Celebrating Achievements & Embracing New Baselines on the Fitness Journey

Today we spoke about “new baselines”. One of the ladies was so proud today (lots of health issues but she’s been working so hard and her Dr is so proud of her). She did a treadmill for 5mins 4kph, incline of 2. She has never done that. So I explained that that is her new baseline and why she shouldn’t go back from here.
Recognising and celebrating these new baselines is important to progress and motivation. Here's how:
Identifying and Being Aware of Body Responses:
Understanding how your body responds to exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle changes is essential for setting realistic goals and making informed decisions.
Being aware of improvements in strength, endurance, flexibility, and overall well-being allows you to acknowledge progress and adjust your approach accordingly.
Tune into your body, listen to cues such as fatigue, discomfort, or improvements in performance, and respond appropriately fosters a deeper connection with your health and fitness journey.
Tracking Progress:
Keeping track of key metrics such as workout duration, intensity, repetitions, weights lifted, distances covered, and subjective feedback allows you to quantify progress over time.
Utilising tools such as workout logs, fitness apps, wearable devices, or journaling facilitates ongoing monitoring and provides valuable data for assessing improvements and identifying areas for further development.
Regularly reviewing progress and identifying trends, patterns, and milestones helps individuals stay motivated, adjust goals, and celebrate achievements along the way.
Celebrating Wins:
Acknowledging and celebrating even small victories reinforces positive behaviour and boosts morale, motivation, and confidence.
Whether it's reaching a new personal best, completing a challenging workout, adopting healthier habits, or overcoming obstacles, every achievement deserves recognition and celebration.
Celebrating wins can take many forms, such as sharing accomplishments with supportive friends or family, treating yourself to a small reward, or simply taking a moment to reflect on progress and express gratitude.
By staying in tune with body responses, actively tracking progress, and celebrating wins, you can cultivate a positive mindset, stay motivated, and sustain momentum on your health and fitness journey. Each new baseline achieved represents a significant milestone and a testament to your dedication, perseverance, and resilience.
