Anti Bedroom Tax Protest at Trafalgar Square and Downing St London 30/03/2013

Anti Bedroom Tax Protest outside Trafalgar Square and 10 Downing St, London on 30th March 2013. Citizens are worried about the tax claiming it is going to crush the poor. People on benefits are concerned that they would have to move to smaller accommodation.
"Bedroom tax, have you ever heard anything more ridiculous? I am here to rebel against bedroom tax. Axe the bedroom tax. The idea is to get people to move out of homes that are bigger than they need. The bedroom tax is basically if you have a spare room that is not being used then your benefits could be cut in certain circumstances. Massive dig to the poor people of this country. I think it's wrong. People have got the right to protest. It's disgusting appalling invading people's personal space. It's going to break up families and break up communities. I think it is disgusting I think its just part of the Tori government dismantling welfare state. Whilst the MPs hand themselves more expenses more money we suffer. Its 7 pounds a room isn't it? It's a tax on poor people. The whole system is skewed towards the wealthy. You are paying enough as it is why do you have to pay more? To fill the whole that was made by giving a trillion pounds of our money to bankers. The poor get poorer and the rich are getting richer. Cuts cuts no way make the greedy bankers pay. Its very very clear that there is a dividing line between the rich and the poor. We've definitely got a corrupt system. How do you make the greedy bankers pay? Banks have been allowed to rob the country. Stop the bonuses. Axe the bedroom tax. The poor are being asked to subsidies and pay for the mistakes and the flagrant theft of the nation's assets by these bankers aided and abetted by these Tori cabinet of millionaires so we are out here today to say no we are not having it the rich caused this crises and yet poor people on housing estates working poor the unemployed are being forced to pay the price. Can't pay won't pay axe the bedroom tax. Peaceful protest at the moment. I am being taxed for my disabled daughter she has had that room for over 10 years because she is a similar age to my other daughter who is not disabled they are saying they can share a room and they are going to charge me 20 pounds 97 a week from what? From the benefits they give me for her disability? Bedroom tax is a load of stupid idea will cost more to implement and its ridiculous. My mom will have to pay for my sister to share a room with me. This is a tax on the poor by the rich and we shall not pay or the rich. And we won't be able to have food very week we won't have dinner on the table. Just making sure that people can exercise their democratic right. We don't live in a democracy. This is a deliberate ploy to hit the poorest as hard as possible. They are taking the shirt off my back I can't afford to live I am gonna be living on 20 pounds a week. The money we have to live on is not really enough. Get him out get him out. Cameron out it's the worst government we ever had in history in Britain. Mr. Osborne where is your economics degree? We are here for all of the other people in London who are going to be made homeless when this tax comes in. I don't see what this protest is actually going to do solution wise. Believe it or not I am actually trying to do something at the moment. We need to unite and fight. Decide what we are going to be doing next. This government and this country hasn't seen anything yet this country is going to burn and burn like they have never seen before. I think that they should get the royal family and all the politicians to disclose how many houses they've got let alone bedrooms and are they going to pay any bedroom tax no they are not. He wears cor blimy trousers and he lives in a council flat. You think the government aren't killing and raping us now? They are fucking killing people they are sending our kids over there to kills their kids over there what's that for? Most people do realize that we have got corrupt governments but they can't find a solution to this and that's what the problem truly is."

Пікірлер: 96

  • @xaiano794
    @xaiano79411 жыл бұрын

    Given that working people have to pay £550-600 p/month rent for a bedroom in a house, I can't understand why they say it is unfair.

  • @xaiano794
    @xaiano79411 жыл бұрын

    I totally agree with you, there is no party for the people in the middle, they only pander to extremists and lobbyists. The expenses scandal showed how 'honorable' they were and all parties were guilty to some degree.

  • @vicesquadpunk
    @vicesquadpunk11 жыл бұрын


  • @colinjkershaw
    @colinjkershaw11 жыл бұрын

    Raising the tax on over £150k was predicted to bring in £750 million, in fact it was much less. You have to raise £100 Billion to get rid of the deficit, where is the money going to come from? Which rich people?

  • @englishalan222
    @englishalan22211 жыл бұрын

    Its is not just the bedroom tax but also the council tax on the poor. I call on everybody to refuse to pay; just refuse; if enough people; say a 100'000 say no it could bring down the government like the poll tax. I am not going to pay; I am going to ignore them as I will ignore the summons to go to court; so I get arrested; go to prison; big deal; what's so bad about prison and who's paying for me when I'm inside the government and when I come out I am still not going to pay. EVERYBODY REFUSE.

  • @gorillafilmmakernow
    @gorillafilmmakernow11 жыл бұрын

    i would be peaceful as i am a peaceful person and i would not comply. I said give me £100 would you just say no or would you question me as to why i think you should pay me £100. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller

  • @titifolol
    @titifolol11 жыл бұрын


  • @Kelly14UK
    @Kelly14UK11 жыл бұрын

    Shops are shutting down all over the place in Glasgow. Agreed.

  • @scottk1987
    @scottk198711 жыл бұрын

    im on benefits i only get 53 pounds per week and now i will have to pay 29 per week for this bedroom tax this will leave me with 24 pounds per week for to spend on council tax electric gas food toiletries and other bills so im actually going to struggle to survive so it is unfair to expect people such as myself to live on 24 pounds a week

  • @ludwigvanbeethoven5005
    @ludwigvanbeethoven500511 жыл бұрын

    it's a pity Oliver Cromwell isn't still around. He had the perfect solution to Tory Hatred against ordinary people. To quote Cromwell "Our swords are in God's hands and our faith is in the Lord"

  • @gorillafilmmakernow
    @gorillafilmmakernow11 жыл бұрын

    very true and the way to protest would be to stop working, paying tax and conforming to the system that was designed by the rich to keep the poor poor

  • @TheDeeSonet
    @TheDeeSonet11 жыл бұрын

    giving right to protest and free speech you got a choice to work hard or be poor and it's up to everyone

  • @ElijahBortnikov
    @ElijahBortnikov11 жыл бұрын


  • @MJPICKify
    @MJPICKify11 жыл бұрын

    (rest of my comment) as long as most of my taxes go to People that need it, people, like me, who have paid into the System but got made redundant or became ill. They deserve it. That's the difference between us and 3rd World countries. That we care for our poor and vulnerable. What's wrong with that??? Paul Roth needs a kick in the face. Aaarrgh! Anger!!

  • @Kelly14UK
    @Kelly14UK11 жыл бұрын

    Tory 28% Labour 42% LibDem 11% YOU KNOW WHO TO VOTE FOR. GET RID OF THE TORIES.

  • @BobAt101
    @BobAt1018 жыл бұрын

    I remember when the so called "poll tax" was being brought in, how the labour councils paid people to go on marches against it. My partner and I were on low wages and the council put our rates up by 100% meaning we had to sell our flat - we would have been better off with the poll tax, but it was widely mis reported just to score political points ! I know lots of people on the dole who evaded it, to them it was business as usual not having to pay rates as the debts were written off in the end.

  • @englishalan222
    @englishalan22211 жыл бұрын


  • @paulrothery5792
    @paulrothery579211 жыл бұрын

    £23 Billion in housing benefits !!!! If we don't get a grip of this our kids & grandkids will be paying to keep the idle scroungers in a job.

  • @sol2soul77
    @sol2soul7711 жыл бұрын

    peaceful non compliance implies that one had an obligation to comply.if the mafia knocked on your door and said pay up,would your response be i am peacefully not complying or would you ask who are you and what evidence do you have that i even have to answer that question, before you get threatened with violence to comply of course.

  • @andypandy12340
    @andypandy1234011 жыл бұрын

    Doesn't matter if it's tory or labour, the same draconian measures will be taken regardless. WAKE UP PEOPLE IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO YOU VOTE FOR

  • @zarahurriye4681
    @zarahurriye468111 жыл бұрын

    Resistance then Revolution thats what we need

  • @paulrothery5792
    @paulrothery579211 жыл бұрын

    WHO DOES NOT GET IT !!The country can't AFFORD to carry the spongers anymore. There is not enough of us working to pay out all the giros.....

  • @amullinder
    @amullinder11 жыл бұрын

    Bedroom tax out, mansion tax in!!!!

  • @Nimullitia
    @Nimullitia11 жыл бұрын


  • @gorillafilmmakernow
    @gorillafilmmakernow11 жыл бұрын

    peaceful non compliance is the only protest ! its in the Magna Karta and Gandhi swore by it !

  • @scottk1987
    @scottk198711 жыл бұрын

    i am disabled but i have been told fhat i am not exempt

  • @gorillafilmmakernow
    @gorillafilmmakernow11 жыл бұрын

    i know it dont sound or look like i am being serious, but i am quite serious. Anarchy is Love ! We dont need a government and we dont need rules.

  • @davidatkin3926
    @davidatkin392611 жыл бұрын

    I'm really happy to see this.

  • @jesuschrist80
    @jesuschrist8011 жыл бұрын

    I have not contradicted myself I am not talking about the average working man I am talking about the rich people who can afford to pay taxes. Also people who are disabled can't work!

  • @ludwigvanbeethoven5005
    @ludwigvanbeethoven500511 жыл бұрын

    Good point Philip Jarvis...might I suggest that the best place to set up "Carboard Box City" is on Lord Freud's private estate? Just one concern though...will he view this new City of Paradise as taxable? Maybe he will think that those CONDEMned to live in Cardboard boxes should be paying a "Box Tax" i.e they have too much space in their own personal box? That means they are depriving somebody else of living space. That is completely unacceptable, so you have to cough up again..LOL

  • @Nimullitia
    @Nimullitia11 жыл бұрын


  • @xaiano794
    @xaiano79411 жыл бұрын

    You don't have to pay anything, it isn't a tax, you simply get given less. It's like me saying "I know I usually give you £20 for your birthday, but I've run out of money, so I'm only giving you £10" and then you saying that I have 'taxed' you £10. I know things are tough, but the fact is that the country can't keep borrowing money to pay for benefits, and before you start with the 'rich should pay more tax' thing, the deficit is over £150b, more than all the income tax collected from everyone

  • @titifolol
    @titifolol11 жыл бұрын

    don't py it...what cn they do if no one pays it? they can't jail everyone...

  • @Kelly14UK
    @Kelly14UK11 жыл бұрын

    I was about to say I actually agree with you until you called me an idiot. Not that I care anyway because as long as I have all the stuff I have going for me, and everyone I care about is doing well, your opinions bounce off me like rain off the ground : )

  • @sol2soul77
    @sol2soul7711 жыл бұрын

    taking to the streets protesting is not the effective solution as the establishment has the force to deal with that action however not voting, paying tax is an effective way of shutting down this establishment if all the people that take to the streets did this the establishment would soon have a problem. magna carta is just some agreement between dead people its not relevant to me as i was not present when it was agreed upon.

  • @ludwigvanbeethoven5005
    @ludwigvanbeethoven500511 жыл бұрын

    I can think of a number of reasons why able bodied people are unable to find suitable employment, despite your comment of there being "no excuse". One reason - Where I live there are AT LEAST 400 people applying for every one job vacancy (unskilled and semi skilled Labour in particular), so finding a job isn't the piece of piss you imagine it to be. Maybe in the rich and prosperous South East there is plenty of work, but where I live you need to contact "Miracles R Us" in order to find a job.

  • @sol2soul77
    @sol2soul7711 жыл бұрын

    we are definately on the same page and i do understand where you coming from my view is violence is the modus operandi of bureaucrats.just imagine what compliance would be like if they could not use violence,

  • @gorillafilmmakernow
    @gorillafilmmakernow11 жыл бұрын

    the possibilites are infinite and when love guides you the only limit is your imagination xx good to talk

  • @xRxixcxhxtxexrx
    @xRxixcxhxtxexrx11 жыл бұрын

    To tell cameron "he can go spin" lol.

  • @scottk1987
    @scottk198711 жыл бұрын

    i do look for work and i am disabled but in my area there has only been 3 jobs available in the past 4 years

  • @gorillafilmmakernow
    @gorillafilmmakernow11 жыл бұрын

    Whats's next ? - Anarchy is love !

  • @patriciaruth2918
    @patriciaruth291811 жыл бұрын

    help what are we going to do next?

  • @sol2soul77
    @sol2soul7711 жыл бұрын

    knowledge is the key to release yourself from the prison of ignorance, the system is not founded on equality,civilizations are founded on the backs of slave labour, since the turn of industrial revolution man has been slowly but surely replaced by machines there is no manufacturing in the uk due to mechanisation and minimum wage hence the big business have shifted their manufacturing to asia,africa or east a country thats propped by debt is very surprising that people attack the poor

  • @okimjustwatching
    @okimjustwatching11 жыл бұрын

    2:30 - 2:34 The girl in that part could do with eating a little less. She seems content with easy life now it's threatened she's angry as she will have to contribute

  • @xRxixcxhxtxexrx
    @xRxixcxhxtxexrx11 жыл бұрын

    looks like i shall get plenty of sleep while this goes on hehe

  • @misslulz1
    @misslulz111 жыл бұрын

    if a riot breaks out theres not enough police there was like 100 police that was it :0

  • @threesim
    @threesim11 жыл бұрын

    Good film

  • @scottk1987
    @scottk198711 жыл бұрын

    its hard the last job i went for there wer 208 applicants for just 1 vacancy get a job easier said than done especially when ur disabled

  • @gorillafilmmakernow
    @gorillafilmmakernow11 жыл бұрын

    is that not peaceful non compliance ?

  • @CuchuIainn
    @CuchuIainn11 жыл бұрын

    It's just easy money for the aristocrats.

  • @Jungleloyalscouse
    @Jungleloyalscouse11 жыл бұрын


  • @Tad1945
    @Tad194511 жыл бұрын

    but where is the jobs

  • @gorillafilmmakernow
    @gorillafilmmakernow11 жыл бұрын

    does the law stop you from killing people ? prob not ! and if you did want to kill someone the law could nothing to stop you. And for the gangsters, is there any difference between the hooded ones on the street and the ones with suites in the big buildings ? i would are argue that the ones on the street are only rebelling against the ones in the big buildings.

  • @sol2soul77
    @sol2soul7711 жыл бұрын

    is protesting not a form of legitimizing tax? after all who or what law says that you are a taxpayer? surely just not complying is the solution they can not lock up thousands of people for laws and regulations that are now just being created for fun, its not like they need the money.

  • @ludwigvanbeethoven5005
    @ludwigvanbeethoven500511 жыл бұрын

    To the Tories who keep leaving obnoxious comments on here about their fellow countrymen and women (some of these comments may even have orignated from Satan's botty personally) - all I have to say to you is this; "You haven't changed much, have yer! It is quite obvious that Compassion was never your strongest subject, and I'm therefore adwarding you all a Grade "D" in Compassion (which basically means that you've all FAILED..sorry).

  • @paulrothery5792
    @paulrothery579211 жыл бұрын

    This is not a socialist state where the workers work to death for the idle. I pay my taxes and i want them used properly not wasted. Where is the money that went to the banks ??? when are we getting it back ???? not in BANK taxes it needs to be in repayments.. they owe this country. UK is not keeping anyone here, if you don't like this country then fine just leave !!!

  • @dezelable
    @dezelable11 жыл бұрын

    i honestly dont see the big deal? you are getting FREE accommodation paid for by the taxpayer, you should be grateful! benefits (excluding disability) are supposed to be short term. if you arent working but still living in an oversized house for free, what incentive is there for the taxpayers living in cramped houses to work and pay for you to have a spare bedroom?

  • @SuperHelious
    @SuperHelious11 жыл бұрын

    whats the next step

  • @Eggpicker
    @Eggpicker11 жыл бұрын

    what a sad life you lead

  • @colinjkershaw
    @colinjkershaw11 жыл бұрын

    You seem to contradict yourself, on the one hand you say welfare cuts (its not a tax) are wrong and on the other hand you say people are struggling to live in a high tax environment. From where do you think welfare is paid? Poor working people have paid taxes for welfare for too long.

  • @donkiddick4361
    @donkiddick436111 жыл бұрын


  • @rocket7334
    @rocket733411 жыл бұрын

    Why don`t you people get a job instead off moaning.Very soon you`ll be paying for school fees and for school dinner.Why should we tax payers pay everything for you.End this benefit.
