

Video game channel focusing on multiplayer simulator gameplay. Compilations, analysis and tutorials for games such as DCS, IL-2, BMS, Combat Pilot and soon. The channel was started in Dec. 2019 but I have been playing simulators for over a decade.

This is the same Enigma from WWIIOL and I continue to fly with the same group of people from then. I go by Enigma or Enigma89 depending on the game.

Feel free to get in contact with me via Discord, here is my Discord Server:




Buyer's Remorse in DCS?

Buyer's Remorse in DCS?

Being a Red Player in DCS

Being a Red Player in DCS


  • @LolMaNiAc93
    @LolMaNiAc93Сағат бұрын

    I'm going to drop a golden idea here : Create a Open-source version of DCS ?

  • @jsmithnevinsky
    @jsmithnevinsky2 сағат бұрын

    Awesome! Thanks for making this happen!

  • @Demongornot
    @Demongornot3 сағат бұрын

    If they could properly reuse what has already been done rather than reinventing the wheel everytimes. Shouldn't all aircraft share the same radar system with only different values and settings to models them as they are, rather than each one having their own radar system?

  • @absodell5872
    @absodell58723 сағат бұрын

    Going down a dangerous path Enigma.

  • @Demongornot
    @Demongornot3 сағат бұрын

    People laugh at me when I say that Object-Oriented Programming is BAD for video games, while great for User Interface (its original purpose). But this is one of the bazillion proof of this. Basically, OOP works not by putting multiple long codes together, as you would with Procedural Programming (has NOTHING to do with Procedural Generation), but rather by breaking the code into a lot of small components. The idea behind that is that this is easier to manage many small codes, as you only need to care about those you search, and each have a specific, well-defined role in the program, over a bigger code that do many things and is harder to interpret. But you need to "glue" those small parts together, and this is where OOP is definitely bad for big programs (and every 3D video games are big compared to UI). As now, you have a GIANT web of objects to manage their interactions. The state of a button/mode/condition etc, can easily be linked to something else, meaning, if you change how the game is loaded and invert the order two steps were in for performances, stability or security reasons, you can now have your objects being messed up as their dependency are modified. Not only that, but even in a healthy program, managing so many linkages is near impossible, which is why games have so many bugs and mainly, why updates break them. With Procedural Programming, you only have to care about bad code and wrong data moving between functions, but with OOP you ADD (and not trade) all those mandatory links. In the meantime, with a Procedural Programming way, the state of something isn't necessarily linked to everything else the same way. It is much more permissive, you can easily prevent bugs and also work around them. The only reasons devs don't like the "make it optional" approach, is because, when using OOP, every little things you add is a new complicated web of dependencies you need to sort. While in Procedural Programming, you don't, as long as it works, the data that comes in, and it spit out is fine, then it will work well, an optional thing can be a totally isolated code that doesn't affect more than a little part of the program. Sadly, the industry ONLY use OOP.

  • @TurboFly07
    @TurboFly075 сағат бұрын

    I understand people's frustrations, but let's be solution focused for a moment. ED needs to put in a framework, where they can support modules going forward, that may no longer be supported by less stable companies in the future. Maybe this is by accessing the source code of these modules or something else, but this should be part of the contract for developing and selling modules; and ED's understanding of maintaining this DCS World infrastructure they've built following KA-50 and A-10C. ED's belief in a company should also have an impact on their ability to become 3rd party developers. Because they would be on the hook for maintenance should this company fail. We shouldn't dwell on the past. What is done, is done. Move forward, ED is responsible for everything they put on their platform, and it is immoral business practices to take money for unsupported modules.

  • @mitzhatzmakoph
    @mitzhatzmakoph7 сағат бұрын

    Why not turn the modules over to the community to maintain, and they become free. Hawk/T-45 style.

  • @wimwilms1424
    @wimwilms14248 сағат бұрын

    I stop buying ED products, or 3rd party products until this is solved in a customer friendly way. Neither will I buy Razbam product for other flightsims until then.

  • @amadoufall3559
    @amadoufall35598 сағат бұрын

    well they better get it togheter because we'll sue them both for taking our money for it to be unusuable later on.

  • @mattporter383
    @mattporter3838 сағат бұрын

    IL2 is and always will be the most accurate and best flight sim available...my father used to spend days and months doing the most accurate map's and operations....he did the battle of Britain map with the correct amount of aircraft ect on both sides.

  • @levinste2750
    @levinste275010 сағат бұрын

    Is it possible to ask a refund for the F15E ( non steam ) ?

  • @tripodcatz5532
    @tripodcatz553210 сағат бұрын

    Has anyone here seen the latest iteration of Falcon BMS? DCS definitely has competition.

    @AIRWARFAREGROUP11 сағат бұрын

    It's going to be fine. Just takes time.

  • @woiace
    @woiace13 сағат бұрын

    I still have issues with Mirage 2000 and AV-8B

  • @Sire.English
    @Sire.English14 сағат бұрын

    As a Mirage enjoyer, the idea seems a bit annoying to turn off the modules altogether. Aye, it's a sad situation, though that doesn't mean I don't want to be able to fly my main stay ASF anymore. Continuing to sell it aye, is an issue... But don't neck those that have it, since not all might have immediate issues with it 😅

  • @reaper378
    @reaper37814 сағат бұрын

    I have 41 licences in DCS but only own the Harrier from Razbam which is one of my favourite modules. I purchased Flanker in 1993 ? If I lose the Harrier because of this debacle it will be my last DCS purchase.

  • @DLEGION666
    @DLEGION66615 сағат бұрын

    many years passed since i discovered how much ED is evil deep inside. and i left DCS for that. happily.

  • @xenozombie6200
    @xenozombie620016 сағат бұрын

    I haven't played DCS since this mess started, and damn am I glad I didn't pre-order the Strike Eagle. The M2K is my 2nd or 3rd favorite aircraft. So disappointing. The continued sale of Razbam modules, with radio silence from ED, is pretty gross.

  • @SuperAd1980
    @SuperAd198018 сағат бұрын

    4:56 - Anyone living in the EU or the UK can request a refund (including a full cash refund), as EU/UK law specifically requires it... Simply put, if there is no possibility for the module to be "repaired" they "must" allow a refund on request as the paid for service is not being given... There have been MANY who have already got a refund, or chosen to accept store credit through the DCS website.

  • @CocoDave37
    @CocoDave3719 сағат бұрын

    Many players in solidarity have decided not to buy any more modules from ED until this gets remedied.

  • @jtkoontz69
    @jtkoontz6922 сағат бұрын

    Back to star citizen i go

  • @jared9191
    @jared919123 сағат бұрын

    RIP MIG-23

  • @EnderGhost119
    @EnderGhost119Күн бұрын

    Hope everything works out for the best! -Cheers, War Thunder players.

  • @kevink526
    @kevink526Күн бұрын

    That was awesome! I can only dream of getting this good! I flew the original falcon and 4.0 many many years ago. Just refound it and trying to learn what to do. This was very motivating.

  • @darrenbrown3128
    @darrenbrown3128Күн бұрын

    There is NOTHING that needs to be negotiated here - Razbam needs to stay up to date with the DCS changes and fix their modules accordingly otherwise how can DCS evolve and get better?! *Lazy coders*! 🤬 Razbam is 1,000,000% at fault here!!! Do they want to succeed by caring, or do they want to just make $$$?! If so, bye bye to the company and business! #Razbam get a f**king grip you idiots, otherwise you will ultimately piss your shareholders off by ending your Company once and for all!!! True colours and all that!!…

  • @opensourceradionics
    @opensourceradionicsКүн бұрын


  • @Adalla
    @AdallaКүн бұрын

    First thing, if you think DCS is buggy, you must have never heard of Star Citizen :D. Bug are normal in a game that is continuously developing. They are addressed constantly, so it's livable and worth all the new features being introduced. WIth regards to the dispute and impact to RAZBAM products, this is quite concerning from a RAZBAM module owner perspective, but it is 10x more concerning from a combat flight sim pilot perspective. DCS is the only combat sim in the market (Falcon BMS doesnt count, I dont want to be flying F16s all my life). So this issue is shaking the entire combat sim genre, as we have no other options. That is my biggest concern.

  • @rustyneedles3743
    @rustyneedles3743Күн бұрын

    Fuck Razbam! at this stage they're basically blackmailing ED, childish developers throwing their toys out of the cot because they didn't get their way! ... remove all their modules and name/shame the developers that fucked over paying customers!

    @NURDVEVOКүн бұрын

    i can't believe i was once sold on this game.

  • @koen7906
    @koen7906Күн бұрын

    Oof, I feel shat on for having bought stuff that will now be broken. But it didn’t even realise they were still for sale and there will be people buying a broken product that will never get fixed, without them knowing it (in time)

  • @darkstar0000000000
    @darkstar0000000000Күн бұрын

    We need transparency from both sides on the matter. Going public with the matter was also a mistake as it is unprofessional and quite frankly an immature way to handle this situation. This is a contract issue not some great social injustice that is being exposed. There are corporate arbiters and other means by which to resolve situations like this in a timely and clean manner. If Razbam had proof ED had breached contract then they should have gathered said information and went to a third party for resolution. The fact that they instead to go public says to me that they did not have the necessary proof to stand in a court or have a favorable outcome in a resolution talk so instead attempt to sew discourse in order to get what they want. This is of course all speculation, but when both compamies are behaving like children and niether company has done anything aside he said/she said we can do little but speculate. To sum up, this whole thing is stupid and for the sake of both Razbam and ED you need to just turn a third party, get the contract examined and have a decision made and lets move the f*ck on. You're running a business not a facebook account tp argue with people like an angsty teen, time is money, lets get to stepping.

  • @CRAZYHORSE19682003
    @CRAZYHORSE19682003Күн бұрын

    When you FINALLY realize that all ED cares about is releasing more and more modules in order to generate profit. They don't care about the game play, it explains why there is still no dynamic campaign when Falcon has had one in the 1990's. Just like War Thunder and World of Warships/Tanks these Devs are going to plan to break Modules because it will force you to buy new ones.

  • @aydincakiroglu1665
    @aydincakiroglu1665Күн бұрын

    But what heppened to Mig-23 project of Razbam?

  • @voodoo22
    @voodoo22Күн бұрын

    Try Star Citizen

  • @hydex4592
    @hydex4592Күн бұрын

    Man, this is very sad because my first full fidelity plane was the F15E, and I don't want to spend more money on another full fidelity plane.

    @ACDCROCKS135Күн бұрын

    People are being actively censored by BIGNEWY on the DCS forums for bringing up the fact that they are still advertising broken products on their ED store without any disclaimer. It has turned into a circus…

  • @ViperPilot16
    @ViperPilot16Күн бұрын

    Honestly, DCS has the looks down, but it's more of a sandbox than an actual war simulator. It doesn't have a dynamic campaign like Falcon BMS deos (a mod based on a game from the 90s, mind you), and while I'm sure it is fun to fly with other people that shouldn't be a crutch.

  • @stephencann122
    @stephencann122Күн бұрын

    Hey, thanks for the video Enigma. I have over 10,000 hours flying in DCS. I own the Strike Eagle and the Harrier so if the modules do completely break it will affect me to a moderate amount. However, I'm going to give the problem time to work itself out. There are so many scenarios where all our fears won't materialize. Here are a few off the top of my head. 1. Razbam and DCS could eventually come to terms. 2. DCS could take over support of the Razbam modules. 3. The modules are allowed to wither and die but another 3rd party or DCS themselves make new versions of the modules, all be it way down the road. I could go on but all I'm saying is that it might take years to resolve our concern but I think it's very likely. Being a DCS lover or flight sim lover means a hobby spanning years and decades any ways. Last I want to comment on Razbam saying they are "not getting paid by DCS". It's misleading because it implies Razbam isn't getting paid enough or at all for their modules which is clearly false.

  • @goldensparrow1187
    @goldensparrow1187Күн бұрын

    They shouldn’t carry on selling the modules….they need to pause it. Even if for their own reputation. This just highlights the issue that we gamers own nothing. We are just beta testers.

  • @XR269
    @XR269Күн бұрын

    Hi, it's Nick from Eagle Dynamics. I'm too busy counting my money to give a shit. Thanks for making MY dreams come true.

  • @lancervi1762
    @lancervi1762Күн бұрын

    I wish someone could get their hands on the source code for WT and DCS and then release it. Greed is ruining both titles. War Thunder has a massive, living military museum in the 90s MicroProse vein; but what do they do? Ruin it with petty biases and greed. I have basically all of the DCS modules. I'm not going to spend anymore money until this get figured out and even then, the damage may be done. ED doesn't say what they mean and that hold weight with me. The F4 delay on launch day didn't help either. As a lifelong flight sim fanatic from MSFS 1.0, this is frustrating. With VR being a thing now, we should be in a new golden age of flight sim.

  • @vitpokorny6563
    @vitpokorny6563Күн бұрын

    this aged well :D considering current situation, lets hope we will all be able to laugh at this comment later

  • @Enigma89
    @Enigma89Күн бұрын


  • @termitreter6545
    @termitreter6545Күн бұрын

    Thank you for the video. I find it increasingly frustrating how quiet ED is on the whole business, at this point it feels kinda insulting. Their CMs behaviour doesnt help much either. Can you even imagine the reaction if fricking Electronic Arts or Activision Blizzard would do this stuff? I really hope this issue gets resolved in the best way possible, but idk if ED can ever really make up for this breach of trust. Its just sad, I love DCS.

  • @Leonardo-wn2fp
    @Leonardo-wn2fpКүн бұрын

    I believe the bugginess is a bit of a factor for every developing game. It is important to understand that only a product that has reached a closed lifecycle, as in a final point of development, that can be truly fully polished. Because new features always carry the potential to break things. And as such, it is the nature of continuous support that equals bugs. It is important to ackknowledge this. And from a development perspective I can assure that fixing bugs when there's a decision to be made to either develop the new thing or fixing some stuff, but then having no guaranteed income for the future, there will be a hard sigh, but ultimately no fixing, but the new module in development. Paying people costs Money, and as a company you need to ensure that money comes. And that is ultimately a hard pill to swallow, but it is life, in the end. So Prayers for Razbam, that they can carry on!

  • @raymondgoubet
    @raymondgoubetКүн бұрын

    I fly on MSFS, I like fighter jets. Some DCS players told me MSFS is rubbish, but I just found your video now... I feel I don't even want to try invest time in DCS if the drama here is worse than in MSFS. There is enough crises and dramas in the real world already! This is not about having fun at all! I feel gutted for DCS users! Everything is a drama these days. Sick of it!

  • @pepdog5597
    @pepdog5597Күн бұрын

    Great video 👌

  • @Marcin79W
    @Marcin79WКүн бұрын

    F16 is the only module I fly since day one, I bought it on the day it was released in early access. Maybe because I fell in love with Falcon 4.0 back in 1998. That gave me patience to wait for it do develop fully. No regret there. I was flying and enjoying it even when my ass was kicked in dogfights because of Vipers massive underperformance back then. It seems like now everything works fine. I like to buy maps though, it's fun to fly in different parts of the world. Waiting for sales and using standalone trials is a great idea. Thank you for the video.

  • @voodoovinny7125
    @voodoovinny7125Күн бұрын

    I am one of those who likes to buy a game / module and then play it. That means I currently have multiple versions of games on my desktops/servers to include FC2, DCS World 1.2, DCS 1.5.7, DCS 1.5.8, DCS 2.0, DCS 2.5.6, and a retail Open Beta installation. I was very upset when ED chose to scrap multiple versions on Steam because of this. But I learned that if you enjoy a game, make sure you take actions to preserve it because developers tend to constantly break it when they think they are adding or fixing something. And Blizzard was a great teacher of that how they broke World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King and the tens of millions of subscribers dropped down to single digit millions and they just ignored that they killed the popularity. And then DCS did this when they make upgrades that break compatibility either with a module or pc hardware and then ignore it. The community of DCS responded the same way as WoW did of how the game is an ever evolving game and it is tough for you that you lose the ability to play what you paid for because the game evolved and ignored the compatibility issue. With ED, before I saw them do this, I was buying everything they sold and multiple copies as I love playing with my nephews and nieces along with my wife and kids. I spent tens of thousands of dollars to ED. After they educated me, I have very reluctant to buy one much less multiple copies of modules for DCS since. Even though I do love the Razbam Harrier and Mirage, I remember Razbam from FSX/TacPack days. They still sell their FSX/TacPack modules at full price today. They are very reluctant to go on sale.

  • @davewills6121
    @davewills6121Күн бұрын

    C'mon who really gives a shit, especially if they don't, ED is obviously being an ass for one reason or another, its a game, just entertainment

  • @TheDM3002XTuber
    @TheDM3002XTuberКүн бұрын

    I agree, they should directly stop the sale of any module from the module maker that makes these kind of announcements! I also think this will hurt DCS, and it doesn't matter who's at fault. Great that you keep out of the discussion about who's at fault, we just don't have all of the information.