The Berean Clubhouse

The Berean Clubhouse

The Berean Clubhouse is a Bible Study Community that is focused on sharing the basic message of salvation, principles of discipleship and the challenge of dealing with difficult topics/ passages to provide clear teaching. Our lead instructor, Curtis Coleman, uses the I.C.E. Method of teaching the Bible. The ICE approach means first the historical context is reviewed (Isagogics) to understand the culture, geography, and political context in which the Scripture was written. Next, we interpret the verses in the original languages (Exegetics). Finally, certain concepts and doctrines are suggested in every chapter, which will be examined in further detail, as these concepts are found throughout the rest of the Bible (Categorical). We study the Bible with an emphasis in solid hermeneutical (using a consistent science of interpretation) application. Curtis is seminary trained having earned a Master of Theology (MTh) and has taught the word of God for over 30 years.

The Magi

The Magi
