STATMed Boards Workshop Deep Dive

The STATMed Boards Workshop is designed for medical students, physicians, veterinarians, and those in related fields who self-identify as “bad test-takers” on their BOARD EXAMS.
This DEEP DIVE video should comprehensively answer most questions you have about the BOARDS WORKSHOP, so please, watch and enjoy!
The workshop teaches a rigid step-by-step process for reading every test question, limits the burden on certain cognitive processes (like working memory), identifies common problems we have collected over the last 20 years, and uses data that tracks the “micro-decisions” made en route to selecting answers to change behaviors.
An explicit training sequence is used to accelerate mastery of the STATMed Process so that you can regain control of your test-taking and truly show what you know on test day. This applies to board exams like all USMLE Steps, COMLEX Levels, shelf exam and in-services, NBMEs, the NAVLE, and all speciality boards, like Emergency Medicine, IM, PEDs, et cetera.
Chapters are listed below:
00:00 - Introduction
00:29 - Types of Exams: USMLE, COMLEX, NAVLE, Specialty Boards (EM, IM, etc.)
00:45 - What does "Bad Test-Taking Mean" at this level?
01:23 - What does "GOOD" test-taking on board exams look like?
01:41: Things bad test-takers do on boards
- Using flawed or corrupted strategies
- Your "reading brain" is getting tangled up by the density of the question
- Aspects of your cognition are being overloaded by the design of boards questions (working memory)
- Difficulties processing denser questions
- ADHD (or as some people still say, "ADD") diagnosis likely lets us predict specific issues we can address with the workshop
02:18: Bottom line: Bad test-takers are ...
Bad test-takers are showing more than they know on their medical board exams
02:45 - We tear down your old system and replace it with the STATMed system
03:15 - Nuts and Bolts about the WORKSHOP
03:15 - Texts covered by the Workshop
04:03 - What do Workshop Clients SAY
- "My knowledge is good. I can teach my peers and I do well clinically, but I just can't show it on test day."
- "I may get a question wrong, read the explanation, and then realize I knew enough to get it right... but only after the fact."
- "I constantly narrow down to two choices and pick the wrong one."
- "I go too fast and I make impulsive mistakes."
- "I run out of time and have to rush at the end."
04:40 - Content and Logistics - 3 Parts
- Part 1: On-demand video lectures
- Part 2: Homework using your OWN practice questions
- Part 3: Live, online, one-on-one meeting with your STATMed Specialist
05:45 - The STATMed Test-Taking Blueprint
07:22 - The STATMed Team: It is JUST Ryan & David!
07:32 - Scheduling
08:11 - Sample Schedules
09:05 - The "First Circuit"
11:43 - Miss Ratio Game
12:57 - WHEN to take the WORKSHOP
13:15 - When NOT to take the WORKSHOP
14:25 - Conclusion
08:34 - Each meeting we schedule during the workshop has its own agenda. And you always have specific homework between each meeting. But keep in mind the exact way a schedule maps out is different for each person, and we schedule as we go to optimize each client's needs. And then at the end of the workshop, you are on your own, but you have all the tools you need to work progressively moving forward.
09:56 - And again, just keep in mind boards workshop clients are doing other things while taking the workshop, working clinically on rotations, studying, living life, etc. We can send interested clients a detailed PDF with a more nuanced breakdown of exactly how much time is required between meetings as well, if you're interested. So this underscores how homework's schedule and speed of completion will vary based on each client's needs.
12:55 - The last thing to discuss is when to take the workshop in general. Take it now if you identify with the patterns that we just discussed. If you are ready to make practice questions part of your prep, now's a good time to start and take it now. If you want to change your test taking, the workshop may well be for you.
14:42 - Thanks for watching and I hope to hear from you soon.
