stealing that idea for naked greased up gnomes as a distraction

  • @rayanderson5797


    Жыл бұрын

    "Guard! Grab that gnome!" "Uhh...sir? Do I have to? They're naked and it's making me very uncomfortable..."

  • @lanir9543
    @lanir9543 Жыл бұрын

    "My PC will just fight until he's dead." This is a sign that you have a player who wants to take your game hostage unless they get what they want. This stance only makes sense in the most extreme circumstances such as when something core to the character is threatened.But that's not where you'll see someone pull this on you. Inevitably it'll be over something ridiculously trivial like it was in this story. Just put your foot down if you ever see this. Encourage them such selfish players to leave quickly rather than linger about. They're nothing but trouble and headaches.

  • @unluckyone1655
    @unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын

    That last story is proof that some of the best ttrpg moments happen during heist missions

  • @viastephtop
    @viastephtop Жыл бұрын

    I guess the second story just makes me feel lucky that I am in a group that would never go for that with a DM that would stomp that into dust before it ever happened, but that frustrates me a lot honestly. Why did nobody speak up? Why did the DM let something that gross happen? There's only one way to deal with creeps like that, honestly, and I would have went apeshit if that had happened at my table :\

  • @chillrat0964


    Жыл бұрын

    Just shutting it down probably wouldn't have made him stop, he'd just keep trying again in this party and others

  • @viastephtop


    Жыл бұрын

    @@chillrat0964 Oh you're not wrong, I find people like that legit don't understand why they're even being kicked out, what they did wrong and so on. But you really can't change people. All you can do is set boundaries for what you will and won't tolerate in this life and toss people to the curb if they can't be decent.

  • @Doodle1776
    @Doodle1776 Жыл бұрын

    I swear, that rape story is a perfect example of a terrible DM and a terrible player. Just tell him "no, I'm not doing that, shut up or leave." This dumb-ass idea that we're supposed to let players do anything is dumb as hell. That last story is 100% fine too, making them use components and find spells. That is how other games and older editions did it too. You weren't just granted the ability to do whatever, you had to train or find the stuff. It creates what one would call a role-playing game.

  • @TheFuriousScribbles


    Жыл бұрын

    The most charitable read of the DM is that he might have been too shocked to do anything in the moment. That fact that he ended that campaign and took a break from D&D in general after the rogue did his thing sort of supports this.

  • @realdragon


    Жыл бұрын

    That depends, it should have been talked over in session 0. In my game rape is allowed but what is not allowed is describing the action, however I've talked over this with my players and they're fine with it

  • @ss3nm0dn4r8


    Ай бұрын

    the problem is not discussing it beforehand and instead dropping the spell limitations hard

  • @davidtherwhanger6795
    @davidtherwhanger6795 Жыл бұрын

    Sick Rouge Story. I'm reasonably sure I would have physically assaulted the Rouge before he finished that. Just to prove the old Irish saying, "Often a man's mouth has broken his nose." is true.

  • @sterrre1
    @sterrre111 ай бұрын

    Last story sounds like a keys from the golden vault adventure.

  • @RichBensen
    @RichBensen Жыл бұрын

    I think the big problem with story 3 stems from the DM trying to insert simulationist house rules into a system built up on a (primarily) gamist design philosophy. There are systems that offer the sort of gritty play the DM was trying to shoehorn into 5e right out of the box.

  • @tenchraven


    Жыл бұрын

    Anyone who is a good player would know the player admits that they assumed they knew the system and world better than the GM and proceeded to act on their assumptions and ignore the GM. The GM might be clumsy, but the player chose not to communicate. Everyone else was fine with it- even money the GM explained it, and "I'm pretty familiar with 5e" ignored it.

  • @dragowolfraven3806
    @dragowolfraven3806 Жыл бұрын

    Wow. Cici is a real piece of work.

  • @andrwblood9162
    @andrwblood9162 Жыл бұрын

    Bro, be careful with those windows. People be creeps....

  • @williek08472
    @williek08472 Жыл бұрын

    Looks like Alice is herself blessed with a wonderful view of her domain 😊

  • @TigerW0lf
    @TigerW0lf Жыл бұрын

    The only way the gnome thing could have been funnier is if they all had high pitched voices singing "You're never gonna catch me~!"

  • @dwaynejackson551


    Жыл бұрын

    Cue Captain America understood that reference meme. 😂

  • @annormal1414
    @annormal141411 ай бұрын

    I mean wizard not knowing all the spells and learning them as he finds them is rather cool mechanic if you balance it right. Especially if your players are more into rp and exploring rather then into combat. I'll make a note so maybe i'll try to amply this to one of my small test campaigns and see if players feel about it. Imo if one right it can bring more immersion, like finding teacher so you could unlock new abilities after level up.

  • @NillanthirZ
    @NillanthirZ Жыл бұрын

    I use homebrew elements to adapt my campaigns to the party. In saying that, I made Garael a former adventurer and Harper agent.. if that player tried his thing with my version, she would have made it so he couldn't lay any limb on any person again before kicking the player out.

  • @gabrielmajere8852
    @gabrielmajere8852 Жыл бұрын

    Ok, we have a house rule in my game, if someone doesn't work well with the team if two or more players in the group votes a player kicked from the game, they are kicked. And if two or more people wants a new player to join, they can join the game. We were several sessions in a game and we needed some new players. I was interviewing a couple of people for the part. This one guy in particular was really interested in joining my game. He had heard about my games and hadn't played in awhile. I was warning him about one of my other player who kept getting black out drunk. I explained how yes, it did cause problems sometimes, it usually made an interesting story. His response, I would totally grape her. I explained I didn't allow that in my games, he said he would do it anyway. I never did invited someone from my game so fast. "But why?" That told me he was a rules lawyer. I responded with ok, you can stay in the game. You will wake up in a jail cell with a very drunk ogre. He never asked me about playing again. I didn't feel bad about not asking the other players about him. I did tell them later and they assured me I made the right decision.

  • @starofjustice1
    @starofjustice1Ай бұрын

    I would argue that including it in the first place is going too far...

  • @ladydarkangelyuki
    @ladydarkangelyuki Жыл бұрын

    15:35 I currently play a Wizard and this is a massive nerf, the whole appeal of wizard is knowing a ton of spells, so starting with none is ridiculous, all you would have would be cantrips and would have no access to your spell slots until you manage to find a scroll or spellbook somewhere, at this point you would be better off going sorcerer or warlock, that is assuming he did not gimp them too.

  • @alanbear6505
    @alanbear6505 Жыл бұрын

    During the Kitty Pallette Cleanser I noticed a certain someone is taking Monk training. Watch your step Doge!

  • @destroyerinazuma96
    @destroyerinazuma96 Жыл бұрын

    Hi Doge, appreciate a lot what you are doing. Cats are cute :)

  • @garfjaconsen1161
    @garfjaconsen1161 Жыл бұрын

    There are so many adult chat sites out there. Why do people insist on pushing their fetishes on DnD players?

  • @kaylawoodbury2308


    Жыл бұрын

    Some people really like an unwilling audience, just like how some guys send unwanted 🍆 pics because they're into humiliation and want you to insult it. The negative reaction is a part of it for him.

  • @davidtherwhanger6795


    Жыл бұрын

    Maybe Mike Tyson is right. Maybe people are so rude now because they are no longer afraid of being punched in the face. Maybe if some of these situations ended in the fetish lord swallowing their teeth, they would stop leaving the chat sites. Pure and simple they do it because they know there will be no real consequences for their behavior.

  • @itsyaboiChubbs


    Жыл бұрын

    If I do that, then how will my friends know that I'm a huge piece of shit?

  • @garfjaconsen1161


    Жыл бұрын

    @@itsyaboiChubbs That is a compelling counter argument.

  • @heatherlauritsen8359
    @heatherlauritsen8359 Жыл бұрын

    OMG! Greased-up goblin?! XD I have to try that in my game!

  • @azzarox6661
    @azzarox6661 Жыл бұрын

    "I'm not leaving this house until I get laid" kick him out of the campaign right here ffs.

  • @snekbetch5674
    @snekbetch5674 Жыл бұрын

    Yikes, that rogue…what the hell…

    @NEKOEVE Жыл бұрын

    Some of the rules might have been nit picky, but some of them were pretty bad like the spell rules. Some people never played in good games before, so they don't know what bad ones are.

  • @AmaryInkawult
    @AmaryInkawult Жыл бұрын

    Greased Up Naked Short People? That just sounds like a Thursday Night in Tennessee

  • @StrewthStoatPirate
    @StrewthStoatPirate Жыл бұрын

    12:24 Awww, big stretch!

  • @starbird3939
    @starbird3939 Жыл бұрын

    Story 3 You don’t need to follow the tank/dps/support role like you do in Overwatch. Potions and magic healing items exist. As for the house rules? It is important to list them prior to the game.

  • @MadkingLeviticus
    @MadkingLeviticus Жыл бұрын

    What level of hell are we on now that this is the title of a DnD video?

  • @fcold9402
    @fcold94029 ай бұрын

    That is when one of the gods of the workd shows up and unravels the characterz existence from all timesnd space.

  • @archam777
    @archam777 Жыл бұрын

    11:15 W T F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Concerning the entire story.........I would've literally thrown hands with that sick POS.

  • @sn0wb00ts
    @sn0wb00ts Жыл бұрын

    Friiiday let’s goo. Hopefully everyone’s games this weekend are horror story free bois

  • @sirhcselwob8911
    @sirhcselwob89119 ай бұрын

    speak with dead makes it easy to find killers

  • @jedjohnson9811
    @jedjohnson9811 Жыл бұрын

    As she whispers father please .you feel a quake from beneath your feet .suddenly the ground cracks open vines shoot out from Crack snatching Rouge by the balls and ripping him in two and pulling him down into the abyss leaving not even a drop of blood as a trace of his existence

  • @REfan2002
    @REfan2002 Жыл бұрын

    First story, Cici, please learn from this. It's not good behavior. And the 2nd story, oh God....Rogue what the hell!

  • @TheonlyMaskedMime
    @TheonlyMaskedMime Жыл бұрын

    Not to be mean but i think we needed extra kitten pats today.

  • @davidtherwhanger6795


    Жыл бұрын

    Fortunately I have my own cats for just such an emergency.

  • @oliverwilhelm6171
    @oliverwilhelm6171 Жыл бұрын

    I probably would've had Tymora - the goddess of luck and the NPC's patron - intervene in the second story. Things would've gotten bad for the rogue before it got too far. This is, of course, what I'd tell the other players after the rogue's player was removed.

  • @n00ne81
    @n00ne81 Жыл бұрын

    Was there no library or school for Wizards because the book says per Raw you gain a certain number of spells per level that you put in your spellbook.

  • @CooperAATE
    @CooperAATE Жыл бұрын

    Dat title... oh boy

  • @Wellshem


    Жыл бұрын

    The fact that isn't not even clickbait and 100% factual... 💀

  • @BlueTressym
    @BlueTressym Жыл бұрын

    I wonder with the House Rules story whether the rest of the party really were 'fine with' those house rules - I certainly wouldn't be - or whether they had no luck trying to talk the GM out of them and decided that only seeing it play out would demonstrate their point. That, or they were less experienced than OP and simply didn't realize the full implications of them.

  • @dwaynejackson551
    @dwaynejackson551 Жыл бұрын

    I dislike most people who play rogues. I play rogue and I just play them as people who either enjoy taking stuff and only kill if it means they die otherwise or I play the type of rogue who has such bad luck that they are starved for something good to happen that when a good thing comes along they hold on too tightly that they push that good thing away or breakit. There are more types of people than edgelords in the rogue's gallery.

  • @emerald7138
    @emerald7138 Жыл бұрын

    The fact that the DM allowed it to get that far makes them either just as bad as the player, or was nervous about it all.

  • @kisaknight626
    @kisaknight626 Жыл бұрын

    House rules story sounds like a table top version of Ultima Online. I'd try it at least. But probably best to stick to UO on pc

  • @AmaryInkawult
    @AmaryInkawult Жыл бұрын

    This is why I insist on an admin and mods over watching games rather than trusting the kicking to just the DM, cuz spinelessness is a thing and freaks like that rogue exist.

  • @AmaryInkawult


    Жыл бұрын

    Mostly cuz I can't physically kick people anymore

  • @DaZebraffe
    @DaZebraffe Жыл бұрын

    I mean, at any point after the problem character in the title story made it clear he's planning to force the issue, DM could've easily said "No. You're not doing this in my game. And if you're going to try to insist on it, you know where the door is. And I suggest you make sure you get all your shit before you leave, because you're not coming back." Definitely what I woulda' done...

  • @vortega472
    @vortega472 Жыл бұрын

    Alice, the sweetest Cleric one could ask for. She's a beauty. I've made it a rule to announce before my game - I will allow no rape or torture porn scenes, and any intimate encounters will be fade to black. And I put my foot down. Fortunately I have always had great players. Thank Yoda for the second Kitty to wave the bad juju away.

  • @TheFuriousScribbles
    @TheFuriousScribbles Жыл бұрын

    That rogue story... Damn. Is anyone else reminded of the opening scene from The Crow? Obviously not a 1 to 1 comparison, since the NPC's girlfriend wasn't killed along with her, but what the rogue did to the NPC isn't much different.

  • @zeugenberg
    @zeugenberg11 ай бұрын

    You stay away from Garael.

  • @JacobL228
    @JacobL228 Жыл бұрын

    I just wanna hug Alice. She's so cute. Also, I've been playing a fighter/wizard build similar to the guy from the House Rules story for about a year now, and I've been doing great as the party's tank. The problem was clearly the DM not knowing how to run a proper game.

  • @majinnbuu9363
    @majinnbuu9363 Жыл бұрын

    the S.A. thing that's why we had that if you tried to kill a non-combat NPC (villager, shopkeeper, etc.) they suddenly become a lvl 20 with max stats (20+) and can pretty much kick anyones a$$ during that combat, or a squad of 5 lvl 20 guards come to capture you, note also like a lot of video games child npc's were immune to PC damage but if something the PC's didn't do hurt them then they could get hurt but if a PC had anything to do with the damage happening then it's negated. that stopped most people trying to k!ll every npc, also having a character sent to jail or prison (no you can't escape also can't cast magic due to anti-magic cells, they stopped all magic from forming also almost impossible to break them out unless you had a dragon or something of that scale) only one person was like that. But it was kinda a city that was high tech but with magic so instead of technology it was magic (magic guns, elevators, lights, houses, cars, trains while outside the city was kinda a primitive zone it was pretty fun but that was back in 2nd edition)

  • @schwarzerritter5724
    @schwarzerritter5724 Жыл бұрын

    The player did not go too far with r*p* fantasy. Saying he went too far implies there is an acceptable distance.

  • @nothing_82
    @nothing_82 Жыл бұрын

    So Alice is a white mage?

  • @ShyBiiteVT
    @ShyBiiteVT Жыл бұрын

    The rogue in that second story should be reported after that game. They're clearly a psychopath that needs to be put on a watch list.

  • @oxylepy2
    @oxylepy29 ай бұрын

    You know what? Someone should have just beat the * out of rogue's player for *ing people in D&D. What you have here is a probable real life future SO, nip it in the bud.

  • @WildArmACF
    @WildArmACF Жыл бұрын

    2nd story. i would have had her god smite the hell out of him if he tried.

  • @GuiPaim
    @GuiPaim Жыл бұрын

    If I was the DM though I would simply made him get struck by lightning or a stone that feel from the sky and dying on the stop. Then the sound would wake everyone and the NPC would survive to tell them who he really was. (And he would be kicked from the group afterwards)

  • @7thsealord888
    @7thsealord888 Жыл бұрын

    Story 1 - "It's What My Character Would Do" "Fine. This is what THE WORLD does back." CiCi got MULTIPLE chances, far too many, imo. Story 2 - DM should have kicked the Rogue player the INSTANT it started going bad. Story 3 - No, OP isn't being picky. Nothing wrong with House Rules as such, but making sure the Party knows them all in advance is just good GMing. These particular House Rules sound very severe - if the rest of the party are OK with them, that is fine. But, if you as a Player aren't OK with them, then a polite discussion out of game is in order. Unless a compromise can be reached, it just may be that this group isn't a good fit, and leaving is the only option. Story 4 - Wow. :)

  • @ceecee6521
    @ceecee6521 Жыл бұрын

    Did ya really have to use Tomura Shigaraki for your thumbnail? Not that it wasn't fitting, it was. But.....God, this is way too on the nose.

  • @qwart22


    Жыл бұрын


  • @critica77y77
    @critica77y77 Жыл бұрын

    I wouldn't know where to start looking for an NSFW DnD group, but they're probably out there if you look. Why push it onto a group who isn't into it?

  • @marybdrake1472
    @marybdrake1472 Жыл бұрын

    Okay, the DM need to shut the rogue down, not allow it to happen. Seriously, you just say no, put it to an end, and boot the idiot on the spot.

  • @DarthRic_
    @DarthRic_ Жыл бұрын

    How to deal with SA player in game before booting him entirely. Just as they start their vile deed have the victims high level friend come for a visit and walk in on it and problem players character is slain brutally...then kick them.

  • @bryanday7570
    @bryanday7570 Жыл бұрын

    Idea folks. God of justice has a servant who teleports to the location of any sexual crimes and kills the player character in a graphic way that would make berserks eclipse look like a daycare. "I would like to rape h.." suddenly batman with a raging hard on covered in spikes appears "you got a pretty mouth boy. Gonna make you squeal like a piggy" and auto death before a boot.

  • @RayAkuma
    @RayAkuma Жыл бұрын

    What's so bad about people living their Repo fantasies. I mean i don't like people who claim your stuff for the bank either but it's fantasy, let them take stuff xD

  • @kyledowning6775
    @kyledowning6775 Жыл бұрын

    Folks, don't do ERP unless it's consensual between adult players. Please don't do SA. It's not cool.

  • @tenchraven
    @tenchraven Жыл бұрын

    Sicko... This is a "leave the table immediately" moment. But the GM sucks for letting it fade to black. Idiot... Never assume that the GM misunderstands you. It's his table, not yours. Because every other player was OK with it, I'd bet money that the GM had communicated the changes. Also very telling, "Fighter 1 Wizard X"- fighter's extra attack is every fifth level of fighter, not at first. So the player is bullshit artist who is angry he can't cheat. By the player's admission, he assumed he knew the GM's world better than the GM and was ignoring the GM.

  • @NPC-xd6on
    @NPC-xd6on Жыл бұрын

    person with trans in the name - doubt the story X

  • @robinmohamedally7587
    @robinmohamedally7587 Жыл бұрын

    Try playing with mature people. I feel like 90% of these horror stories are with young people, before the age of 24-25, when the frontal lobe of the brain isn't fully developed. Not that there arent adults who have never grown up, but odds are........
