15 Pieces of Advice to Ignore when Struggling in Med School

Learning in Med School 101 - Video Series Part 3
In this video series, "Learning in Med School 101," we break down some key concepts about learning medical school, including skills, strategies, and techniques we share with medical students (and those in related medical fields).
If you're struggling in med school - or a related field - it can seem like getting advice from successful doctors or med students is the way to go. If it worked for them, it'll work for you, right? Well… maybe not. From the placating to the just plain patronizing, we dig into 15 pieces of bad advice you should ignore if you're struggling in med school. (A quick caveat, if any of these strategies work for you, great, but this article may not be for you!)
This advice includes gems like:
Study like me!
Make sure you see the material 3 to 5 times
Condense your notes
Find the right study group
Let me give you some study tips!
Do more practice questions
Make a schedule
Study harder
Use your learning style
Pre-read lectures and rewatch lectures
Is this what you really want?
Use Anki, anki, anki
Be sure to review, review, review
Hit the gym!
Maintain a positive mindset
But, chances are, you have tried studying "harder" or reading more, mounds of flashcards, or dozens of other strategies that just aren't working for you. But now is the time to ditch the bad advice and the "tips." Understanding these issues with bad advice can be an essential step, to solving your problems with study methodology and performance in med school and on boards.
