Beyond Reps and Sets to Daily Life Gains: How Push-Ups Translate to Everyday Life Activities!

Push-ups are too hard, and I don’t want to spend time practicing this exercise as I cannot see any benefit to me! These are the exact words from our group training clients when we asked who wants to get better at push-ups! This lead us to think about push-ups as a movement and how it helps you in daily life.
Let’s talk about the muscles that are targeted during a push-up - chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. While they may directly contribute to upper body strength and endurance, the benefits of push-ups extend to various activities in daily life.
Everyday tasks: Various daily tasks, such as pushing doors, pulling or pushing objects, and other routine activities, can be made easier with increased upper body strength.
Carrying groceries: Push-ups strengthen your chest and arms, which can be beneficial when carrying heavy grocery bags.
Opening jars or containers: Improved upper body strength from push-ups can make it easier to open tight or stubborn jars and containers.
Lifting and moving furniture: The enhanced upper body strength gained from push-ups can assist in lifting and moving furniture or other heavy objects.
Playing sports: Many sports require upper body strength and stability. Push-ups can contribute to better performance in activities such as basketball, tennis, or swimming.
Carrying luggage: When traveling, having strong arms and shoulders can be helpful when carrying luggage or backpacks.
Childcare activities: Lifting and carrying children, playing with them, and assisting in activities like getting them in and out of car seats can benefit from improved upper body strength.
Yard work: Activities like raking, shovelling, and lifting bags of soil or mulch can be less strenuous with a stronger upper body.
Improved posture: Strong core muscles developed through push-ups can contribute to better posture, which can have positive effects on various activities and reduce the risk of back pain.
It's important to note that while push-ups are a versatile exercise, a well-rounded fitness routine that includes a variety of exercises for different muscle groups is essential for overall functional fitness.
