Build a stronger sleep drive by spending less time in bed (NOT Sleep Restriction Therapy)

I am curious…how much time do you spend in bed every night “trying” to fall asleep? When I was sleep deprived, I could lie there for hours and hours, longing for sleep that did not come, and feeling increasingly frustrated and hopeless.
What I didn’t understand was the importance of a consistent sleep schedule and how important it is NOT to spend too much time in bed praying for sleep.
You might wonder how this differs from sleep restriction therapy. Well, we aren’t talking about overriding the cues your body gives you when it’s sleepy. Instead, we want to work with our body, not against it, to help sleep to come more quickly. And one way to have the energy we need for our day ahead is not to spend more time in bed than what we need.
If you spend less time in bed, your body will build a proper sleep drive for the next night. But if you lie in late in the morning or go to bed earlier to catch up on sleep, you will hinder the process of building a proper sleep drive.
In this week’s video, I share a few tips to help you figure out how many hours you should stay in bed to create deep, consistent sleep for yourself.
I would love to hear how this resonated with you and welcome any questions you might have. You can reach me at
Thank you for being here! I love that you are curious about how you can improve the quality of your sleep. The first step to change anything is always to create awareness and educate yourself.
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